Figurative Language Packet

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| rr gurative ianguage’) | { ewer fa &) ‘Adding MUSIC a, CLOR to our language! é simileS ~— APersonificatlongy YL ola fo °S AA Iyperbcles Anieralr oles ines P Aono a By Deb Hanson Name Wee Figurative Language: a Adding Music to our Language with Similes Part 1: Underline the simile in each set. If a set does not contain d simile, write “no simile” on the line that follows. 4. I would really like d bed like the one in that hotel. Sleeping on that bed was like sleeping on a cloud 2. 1like Motn’s chocolate chip cookies betfer than the oatmeal raisin cookies she makes. Which do you like better? 8, Grandma's brownie a ld mode is like @ gift from heaven. She serves if fresh out of the oven, and then tops if with fudge aduce, whipped topping, and nuts. I can think of ahy dessert that I like nore! If's delicious. 4, Most of the time, Jonah’s mom is pretty friendly. However, there were d few fimes when I spent ‘the night at his house that she wds ds cranky ds d mdind bird trying fo protect her nest. 5. When Mrs. Turher chnounced that Paxton was awarded the lead in the play, Paxton was as thrilled 18 d person who ust found out they won the lottery. Part 2: Read the passage, Underline edch simile you find in the passage, Living with d two yedr old brother cdn be like riding 4 roller codster. Sometimes he is ah angel, like when he gives me kisses and hugs, and wants fo hold my hand when we walk in d store, Other fimes, he is 4 complete monater. He gefs info my things and turns my room upside-down, He also throws these huge fantrums af least three fimes day. For instance, yesterday he was being a furtle when he was trying fo zip up hie codt. I was afraid I'd be late for school, 60 I tried to help him by grabbing his zipper and yanking if up fo his chin for hit. Oh my goodness- was that ever 4 mistake! His face turned as red as q fomato and he started stomping around the kitchen like an ogre. Mom tells me that I used fo be the same way, but I don believe her. I would have never acted like thal! Part 8: Write your own sitniles. The car goes as fast as Sees eee 2, School is like Ss SEe a eane anne eeece eae ee et aeaeiasesceseeea ntseeaeeanan 3 My is ds asa Fava) My friend, 118 ds asa 5. Any simile using “like” 2 Any sitnile using "as" fy fe Name eee Figurative Language: Adding Music fo our Language with Metaphors Part {: Underline the mefaphor in each set. If a set does not contain a metaphor, write “no metaphor” on the line that follows. 1, My cousin told me that Mr. Jones, our new science teacher, is a drill sergeant. He used fo teach at her school. He barks commands at everyone, and he NEVER smiles. 2. My dunt’s apartment in New York City is 4 closet. My mom says that if she had fo live in that small ‘space, she would go nuts! __ 3. Yesterday was one of those days where I just could not get moving. I was a sloth all day long 4. My sister should be a mermaid, | think she would live in the water if my mom would let her! 5, The two fourth grade classrooms couldn't be more different even though they sit side by side! Mr. Keen's classroom is dn dcfive circus, while Mrs. Tadlock’s classroom is d calm, relaxing spd. Parf 2: Read the passage. Underline edch metaphor you find in the passage. Living with 4 fwo year old brother cah be like riding d roller coaster, Sometines he is dn angel, like when he gives me kisses dnd hugs, dnd wants fo hold my hand when we walk in d store. Other times, he is d complete monster. He gets into my things and turns iny room upside-down, He also throws these huge tantrums at least three fimes a day. For instance, yesterday he was being a furtle when he wae trying to zip up his coat. I was afraid I'd be late for school, 60 I tried fo help him by grabbing his zippet and yanking if up fo his chin for him. Oh my goodness- wae that ever d mistake! His face turned ds red ds d fomato and he started stomping around the kitchen like an ogre, Mom tells me that I used to be the same way, but I don believe her. I would have never acted like that! Part 8: Write your own mefaphors. 1. In my opinion, homework is 2 isd 8 My_ isa My friend, iad 5 —. 0) Name AXL (gp Ky fe Figurative Language: Adding Music fo our Language with Onomatopoeias Part 4: Underline the onomatopoeia in each set. If a est does not contain an onomatoposia, write “no chomatopoeia’ on the line that follows 1. ‘I'm afraid to see what the bill from the plumber will be,” Sheila said to her husband. “He clinked and clanked under the sink for over an hour 2. When Mr. Porter informed his class thaf they hdd edrned the class pizzd party for collecting the most food for the Food Bank, the students screeched so loudly that Mr. Porter had to cover his ears. __ 8, When my dad snores, it sounds like a frain chugging down a railroad frack, 4. loffen leave the house when mny older sister decides fo practice her flute, She's nof very good, and when she hits the wrong note, it sounds awful 5. Everyone was in the vah, reddy to hedd fo school except Josie, Like usual, she was running late because she couldn't get out of bed that morning. "Try honking the horn,’ Mom told Dad. That somefines gefs her moving 142: Read the passage. Underline edch onomatopoeia you find in the passage, Sam just couldn't seem to get his homework done. If should have only faken him about twenty minutes fo read the socidl studies assighment and anewer the questions, but here he was working on it hedrly two hours after he began. The phone kept ringing off the hook, His mom tried fo talk quietly, but heating the partial conversations only made if harder For Sain fo concentrate. The outdoor sounds distracted him, ds well. The wail of d passing ambulance, the chirping of birds, the bouncing of the neighbor's basketball... every tiny sound seemed fo beckon him “Here, put these heddphones on fo try to drown out the hoise,” Dad suggested "Good idea,” replied Sam, Within fen minutes, his homework was done. Part 8: Write your own sentences with onomafopoeias. 1. Use dn animal sound. aeons ——_____ 2. Used type of transportation, 8 A sound from your favorite activity Name BFA Wa Figurative Language: Adding Music fo our Language with Alliter ation Parf 1: Underline the alliteration in each sef. If 4 set does not contain alliteration, write “no dlliteration’ on the line that follows. Which of the waterslides af Wild Water West is your favorite? I like the red slide- | bet if twiets and turns at least fen fimes! x Grandina gave Charlie a toy magazine ahd dsked hit to circle the toys he would like for his birth- day. Chatle circled 4 car, d puzzle, ahd some detion figures When the bell rang on the Iast day of school, students etreamed out of the building. They dashed and darted in every ditection, edger to begin their summer vacation - We were ready fo spend a restful and relaxing day at the lake. a All of my relafives are pretty zany, but my cousin Kitk is the craziest of the entire Casper olan 6. I always choose cherry and chocolate chunk ice cream, but Paisley prefers pink peppermint Furt 2: Read the passage. Underline each instance of alliteration you find in the passage, Emma didn't know what fo think when Pam had called her oh the phone dnd asked her to stop by her house around 1:80. All of her friends hdd been doting d litle strange lately, but Pamn’s behavior weds particularly puzzling. Pam kept whispering things to other kids when End was nearby. Needless fo say, Emma was Peeling q litle hutt dnd rejected When she rang Patn’s doorbell, those feelings instantly disappeared, “Surprise” Pam and ten other gitls shouted, Emma walked into Pamn’s house and saw d bouquet of blue balloons (Emmna’s favorite color), cupedkes and cookies covered with credmy frosting, dnd pile of presents. “Wow! Ihad no idea" said Etna, "But this explains your strange behavior lately” Part 8: Write your own sentences that contain alliteration, 4. Use your name. ae 2. Use an animal. __ a 5, Challenge- choose two verbs that begin with the ame letter. ( Name \ ; GE Figurative Language: Adding Music fo our Language with Personification Part {; Underline the personification in each set. If a set does not contain personification, write “none” on the line that follows. Tim's tractor didnt appreciate being left out in the cold overnight. When Jim wenf fo start it in the morning, it shivered several fimes before finally starting » Maria couldn take her eyes off the candle on the fable. The flame danced in front of her, gracefully bending, turning, dnd reaching out fo the music only it could hear ae The plants drooped toward the ground, begging for water. When rain finally decided to make tts Appedrance, the dry soil slurped up the moisture and the plants stretched back to life = When the fornado sirens sounded, we rushed downstairs and fook cover. The quatterbdck reledses the football. If slices ahd twists its way through the air, foward the end zons. The football starts ifs trip with incredible ambition and energy, but begins fo tire. It desperately redches its nose into the receiver's hands. TOUCHDOWN! 142: Redd the passage. Underline each instance of personification you find in the passage, Mollie's stomach was telling her she hdd not made good decision when she chose to eat a third slice of cake. She simply couldnt resist the slice in front of her, though, ds the mounds of thick sweet frosting just kepf calling her name. She evenfudlly caved fo its calling, and now, 15 minutes later, her stomach was paying her back, As it gurgled its annoyanes, Mollie decided if was fie fo find a bathroom, She found one just in fime. As she walked out of the bathroom, Mollie vowed then and there that she would hot do that fo her stomach again! Part 8; Write your own sentences that contain personification. 1. Use a food. 2. Use d school item. i ~_ 8. Use something in your house. bhi lickin ianssececnscnssa: sistant Z Figurative Language: Adding Music fo our Language with Hyperboles Part {: Underline the hypetbole in each set. If 4 set dose not contain a hyperbole write “no hyperbole” on the line that follows 1. My mouth is on fire! Ineed water! I cant belisve that I just ate that habanero pepper! 2. "My birthday is never going to get here! I think my grandma is going fo get me the Ipod I asked for, and I think 'm going fo die if I have fo waif another day!” John bragged fo his friends 8. "Dowe really have to wait for Karen? It will take her fen years to decide what fo wear, and another fen years fo put on her makeup! 4. My mom ie going fo college so that she cah edth d teaching degree. She is always studying. I oan watt until she graduates. Then she will be able to spend more time with me 5, I absolutely, positively hate beets. I wouldn't eaf one if my lite depended on tt! 6. The room was completely silent, No one utfered a word. Part 2: Redd the passage, Underline edch hyperbole you find in the passage, Jason knows everything about sports. Ask him any sports-related question, and he will know the correct anawer. Also, he is an dmazing baseball player. He holds several Liffle League pitching records. When he bats, he always hits the ball into the next town. Have you ever been in Jason's bedroom? I bet he has about five hundred baseball trophies in there! I predict that someday he is going to be a pitcher in the Major Leagues! Part 8: Write your own hypetboles, 1. She redds dll the time! I bet she reads books a week! mba) 2 ___ never stops pam) Wabind wena 8. Tcould forever, ay * ci Name ood Wed Figurative Language: Adding Music fo our Language with Idioms Part 1: Match each underlined idiom in Column A fo its figurative meaning in Colutnn B. COLUMN A COLUMNB 1. Don't let the cat out of the bag! A. starting over on d project 2. He got off on the wrong foot with B. fo have two choices, and his new feacher. neither option is pleasant 8. That toy costs an arm and a leg! C. feling d lie 4, She gof up on the wrong side of the D. when a person says some- bed this morning. thing they now regret 5. He has d skeleton in his closet E, mdde poor impression 6. She is between d rock and a hard place, F, to tell 4 secret __ 7. Heis pulling my leg. G. fo brag 8. She put her foot in her mouth H, to wake up in d bad mood 9. He ts back to square one, 1. to be very expensive 10. She foots her own horn. J. 4 past experience that person doesh't want others to know about Part 2; Redd the short passage. Underline edch idiom you find in the passage, Chelsed has d heart of gold. She ie always organizing events to raise money for people in need, For instance, right now she is trying to organize d bdke sale at het church, and che is going to give the money she collects fo the d nearby children’s hospital, She might have bit of more than she could chew, however. She vowed to make 12 dozen cookies and 6 dozen cupcakes! The bake sale is fomorrow, however. When I falked fo her yesterday, she hadn't even started baking! She will have fo work dgainet the clock fo get all of het baking done by tomorrow morning! Part 8: Write a shor passage that might contain the following idiom: “We are dll in the ede boat?” Name } PEE aS Figurative Language: Adding Music fo our Language with Similes Part 1: Underline the simile in each sef. If a set does not contain a simile, write “no sitnile” on the line that follows. 1. I would really like 4 bed like the one in that hotel. Sleeping on that bed was | veping oh 4 2. [like Mom's chocolate chip cookies better than the oatmedl raisin cookies she tndkes. Which do you like better? __ ho sitnil 8. Grandma’ then fopo if with fudge « ‘alice, whipped fopping, dnd nuts. | cant think of any dessert that I like more! It’s delicious. 4, Most of the fime, Jonah’s mom is pretty friendly. However, there were d few times when | spent the night at his house that she w: 5. When Mrs. Turner announced that Paxton was awarded the lead in the play, hrilled d person who {ust found out they won the lottery Part 2; Read the passage, Underline edch simile you find in the passage. Living with d fwo year old brother can be lite riding d toler codster, Sometines he is an angel, like when he gives tne kisses hd hugs, dhd wants to hold my hand when we walk in d store, Other times, he ts d complete monster. He gets into my things and furns my room upside-down, He also throws these huge tantrums af least three fimes a day. For instance, yesterday he was being a turtle when he was frying to zip up his coat. I wds afraid I'd be late for achool, 0 | fried fo help hitn by grabbing his zipper dnd yanking t! up to his chin for fi Oh my goodness: was that ever 4 nel tells mne that | lused fo be the aaine way, but I don’t believe her, I would have never acted tke that! Part 8: Write your own similes. ANSWERS WILL VARY! The car goes as fast as » School is like & My is as asa aniyrenboy My friend, 18 45 dod a Ang sitnile using “like” Ang simile using “ao” Name __ Figurative Language: Adding Music fo our Language with Metaphors Part 1; Underline the mefaphor in each set. If a set does not contain a metaphor, write “no metaphor” on the line that follows. 4, My cousin fold me that Mr. Jones, our new science teacher, is 4 drill s at her school. He barks commands at everyone, and he NEVER stniles. ant. He used fo teach 2. My dubs apartment in New % space, she would go nuts! ity ts ¢ closet. My mom says that if she had to live in that small 8. Yesterday was one of those days where I just could hot get moving. | was q slo’ ll day long. 4. My sister should be d mermaid. I think she would live in the water if my mom would let her! ometaphor 5 Fi two fourth grade classrooms couldnt be more diferent even though they aif side by side! ot 18 dh detive circus, while Mrs, Tadlo saroom is d calm, relaxing spd Part 2: Redd the passage, Underline each metaphor you find in the passage. Living with d two yedr old brother can be like riding 4 roller codster. Sometimes he is ch angel, like when he gweeme kisses ahd hugs, ahd wants to hold my hand when we walk in a store. Other times, he 15 4 co monster. He gefs info my things and furns my room upside-down, He also throws these huge ‘anus at least three fimes a day. For instance, yesterday he was being turtle when he was frying to zip up his coat, I was afraid I'd be late for school, 60 I tried to help hitn by grabbing his zipper ahd yanking it up fo his chin for him. Oh my goodness- was that ever 4 mistake! His face turned ds red ds d tomato and he started stomping around the kitchen like an ogre, Mom tells me that | used fo be the same way, buf I don't believe her. I would have never acted like that! Part 8: Write your own metaphors. ANSWERS WILL VARY! 1, Ih mg opinion, homework is 2. isd sa 8. My isd Vorsenmay My friend, 16d ram 5. {) - Name a Figurative Language: ig Music fo our Language with Onomdtopoeids Pal! Underline the onomatopocia in each sot. Ifa aot does not contain an onomatopoeia, write ‘ho onomatopoeia’ on the line that followe. 1. “Tm afraid fo see what the bill from the plumber will be,” Sheila said to her husband. “He alinked and clanked under the sink for over dh hour! 2. When Mr. Porter informed his cldss that they had earned the cldss pizza party for collecting the most food for the Food Bank, the students screeched so loudly that Mr. Porter hdd to cover his ears, 8. When my dad shores, it sounds like a train ugging down d rallrodd track. 4, [often leave the house when tng older sister decides fo practice her flute. She’s nof very good, and when she hits the wrong nofe, if sounds awful. __no onomatopoeia __ 5. Everyone was in the van, reddy to head to school except Josie. Like usual, she was running late becduse she couldn't get out of bed that morning. “Try honking the horn,” Mom fold Dad. That sometimes gets her moving? a af 2: Read the passage, Underline edch onomatopoeia you find in the passage, Sain just couldn't seem fo get his homework done, If should have only taken him about twenty minutes fo read the social studies dasignment and answer the questions, buf here he was working oh it nearly two hours after he began. The phone Kept ringing off the hook, His mom fried fo talk quietly, but heating the partial conversations only indde if harder for Sam fo concentrate, The outdoor sounds distracted hin, ds well. The wail of d passing ambulance, the chirping of birds, the bouncing of the neighbor’s basketball... every tiny sound seemed fo beckon hitn “Here, put these heddphones on to fry fo drown cut the noise,” Dad suggested "Good idea,” replied Sam. Within fen tninutes, his homework was done, Part 8: Write your own sentences with onomndtoposias. ANSWERS WILL VARY! 1. Use ah dhimal sound. 2. Use a type of transportation, 8, A sound from your favorite activity Name GEL Figurative Language: ihg Music fo our Language with Alliteration Poin the alliteration in each sef. If a set does not contain alliteration, write “no alteration” on the line that follows, Which of the water: and furns af leaat {is your favorite? I like the red slide- | bet if twists n fimes! » Grandma gave Chatlie d toy magazine dnd asked hit to citcle the fous he would like for his birth- day, Charlie circled a car, a puzzle, and some action figures, ___no aliferation . When the bell rang on the Iast day of school, aftudents efreamed out of the building. They das and darted ih every direction, edger to begin their summer vacation. - We were ready to spend a restful and relaxing day af the lake. a All of my relatives dre pretty zany, but my cousih Kitk is the craziest of the entire Casper oldte chunk ice cream, but Pa 6. I always choose cherry of 5 pihk peppertnint Part 2: Redd the passage, Underline each instance of alliteration you find in the passage. Emma didn’t know what fo think when Pam hdd edlled her on the phone ahd asked her fo stop by her house dround 1:80. All of her friends hdd been acting a little strange lately, but Pam’s behavior was particularly puzzling, Pam kept whispering things fo other kids when Emma was nearby. Needless to say, Emma was feeling d liffle hurt and rejected. When she rang Patn’s doorbell, those feelings instantly disappeared. "Surprise Pam and ten other gitls shouted, Emtmd walked info Pam’s house dhd saw d bouquet : ons (Emma's favorite color), cupeck s covered with creciny frosting, and q pile of presents “Wow! [had no idea" said Emma. “This certainly explains your strange behavior lately” Part 8: Write your own sentences that contain alliteration. ANSWERS WILL VARY! 1. Use your natne, 2. Use ah animal. 5. Challenge- choose two verbs that begin with the sane letter. Name Figurative Language: Music fo our Language with Personifieation Pat Underline the personification in edch set. If a set does nof contain personification, write “none” on the line that follows, Tim's tt out in the o erhight. Wheh Jim went to start if in the dnt appreciate bei 2. Matid couldn't take her eyes off the candle on the table. The flame danced in front of her, racefully bending, furning, dnd reaching ouf fo the mui ig if could hear. 3. Th drooped toward the ground, begging for water. When rain finally decided to make its dppedrance, the dry soil slurped up the moisture and the plants stt 4, When the tornado sirens sounded, we rushed downstairs and took cover. __none 5. The quarterback releases the football. If slices and twists its way through the air, toward the end totire. It zone. The foofball starts desperatel 6 trip with incredible at nerdy, hoi i TOUCHDOWN! rurt 2: Redd the passage, Underline each instance of personification you find in the passage, Mollie's o was felling her she had not made d good decision when she chose fo eat a third slice of cdke. She sitnply couldn't resist the slice in front of her, though, as the mounds of thick sweet ting just kept calling her She eventually caved fo ifs oalling, and now, 16 minufes lafer, her ich Was paying her back. Asif gurgled ils annoyance, Molle decided it was time fo find a bathroom. She found one Just ih time. As she walked ouf of the bathroom, Mollie vowed then and there that she would not do that fo her stomach again! Part 8: Write your own sentences that contain personification. ANS\ 1. Use a food. 2. Use a school item, __ 8, Use something in your house, D are aA Name t Ze" Figurative Language: ihg Music to our Language with Hyperboles : Underline the hyperbole in each set, If a set does not contain a hyperbole write “no hyperbole” on the line that follows, 1 My mouth is oh fire! [need water! I can't believe that [Just ate that habanero pepper! 2. "My birthday ts never going fo gef here! I think my grahdind is going fo get me the Ipod I asked for, dnd I think I'm going fo die if I have to wait anofher day" John bragged fo his friends, 3. "Dowe redily have to wait for Karen? It will take her fen years fo decide what to w: ghother ten _yedrs fo put on her 4. My mom is going to college so that she can earn a teaching degree. she is alu can't wait until she graduates. Then che will be able fo spend more time with me. studying. 1 5. I absolutely, positively hate beets. I wouldnt eat one if my lite depended on tt! 6. The room wds completely silent. No one uffered ¢ word. _ho hyperbole, Part 2: Read the passage, Underline each hyperbole you find in the passage. cotrect ahawer. Also, he is ah dinazing baseball player, He holds several Little League pitching records. When he bats info the next town. Have you ever been in Jason's bedroom? | ball frophies in there! I predict that eomeday he is going fo be Part 8; Write your own hyperboles, ANSWERS WILL VARY! 4. She reads dllthe time! I bet she reads books 4 week! (number) 2, ___ never stops ; fare) (verbal endein =) 8, Tcould forever, ‘vers * Name __ ER Figurative Language: oaaing Music fo our Language with Idioms: pal : Match edch underlined idiom in Column A fo ifs figurative meaning in Colutnn B. COLUMN A COLUMN B F _ 4, Dont let the cat out of the bag! A. starting over on a project E__ 2. He gof of on the wrong foot with B fo have two choices, and hie new teacher. neither option is pleasant I__ &. That foy costs an arm and a leg! C. felling a lie H_ 4. she got up on the wrong side of the D. when d person says some- bed this morning fhing they now regret J 5. He has a skelefon in his closet E. made d poor impression B 6. she is between a rock and @ hard place. F, fo tell a secret C_ 7. Heis pulling my le: G. fo brag pulling my leg. D_ ¢. she put her foot in her mouth H. fo wake up in d bad mood A__ 5. He is back to square one. I. to be very expensive G_ 40. she foots her own horn. J. d past experience that 4 person doesn't want cthers fo know about Part 2; Read the short passage. Underline each idiom you find in the passage, Cheleed has d heart of gold. She is always organizing events to raise money for people in need For instance, right now she is trying to organize d bake sdle at her church, and she is going fo give the money she collects fo the nearby children’s hospifal. She might have bit o: than she of chew, however. She vowed fo make 12 dozen cookies and 6 dozen cupedkes! The bake edle 16 tomorrow, however. When I talked fo her yesterday, she hadn't even started baking! She will have fo work against the clock to get all of her baking done by fomorrow morning! Part 8: Write a short passage that might contain the following idiom: “We ate all in the eame boat.” WILL VARY’

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