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Marikina High School

Senior High School

2nd Periodic Test
First Semester, S.Y. 2022-2023


DIRECTIONS: SHADE the letter of your choice in the bubble sheet.
1. It pertains to the technical and symbolic ingredients or codes and conventions that media and
information professionals may select and use in an effort to communicate ideas, information and
A. codes
B. conventions
C. language
D. media
2. These are social in nature and exist beyond the media product themselves but can be interpreted in
similar ways in the everyday life of the viewer.
A. media
B. symbolic
C. technical
D. written
3. According to Arniel Ping, these are all the ways in which equipment is used to tell a story in a
media text like camera techniques, framing, lighting, etc.
A. media
B. symbolic
C. technical
D. written
4. According to Robert Young, it is the manipulation of natural or artificial light to selectively
highlight specific elements of the scene.
A. audio
B. camerawork
C. language
D. lighting
5. These include language style and textual layout like headlines, captions, speech bubbles, etc.
A. media
B. symbolic
C. technical
D. written
6. These are the expected ways on how media codes are arranged.
A. form conventions
B. genre conventions
C. story conventions
D. written codes
7. These are the common use of tropes, characters, settings or themes in a particular type of medium
which can be formal or thematic.
A. form conventions
B. genre conventions
C. story conventions
D. written codes
8. Letters, handbills, posters, and billboards are examples of this type of code.
A. media
B. symbolic
C. technical
D. written

For items 9-12, determine the type of code or convention described in the following situations.
9. The audience were left emotional when the ending of the movie falls opposite from their
expectation due to the death of the main character.
A. form convention
B. genre convention
C. story convention
D. written code
10. The director asks for a retake of the scene due to an incorrect camera angle.
A. form convention
B. symbolic code
C. technical code
D. written code
11. The TV commercials of any cigarettes include the warning, “Smoking is dangerous to your health”
at the end.
A. genre convention
B. symbolic code
C. technical code
D. written code
12. The producer decided to shoot during sunset to highlight the end of life.
A. story convention
B. symbolic code
C. technical code
D. written code

13. In movies, these colors are usually used to symbolize evil.

A. black and blue
B. black and gray
C. black and red
D. black and white
14. This refers to creations of the mind such as inventions, literary and artistic works, designs and
symbols, names, and images used commercially.
A. copyright
B. creative commons
C. fair use
D. intellectual property
15. Republic Act No. 10175, also known as Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012, serves this primary
A. promotion of cybercrime awareness
B. forum for intellectual property services, policy, information, and cooperation
C. protection of the fundamental right of privacy, and of communication while ensuring the free
flow of information
D. provision of definition, prevention, investigation, suppression, and imposition of penalties for
16. This type of intellectual property is an exclusive right for an invention.
A. copyright
B. industrial design
C. patent
D. trademark
17. This is an economic inequality between groups in terms of access to, use of, or knowledge of ICT
(Information and Communications Technology).
A. digital divide
B. digital footprint
C. fair use
D. flame war
18. is a set of rules for properly behaving online.
A. digital citizenship
B. digital law
C. digital literacy
D. netiquette
19. This is a legal term used to describe the rights that creators have over their literary and artistic
A. creative commons
B. copyright
C. patent
D. trademark
20. This is the excessive use of computers to the extent that it interferes with daily life, which may
result in problems with social interaction, or affect mood, relationships, and thought processes.
A. computer addiction
B. cyberbullying
C. flame war
D. gaming disorder
21. Also colloquially referred to as piracy, this occurs when a copyrighted work is reproduced,
distributed, performed, publicly displayed, or made into a derivative work without the permission
of the copyright owner.
A. fake news
B. infringement
C. intellectual property theft
D. plagiarism
22. Intellectual property rights may be protected by any of the following EXCEPT this one.
A. assignment of inventions
B. keeping the secrecy of the product
C. registration of creation
D. use of confidentiality clause
23. These are signs used on products possessing qualities, a status, or characteristics that are essentially
attributable to that location of origin. Generally, a geographical indication includes the name of the
place of origin of the goods.
A. copyright
B. geographical indications
C. patent
D. trademark
24. It is when someone can get copyright protection.
A. as soon as the work is created
B. when it is published with ©
C. when it is registered for
D. when the author gets paid
25. This best defines fair use.
A. freeware that you obtain from the Internet
B. limited copying or distribution of published works without the author's permission
C. paying the creator a fair price for the work
D. using paid-for commercial products once and not sharing them
26. Identify which law can best protect the following agenda: Your colleague recorded a video of your
closed-door meeting and uploaded it on social media viewed in public setting.
A. RA 1073 Data Privacy Act of 2012
B. RA 10175 Cybercrime Prevention Law
C. RA 8293 Intellectual Property Code
D. World Intellectual Property Code
27. Under the Patent Act, the person entitled to receive a patent on a new invention is __.
A. the one who commercialized it first
B. the one who first thought of it
C. the one who invented it first
D. the one who applied for a patent first
28. This refers to the kind of education where students need not attend classes physically.
A. distance learning
B. mobile education
C. modular
D. summer class
29. This is one of reasons why some song covers on YouTube are taken down.
A. Artist of song covers must pay the original artist.
B. Covering a song is illegal without a license and uploading it on the Internet is copyright
C. Song covers are fake and only the original should be uploaded.
D. Song covers must have their own copyright license.
30. Identify which law can best protect the following agenda: Your colleague recorded a video of your
closed-door meeting and uploaded it on social media viewed in public setting.
A. RA 1073 Data Privacy Act of 2012
B. RA 10175 Cybercrime Prevention Law
C. RA 8293 Intellectual Property Code
D. World Intellectual Property Code
31. Intellectual property rights may be protected by any of the following EXCEPT this one.
A. assignment of inventions
B. keeping the secrecy of the product
C. registration of creation
D. use of confidentiality clause
32. It does NOT help in overcoming internet addiction.
A. buying a new cellphone
B. connecting with other
C. rediscovering paper
D. working-out
33. It is NOT the behavior of a cyberbully.
A. harassment
B. rumor-spreading
C. stalking
D. vlogging
34. It is NOT a physical effect of internet addiction.
A. headaches
B. insomnia
C. memory loss
D. poor personal care and hygiene
35. It is NOT a mental effect of internet addiction.
A. back pain
B. euphoria feelings when using technology/internet
C. inability to determine priorities or to postpone plans
D. losing the concept of time
36. It does NOT adhere to the basics of netiquette.
A. being tactful
B. correcting others’ mistakes discreetly
C. living in an “open book” life
D. sharing information for caring

For numbers 37 and 38, select True if the statement is true, otherwise, select the letter of the correct
word/phrase that would make the statement true.
37. Trademarks may be any symbol, or a combination of words, letters, numerals, or drawing.
A. True
B. is strictly a single letter or a single numeral
C. must only be a drawing
D. should only be a combination of two letters
38. A fair use is any copying of copyrighted material done for a limited and creative purpose, such as
to comment upon, criticize, or parody a copyrighted work.
A. True
B. decorative process
C. reformative process
D. transformative process

39. It is referred to as the collection, dissemination, and analysis of news and information by the
general public.
A. citizen journalism
B. media innovation
C. phishing
D. online shopping
40. It is a form of crime when, in malice, publishes a false statement that is damaging to another
person’s reputation, office, trade, business, or means of livelihood.
A. identity theft
B. libel
C. phishing
D. piracy
41. It is the government’s use of social media and information technology to communicate to the
public, especially foreign public.
A. citizen journalism
B. e-diplomacy
C. media innovation
D. micro learning
42. It includes the change in several aspects of the media landscape – from the development of new
media platforms to new business models, to new ways of producing media texts changes in other
A. citizen journalism
B. e-diplomacy
C. media and information literacy
D. media innovation
43. Determine in which sector this situation can be categorized: Teacher considers the use of written
articles and blog postings as some teaching methodologies.
A. education
B. economic
C. political
D. social
44. It does NOT belong to the group in the context of media innovation.
A. computer animation
B. computer-human interface
C. typewriter
D. website games
45. It refers to a route or pattern of getting a content or information available through an online system
that can be accessed by many people.
A. code
B. convention
D. media language
46. These are asynchronous web-based courses geared towards enabling several hundreds of students
all over the world to enroll and learn from top world-renowned academic institutions at the same
A. code
B. convention
D. media language
47. These are based on traditional university course structures and make use of established teaching
approaches and materials.
B. codes
48. These are based on the connectivism learning model that favors collaboration among learners as a
form of active learning.
B. codes
49. Identify the medium used in the following situation: Mr. Ramos, a professor in a University, is
teaching online to a number of students from different parts of the country and overseas using his
uploaded videos about the different parts and functions of the human body.
A. 3D
C. Ubiquitous Learning
D. Wearable Technology
50. It is NOT an advantage of Massive Open Online Course.
A. Courses in a true online format
B. Online interaction between learners and teachers
C. Teaching in a modern video format
D. Uses paper and pencil test in evaluating students

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