Chung (Macroeconomics - K59VJCC) - Microsoft Teams

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18/6/2021 Mid-term_2021 (Macroeconomics _K59VJCC)

Mid-term_2021 (Macroeconomics
Note: You must answer questions 1-20 and need to choose between question 21 and question

1. In the actual economy, households

(3.5 Điểm)

spend all of their income.

divide their income among spending, taxes, and saving.

buy all goods and services produced in the economy.

Both (a) and (c) are correct.

2. Which of the following events would cause GDP for 2017

(3.5 Điểm)

In February 2017, Lan sells a 1996 Honda Accord to Nam.

In February 2017, Lan buys a air ticket to visit Ho chi Minh City. She visits the City in April

In December 2017, Lan eats onions that she harvested from her backyard garden in
October 2017

All of the above are correct. 1/8
18/6/2021 Mid-term_2021 (Macroeconomics _K59VJCC)

3. Which of the following is not included in GDP?

(3.5 Điểm)

carrots grown in your garden and eaten by your family

carrots purchased at a farmer’s market and eaten by your family

carrots purchased at a grocery store and eaten by your family

More than one of the above is not included in GDP.

4. Greg, a U.S. citizen, works only in Canada. The value of the output he produces is
(3.5 Điểm)

included in both U.S. GDP and U.S. GNP.

included in neither U.S. GDP nor U.S. GNP.

includ in U.S. GDP, but it is not included in U.S. GNP.

included in U.S. GNP, but it is not included in U.S. GDP.

5. Which of the following is correct?

(3.5 Điểm)

Nominal GDP never equals real GDP.

Nominal GDP always equals real GDP.

Nominal GDP equals real GDP in the base year.

Nominal GDP equals real GDP in all years but the base year.

6. When the consumer price index rises, the typical family

(3.5 Điểm)

has to spend more dollars to maintain the same standard of living. 2/8
18/6/2021 Mid-term_2021 (Macroeconomics _K59VJCC)

can spend fewer dollars to maintain the same standard of living.

can offset the effects of rising prices by saving more.

finds that its standard of living is not affected

7. If the CPI was 110 this year and 100 last year, then
(3.5 Điểm)

the cost of the CPI basket of goods and services increased by 110 percent this year.

the price level increased by 10 percent this year.

the inflation rate for this year was 10 percent higher than the inflation rate for last year.

All of the above are correct.

8. The nominal interest rate tells you

(3.5 Điểm)

how fast the number of dollars in your bank account rises over time.

the number of dollars in your bank account today.

how fast the purchasing power of your bank account rises over time.

the purchasing power of your bank account today.

9. By saving more, a country

(3.5 Điểm)

has more resources for capital goods. The increase in capital raises productivity.

has more resources for capital goods. The increase in capital reduces productivity.

has fewer resources for capital goods. The decrease in capital raises productivity.

has fewer resources for capital goods. The decrease in capital reduces productivity. 3/8
18/6/2021 Mid-term_2021 (Macroeconomics _K59VJCC)

10. Consider the expressions T - G and Y - T - C. Which of the following statements is

(3.5 Điểm)

Each one of these is equal to national saving.

The first of these is private saving; the second one is public saving.

Each one of these is equal to public saving.

The first of these is public saving; the second one is private saving.

11. Crowding out occurs when investment declines because

(3.5 Điểm)

a budget deficit makes interest rates rise.

a budget deficit makes interest rates fall.

a budget surplus makes interest rates rise.

a budget surplus makes interest rates fall.

12. On a production function, as capital per worker increases, output per worker
(3.5 Điểm)

increases. This increase is larger at larger values of capital per worker.

increases. This increase is smaller at larger values of capital per worker.

decreases. This decrease is larger at larger value of capital per worker.

decreases. This decrease is smaller at larger value of capital per worker.

13. If Congress instituted an investment tax credit, the interest rate would
(3.5 Điểm)

rise and saving would rise. 4/8
18/6/2021 Mid-term_2021 (Macroeconomics _K59VJCC)

fall and saving would fall.

rise and saving would fall.

fall and saving would rise.

14. Frictional unemployment can be the consequence of

(3.5 Điểm)

workers leaving existing jobs to find ones they like better.

one industry declining while another is growing.

changes in the working conditions offered by competing firms.

All of the above are correct.

15. The efficiency-wage theory of worker turnover suggests that firms with
(3.5 Điểm)

higher turnover will have higher production costs and higher profits.

higher turnover will have higher production costs and lower profits.

higher turnover will have lower production costs and higher profits.

higher turnover will have lower production costs and lower profits.

16. Suppose we have an economy containing 2000 5$ bills.

If banks maintain 100 percent reserves, the quantity of money is

(3.5 Điểm)



10 000

None of the above is correct 5/8
18/6/2021 Mid-term_2021 (Macroeconomics _K59VJCC)

17. Suppose we have an economy containing 2000 5$ bills.

If reserve ratio of banks is 20%, the money multiplier is

(3.5 Điểm)




None of the above is correct

18. Suppose we have an economy containing 2000 5$ bills

If currency-deposit ratio is 60% and reserve ratio of banks is 20%, the quantity of
money is
(3.5 Điểm)

50 000



None of the above is correct

19. Suppose we have an economy containing 2000 5$ bills

If people hold all money as demand deposits and banks maintain a reserve ratio of
20%, the quantity of money is
(3.5 Điểm)

50 000



None of the above is correct 6/8
18/6/2021 Mid-term_2021 (Macroeconomics _K59VJCC)

20. Suppose we have an economy containing 2000 5$ bills.

If people hold equal amounts of currency and demand deposits and banks
maintain a reserve ratio of 25%, the amount of currency is
(3.5 Điểm)

10 000



None of the above is correct

21. Choose 1 out of 2 Options

Option 1 (30 points)

Consumers save 1/4 of the tax cut and spend the other 3/4.

Government decreases taxes by 200 billion. Using supply-demand model of

market for loanable funds, show and explain

a. What happens to interest rates and investment? (10 ponits)

b. Compare the change of investment with the change of taxes and explain (20
(30 Điểm)

a. At first, when tax is not cut, 200 billion of goverment is used as a loanable funds. But when tax
is cut and consumers use it mostly for spending and the smaller part for saving then supply of
funds for investment decreases, The Supply Curve shifts left => Investment decreases, higher
interest rate.

b. The change of tax is decreasing 200 billion

The change of investment is increasing 1/4*200=50 billion, less 150 billion than case tax is not

=> The change of investment < the change of taxes

This comparison show that this tax cut policy is not effective because they cut lots of tax but the
h i i t ti hl Thi h h b h t i db

22. Option 2 (30 points)

Using production function to describe the determinants of total output (10 points)
List and explain briefly two policies that attempt to raise output by increasing one
of the determinants of total output (20 points)

(30 Điểm) 7/8
18/6/2021 Mid-term_2021 (Macroeconomics _K59VJCC)

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