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Do you know what it means to be gifted and talented? It means that you have special abilities or
talents that are above average. This can be in any area, like art, music, sports, or academics.


Do you know what it means to be talented or gifted in visual arts? It means that you have a
special ability to create art or to appreciate and understand art. You might be good at drawing, painting,
sculpting, or other forms of visual expression.

To support learners who are talented or gifted in visual arts, it's important to recognize their
unique abilities and provide them with opportunities to grow and develop. This might include things like
advanced art classes, enrichment programs, or mentorship opportunities. It's also important to encourage
a love of art and to help learners find their passions and pursue their interests.

There are a few characteristics that learners who are talented or gifted in visual arts might have:
• Creativity: They might come up with unique ideas or approaches to creating art.
• Attention to detail: They might pay close attention to small details in their artwork.
• Good spatial awareness: They might have a good sense of how to balance elements in
their artwork.
• Fine motor skills: They might have good control over small muscles in their hands, which
can be helpful for tasks like drawing or painting.
• Visual memory: They might have a good memory for visual details, which can help them
recreate images accurately.


Do you know what it means to be talented or gifted in music? It means that you have a special
ability to create music or to appreciate and understand music. You might be good at singing, playing an
instrument, or composing music.

To support learners who are talented or gifted in music, it's important to recognize their unique
abilities and provide them with opportunities to grow and develop. This might include things like advanced
music classes, enrichment programs, or mentorship opportunities. It's also important to encourage a love
of music and to help learners find their passions and pursue their interests.

There are a few characteristics that learners who are talented or gifted in music might have:
• Good pitch: They might have a good sense of pitch, which is the highness or lowness of a
• Good rhythm: They might have a good sense of rhythm, which is the beat or flow of music.
• Good timing: They might have a good sense of timing, which is the ability to play or sing in
time with the beat.
• Good musical memory: They might have a good memory for music, which can help them
learn and perform music accurately.
• Good musical expression: They might be able to express themselves well through music,
whether it's through singing or playing an instrument.

Do you know what it means to be intellectually gifted? It means that you have a high level of
intelligence or ability to learn and think. You might be good at solving problems, understanding abstract
concepts, or learning new things quickly.

To support learners who are intellectually gifted, it's important to recognize their unique abilities
and provide them with opportunities to grow and develop. This might include things like advanced
classes, enrichment programs, or mentorship opportunities. It's also important to encourage a love of
learning and to help learners find their passions and pursue their interests.

There are a few characteristics that learners who are intellectually gifted might have:
• High intelligence: They might score highly on intelligence tests or perform well in school.
• Good problem-solving skills: They might be good at finding creative solutions to problems.
• Ability to understand abstract concepts: They might be able to understand complex or
abstract ideas easily.
• Good memory: They might have a good memory for information and details.
• Curiosity and a desire to learn: They might be constantly seeking new knowledge and
learning opportunities.


Do you know what it means to be talented or gifted in performing arts? It means that you have a
special ability to perform in front of an audience, whether it's through acting, dancing, singing, or playing
an instrument.

To support learners who are talented or gifted in performing arts, it's important to recognize their
unique abilities and provide them with opportunities to grow and develop. This might include things like
advanced performing arts classes, enrichment programs, or mentorship opportunities. It's also important
to encourage a love of performing and to help learners find their passions and pursue their interests.

There are a few characteristics that learners who are talented or gifted in performing arts might
• Confidence: They might feel comfortable performing in front of others and expressing
themselves through their chosen art form.
• Talent: They might have a natural ability in acting, singing, dancing, or playing an instrument.
• Creativity: They might be able to come up with unique ideas or approaches to performing.
• Good physical control: They might have good control over their body movements, which
can be helpful for things like dancing or playing an instrument.
• Emotional expression: They might be able to convey emotions well through their

Hello students,

Please note that in addition to this summarized version, you also need to study the original or complete
module uploaded in MS Teams for Study Guide 3. The quizzes for Lesson 3 and Lesson 4 will also
include some contents of the original module.

Make sure to allocate enough time to review and study the original module to ensure your success in the
upcoming quizzes. You may want to employ the Pomodoro Technique to help you review and study

Thank you and happy studying!

Your masipag magbigay ng activity na teacher,


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