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Topic: 1.4 Duration: 2 hours


Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from an area of low solute concentration to an area of
high solute concentration through a selectively permeable membrane. Cells respond to their external
environment, by shrinking, swelling, or staying the same, based on the movement of water molecules.
Apparatus and Materials:
Apparatus Materials
Weighing balance Large potato pieces
Cork Borer Sucrose solutions (0.1M, 0.2M, 0.3M and 0.4M )
Scalpel Distilled water
White tile
Plastic rule
50ml Beaker
Labelling paper
Stop watch


1. Remove 25 potato cylinders from the potato pieces using cork borer. Place each potato cylinder on
the tile.

2. By using ruler and as well as scalpel, cut potato cylinders into 3.0 cm each. Measure initial mass of
each potato cylinders using weighing balance.

3. Label each beaker with the 5 different concentration of sucrose (0M, 0.1M, 0.2M, 0.3M and
0.4M ). Place 5 measured potato cylinders into each beaker.

4. Fill each test tube with their assigned sucrose solution until the whole pieces of potato cylinders
are submerged.

5. Leave the potato cylinders at least 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, take out all potato cylinders and
dry them carefully using a paper towel.

6. Place the potato cylinders on the balance and record the final mass of each potato cylinders in the
table. Calculate average change in mass and percentage change in mass.

7. Construct an appropriate graph, with the independent variable of sucrose concentration on the x-
axis and the dependent variable of average change in mass on the y-axis.
8. Compare the results for the different concentrations of sucrose.

REMINDER: Clean up your work area and all lab equipment. Return lab equipment to its proper
place. Wash your hands thoroughly before leaving the lab and after finishing all work

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