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The origin of life on the earth is one of the great unanswered questions of science.

In this, I

highlight two of the major questions and some of the arguments used to try to answer them. The

majority of researchers rule out the possibility that life was transported to the earth from

somewhere else in the galaxy. Could the prebiotic soup have originally come in organic material

brought to the earth by meteorites and comets? The newest suspects are the deep-sea vents were

supersaturated water rich in hydrogen sulfide mixtures with cold seawater.

Wächtershäuser has proposed a circumstance for the origin of life that might match such an

environment. There are three main contending theories of the prebiotic origin of bio-monomers.

If metal sulfides can be used to catalyze the formulation in enough range of organic molecules

from carbon monoxide, the vent theory of the origin life will become more appealing. There are

many theories about the origin of life, but nearly no experimental data to support either one of

the theories. The key question is whether was an RNA world in which RNA molecules

functioned both as genetic materials. How much self-organization reaction sequences is possible

in the case of genetic material? Can be a secondary concern because there is no reason to believe

that they were ever synthesized abiotically. Supporters of the hypothesis that RNA was the first

genetic material must explain which the nucleotides came from and how they were self-

organized. The most important reactions are those in which a preformed template-RNA strand

catalyzes the synthesis of its complement from monomers of short oligomers. These are the RNA

comparable of the RNA and DNA ligases. Considerable progress was made in selecting the RNA

equivalents of RNA polymerases. Ferris and work colleagues have made considerable progress

in the assembly of RNA oligomers.

Montmorillonite or a comparable mineral, using short oligomers as substrates, leads to the

formation of a library of dsRNAs. All that would have been needed is a reserve of activated

nucleotides. Eschenmoser and his workmates had considerable success in producing aa ribose

diphosphate. Direct prebiotic synthesis of nucleotides by novel chemistry is therefore not

hopeless. It is more likely that such a structured form of chemistry predated the RNA world. If

RNA was not the first hereditary information, biochemistry may provide some no clues to the

origin of life. Nucleic acids, that have been found are closely connected to nucleic acid. If there

were two or more worlds even before RNA world, the original chemistry disappeared the RNA

world. If RNA would not the first genetic material, biochemistry could provide no clues to the

origins of life. The only potentially explanatory systems, other than nucleic acids, that have been

revealed are closely related to nucleic acid. If there were two or more worlds even before RNA

world, the existing chemistry might have left with no vestige in contemporary biochemistry.

Eschenmoser and Careful study of nucleic acid analogs in which ribose is supplanted by another

sugar. Eschenmoser and his colleagues have been studied a Watson–Crick-paired double helices,

that are less likely than the related RNAs to form multiple-strand competing structures. Genetic

material which can structure Watson–Crick double helices is a strong candidate for the first

genetic polymer highly visual for an already biochemical environment, and metabolism appeared

before genetics. There are many tenable hypotheses about the source of organic material on the

primitive earth, but nothing at all of them would be the substantiation compelling.



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