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Pertemuan 1:

Konsep Pharmaceutical Care

dan Kompetensi Apoteker
apt. Muvita Rina Wati, M.Sc.
Laboratorium Manajemen Farmasi dan Farmasi Masyarakat
Line/ Whatsapp: 081.392.101.777
Akun Zoom Mahasiswa

A/B/C (kelas)_NIU_Nama

A_12345_Amelia NS
“Barangsiapa tidak sanggup menahan lelahnya
menuntut ilmu, maka ia harus sanggup menahan
pedihnya kebodohan”

Imam Asy Syafii

1. Praktik kefarmasian secara profesional dan etik
2. Optimalisasi penggunaan sediaan farmasi
3. Dispensing sediaan farmasi dan alat kesehatan
4. Pemberian informasi sediaan farmasi dan alat
5. Formulasi dan produksi sediaan farmasi
6. Upaya preventif dan promotif kesehatan masyarakat
7. Pengelolaan sediaan farmasi dan alat kesehatan
8. Komunikasi efetif
9. Ketrampilan organisasidan hubungan interpersonal
10. Peningkatan kompetensi diri
Pharmaceutical Care
• Clinical pharmacy still focused on products and
services rather than the patient
• Medicalization and increased reliance on drug
therapies had adverse effects (“drug
misadventures”) as well as benefits:
o Adverse drug reactions
o Hospitalization
o Patient noncompliance
o deaths
• Pharmacy is accepted the mandate of
“pharmacy care”
Shane P. Desselle, 2009 “The Pharmacist and the Pharmacy Profession”, Health Care
Delivery, A Primer for Pharmacist 4th Edition, Jones and Barlett Publishers,
Pharmaceutical Care
“The responsible provision of drug therapy for the purpose or
achieving definite outcomes that improve a patient’s quality of
life” (Hepler and Strand, 1990)

1. Cure of disease
2. Elimination or reduction in symptomatology
3. Arresting or slowing the disease progression
4. Preventing disease or symptomatology

Basic function:
5. Identify potential or actual drug-related problems
6. Resolving actual drug-related problems
7. Preventing potential drug-related problems

Shane P. Desselle, 2009 “The Pharmacist and ththe Pharmacy Profession”, Health Care
Delivery, A Primer for Pharmacist 4 Edition, Jones and Barlett Publishers,
Pharmaceutical Care
1. Drug focus: dispensing function is primary
2. Service focus: services provided distant from the
patient and without regard to outcome
3. Other health care professionals: infringement on
others’ “turf” politics
4. Lack of incentives: compensation based on dispensing
productivity rather than patient care
5. Logistical: pharmacies not designed to do consultation,
disease monitoring, and providing drug information

Shane P. Desselle, 2009 “The Pharmacist and th

the Pharmacy Profession”, Health Care
Delivery, A Primer for Pharmacist 4 Edition, Jones and Barlett Publishers,
Pharmaceutical Care
1. Medication related
PC berorientasi pada penggunaan obat secara
individu meliputi seleksi obat, dosis, rute, dan
metode pemberian, monitoring pengobatan, dan
2. Care
Pelayanan kesehatan melipti proses terapdu yang
dilakukan oleh tenaga kesehatan sesuai
kompetensi masing-masing
3. Outcome
Pharmaceutical Care
• A Practice
1. Knowledge
2. Skills
3. Attitudes
4. Personal responsibility

• A System
1. Protocols
2. Documentation
3. Teamwork
4. Continuity
Pharmaceutical Care
Penyediaan praktik PC memerlukan:
Pharmaceutical Care
Fungsi PC
Pharmaceutical Care
Pharmaceutical Care
Ibu Mona, mendapatkan terapi berikut:
• Seretide Inhaler
• N-acetylsistein
Pasien didiagnosis PPOK 1 tahun terakhir. Obat
digunakan dengan patuh, gejala sesak dan batuk
berdahak persisten.
Kendala penyediaan obat?
Kepatuhan pengobatan?
Apa penyebab PPOK?
Apakah penyebab masih exist?

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