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Institute of International Professionalism

Year- 7 (Geography)
(4.1) What is weather and climate?
(4.2) How do we measure weather?
1) What is weather?
The weather is the state of the atmosphere at a particular place and time.

2) What are the key elements of the weather?

The key elements of the weather is temperature, precipitation, air pressure,
wind, humidity, sunshine and drought.

3.a) Which two photographs show ways people use weather for energy?
E and J use weather for energy.

b) Think back to Unit 2 Natural resources. What kind of energy is this called?
Picture E and J is Renewable energy.

4) The weather can be dangerous. Give examples from the photos where you
think this is the case.
A,D,F,G,H and L.

5) For each element of the weather shown on these pages, make a table listing
the instrument used in each case to measure the weather, and the unit of
measurement used.
Photo C- Maximum/Minimum thermometer, temperature, Degrees centigrade

Photo D- barometer, air pressure, millibars
Photo E- Campbell Strokes Sunshine recorder, sunshine, hours
Photo F- anemometer, wind speed, knot/ wind vane, wind direction, direction
Photo G- rain guage , rainfall, millimetres
6.a) What is a Stevenson Screen?
Stevenson Screen is a white box to record the air temperature without heat

b) What weather instruments are kept in it?

Maximum and Minimum thermometer.

c) Why is this necessary?

This is necessary because we need to know in where, which air is hot or that
place is hot so we can get accurate temperature.

d) Why does the screen have louvred sides that are painted white?
To allow the air to pass through and to reflect the heat radiation.

7) Look carefully at the weather instruments and graphs showing weather data
for a week.
a) During the week, which was the wettest day?
The wettest day is 7th Monday.

b) How many hours of sunshine were recorded?

7 hours

c) What was the warmest day?

Warmest day is 7th Monday.

d) What was the minimum temperature?

Minimum temperature is -5 degrees centigrade.

e) On the wind rose diagram, from which direction did the wind blow most
South West

f) Describe the changes in air pressure throughout the week.

Monday is low
Tuesday is medium
Wednesday is high.
Thursday is medium.
Friday is medium.
Saturday and Sunday is high.

8). Many schools have their own weather stations. Study the map, below, which
shows three possible sites (A,B,C) for a school weather station.
Site B was chosen. Was this a good choice? Give two reasons for your answer.

No, Because People will hit the weather instrument and things when playing in
the playground so I think sites C is the good site for weather station because in
in the grass and no body can hit that and also is out in the open so it can
measure weather. Also Site A is in the wood so if the tree fall that station is
going to broke.

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