Cuestionario2 TestBank - Basics - Bio10a - Chapter9 División Celular (Kelly Merchán)

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Por una educación católica-liberadora, trascendente y de calidad


NOMBRE DEL DOCENTE: Fernando Villagómez García, Ing.

NOMBRE DEL ESTUDIANTE: Kelly Merchán Villafuerte

CURSO: Primero de Bachillerato PARALELO: Ciencias

ASIGNATURA: Biología FECHA: 20 / junio /2021


Tema 1.6 División Celular: Mitosis

Biology: Life on Earth with Physiology, 10e (Audesirk)

Chapter 9 The Continuity of Life: Cellular Reproduction

9.1 Multiple Choice Questions

2) Which of the following statements about stem cells is true?

A) They are found only in embryos.
B) They are able to differentiate into a variety of cell types.
C) They are found only in embryos and in the bone marrow of adults.
D) They are "perpetual" parent cells that never produce daughter cells.
E) They are permanently differentiated and cannot further divide.

6) Genetic inheritance is based on what type of molecule?

B) Proteins
C) Enzymes

8) The repeating sequence of cells dividing, growing, and dividing again is called
A) stem cell differentiation.
B) the cell cycle.
C) homologous differentiation.
D) fission.

9) Which of the following is an example of asexual reproduction in prokaryotes?

A) Budding in Hydra
B) Binary fission in E. coli
C) Meiosis in plants
D) The union of sperm and egg in sea urchins

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11) As a result of mitosis, each of your body cells
A) contains unique genetic information.
B) contains only the genetic information needed for that type of cell.
C) is genetically identical to all others.
D) changes genetically as you grow and develop.

12) When a cell divides via asexual reproduction

A) each daughter cell receives a nearly perfect copy of the parent cell's genetic information.
B) each daughter cell receives exactly half the genetic information in the parent cell.
C) each daughter cell receives the same amount of genetic information that was in the parent
cell, but it has been altered.
D) the genetic information is randomly parceled out to the daughter cells.

13) A bacterial cell splits into two new cells by a process called
A) duplication.
B) forming a cell plate.
C) forming a cell furrow.
D) mitosis.
E) prokaryotic fission.

14) The genetic material in bacteria consists of

A) several circular DNA molecules.
B) one circular RNA molecule.
C) many rod-like DNA molecules with protein.
D) one circular DNA molecule.
E) DNA in mitochondria.

15) What is the longest-lasting phase of the prokaryotic cell cycle?

A) Meiosis
B) Prokaryotic fission
C) Cell growth and DNA replication
D) Fission of the plasma membranes at the cell equator

16) Under ideal conditions, the prokaryotic cell cycle can

A) occur in less than a half an hour.
B) skip prokaryotic fission.
C) involve sexual reproduction.
D) create more than two daughter cells per cell division.

18) In prokaryotes, the DNA molecule is

A) more than 1.8 meters (6 feet) long when uncoiled.
B) circular.
C) single-stranded.
D) made of sugars and lipids.

19) In prokaryotes, the term "prokaryotic fission" specifically refers to

A) asexual reproduction.
B) the attachment of replicated DNA to the plasma membrane.
C) the growth phase of the cell cycle.
D) the addition of a new plasma membrane between what will become two daughter cells.
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20) In prokaryotes, the daughter cells produced by prokaryotic fission
A) contain half the DNA of the original parent cell.
B) are, with the exception of random mutations, genetically identical to the parent cell.
C) cannot replicate themselves.
D) can reproduce either by prokaryotic fission or by the production of gametes.

21) What is the function of the histones that are found in a chromosome?
A) They bind nucleotides together to form a single strand of DNA.
B) They contain the genes that code for various traits.
C) They bind the DNA into a supercoiled structure.
D) They hold the DNA strands together in a form called the double helix.

24) The two ends of a single chromosome are called

A) genes.
B) loci.
C) telomeres.
D) chromatids.
E) centromeres.

25) The site on a chromosome where microtubules attach during cell division is the
A) histone.
B) locus.
C) telomere.
D) chromatid.
E) centromere.

26) In a eukaryotic cell that is undergoing cell division, what will become a new chromosome?
A) A centromere
B) A chromatid
C) A locus
D) A telomere

31) Meiotic cell division in animals occurs in the ________ and results in the production of
A) body cells; daughter cells
B) body cells; parent cells
C) testes and ovaries; gametes
D) testes and ovaries; diploid cells

33) Which of the following organisms does NOT reproduce its cells by mitosis and cytokinesis?
A) A cow
B) A bacterium
C) A mushroom
D) A cockroach
E) A banana tree

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34) During which phase of the eukaryotic cell cycle does DNA and chromosome replication
A) The S phase of interphase
B) The G1 phase of interphase
C) The mitotic phase
D) Cytokinesis

35) During which phase of the eukaryotic cell cycle do growth and nutrient acquisition occur?
A) The S phase of interphase
B) The G1 phase of interphase
C) The mitotic phase
D) Cytokinesis

37) Which of the following is the correct sequence of stages in mitotic cell division?
A) Anaphase-telophase-prophase-metaphase
B) Prophase-metaphase-anaphase-telophase
C) Metaphase-prophase-anaphase-telophase
D) Telophase-anaphase-prophase-metaphase

38) During which phase of mitosis do sister chromatids separate from each other?
A) Anaphase
B) Prophase
C) Metaphase
D) Telophase

39) During which phase of mitosis do chromosomes condense?

A) Anaphase
B) Prophase
C) Metaphase
D) Telophase

40) During which phase of mitosis do the centromeres line up along the cell equator?
A) Anaphase
B) Prophase
C) Metaphase
D) Telophase

41) Which phase of mitosis is a "preparatory" step involving the development of spindle
A) Anaphase
B) Prophase
C) Metaphase
D) Telophase

42) Which phase of mitosis involves the shortening of the microtubules as the chromosomes
move toward the poles?
A) Anaphase
B) Prophase
C) Metaphase
D) Telophase
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43) Nuclear envelopes form during which phase of mitosis?
A) Anaphase
B) Prophase
C) Metaphase
D) Telophase

45) One difference between mitotic cell division in animal cells and plant cells is that
A) plant cells do not undergo anaphase.
B) animal cells do not undergo telophase.
C) in animal cells, cytokinesis occurs as vesicles deposit carbohydrates along the equator.
D) in plant cells, cytokinesis occurs as vesicles deposit carbohydrates along the equator.
E) cytokinesis occurs in animal cells but has not yet been observed in plant cells.

46) The protein-containing structure on the centromere where microtubules attach is called the
A) cell plate.
B) spindle.
C) centriole.
D) kinetochore.

47) Kinetochores attach

A) chromosomes to each other.
B) sister chromatids to each other.
C) chromosomes to ribosomes.
D) chromatids to spindle microtubules.

48) In animal cells, spindle microtubules originate from structures called

A) cyclins.
B) centrioles.
C) chromatids.
D) histones.

49) What occurs immediately following cytokinesis?

A) Anaphase
B) Prophase
C) Telophase
D) The G1 portion of interphase

50) What would be a consequence of a mutation that disables the production of cyclin-dependent
kinases (Cdks)?
A) DNA would not contain any phosphate groups.
B) Cell-cycle control would not be possible.
C) The nuclear envelope would disintegrate.
D) Telomere length would be shortened significantly.

51) Cdks are activated only when they bind to

A) cytosine.
B) cyclin.
C) chromatids.
D) centrioles.

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53) Growth factors stimulate
A) cells to divide.
B) the cell to skip the S and G1 phases of interphase and undergo mitosis directly.
C) Cdks to synthesize enzymes that digest cyclins.
D) the cell to ignore the checkpoints of the cell cycle.

54) Cancer is essentially

A) the binding of cyclins and Cdks.
B) a never-ending repetition of the S phase of the cell cycle.
C) unregulated mitotic cell division.
D) the creation of extra checkpoints in the cell cycle.

55) Which of the following is the correct sequence in a cyclin-Cdk pathway?

A) Growth factor-receptor-cyclin-Cdk-DNA replication
B) Growth factor-receptor-Cdk-cyclin-DNA replication
C) Growth factor-cyclin-Cdk-receptor-DNA replication
D) Receptor-cyclin-Cdk-growth factor-DNA replication

56) If a mammal is born without the ability to produce EGF (epidermal growth factor), then its
A) licked wounds will heal faster than usual.
B) Cdks will not function properly.
C) ability to increase cell division when needed would diminish.
D) cell cycles will not contain the proper checkpoints.

67) What is a major difference between mitosis and meiosis?

A) Meiosis produces two daughter cells instead of the four daughter cells produced in mitosis.
B) Meiosis produces genetically identical daughter cells, whereas mitosis produces genetically
variable daughter cells.
C) Mitosis produces daughter cells, whereas meiosis produces parent cells.
D) Meiosis produces haploid cells, whereas mitosis produces diploid cells.

76) The most common method of bacterial reproduction is

A) meiosis.
B) mutation.
C) budding.
D) prokaryotic fission.

78) All of the following play a role in the development of cancer EXCEPT:
A) uncontrolled cell division.
B) mutations.
C) a large supply of Cdks stimulating cell division.
D) inhibition of Cdk and blocking of DNA replication.

79) Mitosis is division of the ________, whereas cytokinesis is division of the ________.
A) chromatid; chromosome
B) nucleus; cytoplasm
C) nucleus; chromosome
D) prokaryotic cell; eukaryotic cell

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80) Beginning with a newly formed daughter cell, what is the order of the other stages of the
eukaryotic cell cycle?
A) G1, S, G2, mitosis
B) Mitosis, G1, G2, S
C) Mitosis, S, G1, G2
D) G1, G2, mitosis, S

81) During plant cell cytokinesis, what is the name of the structure that forms between the
daughter cell nuclei and eventually will become the new cell wall?
A) Constriction ring
B) Kinetochore
C) Vesicle wall
D) Cell plate

9.2 True/False Questions

2) Most prokaryotes reproduce via a form of asexual reproduction called prokaryotic fission.
True or False?


4) Eukaryotic chromosomes are made up of only DNA. True or False?


9.3 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

4) Heritable information exists as discrete units called genes, which are located on cromosomas.

9.4 Short Answer Questions

2) Name the four different nitrogen-containing bases that are found in DNA.

Adenina (A), citosina (C), guanina (G) y timina (T)

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9.5 Art Questions

2) Based on this figure, what would be the consequence of exposure to a synthetic chemical in
the environment that mimics the structure and shape of a growth factor?

A) Cyclin production would not be "turned on."

B) Cdk and cyclin would not bind to each other.
C) The cyclin-Cdk complex would still occur but would not stimulate DNA replication.
D) DNA replication would be stimulated even though the actual growth factor was not present.

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