Chapter 1 Thesis

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The main purpose of the study was to determine the positive impact of study habits in
the academic performance of the selected students of St. Joseph Academy of Candijay,
Bohol Inc. In the S.Y.2021-2022. Specifically, the study sought to answer the
demographic profile of the students in terms of age, sex, and grade level; The
significant relationship between the students’ study habits and the academic
The research design that was used for this study was called Descriptive-Survey Design
using quantitative information gathering. The questionnaires was administered to the
respondents and the data were tallied, tabulated, analyzed, and interpreted. The locale
of this study is at St. Joseph Academy of Candijay, Bohol Inc. One of the existing
Catholic school in the BACS-Talibon province of Bohol. The participants of this study
were the selected Sixty (60) random students. The findings shows that there were ten
(10) students or 33.33% of the total respondents belong to the age interval of 13-14, 15-
16 years old, and 17-18 years old. It was also revealed that the profile of the students in
terms of sex, females got the majority of respondents than males. In terms of grade, it
reveals that the majority of the respondents got 90-100 average. Moreover, the study
found out that there is no significant relationship between students, study habits and the
academic performance of the students.


A student's academic performance is extremely important in education.

Individual performance quality has emerged as a powerful factor in personal growth.

Academic performance is defined as a final grade of a learner's performance, and it is

the foundation of the educational system as well as a symbol of accomplishment in a

learner's academic life (Agrawal & Parvez, 2020). Educational institutes must provide

efficient instructions and proper guidance that will greatly assist students in maintaining

their study habits, which would help to increase students' academic performance. Abid

(2013) defines study habit as the student’s way of study whether systematic, efficient or

inefficient. Good study habits are perceived to be the determinants of the academic

achievement. That is why efforts are made to develop and improve study behaviours in

students. Personal study habits impact a student's success and failure. Without a doubt,

consistent study habits provide their own benefits in the form of accomplishment and

success. However, poor academic performance of students is undeniably a major issue

in education that needs to find solution. Students obtained poor academic performance

due to lack of study habits.

According to Chehrzad and Leili (2017) investigated the relationship between

the Study habits and the Academic performance of Medical Sciences Students found

out the significant relationship between the study habits of students and their academic

performance. Chilca (2017) studied on the study habits and academic performance
among university students in Peru concluded that study habits do influence academic

performance. Mark & Howard (2009) highlight that poor study habits are the most

common challenge for students. According to previous studies, good study habits

include studying in a very quite place, studying daily, turning off devices that interfere

with study (such as TV and mobile phones), taking notes of important content, having

regular rests and breaks, being attentive to soft music, studying supported own learning

style, and prioritizing the difficult contents.

Over the years study habits are one of the reasons why some of the students

have a good academic performance. Positive Impact of study habits gives a lot of

contribution to the academic achievement of every individual. It boost every students’

confidence, awakened their competent skills, increasing self-esteem , and experience

self satisfaction. It also helps individuals to increase their mental health and mental

capacity. Practicing study habits can improve life by starting to stop the bad habits and

engaging more into positive one.

The above mentioned scenarios triggered the researchers to undertake this study.

This study aims to determine the positive impact of study habits in the academic

performance of the students of St. Joseph Academy of Candijay, Bohol Inc. 2020-2021.

The significance of the study is to help students, parents and teachers to understand

the importance of study habits on academic performance and it would help to provide

proper guidance and effective instructions for students to improve good study habits.
Literature Background

Academic performance of students is one of the main indicators used to evaluate

the quality of education in schools. Academic performance is a complex process that is

influenced by several factors, such as study habits. Academic performance is measured

through academic performance scores. It is often characterized in two ways: the scores

obtained on standardized assessments of academic performance and the marks

received in school (Dzever, L. T., 2015).

Academic performance (AP), on the other hand is generally indicated through

grade point average (GPA) or cumulative grade point average (CGPA) measured by

various academic indicators such as class performance, assignments, presentation

skills; and exam results (Hosain, M. S., Mustafi, M. A. A., & Parvin, T. 2021). In addition,

according to Robinson (2013), the academic performance of the students is expressed

in the form of high scores in the result of their quizzes, seatwork, activities and

assignments. The quizzes and seatwork’s given by the teachers or professors are used

to determine whether the student excel in the subject or not. It will also test if they are

exercising good study habits.

Study habits are the foremost important predictor of educational performance and

play a special role within the academic achievement of students. Study habits means as

habitual way of exercising and practicing the ability for learning. On other hand, study

habits are those activities that are necessary to complete school work task and prepare

for taking test. (Ramesh & Murthy, 2020).

Study habit is different individual behaviour in relation to studying and is a

combination of study method and skill. In other words, study habits include behaviors

and skills that can increase motivation and convert the study into an effective process

with high returns, which ultimately increases the learning. This skill is also defined as

any activity that facilitates the process of learning about a topic, solving the problems or

memorizing part or all of the presented materials. Study habits are in fact the gateway to

success and differ from person to person.

There are ways a student can study to increase his ability to retain information and

to think critically. They are classified into mnemonics, effective note taking, effective

time management, summarizing, use of key words and others. There are also several

other methods of studying. Such methods are based on memorization, communication

skills, flashcard training, condensing information, summarizing, use of keywords,

acronyms and mnemonics, exam strategies, effective time management, organization

and life style changes (Ramamurti, 2013).

Study Habits can have either positive or negative effects with academic

performance because of its direct relationship with it. There is a positive effect of study

habits if one’s General Percentage Average (GPA) were good or high on the other

hand, if their grades are below average there is a negative impact on it. Positive or

negative effect is based on grades because it represents the academic performance of

each student (Nonis & Hudson, 2010).

Good and effective study habits that are practiced regularly by highly effective

students includes taking down notes during discussions, and it was very essential in

studying because through the notes taken, it is easier to study and remember facts that
are important in the previous lesson. According to the study entitled “Good study

Habits”, Reading textbooks or material, performing advance reading prior to class,

listening attentively during classes and working with homework every time should also

be observe regularly (Reed).

Considering the importance of study skills and habits of students, and the

important role they play on in the academic achievement of students, and taking into

account that study habits vary from person to person and from place to place, and also

as the results of related studies are different from each other, the present study was

designed and implemented. The goal was to investigate the relationship between study

habits and academic achievement of the students. Study habits are important as they

influence the academic performance of students so parents and teachers must help in

improving the study habits of students.

According to Mendezabal (2013), it stressed that positive attitudes and good

study habits are important factors in achieving good performance in school. It is

expected that students must perform well in school so that they will be able to meet the

standards by DepEd in order to be promoted, to the next level. Failure to do so will

result in students' retention.

According to Asikhia (2010), showed to this and confirmed that the poor

performance of secondary school education. Poor performance in test and examination

is caused by lacking of good study habits employed by the students.

De Escobar (2011) observed that students need to be familiar with the relation

of good study habits and academic achievement to accomplish great success in any
level of education. She contended that by learning good study habits students tend to

perform better than struggling students.

The study anchored in Palm Beach Community College (PBBC, 2008) a Theory

of Study Habit, it recommend that students study should have at least three hours out of

class for every hour spend in class. It said that a study with have a special place to

study with plenty of room to work. And study should not be cramped. They presupposed

that study time will go better if a learned take a few minutes at the start to straighten

things up a desk and straight backed chair is usually best “ don’t get to comfortable , a

bed is a place to sleep, not to study ‘as what they said. A students must have everything

close at hand (book, pencils, paper, coffees, dictionary, computer, calculate tape

recorder, etc. before starting to study. Standings are not suggested to spend on tome

jumping up and down to get things.

This study also incorporates in Goal Setting Theory that based on the notion that

individuals sometimes have a drive to reach a clearly defined and state. Often, this end

state is a reward in itself. A goal’s efficiency is affected by three features. Proximity,

difficulty and specificity. Good Goal setting incorporates the SMART criteria, in which

goals are specific, measureable, accurate, realistic and timely. An ideal goal should

present a situation where the time between the initiation of behaviour and the end state

is close. This means that having good goals would have a greater impact to the

students study habits.

Moreover, according to the Theory Rationale of the Study: This study is an effort

to explore the difference of study habits and achievement motivation among students of

O-level and matriculation. We see that student of metric face difficulty in the maintained
of study habits and achievement motivation as compared to O-level students.

Students of O-level have some difference in their study habits and achievement

motivation as compared to metric students.

The motivation theory states that achievement motivation is a miniature system

applied to a specific Context, the domain of achievement-oriented activities, which is

characterized by the fact that the individual is responsible for the outcome (success or

failure), he anticipates unambiguous knowledge of results, and there is some degree of

uncertainty or risk (McClelland, 1961).

The “No filipino child left behind act of 2010” states that the state should protect

and promote the right of the citizens to quality education and to take appropriate steps

to make such education accessible to all. It is in this context that students should be

provided with equal opportunity to learn in school. The teachers to ensure learning

inside the classroom should address whatever are the shortcomings of the students.

Teachers have to encourage students to develop positive attitudes towards the subject

they are teaching and assist in the students’ development of good study habits.

Furthermore, things that would affect their attitudes and study habits should be

minimized in order that a positive development on the child regarding these variables

may be observed.

According also to the Republic act no. 9155, Section 2 an act instituting a

framework of governance for basic education, establishing authority and accountability,

renaming the department of education, culture and sports as the department of

education, and for other purposes.

 The Theory of Study Habits :
Theory by Palm Beach
community college (PBBC,  “No filipino child left behind act
2008). of 2010” states that the state
Students should have 3 hours should protect and promote the
of study, a good study place right of the citizens to quality
and study should not be education and to take
cramped. appropriate steps to make
 The Motivation Theory. such education accessible to
States that achievement all. It is in this context that
motivation is a miniature students should be provided
system applied to a specific with equal opportunity to learn
Context, the domain of in school. The teachers to
achievement-oriented ensure learning inside the
activities, which is classroom should address
characterized by the fact that whatever are the shortcomings
the individual is responsible of the students.
for the outcome (success or
failure).  Republic Act No. 9155 an act
 The Theory Rationale of the instituting a framework of
Study. governance for basic
States that study is an effort to education, establishing
explore the difference of study authority and accountability,
habits and achievement renaming the department of
motivation among students of education, culture and sports
O-level and matriculation. as the department of
education, and for other
Selected student’s of St. Joseph
Academy of Candijay, Bohol

Positive Impact of Study Academic

Habits performance



Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the Positive Impact of Study Habits on the

Academic Performance of the Students of St. Joseph Academy of Candijay, Bohol, Inc.


Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the students in terms of:

1.1 age;

1.2 sex; and

1.3 grade level

2. Is there a significant relationship between the students’ study habits and the

academic performance?


There is no significant relationship between students' study habits and the

academic performance of the students.

Significance of the Study

In this pursuit of the study, the researchers believed that it is beneficial to the


Students. The study would help students to practice good study habits that

could help their academic performance. It will help them to concentrate more in their


Teachers. This study would contribute teachers especially in their teaching skills.

In which it would be easier for them to convey lessons for the students who practices

study habits.

Parents. This study would be beneficial to the parents. It will exposed them to a

factual thoughts about the effectiveness of study habits. It will help them to encourage

their children to develop a Good study habits through the information that would be

provided by the study.

Future Researchers. This study would be a great help to the future researchers

as their basis for their study related to study habits.

Community. The result of the finding would encourage members of the public to

motivate their wards to take their education very important and discourage laziness,

examination malpractice and other anti-social vices among students in their



The research design that was used for this study was called Descriptive-Survey

Design using quantitative information gathering, it involves the collection of data in

answering the current status of the positive impact of study habits in the academic

performance of the selected students of St. Joseph Academy of Candijay, Bohol Inc. In

the S.Y.2021-2022.

Environment And Participants

The locale of this study is at St. Joseph Academy of Candijay, Bohol Inc. One of

the existing Catholic school in the BACS-Talibon province of Bohol.

The participants of this study were the selected Sixty (60) random students.


The researchers utilized an adopted research instrument from the Study Skills

and Habits Questionnaire, this are made up of 10 items which formed the main part of

the questionnaire about study habits. The questions were meant to elicit responses on

the positive impact of study habits on the academic performance to the students of St.

Joseph Academy of Candijay, Bohol, Inc. 2021-2022.

Using the following interpretation:

Descriptive value Description Rating

Strongly Agree I strongly agree that this 4

questions talks about me

and I experience it.

Agree I agree that this questions 3

talks about me and I

experience it.

Disagree I disagree that this 2

questions talks about me

and I experience it.

Strongly Disagree I strongly disagree that this 1

questions talks about me

and I experience it.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers gives the questionnaires to the thesis adviser in order to

distribute it to their advisory class. Clear instructions were given. Results were tallied

and collated for the purpose of the study. The researchers also conducts a data

analysis and interpretation to test the hypothesis of the study. The findings was used as

basis for the conclusions and recommendations of the study to test the hypothesis.
Statistical Treatment

1. To determine the respondents’ profile of the selected students, the

percentage was used.


P= F/N x 100


P= Percentage

F= Frequency

N= Number of respondents

2. To test the hypothesis, the response frequencies were subjected to

Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient Test using the formula:


Where: To find Σcf:

Rs = test value Σcf=(n(n^2-1))/12

D = difference

N = number of sample

Cf = correlation factor
The obtained correlation factor was checked against the Table of Values of the

Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient to prove its significance at 0 level.


To avoid misunderstanding of this study, the researchers provide some defined


Study Habits. Is an academic habit that contributes to the student’s school


Academic Performance. Is a term used for students based on how well they are

doing in their studies and classes.

Students. The individuals who practices study habits. Students are the people

who studies at school.

Impact. Is the result or outcome of some situations either it’s positive or


Academic Achievement. Is the outcome based on the student’s behaviour on


Teachers. One of the people who help an individual to learn new things and

practices good behaviours in life.

Goal. Is a term that is used in achieving what you clearly want.

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