Understanding Our Parents - 1

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Sunday school 18 July 2021

Understanding our Parents

Part 1
Proverbs 22:6

Train up a child in the way

he should go;
even when he is old he will
not depart from it.

Deuteronomy 6: 6-7

6. These commandments
that I give you today are to
be on your hearts.
7. Impress them on your In order to understand our parents, we must first
children. Talk about them consider the world from their perspective. When you
when you sit at home and
were born, your parents received a great bundle of joy
when you walk along the
(you!), as well as a great bundle of responsibility!
road, when you lie down
and when you get up.
Bible Verses Relating to Parents
Considering that we are all accountable to God
Proverbs 13: 24 concerning how we obey His Word, let’s consider what
A refusal to correct is a our parents are answerable for. A few of the many verses
refusal to love; dealing with the role of a parent are given in on the left
side column. Note the responsibilities they have…
love your children by
disciplining them.

Considering Life from a Parent’s Perspective

Looking at the given verses from your parents’
perspective reveals the real significance of what is being
• Your parents will one day stand before the God of the
Universe and give account for how well they raised you
(no matter how difficult you make things on them).

Intermediate Class 1
Sunday school 18 July 2021

Ephesians 6: 4 • Your parents must figure out how to effectively

instruct, discipline, and raise you (all while keeping up
Fathers, don’t exasperate with your other siblings, a house, job, other obligations,
your children, but raise them etc.).
up with loving discipline and
counsel that brings the We are tempted to think life revolves around us,
revelation of our Lord. and so when our parents make rules that keep us from
getting “our way” we get frustrated. We must remember
that our parents sacrifice a lot of things they once
cherished (extra time for friends, spouse, hobbies, etc.)
in order to fulfil their role as a parent. When you think
your parents are a hassle, remember the sacrifices and
responsibilities that go into parenting. It shouldn’t take
long before you appreciate all they do for you!

Intermediate Class 2

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