7 Most Common Errors

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Vaishnavi Pandey

Runtime errors

These bugs occur when the code “won’t

play nice” with another computer, even if
it worked perfectly fine on the
developer’s own computer. These errors
are especially frustrating because they
directly impact the end user and make the
application appear unreliable or even
completely broken.
Logic errors

Logic errors can be the hardest to track

down. Everything looks like it is working;
you have just programmed the computer
to do the wrong thing. Technically the
program is correct, but the results won’t
be what you expected.
If you didn’t check the requirements
beforehand and wrote code to return the
oldest user in your system when you
needed the newest, you would have a logic
Compilation errors

Compilation is the process of converting a

high-level coding language into a lower-
level language that can be better
understood by the computer. Compilation
errors occur when the compiler isn’t able
to properly transform the high-level code
into the lower-level one. This prevents the
software from being launched or tested.
Syntax errors

Computer languages have their own

specialized grammar rules. When these
rules aren’t followed (for example, the
developer omits the parentheses while
writing code), a syntax error prevents the
application from running.
Interface errors

These bugs typically happen when the inputs

the software receives do not conform to the
accepted standards. When handled
incorrectly, these errors can look like errors
on your side even when they’re on the caller’s
side, and vice versa.
Resource errors

Sometimes, a program can force the

computer it’s running on to attempt to
allocate more resources (processor power,
random access memory, disk space, etc.) than
it has. This results in the program becoming
bugged or even causes the entire system to
Arithmetic errors

An arithmetic error is a type of logic error

but involves mathematics. A typical
example when performing a division
equation is that you cannot divide by zero
without causing an issue. Very few people
would write 5 / 0, but you might not think
that the size of something in your system
might sometimes be zero, which would
lead to this type of error.
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Vaishnavi Pandey

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