2004 ART Education-Stratified Base-Rate Information On Discrepancy Scores Within and Between The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Third Edition and The Wechsler Memory Scale-Third Edition

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Psychological Assessment Copyright 2004 by the American Psychological Association

2004, Vol. 16, No. 2, 146 –154 1040-3590/04/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/1040-3590.16.2.146

Education-Stratified Base-Rate Information on Discrepancy Scores Within

and Between the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale—Third Edition and the
Wechsler Memory Scale—Third Edition

Galit A. Dori Gordon J. Chelune

Cleveland Clinic Foundation and Veterans Affairs Medical Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Center, Cleveland, Ohio
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale—Third Edition (WAIS–III; D. Wechsler, 1997a) and the Wech-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

sler Memory Scale—Third Edition (WMS–III; D. Wechsler, 1997b) are 2 of the most frequently used
measures in psychology and neuropsychology. To facilitate the diagnostic use of these measures in the
clinical decision-making process, this article provides information on education-stratified, directional
prevalence rates (i.e., base rates) of discrepancy scores between the major index scores for the WAIS–III,
the WMS–III, and between the WAIS–III and WMS–III. To illustrate how such base-rate data can be
clinically used, this article reviews the relative risk (i.e., odds ratio) of empirically defined “rare”
cognitive deficits in 2 of the clinical samples presented in the WAIS–III—WMS–III Technical Manual
(The Psychological Corporation, 1997).

As healthcare organizations and providers seek to better manage 2003). For example, at the level of the individual, if a 30-year-old
the cost effectiveness of patient diagnosis and treatment, evidence- person obtains a Verbal IQ score of 95 and a Performance IQ score
based approaches have become increasingly important. Within the of 105 on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale—Third Edition
context of evidence-based medicine, treatment effectiveness is (WAIS–III; Wechsler 1997a), the 10-point difference between the
maximized through the integration of three factors: empirical two scores would be statistically reliable at the .05 level. At this
research findings, clinical expertise, and patient values (Sackett, level of probability, the null hypothesis of no difference can be
Straus, Richardson, Rosenberg, & Haynes, 2000). Central to rejected, indicating that the observed level of difference between
evidence-based practice is the use of diagnostically valid tests (i.e., Verbal and Performance IQs is a reliable and repeatable difference
tests that have been demonstrated to facilitate clinical decision and is not likely due to measurement error or chance fluctuations
making regarding whether a given individual does or does not have in the scores. However, a review of WAIS–III base-rate data
a specified condition of interest; Chelune, 2002; Ivnik et al., 2001). indicates that a 10-point discrepancy between these two scores is
Most traditional tests in psychology and neuropsychology have found in approximately 37% of the standardization sample
been validated using inferential statistics and the null-hypothesis (Wechsler, 1997a), suggesting that a 10-point difference is a
significance testing paradigm. These methods evaluate whether relatively common finding in the general population and not likely
observed differences between mean group performances are sta- to be meaningful in terms of clinical decision making.
tistically significant in terms of reliability, but they cannot inform To increase the applicability of test findings on an individual
individual diagnoses (Ivnik et al., 2000; Smith, Cerhan, & Ivnik, basis, base-rate information on prevalence is needed in addition to
reliability data. Whereas analyses of group mean differences yield
information on how much aggregated change has taken place,
base-rate analyses can determine how individual changes contrib-
Galit A. Dori, Department of Neurology, The Mellen Center, Cleveland
Clinic Foundation, and Psychology Service, Department of Veterans Af-
ute to mean changes (Smith, 2002). Statistical methods that focus
fairs Medical Center, Cleveland, Ohio; Gordon J. Chelune, Department of on diagnostic validity and base rates of a test in terms of clinical
Neurology, The Mellen Center, Cleveland Clinic Foundation. decision making are commonly used in epidemiology and
Galit A. Dori is now at Psychological and Behavioral Consultants, evidence-based medicine (Sackett, Haynes, Guyatt, & Tugwell,
Beachwood, Ohio. 1991). These statistics are base-rate dependent and involve such
Portions of this article were presented at the 106th Annual Meeting of constructs as sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative
the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, August 1998. predictive power. Base-rate information also allows for statistical
Data presented in this article were obtained during the Wechsler Adult comparisons between groups (e.g., odds ratios) that characterize
Intelligence Scale—III and Wechsler Memory Scale—III standardization
the differential risk of having a condition of interest in terms of
projects and were graciously provided with permission to reproduce from
The Psychological Corporation.
clinically relevant test parameters (Ivnik et al., 2001; Smith et al.,
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Gordon 2003). Although statistically reliable differences are necessary to
J. Chelune, Department of Neurology, The Mellen Center (U-10), Cleve- establish the consistency of findings, such findings may be of little
land Clinic Foundation, 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44195. clinical significance if they are common in the general population.
E-mail: cheluneg@ccf.org In contrast, base-rate analysis can be applied in a clinically mean-

ingful way by identifying sufficiently rare and potentially abnor- subtracted from the WAIS–III variables (e.g., Full Scale IQ minus
mal scores (i.e., those that are more likely to be obtained in a General Memory Index). The difference between bidirectional
population that is external to the normative group) that may be of (absolute) and unidirectional discrepancy information is similar to
diagnostic value (see Chelune, 2002; Matarazzo & Herman, 1984). that between two-tail and one-tail comparisons. Cumulative, ab-
Base-rate analysis of discrepancy scores may be particularly solute discrepancy information is useful when simply looking for
relevant in clinical populations because it allows for contrasts unusual strengths or weakness, without any specific expectations
between cognitive areas presumed to be compromised with areas (Tulsky, Rolfhus, & Zhu, 2000). However, in clinical settings
of functioning commonly spared for a given clinical group. Base- where a priori hypotheses exist about the functioning of an indi-
rate analysis also controls for baseline differences among individ- vidual (i.e., one knows the direction of the patient’s discrepancy),
uals. Discrepancy analysis has a long tradition in psychological base-rate information regarding directional discrepancies is clini-
and neuropsychological research and practice. Early on, clinicians cally relevant. Recognizing that clinicians may not appreciate the
looked to the original Wechsler-Bellevue Scale (Wechsler, 1939; difference between unidirectional and absolute cumulative scores,
see Matarazzo, 1972, for review) to test the idea that certain Tulsky and colleagues (2000) examined the raw frequency data of
intellectual abilities hold up with age whereas others do not (i.e., discrepancy scores for the WAIS–III. They report that the simple
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

“hold– don’t hold” deterioration ratio). Contemporary research procedure of dividing in half the cumulative absolute frequencies
continues to explore the clinical use of discrepancy scores to reported in either the WAIS–III Administration and Scoring Man-
identify patients at risk for neurological conditions such as Alz- ual (Wechsler, 1997a) or the WAIS–III—WMS–III Technical Man-
heimer’s disease (e.g., Hawkins & Tulsky, 2001, 2003; Jacobson, ual (The Psychological Corporation, 1997) will yield a reasonably
Delis, Bondi, & Salmon, 2002). Discrepancy analysis is particu- close approximation of the actual unidirectional base rates, partic-
larly useful in contrasting factors of intelligence to memory given ularly at extreme levels of discrepancy.
the expected cognitive discrepancies associated with neurologic Another factor affecting the clinical use of simple difference
damage. Using aspects of verbal functioning that are least likely to discrepancy scores as presented in the original test manuals is the
show decline in neurologic injury to estimate premorbid level (e.g., observation that discrepancy base rates are not equally distributed
verbal comprehension, reading level, or sight reading of words) across ability levels. Hawkins and Tulsky (2001) found that large
and contrasting them to aspects of memory frequently compro- discrepancies between IQ and WMS–III General Memory were
mised can assist in clinical decision making (see Bornstein, Che- more frequent among individuals with above average IQ scores but
lune, & Prifitera, 1989; Chelune, 1998; Hawkins, 1998; Manly, less frequent among individuals with below average IQ. They
Jacobs, Touradji, Small, & Stern, 2002; Milner, 1954; Taylor & argued that use of simple difference discrepancy tables that are not
Heaton, 2001). Thus, information on base rates of discrepancy stratified by ability level could lead to erroneous conclusions
scores can provide additional empirical evidence for the diagnostic (Hawkins & Tulsky, 2001, 2003). Although the original WAIS–
value of neuropsychological measures in patient settings, combin- III—WMS–III Technical Manual (The Psychological Corporation,
ing information on both statistical significance and clinical abnor- 1997) did not provide any base-rate information on discrepancy
mality (Kaufman, 1990). scores that was stratified by ability level, the WAIS–III—WMS–III
The recent revisions of the WAIS–III and the Wechsler Memory Technical Manual Update (The Psychological Corporation, 2002)
Scale—Third Edition (WMS–III; Wechsler, 1997b) are two of the now provides tables on intratest WAIS–III discrepancies stratified
most commonly used assessment instruments in clinical settings. A by Full Scale IQ (cf. Tables D.1–D.5, 2002); however, these tables
major addition to the manuals of these revised measures is the again reflect the base rates of absolute (bidirectional) discrepancy
inclusion of base-rate information on the prevalence of various scores. A separate table (cf. Table D.6) is provided for directional
discrepancy scores in the standardization sample. The base-rate WAIS–III discrepancies, but these are not stratified. Likewise,
discrepancy information for within-test variables (e.g., Verbal IQ directional, but nonstratified, discrepancy data are presented for
versus Performance IQ) is presented in the respective WAIS–III WMS–III discrepancies in Table D.7 of the WAIS–III—WMS–III
and WMS–III manuals (Wechsler, 1997a, 1997b) and Tables Technical Manual Update.
D1–D5 of the WAIS–III—WMS–III Technical Manual (The Psy- The present investigation expands on the recent work by Tulsky
chological Corporation, 1997, 2002). In addition, because the et al. (2000), Hawkins and Tulsky (2001, 2003), and the discrep-
WMS–III was co-normed with a subset of the WAIS–III standard- ancy data presented by The Psychological Corporation (1997,
ization sample, unique prevalence data for between-test discrep- 2002). Specifically, we present educationally stratified, directional
ancies (e.g., Full Scale IQ vs. General Memory) are presented in prevalence rates of discrepancy scores between the major index
Tables B7–B9 and C4 –C6 of both the original and updated ver- scores for the WAIS–III and the WMS–III and between the
sions of the WAIS–III—WMS–III Technical Manual. When using WAIS–III and WMS–III that can be directly used by clinicians to
these base-rate tables, the reader should make careful note that the facilitate clinical decision making at the level of the individual. In
prevalence data for within-test discrepancy scores in the respective addition to providing new discrepancy base-rate data for the
manuals (Wechsler, 1997a, 1997b) and in the WAIS–III—WMS–III WAIS–III and WMS–III and comparisons between the WAIS–III
Technical Manuals are presented as cumulative percentages of the and WMS–III, the current study also provides unidirectional cut
absolute discrepancy between the scores of interest, regardless of scores that define simple difference prevalence rates at decision
the directionality of the difference score (e.g., |Verbal IQ– points relevant for both clinical practice and research purposes
Performance IQ|). In contrast, the base-rate information for dis- (i.e., 5%, 10%, and 15% levels).
crepancies derived from between-test comparisons (cf. Tables We elected to stratify our base-rate tables on the basis of
B.7–B.9 and Tables C.4 –C.6, The Psychological Corporation, education rather than on current Full Scale IQ for two reasons.
1997, 2002) is unidirectional, with the WMS–III scores always First, education is highly correlated with Full Scale IQ (FSIQ) in

the standardization sample (r ⫽ .51). Since the WAIS–III Index WMS–III. A weighted sample (Tulsky & Ledbetter, 2000) of 1,250
scores contribute to FSIQ, stratifying on the basis of education individuals makes up the WMS–III standardization sample. These individ-
rather than FSIQ allows us to avoid confounding many of our uals were a subset of the standardization sample of the WAIS–III and were
dependent measures (i.e., discrepancy scores within and across administered the WMS–III as well as the WAIS–III.
WAIS–III—WMS–III. Base-rate information for discrepancy scores be-
WAIS–WMS comparisons) with our independent (stratification)
tween the WMS–III and WAIS–III were drawn from the weighted sample
variable. Second, demographic variables such as education are
(Tulsky & Ledbetter, 2000) of 1,250 individuals who completed both tests.
likely to be more useful for estimating premorbid cognitive ability
in clinical samples (Heaton, Taylor, & Manley, 2003) than mea-
sures of current IQ, which themselves may be affected by cerebral Patient Groups
dysfunction; that is, stratifying on the basis of a measure of current
The patient groups consisted of two clinical samples tested during field
cognitive ability may attenuate the sensitivity of the discrepancy
trials of the WAIS–III and WMS–III (see the WAIS–III—WMS–III Tech-
variables to the condition of interest, as has been observed for nical Manual for details; The Psychological Corporation, 1997, 2002).
many years (Heaton, Baade, & Johnson, 1978). Thus, use of Rather than using other possible clinical samples, clinical samples from
education to stratify discrepancy scores not only provides a good
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

The Psychological Corporation’s field trials were selected to ensure that

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

analog for general ability level in neurologically normal samples the administration of the tests was standardized and consistent across both
but is independent of the effects of the condition of interest to the normal and clinical groups being compared. The samples selected for
which the discrepancy scores may be a sensitive marker among examination in the current study include individuals with mild Alzheimer’s
clinical populations. disease (AD; n ⫽ 35) and Huntington’s disease (HD; n ⫽ 15). The
To illustrate the usefulness of base-rate analysis in providing demographic data for these patient samples are presented in the WAIS–
III—WMS–III Technical Manual (The Psychological Corporation, 1997,
clinically meaningful data, we compare the base rates of selected
Table 4.40; 2002, Table 4.31).
discrepancy scores between the WAIS–III—WMS–III standard-
ization samples and two of the clinical samples presented in
WAIS–III—WMS–III Technical Manual (The Psychological Cor- Procedure
poration, 1997, 2002), namely those with Alzheimer’s disease and
Construction of base-rate tables. Discrepancy-score base-rate tables
those with Huntington’s disease. By comparing estimated relative were stratified on the basis of four education levels: less than 12 years, 12
risk for abnormal or rare discrepancies using odds ratio analysis, years, 13–15 years, and 16 or more years. Discrepancies between potential
we demonstrate how base-rate data can be applied to define indexes of interest within and between the WAIS–III and WMS–III were
markers that inform the decision-making process on an individual manually constructed from computer-generated frequency tables. Discrep-
basis. Given the small size of the clinical samples, the clinical ancies involving FSIQ were not included because it is largely a composite
illustration is intended only as an exercise in the method of of the four WAIS–III factor scores. The Auditory Recognition Delay Index
base-rate analysis, and the information presented here is not meant was also not included because scores on this index are not normally
to characterize these populations on a general basis. distributed, and it has been suggested that they are more appropriately
reported as percentile scores (see Tulsky, Chiaravalloti, Palmer, & Che-
lune, 2003).
Method Unidirectional (one-tail) base-rate information is reported for the 5%,
10%, and 15% levels (⫾1.64, ⫾1.28, and ⫾1.04 z scores, respectively,
Participants under the normal curve). A conservative approach was taken, selecting
whole scores closest to the chosen percentage levels without exceeding the
Data from the WAIS–III and WMS–III standardization samples and two specified percentage level. For example, if a percentile level of 5% was
clinical samples acquired during the clinical field trials of the standardiza- selected and a 24-point discrepancy occurred in 5.2% of the sample and a
tion project were obtained with permission from The Psychological Cor- 25-point discrepancy occurred in 4.7% of the sample, the 25-point discrep-
poration (San Antonio, TX). Detailed descriptions of the demographic ancy was chosen and listed in the table under the 5% column.
characteristics of these samples are provided in the original and updated Estimated relative risk analyses. Odds ratio analyses were used to
versions of the WAIS–III—WMS–III Technical Manual (The Psychological calculate estimated relative risk of selected cognitive deficits in the AD and
Corporation, 1997, 2002) and are only briefly described here. HD samples. The odds ratio (OR) represents the ratio of two odds: the odds
of having the condition of interest when a factor is present compared with
Standardization Samples the odds of having the condition of interest when the factor is absent
(Sackett et al., 2000). An OR that is not significantly greater than 1.0
The standardization samples for both the WAIS–III (Wechsler, 1997a) indicates no difference in probability or relative risk of having the condi-
and WMS–III (Wechsler, 1997b) were stratified by age, gender, race/ tion of interest regardless of the presence of the factor or whether there is
ethnicity, educational level, and geographical region corresponding to the a statistically significant mean group difference (Bieliauskas, Fastenau,
U.S. population census from 1995. Overall, the standardization samples Lacy, & Roper, 1997). Similar to p values, there is a confidence band that
can be viewed as estimates of the general U.S. population. Individuals with surrounds an OR and provides information on its reliability. Typically,
medical or psychiatric conditions that potentially could have affected ORs are reported with a 95% confidence interval (CI). ORs that have CI
cognitive performance were excluded from the standardization sample (for ranges in which the lower boundary does not include 1.0 are interpreted as
exclusionary criteria see Table 2.1, The Psychological Corporation, 1997, reliable (e.g., 95 out of 100 times at a CI of 95%), similar to group mean
2002). differences that are significant at p ⬍ .05 (Sackett et al., 1991).
WAIS–III. A total of 2,450 individuals from the general population In calculating the ORs, the WAIS–III Verbal Comprehension Index
compose the WAIS–III standardization sample. For discrepancy scores (VCI) was used as the reference score with which to contrast Immediate
involving the WAIS–III Working Memory Index, only the 1,299 individ- Memory (IM), General Memory (GM), and Processing Speed Index (PSI)
uals who completed the Letter–Number Sequencing subtest were included scores. Because verbal abilities are often thought to remain relatively intact
in comparisons. even with cognitive decline in neurologic conditions (see Hawkins &

Tulsky, 2003; Matarazzo, 1972), the other variables were always sub- Tables 1 and 2 present within-test base-rate information for the
tracted from VCI. The IM, GM, and PSI indexes were selected as potential WAIS–III and WMS–III, respectively, whereas Table 3 presents
markers of compromised functioning because both AD and HD are clini- base-rate data for between-test discrepancy scores. To illustrate
cally differentiated by their variable associations with memory impairment how these tables can be used, assume that a clinician observed a
and slowed processing speed (Fields, 1998).
patient with12 years of education to have a VCI score 13 points
For the purpose of our clinical illustrations, we defined cognitive im-
greater than PSI. Looking in Table B.1 of the WAIS–III Adminis-
pairment as an unusually large or rare discrepancy found in ⱕ10% (z ⫽
–1.28) of the standardization sample. Taylor and Heaton (2001) recom- tration and Scoring Manual (Wechsler, 1997a), the clinician
mended using a z score of –1.00 (16th percentile) to define an impairment would find that a VCI–PSI discrepancy of this magnitude is
to maximize both sensitivity and specificity in clinical settings. However, statistically reliable at p ⱕ .05 for all ages. However, examining
we selected a more conservative 10% level (–1.28 z score) that would the unidirectional base-rate data for VCI–PSI presented in Table 1
increase specificity because of the small sample size of the current patient of this article, where VCI (V1) is greater than PSI (V2), the
groups. By comparing the prevalence of cognitive deficits in the patient clinician would discover that this discrepancy is not especially rare
groups versus in the general population, we determined the estimated in the general population, as more than 15% of the standardization
relative risk of having a single cognitive deficit or a combination of sample with 12 years of education had discrepancies greater than
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

cognitive deficits given the presence of known neurologic conditions.

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

or equal to 14 points. Alternately, had the patient manifested a

Multiple deficits were evaluated to exemplify that even if scores in one
25-point VCI ⬎ PSI discrepancy, this difference would not only be
area did not differ significantly between the clinical groups, a pattern of
scores could be used to inform a clinical decision. Estimated relative risk statistically reliable but also relatively rare, being expected to
for one, two, and three abnormal discrepancies were calculated only to occur in 5% or less of the general population. Using data from
illustrate how patterns of test scores can aid the diagnostic process, not to Tables 1, 2, and 3, researchers and clinicians can empirically
make general clinical statements regarding the cognitive characteristics of describe observed discrepancy scores at the level of the individual
the conditions of interest examined in this study. in terms of their rarity, adding to the reliability information pro-
vided by The Psychological Corporation (1997, 2002).
Clinical Illustration Analyses
Base-Rate Tables
To illustrate how the educationally stratified base-rate informa-
Education-stratified cut-off scores defining the prevalence rates tion presented in Tables 1, 2, and 3 can be applied in a clinically
of various unidirectional discrepancy scores observed in the meaningful manner, prevalence rates of impairments in the AD
WAIS–III and WMS–III standardization samples are presented in and HD clinical samples tested during the WAIS–III and WMS–III
Tables 1 to 3. As can be seen from review of these tables, field trials were compared with prevalence rates of extreme (rare)
discrepancy scores that define chosen prevalence rates vary direc- discrepancies in the standardization sample. Discrepancy scores
tionally, particularly at extreme educational levels (i.e., educa- found in 10% or less of the standardization sample were used to
tion ⬍ 12 years and education ⱖ16 years). For example, in Table define clinically rare and potentially abnormal differences. As
3, the VIQ–GM discrepancy at the 5% level for education ⬍ 12 is noted earlier, because verbal abilities are often well preserved in
defined by a discrepancy score of 18 points for VIQ ⬎ GM and 28 neurologic conditions affecting cognition, VCI was selected as the
points for VIQ ⬍ GM, whereas the VIQ–GM discrepancy at the reference score against which to assess whether IM, GM, or PSI
5% level for education ⱖ16 is defined by a discrepancy score of 38 scores were unusually depressed. Frequencies and estimated rela-
points for VIQ ⬎ GM and 17 points for VIQ ⬍ GM. tive risk (as determined by OR analysis) of rare discrepancies

Table 1
Unidirectional Base-Rate Information for WAIS–III Discrepancy

Education ⬍ 12a Education ⫽ 12b Education ⫽ 13–15c Education ⱖ 16d

indexes V1 ⬎ V2 V1 ⬍ V2 V1 ⬎ V2 V1 ⬍ V2 V1 ⬎ V2 V1 ⬍ V2 V1 ⬎ V2 V1 ⬍ V2

(V1)–(V2) 5% 10% 15% 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% 15% 10% 5%
VIQ–PIQ 16 12 10 13 15 18 17 13 10 13 16 19 21 17 13 12 15 19 23 18 15 9 11 15
VCI–POI 17 12 11 14 17 23 20 15 12 15 19 22 24 18 15 14 18 22 26 20 18 8 12 17
VCI–WMI 17 14 12 12 16 21 20 16 13 14 18 23 23 18 14 15 20 23 29 22 19 9 13 18
VCI–PSI 20 14 11 16 20 25 23 18 14 18 21 28 27 21 18 17 21 26 30 25 22 12 14 21
POI–WMI 25 18 14 13 15 18 25 18 15 14 18 23 21 16 12 17 21 28 23 16 13 14 17 21
POI–PSI 20 15 12 13 16 20 24 19 15 16 20 24 24 19 15 18 21 27 26 21 18 14 18 22
WMI–PSI 22 16 12 14 17 25 26 19 15 16 20 25 29 10 17 18 22 27 25 22 17 15 17 22

Note. WAIS–III ⫽ Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale—Third Edition; V1 ⫽ first variable listed; V2 ⫽ second variable listed; VIQ ⫽ Verbal IQ; PIQ ⫽
Performance IQ; VCI ⫽ Verbal Comprehension Index; POI ⫽ Perceptual Organization Index; WMI ⫽ Working Memory Index; PSI ⫽ Processing Speed
Index. Copyright © 1997 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. Data reproduced by permission. All rights reserved.
N ⫽ 570 for comparisons without WMI; N ⫽ 310 for comparisons with WMI. b N ⫽ 855 for comparisons without WMI; N ⫽ 459 for comparisons
with WMI. c N ⫽ 584 for comparisons without WMI; N ⫽ 289 for comparisons with WMI. d N ⫽ 441 for comparisons without WMI; N ⫽ 241 for
comparisons with WMI.

Table 2
Unidirectional Base-Rate Information for WMS–III Discrepancy Scores

Education ⬍ 12a Education ⫽ 12b Education ⫽ 13–15c Education ⱖ 16d

indexes V1 ⬎ V2 V1 ⬍ V2 V1 ⬎ V2 V1 ⬍ V2 V1 ⬎ V2 V1 ⬍ V2 V1 ⬎ V2 V1 ⬍ V2

(V1)–(V2) 5% 10% 15% 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% 15% 10% 5%
WM–IM 27 20 17 18 21 28 26 22 19 16 20 26 32 26 20 17 22 26 33 20 16 21 24 27
IM–GM 11 10 8 8 9 12 12 10 8 8 10 11 12 8 8 8 9 12 13 9 8 9 11 13
WM–GM 25 20 16 18 21 27 26 21 17 17 20 25 31 26 18 18 23 26 27 21 18 17 22 26
WM–AudI 29 23 18 18 22 27 29 23 18 16 21 27 29 24 20 16 22 30 27 20 17 19 22 26
WM–AudD 27 22 17 20 24 30 30 23 20 14 19 25 31 23 18 18 21 30 26 18 14 17 21 25
WM–VisI 28 22 18 22 26 36 28 22 18 19 22 28 36 31 25 17 20 25 37 25 21 20 25 35
WM–VisD 22 19 15 22 26 31 28 21 16 19 24 30 34 28 25 17 19 26 36 25 19 18 21 28
AudI–AudD 14 10 8 10 13 15 14 11 9 8 10 12 13 10 7 7 10 11 11 10 9 8 10 12
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

VisI–VisD 15 11 10 10 12 14 13 10 7 10 11 15 16 10 8 10 11 16 16 13 10 10 13 17
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

AudI–VisI 24 19 15 24 30 33 27 21 18 18 24 30 34 24 21 14 19 24 30 26 23 18 22 27
AudD–VisD 24 17 13 18 22 26 25 19 15 21 24 30 33 25 21 14 17 22 33 25 21 17 21 26

Note. WMS–III ⫽ Wechsler Memory Scale—Third Edition; V1 ⫽ first variable listed; V2 ⫽ second variable listed; WM ⫽ Working Memory; IM ⫽
Immediate Memory; GM ⫽ General Memory; AudI ⫽ Auditory Immediate; AudD ⫽ Auditory Delayed; VisI ⫽ Visual Immediate; VisD ⫽ Visual
Delayed. Copyright © 1997 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. Data reproduced by permission. All rights reserved.
Weighted N ⫽ 309 for all comparisons. b Weighted N ⫽ 423 for all comparisons. c Weighted N ⫽ 294 for all comparisons. d Weighted N ⫽ 294
for all comparisons.

characterizing the AD and HD groups are reported in Tables 4, 5, the OR for PSI deficits among only those HD and AD patients with
and 6. IM deficits, we found that the HD group had an estimated relative
Table 4 presents information on the relative risk of having one risk for PSI deficits that was seven times higher than in the AD
of three specified cognitive deficits (VCI ⬎ IM, VCI ⬎ GM, and group (OR ⫽ 7.11; CI ⫽ 1.23– 40.98). In both approaches, it was
VCI ⬎ PSI) given the presence of a known neurologic condition. possible to identify a shared area of cognitive risk (i.e., memory)
As seen in Table 4, an education-adjusted deficit in IM relative to while demonstrating a difference in a second neurocognitive area
VCI was found in 71.4% of patients with AD compared with only (processing speed).
9.1% in the standardization sample (SS). Comparing the odds Tables 5 and 6 extend the basic information detailed in Table 4
between the AD and SS groups of having an impaired IM score, by presenting OR data on the coprobability of having two or three
the AD patients had a estimated relative risk of impairment that cognitive deficits, respectively. Coprobabilities are presented to
was nearly 25 times greater than that of SS cases (OR ⫽ 24.91; exemplify that even in situations where two groups being com-
CI ⫽ 11.67–53.17). Likewise, the HD patients were also at sig- pared share common deficits, multivariate patterns of probabilities
nificantly greater risk of having impaired IM scores than the SS can capture meaningful differences that may not be apparent when
group, with an estimated relative risk of nearly 20 (OR ⫽ 19.93; the deficits are evaluated individually. Because discrepancy scores
CI ⫽ 6.70 –59.32). However, the AD and HD groups did not are correlated and not independent, the prevalence or coprobability
significantly differ in the prevalence of impaired IM scores, ␹2(1, of having two statistically rare scores at the 10% level theoretically
N ⫽ 50) ⫽ 0.11, p ⫽ .49 (OR ⫽ 0.80; CI ⫽ 0.22–2.94), or ranges between 10% (perfect correlation) to 1% (perfect indepen-
impaired GM scores ␹2(1, N ⫽ 50) ⫽ 2.12, p ⫽ .13 (OR ⫽ 0.40; dence: i.e., .10 ⫻ .10), and the coprobability of having three
CI ⫽ 0.11–1.40). A different pattern of risk for the AD and HD statistically rare discrepancies at the 10% level ranges from 10% to
groups was noted for VCI–PSI discrepancies. Whereas both the 0.1%. For example, even though IM and GM were highly corre-
AD and HD groups were at significantly greater risk of having PSI lated (r ⫽ .90) in the standardization sample (The Psychological
deficits compared with the general population, the relative risk was Corporation, 1997), the reader will observe in Table 5 that the
much higher in the HD group (OR ⫽ 24.97; CI ⫽ 7.83–79.60) than prevalence in standardization sample of having both IM and GM
in the AD group (OR ⫽ 4.16; CI ⫽ 1.99 – 8.70). Contrasting the lower than VCI at a 10% base rate occurred in only 6.6% of the
odds for the two clinical groups having an impaired PSI score, the sample. As seen in Table 6, the observed conjoint prevalence in the
HD patients were at significantly greater risk than the AD patients standardization sample of having IM, GM, and PSI lower than VCI
(OR ⫽ 6.00; CI ⫽ 1.56 –23.11). at the 10% base-rate level was 3.1%. The estimated relative risk
Using base-rate information to evaluate the relative risks of (OR) for the patient samples having two (see Table 5) or three (see
cognitive impairment in this illustration, the AD and HD groups Table 6) abnormal discrepancies is presented to demonstrate the
were both at increased risk for impaired IM and PSI scores use of conjoint prevalence rates to calculate risk estimates.
compared with the general population but did not differ in their Reviewing the information in Table 5, one can see that both the
risk of memory impairment on IM. However, the HD patients were AD and HD groups were at significantly higher risk than the
six times more likely than the AD patients to also have impaired standardization sample to present with a combination of IM and
PSI scores. Alternately, we could take a sequential approach and GM impairments (OR ⫽ 23.79, CI ⫽ 11.57– 48.93 and OR ⫽
examine the base rates of PSI deficits among only those HD and 16.07, CI ⫽ 5.69 – 45.40, respectively). Both clinical groups were
AD patients who were significantly impaired on IM. Calculating also at a significantly greater risk of having a PSI deficit in

Table 3
Unidirectional Base-Rate Information for WAIS–III and WMS–III Discrepancy Scores

WAIS–III and Education ⬍ 12a Education ⫽ 12b Education ⫽ 13–15c Education ⱖ 16d
indexes V1 ⬎ V2 V1 ⬍ V2 V1 ⬎ V2 V1 ⬍ V2 V1 ⬎ V2 V1 ⬍ V2 V1 ⬎ V2 V1 ⬍ V2

(V1)–(V2) 5% 10% 15% 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% 15% 10% 5%
VIQ–WM 18 13 10 16 21 24 19 15 13 15 19 23 23 16 14 14 18 20 30 24 21 7 10 15
VIQ–IM 19 14 11 20 24 27 25 18 15 16 20 25 25 22 16 13 18 21 36 28 23 10 13 19
VIQ–GM 18 14 11 19 21 28 24 16 14 18 20 23 24 21 15 13 16 20 38 27 21 9 13 17
PIQ–WM 19 14 11 15 19 21 21 16 14 14 17 20 20 15 14 14 18 23 22 20 17 8 11 16
PIQ–IM 23 17 13 18 22 29 24 19 15 15 18 23 24 20 18 14 19 23 29 22 17 13 16 20
PIQ–GM 21 16 14 18 21 27 22 17 15 15 17 22 25 18 15 16 18 25 28 23 18 12 14 19
VCI–WM 28 14 12 13 16 21 20 16 14 15 18 21 25 20 16 15 20 22 24 21 19 10 13 17
VCI–IM 21 16 13 19 23 27 28 19 16 17 20 25 25 20 18 15 18 21 33 28 22 9 13 15
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

VCI–GM 19 16 11 19 22 27 24 19 15 18 21 24 24 20 16 14 17 20 37 27 23 9 12 15
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

POI–WM 24 19 12 12 15 17 22 16 15 13 16 21 22 19 13 17 23 29 20 14 12 14 18 21
POI–IM 27 20 16 17 24 31 26 20 16 15 18 24 26 20 15 18 20 24 27 23 19 16 20 24
POI–GM 25 19 15 18 22 28 25 19 16 16 19 24 27 20 15 17 22 27 30 21 17 15 17 22
WMI–WM 14 11 9 11 14 19 15 11 10 11 13 16 16 12 10 11 12 14 21 16 14 7 10 12
WMI–IM 27 20 17 18 21 28 25 21 18 16 20 26 32 26 20 17 22 26 33 20 16 21 24 27
WMI–GM 25 20 16 17 21 27 26 21 17 17 20 25 32 26 18 18 23 26 27 21 18 17 22 26
PSI–WM 24 17 14 12 14 20 26 20 16 14 17 27 28 23 19 17 19 29 20 16 14 19 23 28
PSI–IM 27 19 15 17 22 26 26 22 18 17 21 27 33 26 20 17 19 24 26 22 17 16 20 26
PSI–GM 25 18 14 17 20 27 25 20 18 17 21 27 28 25 18 17 20 25 25 21 18 17 20 25
VIQ–AudI 20 15 12 17 23 27 22 18 15 15 17 22 22 19 16 13 16 21 31 27 20 8 10 13
VIQ–AudD 23 15 12 19 24 29 24 18 15 16 19 23 24 19 15 14 18 23 33 25 21 7 10 12
PIQ–VisI 23 16 12 21 28 32 27 20 16 17 21 27 32 24 20 14 18 23 34 31 24 15 19 27
PIQ–VisD 21 16 12 22 25 28 23 20 17 18 21 26 29 22 19 16 18 23 32 28 23 14 18 22
VCI–AudI 20 16 13 18 21 28 25 18 16 15 19 23 23 18 14 14 16 18 29 26 22 7 9 12
VCI–AudD 24 16 13 18 25 29 26 20 15 16 20 22 24 19 14 15 17 21 33 26 22 6 10 14
POI–VisI 26 16 14 23 28 36 28 22 17 17 21 29 35 25 18 17 19 22 35 31 24 18 21 28
POI–VisD 23 17 12 21 26 30 26 21 18 19 21 28 30 25 21 16 19 25 34 27 22 15 20 26

Note. WAIS–III ⫽ Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale—Third Edition; WMS–III ⫽ Wechsler Memory Scale—Third Edition; V1 ⫽ first variable listed;
V2 ⫽ second variable listed; VIQ ⫽ Verbal IQ; WM ⫽ Working Memory (from WMS); IM ⫽ Immediate Memory; GM ⫽ General Memory; PIQ ⫽
Performance IQ; VCI ⫽ Verbal Comprehension Index; POI ⫽ Perceptual Organization Index; WMI ⫽ Working Memory Index (from WAIS); PSI ⫽
Processing Speed Index; AudI ⫽ Auditory Immediate; AudD ⫽ Auditory Delayed; VisI ⫽ Visual Immediate; VisD ⫽ Visual Delayed. Copyright © 1997
by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. Data reproduced by permission. All rights reserved.
Weighted N ⫽ 309 for all comparisons. b Weighted N ⫽ 423 for all comparisons. c Weighted N ⫽ 294 for all comparisons. d Weighted N ⫽ 224
for all comparisons.

combination with one of the memory score deficits. Although the Discussion
prevalence of dual memory impairments was higher in the AD
The current article presents base-rate information on education-
group than in the HD group (62.9% vs. 53.3%), the prevalence of
stratified discrepancy scores both within and between the WAIS–
a combination of memory and processing speed impairments was
III and WMS–III index scores in a manner that can be used by
higher in the HD group (53.3% and 40.0%) compared with the AD
clinicians on an individual basis. To illustrate how methods of
group (25.7% and 28.6%). However, none of the ORs contrasting
base-rate analysis can be applied to describe estimated relative risk
the base rates of these dual deficit patterns was statistically sig-
of an individual in a given diagnostic group, two patient groups
nificant, although there was a trend for the HD patients to be at from the WAIS–III—WMS–III field trials were compared with the
somewhat greater risk for having a combination of IM and PSI standardization sample and with one another using ORs.
deficits than the AD patients, ␹2(1, N ⫽ 50) ⫽ 3.57, p ⫽ .06 A review of the base-rate information in Tables 1, 2, and 3
(OR ⫽ 3.30, CI ⫽ 0.93–11.71). suggests that the size of the discrepancies between each of the
When conjoint cognitive deficits in IM, GM, and PSI were variable pairs of interest is not the same at each of the specified
evaluated (see Table 6), the AD group was nearly 11 times more levels of prevalence and the patterns of unidirectional discrepan-
likely to present with such a combination of deficits than the cies for a given variable pair vary by education level. Although
standardization sample (OR ⫽ 10.7, CI ⫽ 4.72–24.46), whereas each of the WAIS–III and WMS–IIII index scores is normed to
the HD patients had a relative risk that was nearly 21 times that of have a mean score of 100 and a standard deviation of 15, the
the standardization sample (OR ⫽ 20.7; CI ⫽ 7.02– 61.02). De- magnitude of discrepancy between index scores differs for defin-
spite the difference between the two clinical groups in prevalence ing the percentage of the population at a given level, and it is
rates of being impaired on all three indexes (25.7% vs. 40.0%), the dependent on the correlation between the variable pairs. By defi-
OR between the groups was not statistically significant (OR ⫽ nition, the stronger the correlation is, the closer two scores are
1.93; CI ⫽ 0.54 – 6.94). expected to covary, and so the smaller the expected discrepancy is.

Table 4 Table 5
Education-Adjusted Prevalence and Odds Ratios of a Single Education-Adjusted Prevalence and Odds Ratios of Two
Cognitive Deficit (i.e., Found in ⬍ 10% of the General Simultaneous Cognitive Deficits (i.e., Found in ⬍ 10% of the
Population) for Select Clinical Groups Compared With the General Population) for Select Clinical Groups Compared With
Standardization Sample the Standardization Sample

Group Prevalence Odds ratio (CI) Group Prevalence Odds ratio (CI)

VCI–IM discrepancy (n ⫽ 1,250) VCI–IM and VCI–GM discrepancies (n ⫽ 1,250)

SS 9.1 SS 6.6
AD (mild) 71.4 24.91* (11.67–53.17) AD (mild) 62.9 23.79* (11.57–48.93)
HD 66.7 19.93* (6.70–59.32) HD 53.3 16.07* (5.69–45.40)

VCI–GM discrepancy (n ⫽ 1,250) VCI–IM and VCI–PSI discrepancies (n ⫽ 1,250)

This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

SS 9.0 SS 3.7
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

AD (mild) 74.3 29.35* (13.42–64.19) AD (mild) 25.7 9.06* (4.02–20.43)

HD 53.3 11.61* (4.13–32.62) HD 53.3 29.91* (10.40–86.02)

VCI–PSI discrepancy (n ⫽ 2,450) VCI–GM and VCI–PSI discrepancies (n ⫽ 1,250)

SS 9.9 SS 3.8
AD (mild) 31.4 4.16* (1.99–8.70) AD (mild) 28.6 10.02* (4.56–22.03)
HD 73.3 24.97* (7.83–79.60) HD 40.0 16.69* (5.71–48.79)

Note. VCI ⫽ Verbal Comprehension Index; IM ⫽ Immediate Memory Note. VCI ⫽ Verbal Comprehension Index; IM ⫽ Immediate Memory
Index; SS ⫽ standardization sample; AD ⫽ Alzheimer’s disease; HD ⫽ Index; GM ⫽ General Memory Index; SS ⫽ standardization sample;
Huntington’s disease; GM ⫽ General Memory Index; PSI ⫽ Processing AD ⫽ Alzheimer’s disease; HD ⫽ Huntington’s disease; PSI ⫽ Processing
Speed Index. Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale—Third Edition. Wechsler Speed Index. Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale—Third Edition. Wechsler
Memory Scale—Third Edition. Copyright © 1997 by Harcourt Assess- Memory Scale—Third Edition. Copyright © 1997 by Harcourt Assess-
ment, Inc. Data reproduced by permission. All rights reserved. ment, Inc. Data reproduced by permission. All rights reserved.
* Significant at 95% confidence interval (CI). * Significant at 95% confidence interval (CI).

variable pairs (e.g., VCI–POI) than those individuals with higher

This implies that for highly correlated variables, even a relatively
educational levels. The converse holds true for those in the highest
small discrepancy may be rare in the general population and could
education group: Larger positive and smaller negative discrepan-
reflect a clinically meaningful finding. For moderately correlated
cies are required to be considered meaningful compared with those
variables, a discrepancy of similar magnitude may be relatively
who have less education. Our findings support those by Hawkins
common. For example, a positive 11-point discrepancy between
and Tulsky (2001), who suggested that failure to stratify discrep-
the WMS–III Auditory Immediate Index (AudI) minus the Audi-
ancy data could lead to erroneous interpretations of individuals
tory Delayed Index (AudD), where AudI and AudD are correlated
with low or high intellectual abilities, particularly when acquired
(r ⫽ .88; The Psychological Corporation, 1997, Table 4.14; 2002,
memory deficits are being evaluated. For example, whereas a
Table 4.3), occurs in less than 10% of the standardization sample
positive 20-point discrepancy between VCI and GM would not be
when education level equals 12 years. In contrast, a positive
particularly uncommon for an individual with 18 years of educa-
21-point discrepancy is required between the AudI and Visual
Immediate (VisI) Memory Index to occur in less than 10% of the
population when education level equals 12 years because the Table 6
intercorrelation is only .38. Because the prevalence of discrepancy Education-Adjusted Prevalence and Odds Ratios of Three
scores differs as a function of the intercorrelations between vari- Simultaneous Cognitive Deficits (i.e., Found in ⬍ 10% of the
able pairs, choosing a single discrepancy score to indicate an General Population) for Select Clinical Groups Compared With
abnormal finding across variable pairs on the WAIS–III and the Standardization Sample
WMS–III would be highly problematic. One should refer to the
appropriate tables to accurately determine at what level a discrep- Group Prevalence Odds ratio (CI)
ancy finding can be considered clinically rare for a specific pair of
VCI–IM, VCI–GM, and VCI–PSI discrepancies (n ⫽ 1,250)
Patterns of discrepancy base rates for some variable pairs also SS 3.1
covary as a function of premorbid cognitive ability as estimated by AD (mild) 25.7 10.75* (4.72–24.46)
HD 40.0 20.70* (7.02–61.02)
education level. Reviewing Tables 1–3, one can see that discrep-
ancies covary with education level, especially when the discrep- Note. VCI ⫽ Verbal Comprehension Index; IM ⫽ Immediate Memory
ancy includes index scores that are highly correlated with educa- Index; GM ⫽ General Memory Index; PSI ⫽ Processing Speed Index;
tion (e.g., VIQ, VCI). For example, participants in the lowest SS ⫽ standardization sample; AD ⫽ Alzheimer’s disease; HD ⫽ Hunting-
ton’s disease. Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale—Third Edition. Wechsler
education group (and thus assumed to have low premorbid verbal Memory Scale—Third Edition. Copyright © 1997 by Harcourt Assess-
abilities), required smaller positive discrepancies and larger neg- ment, Inc. Data reproduced by permission. All rights reserved.
ative discrepancies to be considered “rare” on verbally oriented * Significant at 95% confidence interval (CI).

tion, such a discrepancy for an individual with 10 years of educa- We recognize that the patient data presented here are limited by
tion would be relatively rare and of potential clinical significance. their small sample size and are sample specific. They were used to
Thus, both unidirectional and stratified tables, such as those pro- serve only as model samples, not to generalize to larger and more
vided here, are useful and necessary adjuncts in making evidence- carefully selected patient samples. However, they did provide a
based determinations regarding the significance of observed dis- basis for illustrating how base-rate information can be applied to
crepancy scores. characterize clinical samples and how such information can be
Using the data in Tables 1–3, we illustrated how the method of presented in a manner that can be more directly used by practitio-
base-rate analysis can be applied to clinical populations in a ners (Chelune, 2002). The exercise of examining base-rate infor-
relevant manner. By examining the base rates of select discrepancy mation concerning specific discrepancy scores in select neurologic
scores among the patient groups presented in the WAIS–III— groups was helpful in demonstrating how such information can be
WMS–III Technical Manual (The Psychological Corporation, used in clinical decision making. In the current study, it was
1997, 2002), we produced clinically interesting results, albeit possible to use constellations of discrepancies to distinguish the
solely for illustrative purposes, as the base-rate estimates derived neurologic conditions of interest in terms of the prevalence of
certain cognitive deficits and to express these differences in terms
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

from these small clinical samples may not be replicable. Even

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

without directly evaluating mean score differences, determination of relative risk. As stated above, although the details of the present
of reliable and significant differences between the standardization findings are limited to the specific samples studied, similar ap-
sample and clinical groups was possible. In addition, it was pos- proaches can be used in other clinical settings. Base-rate data also
sible to demonstrate how such information could assist in the can be applied in combination with other psychological, neuropsy-
diagnosis of an individual (i.e., relative risk). chological, or medical results using a multivariate sign approach,
In our current example, the frequency of statistically rare dis- looking at patterns of rare findings.
crepancies in processing speed and in short-term and long-term Base-rate analyses using techniques such as the OR for inter-
aspects of memory relative to verbal comprehension were found to preting prevalence information are consistent with evidence-based
be markedly higher in both of the neurological groups compared and epidemiological approaches (Chelune, 2002; Ivnik et al.,
with the general population. These significant differences between 2001). They are pragmatic and cost effective in that a priori
hypotheses can be directly addressed and more readily applied
the patient and standardization groups were reliable at the 95% CI,
within the context of clinical expertise and presentation of an
even with the exceptionally small patient sample sizes compared
individual patient (see Smith et al., 2003). Most important, base-
with the standardization sample size. Using OR analyses, it also
rate statistical information helps move beyond issues of reliability
was possible to characterize the estimated relative risk among
associated with mean group differences to diagnostic validity on
these clinical groups for specific types of cognitive deficit, in both
an individual level, distinguishing between patients who do and do
a univariate and multivariate manner.
not have a condition of interest (Bieliauskas et al., 1997; Chelune,
In the present illustration, the estimated risk of memory impair-
2002; Ivnik et al., 2000; Sackett et al., 2000).
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