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1. In your own opinion, what theory would best describe the geographic origin of
the Philippines? Why? In my opinion, the theory that would best describe the
geographic origin of the Philippines is the Continental Drift Theory. For as long as
I can remember, I’m always wondering about this question too that which theory
would be best describing the origin of our country’s archipelago. It is because
that Continental Drift is most plausible theory that explains the origin of the
Philippines considering the probability of the other Theories. Originating from
one big island called ‘Pangeia’, the constant moving of the Tectonic Plates
underground breaks apart this island for long period of time resulting to the
current geographic formation of all the countries. Adding the probability of
Volcanic Eruption Theory, this might have caused waves that may contribute to
the separation of the land areas. Take note that this might happen during a long
period of time. It might also include the effects of the natural phenomena such
as Storms, Earthquake, Tsunami etc. for the past millenniums.

Considering these theories, I firmly believe that Continental Drift Theory is the
most realistic theory. When you think about it, can the other theories really
create an entire archipelago by themselves? For instance, the Volcanic Eruption
Theory, if it were true wouldn’t the land in the Philippines be more hard or not
fertile? Another example is the Plate Tectonic Theory, if the archipelago of the
Philippines came from this one then the areas around us shouldn’t be too many
water bodies because the entire plate were pushed from the ocean floor and yet
we are located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and South China Sea.
2. In the theories discussed in the origin of the Filipino people, what do you think
has the best explanation? Why?

Based on the lesson, I believe that the theory behind the origin of Filipinos with
the best explanation is the Wave of Migration Theory. It made me chose this
theory because of three main reasons. First, it explained well how different
group of people from different parts of the world reached the Philippines. For
instance, the Australoid Sakai group reached the Philippines through land bridges
which connect Philippines to other places that made it easier for them to set foot
in our country. On the other hand, Indones arrived in the Philippines using boat.
And lastly, the Malay group of people reached the country using their big boat
Balangay. In this sense, we have concrete proofs that supports this theory.
Second reason why I chose this theory as the best theory explaining the origin of
Filipinos is because of the given timeline or the estimated year that they arrived
in the Philippines. Australoid Sakai reached the Philippines around 25,000-30,000
years ago, while the group of Indones and Malay arrived in the Philippines about
5,000-6,000 years ago. My third reason for choosing this theory is because of the
descriptions of people who believed to be the first people to reach our country.
The Physical description of people given in Wave of Migration Theory is similar to
the pre-historic Filipinos.

We learned in our history class that the ancient people are mostly nomadic,
which means that they don’t have permanent settlements. This is one of the
reasons that makes Wave Migration Theory even more possible. When people
used up all the resources in one place, they tend to look for another place that
has abundant resources so they can survive. Philippines is very rich in natural
resources which may be the reason behind the migration of different people from
other places to the Philippines.
3. As a Filipino and as a College Student, what best describes you based on the
characteristics of a Filipino that was discussed? Why?

I believe that the characteristics of a Filipino that best describes me is the Close
Family Ties. In our Family, Gatherings and meetings is not something we always
prolong or just do whenever the need arises. We always do Family Gatherings
when we can to bond with our relatives and make good relationships and
memories. I know that some of us aren’t really fond of things like Family
Gatherings because in some cases, these meetings are also the cause of rifts,
jealousy and inferiority between relatives. But for me, I value these events
because I got to always meet the people who cheers and supports me in every
thing I do. Especially that my parents are not together anymore but I don’t feel
that I don’t belong anywhere because I get to always meet both side of my
family. Also, when meeting with my relatives, I got to go to a lot of places where
I don’t usually come.
Although, we always do family meets, my favorite event is still the Christmas and
New year season because only at this time that we are all completed and even
some of our relatives from the province will also come to celebrate and enjoy
with us.
This is where the saying “the more, the merrier” goes for us because more of us
celebrates together and it will be livelier when our families are together. The
smiles of the older people mixed with the cheerful laugh of the kids is always the
best sound I hear.
4. As an individual, what do you think is the negative attitude of being a Filipino?
Explain your answer.

As an Individual, I do think that there is a variety of negative attitude of being a

Filipino. Take one for example, “Crab Mentality” of most Filipinos. Especially in
modern times where almost all of what we do or our achievements are shared in
social media, this trait is common amongst Filipinos. No matter what
achievement, whether it may be small or big, Filipinos always have something
negative to say. Even if it is not shared on social media, a relative or someone in
the neighborhood will always something to say. This is not only restricted to this,
even co-workers/ colleagues, some ‘friends’ and other random people who
doesn’t have anything to do in the world may have a say in this. Another
negative attitude of being a Filipino is the “ Filipino Time”, which means the even
if there is a fixed time for meetings or gathering, Filipinos arrives later than the
scheduled time. It may be because they have woken up late or they just
prolonged preparing for the said event. Last example of negative attitude of
being a Filipino is “Being too Superstitious” because of this, some things are
being compromised like using a broom at night time will cause the luck to go out
the house along with the trash. Instead of cleaning, the house cleanliness will be
compromised for this reason. Also, the superstition about black cats is a sign of
bad luck. I feel bad for the cats that’s always got discriminated because of this.
5. How would you differentiate the lives of the Early Filipinos from the present lives
of Filipinos?

The lives of the Early Filipinos are so different comparing to the lives of the
Filipinos in the present. The life they have lived before feels like restricting too
much. Especially for the side of the women who they assume are weaker than
men so they made them work inside the house whilst the men take on the roles
such as farmers, fishermen, blacksmith, traders and warriors. Also, the life they
have lived before has a hierarchical order which assigns your status either from
birth or whether you are a captive from another barangay or not. While in the
present, such hierarchical order on society is not prominent too much. Early
Filipinos believed and worshipped different gods. They also believed in Diwata
which guides or protect the nature while in the present, we still have different
religions but the “Catholic” religion from the west has the most influence over
Filipinos. One of the similarities from the Early Filipinos up to now is their respect
towards the dead, even now we still do rituals and burials for tour loves ones
who passed away from this world. However, the differences about this is we use
coffin for the dead while Early Filipinos used jars for their deceased. Also, the
homes of the Early Filipinos were made from woods, bamboo and nipa hut.
Some were even made so they can be moved from one place to another, while
modern houses are built from different materials now. Some still uses woods, but
others use more modern materials for their homes such as cement, rocks, metals
and glasses.
6. What concepts that was discussed in the lives of the early Filipinos that are still
applied in the present lives of Filipino? Give at least 3 and explain briefly.

There are many different concepts about the lives of the Early Filipinos that were
mentioned and I think the three different concepts that are still applied up until
now are the, First, Social Stratification or the Social Statuses. I admit that this
one is not that prominent but still it is still subtly present in our society. People
having more power than others and using those for their own gain. Although, it
is not like before but having a servant just like before serves that this concept is
still not removed. It is also because the servants in the modern life are freer and
have their rights acknowledge by the laws. The next one, is about the Burials
and Rituals done for the deceased. We love and respect our deceased so we still
give them proper burials when someone passed away from this world. We give
them the best attire they could wear and a decent coffin for their final resting

And lastly, the concept that is still applied to our present lives are our beliefs.
Beliefs for spirits roaming around guiding and protecting places that they needed
to protect. Beliefs for the entities that cannot be seen but we still believe that
they are real so we always careful on what we do to unfamiliar places so they
won’t get mad at us and curse us or punish us. Belief for the creator above all
else, watching over us, protecting and guiding our life to paradise.

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