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COURSE NAME: SAT Sentence Correction Preparation

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to help students prepare for the Sentence
Correction section of the SAT, a 35-question multiple choice test that measures a student's ability
to identify and correct errors in grammar, usage, and sentence structure. The course covers
common errors in these areas and provides students with strategies for identifying and correcting
them. The course also provides students with practice materials and opportunities to receive
feedback on their own work.
DOCUMENT TYPE: Study Guide (Question and Answer format)


The SAT is a standard assessment tool used by colleges to evaluate the readiness of applicants
for undergraduate studies. The exam is comprised of multiple-choice, grid-in, and essay questions
and covers critical reading, math, and writing skills. The critical reading sections assess your
ability to comprehend and analyze written material, while the math sections test your
mathematical reasoning and problem-solving abilities. The writing sections evaluate your ability
to write a clear and well-organized essay, as well as your grammar and usage skills. The SAT is
administered over a duration of 3 hours and 45 minutes.


The Sentence Correction section of the SAT is a 35-question multiple choice test that measures
a student's ability to identify and correct errors in grammar, usage, and sentence structure. The
questions consist of sentences with an underlined portion, and students are asked to choose the
best version of the underlined portion from among four choices.

To do well on the Sentence Correction section, students should have a strong foundation in the
rules of grammar and be able to identify common errors in usage and sentence structure. It is
also important for students to pay attention to the context of the sentence and to use process of
elimination when they are unsure of the correct answer.
The Sentence Correction section is part of the Writing and Language Test of the SAT, which also
includes the Expression of Ideas and Standard English Conventions sections. The Writing and
Language Test is designed to measure a student's ability to edit and revise written text in order
to improve clarity, precision, and style.

1. Understand the format: The Sentence Correction section consists of 35 multiple choice
questions, each with a sentence that contains an underlined portion. You will be asked to
choose the best version of the underlined portion from among four choices.
2. Know the rules of grammar: In order to do well on the Sentence Correction section, you
should have a strong foundation in the rules of grammar. Make sure you understand the
proper use of verb tense, subject-verb agreement, pronouns, and other grammatical
3. Pay attention to context: The context of a sentence can often give you clues about which
choice is the correct one. Pay attention to the words and phrases around the underlined
portion to help you determine the correct answer.
4. Practice, practice, practice: The best way to improve your score on the Sentence
Correction section is to practice as much as possible. Make use of practice tests and try
to identify common errors that you make so you can focus on improving those areas.
5. Use process of elimination: If you are unsure of the correct answer, try eliminating choices
that you know are definitely wrong. This can help increase your chances of selecting the
correct answer.
6. Don't get tripped up by tricky wording: The SAT can sometimes use tricky wording to try
to trick you into selecting the wrong answer. Be on the lookout for this and make sure to
read the choices carefully.


Example 1:

Which of the following is the best version of the underlined portion of the sentence?
The company's president, along with several other executives, were present at the meeting.

A) were present B) was present C) was presents D) is present

Answer: B) was present

Explanation: The subject of the sentence is "The company's president," which is singular.
Therefore, the verb "was" should be used instead of "were." Choice B) is the correct answer.

Example 2:

Which of the following is the best version of the underlined portion of the sentence?
The team's coach, as well as the players, was excited about the game.

A) was excited B) were excited C) was excites D) are excited

Answer: A) was excited

Explanation: The subject of the sentence is "The team's coach," which is singular. Therefore, the
verb "was" should be used instead of "were." Choice A) is the correct answer.
Example 3:

Which of the following is the best version of the underlined portion of the sentence?

The class, including the teacher, were discussing the assignment.

A) were discussing B) was discussing C) was discuss D) are discussing

Answer: A) were discussing

Explanation: The subject of the sentence is "The class," which is plural. Therefore, the verb "were"
should be used instead of "was." Choice A) is the correct answer.

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