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IEEE Standard for Qualification of 
Safety‐Related Actuators for Nuclear 
Power Generating Stations and Other 
Nuclear Facilities 

IEEE Power and Energy Society 

Developed by the 
Nuclear Power Engineering Committee 

IEEE Std 382™‐2019 
(Revision of IEEE Std 382‐2006) 

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IEEE Std 382™-2019
(Revision of IEEE Std 382-2006)

IEEE Standard for Qualification of

Safety-Related Actuators for Nuclear
Power Generating Stations and Other
Nuclear Facilities

Developed by the

Nuclear Power Engineering Committee

of the
IEEE Power and Energy Society

Approved 7 November 2019

IEEE SA Standards Board

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Glasgow. Downloaded on December 02,2019 at 19:17:07 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Abstract: Direction for the implementation of the requirements of IEC/IEEE 60780-323 as they
apply to the specific features of safety-related actuator qualification are provided. This standard
establishes criteria for qualification of safety-related actuators, and actuator components, in
Nuclear Power Generating Stations in order to demonstrate their ability to perform their
intended safety functions under all required conditions.

Keywords: actuator components, AOV, EMC, HOV, IEEE 382, MOV, nuclear power generating
stations, safety-related actuators, SOV

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA

Copyright © 2019 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

All rights reserved. Published 21 November 2019. Printed in the United States of America.

IEEE is a registered trademark in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, owned by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, Incorporated.

PDF: ISBN 978-1-5044-6231-0 STD23930

Print: ISBN 978-1-5044-6232-7 STDPD23930

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At the time this IEEE standard was completed, the Qualification of Actuators (SC 2.3) Working Group had
the following membership:

Edward Mohtashemi, Chair

Suresh Channarasappa, Co Chair

Christopher Abernathy Jake Chilek Woody Lawman

David Breeding Jonathan Cornelius Eric Rasmussen
Steve Casadevall James Parello

The Subcommittee on Qualification (SC2) of the Nuclear Power Engineering Committee that
recommended approval of this draft standard had the following membership.

Jonathan Cornelius, Chair

Eric Rasmussen, Vice Chair
Suresh Channarasappa, Secretary
Christopher Abernathy Patrick Gleason Sven-Olof Palm
Saleem Akhtar Amara Griswold James Parello
Steve Benson John Hendricks Janez PavsekJan Pirrong
David Breeding Dirk-Christian Hopp Adam Platek
Melanie Brown Ken Kettle Robert Queenan
Clinton Carpenter Robert Konnik Sheila Ray
Steve Casadevall Thomas Koshy David Roberts
Larry Cunningham Bruce Lory Rebecca Steinman
James Dean Ikeda Masaaki Marek Tengler
Yikang Dou Mathew McConnel Ying Wang
Yasutaka Eguchi Daniel Mikow Whit Ward
Gary Elam Asif Mohiuddin Carl Weber
Robert Francis Dickerson Moreno John White
James Gleason Rie Nakamura Richard Wood
Tomas Nalsen

At the time this draft standard was submitted to the IEEE SA Standards Board for approval, the Nuclear
Power Engineering Committee (NPEC) had the following membership:

Daryl Harmon, Chair

John White, Vice Chair
Mark Bowman, Secretary

Michiaki Akiyama Jason Gasque Edward Mohtashemi

Rufino Ayala Jim Gleason Warren Odess-Gillett
George Ballassi Dale Goodney Gene Poletto
John Beatty David Herrell Iftikhar Rana
Jason Bellamy Greg Hostetter Ted Riccio
Keith Bush Ayodele Ishola-Salawu Mitchell Staskiewicz
Suresh Channarasappa Gary Johnson Rebecca Steinman
Jonathan Cornelius Wolfgang Koenig John Stevens
Tom Crawford Robert Konnik Marek Tengler
David Desaulniers Thomas Koshy Sudhir Thakur
John Disosway Scott Malcolm Masafumi Utsumi
Steve Fleger Gurcharan Matharu Yvonne Williams
Kenneth Fleischer Kenneth Miller Tamatha Womack
Robert Francis Richard Wood

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The following members of the individual balloting committee voted on this standard. Balloters may have
voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention.

Satish Aggarwal Stephen Fleger Jinsuk Lee

George Ballassi Randall Groves Arturo Maldonado
Robert Beavers Daryl Harmon Edward Mohtashemi
William Bloethe Hamidreza Heidarisafa Andrew Nack
Thomas Brewington Werner Hoelzl James Parello
Daniel Brosnan Greg Hostetter Jan Pirrong
Nissen Burstein Ronald Jarrett Gary Stoedter
Keith Bush Robert Konnik John Vergis
Robert Carruth Thomas Koshy Kenneth White
Suresh Channarasappa G. Lang Yvonne Williams

When the IEEE SA Standards Board approved this standard on 7 November 2019, it had the following
Gary Hoffman, Chair
Ted Burse, Vice Chair
Jean-Philippe Faure, Past Chair
Konstantinos Karachalios, Secretary

Masayuki Ariyoshi David J. Law Annette D. Reilly

Stephen D. Dukes Joseph Levy Dorothy Stanley
J. Travis Griffith Howard Li Sha Wei
Guido Hiertz Xiaohui Liu Phil Wennblom
Christel Hunter Kevin Lu Philip Winston
Thomas Koshy Daleep Mohla Howard Wolfman
Joseph L. Koepfinger* Andrew Myles Feng Wu
John D. Kulick Jingyi Zhou
*Member Emeritus

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This introduction is not part of IEEE Std 382-2019, IEEE Standard for Qualification of Safety-Related Actuators for
Nuclear Power Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities.

IEEE Std 382-2019, a revision of IEEE Std 382-2006, is based on a review of IEEE Std 382-2006, present
practices in equipment qualification, as well as, recent updates to mother standards IEC/IEEE 60780-323
and IEEE Std 344™. 1

The following issues were clarified or changed in this revision:

a) Updated normative references.

b) Updated subclause 4.2, Requirements, Item a) Initial qualification type test to Type test.
c) Updated subclause 6.2, Type test plan to include submergence and EMC testing.
d) Updated subclause 6.3.2, Test sequence and requirements to include EMC testing.
e) Added Clause 10 entitled “EMC Testing”.
f) Revised Clause 16, Seismic simulation testing and Annex B to address seismic testing to higher
frequency range for hard rock sites.
g) Updated the bibliography.

Information on references can be found in Part I, Clause 2.

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Part I—Process

1. Overview .................................................................................................................................................. 11
1.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................. 11
1.2 Purpose .............................................................................................................................................. 11

2. Normative references................................................................................................................................ 12

3. Definitions ................................................................................................................................................ 12

4. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 13
4.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 13
4.2 Requirements ..................................................................................................................................... 13

5. Identification of the generic actuator group .............................................................................................. 14

5.1 Generic actuator group identification ................................................................................................ 14
5.2 Selection of actuator units for type testing ........................................................................................ 14

6. Qualification testing of selected actuators in generic actuator group ....................................................... 15

6.1 Type test parameter values ................................................................................................................ 15
6.2 Type test plan .................................................................................................................................... 15
6.3 Type test procedures .......................................................................................................................... 17
6.4 Inspection .......................................................................................................................................... 18
6.5 Acceptance criteria ............................................................................................................................ 18
6.6 Generic actuator group design modification ...................................................................................... 18

7. Qualification of actuator for specific application ...................................................................................... 19

7.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 19
7.2 Actuator specification ........................................................................................................................ 19
7.3 Relationship to generic actuator group .............................................................................................. 20
7.4 Relationship to specification.............................................................................................................. 21

8. Documentation ......................................................................................................................................... 21
8.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 21
8.2 Documentation for qualification of generic actuator group ............................................................... 21
8.3 Documentation for qualification for a specific application................................................................ 22

Part II—Tests

9. Baseline functional test............................................................................................................................. 22

9.1 Scope of Part II .................................................................................................................................. 22
9.2 Test setup requirements ..................................................................................................................... 22
9.3 Test performance ............................................................................................................................... 23

10. EMC type test ......................................................................................................................................... 24

11. Normal thermal aging test ...................................................................................................................... 24

11.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................................... 24
11.2 Test setup requirements ................................................................................................................... 24
11.3 Test performance ............................................................................................................................. 24

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12. Normal radiation aging test .................................................................................................................... 25
12.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................................... 25
12.2 Test setup requirements ................................................................................................................... 25
12.3 Test performance ............................................................................................................................. 25

13. Cycle aging test ...................................................................................................................................... 25

13.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................................... 25
13.2 Test setup requirements ................................................................................................................... 26
13.3 Test performance ............................................................................................................................. 26

14. Normal pressurization cycle test............................................................................................................. 26

14.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................................... 26
14.2 Test setup requirements ................................................................................................................... 26
14.3 Test performance ............................................................................................................................. 27

15. Vibration aging test ................................................................................................................................ 27

15.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................................... 27
15.2 Test setup requirements ................................................................................................................... 27
15.3 Test performance ............................................................................................................................. 27

16. Seismic simulation test ........................................................................................................................... 28

16.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................................... 28
16.2 Test setup requirements ................................................................................................................... 28
16.3 Test performance ............................................................................................................................. 28

17. DBE radiation exposure test ................................................................................................................... 31

17.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................................... 31
17.2 Test setup requirements ................................................................................................................... 32
17.3 Test performance ............................................................................................................................. 32

18. DBE environment test ............................................................................................................................ 32

18.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................................... 32
18.2 Test setup requirements ................................................................................................................... 32
18.3 Test performance ............................................................................................................................. 33

Annex A (informative) Method of selection of representative actuator(s) for type testing .......................... 34
A.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 34
A.2 Example ............................................................................................................................................ 34

Annex B (informative) Rationale for vibration and seismic test methods .................................................... 38
B.1 Vibration aging ................................................................................................................................. 38
B.2 Seismic aging .................................................................................................................................... 38

Annex C (informative) Performance verification test .................................................................................. 40

C.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 40
C.2 Electric-motor, pneumatic-motor, or hydraulic-motor actuators ...................................................... 40
C.3 Pneumatic, electro-hydraulic, and hydraulic actuators (cylinders,rams, rotary vanes, and diaphragm
double acting or spring return) ................................................................................................................. 40
C.4 Integral valve-Solenoid type actuators .............................................................................................. 40

Annex D (informative) Glossary .................................................................................................................. 42

Annex E (informative) Bibliography ............................................................................................................ 44

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IEEE Standard for Qualification of
Safety-Related Actuators for Nuclear
Power Generating Stations and Other
Nuclear Facilities

Part I—Process

1. Overview

1.1 Scope

This standard establishes criteria for qualification of safety-related actuators, and actuator components, in
Nuclear Power Generating Stations and other Nuclear Facilities in order to demonstrate their ability to
perform their intended safety functions.

1.2 Purpose

The purpose of this standard is to provide direction for the implementation of the requirements of
IEC/IEEE 60780-323 as they apply to the specific features of safety-related actuator qualification.

1.3 Word usage

The word shall indicates mandatory requirements strictly to be followed in order to conform to the standard
and from which no deviation is permitted (shall equals is required to). 1, 2

The word should indicates that among several possibilities one is recommended as particularly suitable,
without mentioning or excluding others; or that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily
required (should equals is recommended that).

The use of the word must is deprecated and cannot be used when stating mandatory requirements, must is used only to describe
unavoidable situations.
The use of will is deprecated and cannot be used when stating mandatory requirements, will is only used in statements of fact.

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IEEE Std 382-2019
IEEE Standard for Qualification of Safety-Related Actuators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
and Other Nuclear Facilities

The word may is used to indicate a course of action permissible within the limits of the standard (may
equals is permitted to).

The word can is used for statements of possibility and capability, whether material, physical, or causal (can
equals is able to).

2. Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document (i.e., they must
be understood and used, so each referenced document is cited in text and its relationship to this document is
explained). For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of
the referenced document (including any amendments or corrigenda) applies.

Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Energy-Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Part 100, Jan. 1996. 3

IEC/IEEE 60780-323, Nuclear facilities—Electrical equipment important to safety—Qualification. 4

IEEE Std 101™, IEEE Guide for the Statistical Analysis of Thermal Life Test Data. 5

IEEE Std 344™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Seismic Qualification of Class 1E Equipment for
Nuclear Power Generating Stations.

IEEE Std 1205™, IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical
Equipment Used in Nuclear Power Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities.

3. Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards
Dictionary Online should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause. 6

actuator: An electric, pneumatic, hydraulic, or electrohydraulic power-driven mechanism for positioning

two-position or modulating valves, and dampers. Included are those components required to control valve
action and to provide valve position output signals, as defined in the actuator specification.

generic actuator group: The actuator or family of actuators within a range of sizes with similar design
principles, materials, manufacturing processes, limiting stresses, operating principles and design margins.

motive power: The electric, fluid, air, nitrogen, or mechanical energy required to operate the actuator.

ratio set: A set of performance parameter values described by a range of numerical values whose
boundaries have been established by doubling and halving the numerical mean value of a selected physical
performance parameter.

CFR publications are available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, P.O. Box 37082, Washing-
ton, DC 20013-7082, USA (
IEEE publications are available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854,

The IEEE standards or products referred to in this clause are trademarks of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
IEEE Standards Dictionary Online is available at:

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IEEE Std 382-2019
IEEE Standard for Qualification of Safety-Related Actuators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
and Other Nuclear Facilities

test operating cycle: The movement of an actuator through its required operations travel under specified
loading conditions, terminating with a return to the starting position.

type test: Tests made on one or more sample actuators to verify adequacy of design and the manufacturing

4. Introduction

4.1 General

The primary objective of qualification is to demonstrate with reasonable assurance that safety-related
actuators for which a qualified life or condition has been established can perform their safety function(s)
without experiencing common-cause failures before, during, and after applicable design basis events
(DBE). Safety-related actuators, with their interfaces, must meet or exceed the equipment specification
requirements. This continued capability is ensured through a program that includes, but is not limited to,
design control, quality control, qualification, installation, maintenance, periodic testing, and surveillance.
The focus of this standard is on qualification, although it affects the other parts of the program.

Most actuators are designed and manufactured in generic design groups (families) that, although varying
considerably in size, are made of similar materials and have similar design and manufacture. Individual
actuators from these design groups can be applied to a wide range of applications. An individual
qualification of each possible variation of design within each generic group may not be practical. Therefore,
this standard identifies the method for qualification of a generic family as well as individual actuators.

This standard divides the qualification process for actuators into the following:

a) Generic family qualification with identification of the generic actuator group and qualification
testing of selected actuators in generic actuator group
b) Qualification of an actuator for a specific application

4.2 Requirements

The methods used for qualification, identified in IEC/IEEE 60780-323, are as follows:

a) Type testing: Qualification by type testing is performed on a representative sample of the actuator.
Type tests shall be designed to demonstrate that the equipment performance meet or exceeds the
safety functions before, during and following the DBE at the end of the design/qualified life.
b) Operating experience: Performance data from equipment of similar design that has successfully
operated under known service conditions may be used in qualifying other equipment to equal or less
severe conditions. Applicability of this data depends on the adequacy of documentation establishing
past service conditions, equipment performance, and similarity of the equipment to be qualified and
upon which operating experience exists. A demonstration of required operability during applicable
design basis event(s) shall be included in equipment qualification programs based on operating
experience, when design basis event qualification is required.
c) Analysis: Qualification by analysis requires a logical assessment or a valid mathematical model of
the equipment to be qualified. The bases for analysis typically include physical laws of nature,
results of test data, operating experience, and condition indicators. Analysis of data and tests for
material properties, equipment rating, and environmental tolerance can be used to demonstrate
qualification. However, analysis alone cannot be used to demonstrate qualification.

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IEEE Std 382-2019
IEEE Standard for Qualification of Safety-Related Actuators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
and Other Nuclear Facilities

d) Combined methods: Actuators may be qualified by combinations of type test, operating experience,
and analysis. For example, where type test of a complete assembly is not possible, component
testing supplemented by analysis may be used.

Documentation shall be provided as described in this standard.

5. Identification of the generic actuator group

5.1 Generic actuator group identification

A generic actuator group from which sample actuators are selected for type test shall be established and
identified. Consideration shall be given to details including but not limited to design, materials,
manufacturing processes, limiting stresses, deformation, deflections, operating principles, and design

Generic actuator group designs shall have the following common characteristics:

a) Identical type actuator (electromechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic, mechanical, electrical, or any

b) Functionally and geometrically similar structural arrangements with the principal differences being
overall size, weight, and ratings
c) Similar materials of construction
d) Similar actuator mounting configuration and output drive method
e) Similar mounting of functional accessories
f) Similar internal control devices

5.2 Selection of actuator units for type testing

Due to the variation in types, sizes, and configurations of actuators, it is not practical for this standard to
establish a fixed number of actuators to be tested in order to establish qualification. It is also impractical to
require all actuators to be tested.

All actuators within a generic group are qualified by analysis provided an appropriate number of units are
type tested and a comparison by analysis is made between tested units and others. The number of units to be
tested shall be based on an evaluation of the variations in physical and performance parameters that exist
within the generic group; for example, thrust, torque, power, speed, materials, pressure, weight, dimension,
inertia, and seismic moment. For non-direct acting actuators, such as motor actuators or scotch-yoke
actuators, the actuator with the worst (i.e., lowest) gearbox efficiency should be one of the units selected.

NOTE—The relationship between generic actuator group and the specific application of an actuator is given in Part I,
7.3. 7

Annex A describes a suggested procedure for selection of test units.

Notes in text, tables, and figures are given for information only and do not contain requirements needed to implement the standard.

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IEEE Std 382-2019
IEEE Standard for Qualification of Safety-Related Actuators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
and Other Nuclear Facilities

6. Qualification testing of selected actuators in generic actuator group

6.1 Type test parameter values

6.1.1 Normal and abnormal service conditions

The service conditions for the equipment shall be specified. These conditions shall include the nominal
values and their expected durations, as well as extreme values and their expected durations. Examples
include, but are not limited to, the following:

a) Ambient pressure and temperature

b) Relative humidity
c) Radiation environment
d) Seismic operating basis earthquake (OBE) and non-seismic vibration
e) Operating cycles
f) Thrust and/or torque loading conditions
g) Condensation, chemical spray, and submergence
h) Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

6.1.2 Design basis event conditions

The postulated design basis event conditions including specified high-energy line break, loss-of-coolant
accident, main steam line break, and/or seismic safe shutdown earthquake (SSE) events, during or after
which the equipment is required to perform its safety function(s), shall be specified. Equipment shall be
qualified for the duration of its operational performance requirement for each applicable design basis event
condition, including any required post design basis event operability period.

6.1.3 Margin

If the equipment specification identifies qualification margins (see Annex D for the definition of margin),
their values shall be stated. Otherwise margins, as required by IEC/IEEE 60780-323, shall be applied to
service conditions to obtain parameter values.

6.2 Type test plan

A type test plan shall be prepared based on the requirements of this standard. The test plan shall contain the
following information as a minimum:

a) Reference to this standard

b) Identification of the actuator(s) to be tested including the manufacturer, catalog identifications, and
parts list and drawings for each actuator
c) Range of motive power source and control signal requirements, including quality of the actuating
medium (such as cleanliness of an air supply or voltage ripple) that are critical to the proper
functioning of the actuator

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IEEE Standard for Qualification of Safety-Related Actuators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
and Other Nuclear Facilities

d) Mounting, connection, special orientation and interface requirements, cable and conduit entry points
including pressure-seal type, and installation when required
e) Maintenance to be performed during the type test as related to the installed life maintenance
f) The normal or rated performance specifications for the actuator(s) and accessory parts to be tested.
These specifications shall include output characteristics and all the capabilities for which the
actuator is to be qualified. For example, if it is intended to demonstrate that a limit switch in electric
actuator or solenoid valve in pneumatic actuator functions, this should be included in the listing
g) Qualified life objective
h) Safety-function capability to be demonstrated
i) Acceptable performance limits
j) Conditions that constitute test failure
k) Method of load simulation
l) Test procedure
m) A listing of environmental test parameters listed in 6.1.1 and 6.1.2 of this standard. The variation of
these parameters with time is to be specified by a table or graph. The listing shall indicate the
variables to be measured and recorded and the frequency and accuracy of each measurement. These
parameters may be classified as follows:
1) Thermodynamic environment. Temperature, pressure, moisture content (relative humidity).
2) Fluid jet or spray and submergence environment. Flow rate and duration jet or spray pattern,
temperature, and chemical composition and pH of fluids injected into the test chamber.
3) Seismic and non-seismic vibration environment. Frequency and amplitude or acceleration
characteristics of vibration.
4) Radiological environment. Nuclear radiation type(s), energy spectra, exposure rates, and
integrated dose levels.
5) Input power source. Electrical frequency, voltage, and current; hydraulic and pneumatic fluid
type, quality, pressure, and flow rate.
6) Electrical characteristics. Insulation resistance of electrical components.
7) EMC. Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI), Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), and Surge
withstand capabilities (SWC).
8) Mechanical characteristics. Torque, thrust, position, time, and load profile from receipt of
signal until stop of motion, and actuator fluid leakage.
9) Auxiliary function measurement. Function measurements confirming the capability of
equipment included with the actuator but not necessary for its own operation. Measurements
shall be taken that confirm the capability of the auxiliary equipment to handle rated load and
provide the accuracy required by the test plan (for example, position-indicating devices).
10) Any special requirements or conditions such as steam air mixture that may affect performance
of the actuator during the test.

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IEEE Standard for Qualification of Safety-Related Actuators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
and Other Nuclear Facilities

6.3 Type test procedures

6.3.1 Installation for tests

The test actuator(s) shall be selected as representative of production actuators and means shall be provided
as required to permit testing in accordance with Part II. Electric, pneumatic, or hydraulic connections for
motive power shall be provided as required. The same actuator(s) shall be used throughout the test.
Orientation(s) shall be as required by the type test plan.

6.3.2 Test sequence and requirements

The steps in type testing shall be completed in a sequence that places the sample in the worst state of
degradation that can occur in service during the qualified life, prior to application of design basis events. All
steps in the sequence shall be performed on the same test sample. The test sample shall be representative of
the same design, materials, and manufacturing process as the installed equipment. As applicable, the
qualification type test are performed in the sequence shown in the following list. An alternative sequence
may be used if it is shown to be as severe, or more severe, than this sequence.

a) Pre-test inspection
b) Baseline functional test
c) EMC type test, where applicable (may be performed on a separate sample)
d) Thermal aging test
e) Post-thermal aging intermediate inspection
f) Normal radiation aging test
g) Post-radiation aging intermediate inspection
h) Cycle aging test
i) Post-cycle aging intermediate inspection
j) Pressure cycle test
k) Post-pressure cycle test intermediate inspection
l) Vibration aging test
m) Post-vibration aging intermediate inspection
n) Seismic simulation test
o) Post-seismic simulation intermediate inspection
p) DBE radiation exposure test [can be included in step f)]
q) Post-DBE radiation exposure intermediate inspection
r) DBE environment test (LOCA)
s) Post-DBE environment intermediate and post-test inspection

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IEEE Standard for Qualification of Safety-Related Actuators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
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6.4 Inspection

6.4.1 Inspection of the test actuator(s)

Inspection of the test actuator(s) shall be performed prior to and upon completion of the qualification test
series in accordance with a written test plan (see Part I, subclause 6.2).

6.4.2 Pretest inspection

Pretest inspection shall be performed according to the test plan for such items as the following:

a) Control settings
b) Securing of fasteners
c) Motive power-drive system
d) Test equipment calibration

6.4.3 Intermediate inspection

To assist in evaluation of the test actuator, inspections including functional testing may be made at
intermediate times during the qualification testing program.

Aside from any adjustments or other changes that are required to perform the various tests, no alterations,
adjustments, or maintenance without suitable justification are allowed other than those stipulated in the test
plan without the qualification tests being reinitiated. Any such maintenance or adjustments shall be fully
described and evaluated in the qualification report.

6.4.4 Post Test Inspection

The test actuator shall be disassembled and inspected and the condition of the actuator parts shall be

6.5 Acceptance criteria

The actuator deemed to have passed the type test if it performs the functions required by the type test plan
described in 6.2.

6.6 Generic actuator group design modification

Any design modification made to a generically qualified group of actuators is cause for requalification. In
this event, requalification may be performed by analysis, or test, or a combination of both. The actuator
manufacturer is responsible for determining the type of qualification by evaluation of any possible
synergistic effects that may result from the modification. If it can be proven that the modification has
negligible effect on the generic qualifications no further type testing is necessary. Any analysis or test shall
be appended to and become part of the original generic qualification report.

Examples of modifications that may require requalification by type test are as follows:

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IEEE Standard for Qualification of Safety-Related Actuators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
and Other Nuclear Facilities

a) Change in materials of construction that may have an effect on qualified life, for example, seals,
and lubricants
b) Change in materials of construction that affect deflection or strength
c) Changes in manufacturing processes or specifications
d) Changes in mechanical and electrical stress levels
e) Changes in the actuator design affecting components

Components or accessories required for control or indication, whether safety-related or not, that are required
as a result of a user’s actuator specification shall be evaluated in the specific qualification process of this

7. Qualification of actuator for specific application

7.1 General

The steps necessary to accomplish qualification for specific actuator application are as follows:

a) Verification that the actuator is a member of a qualified generic actuator group.

b) Evaluation of the actuator specification for the specific application and verification that the
environmental test conditions used to qualify the generic actuator group include the specific service
conditions plus margin.
c) Those actuators from a generic family that were not seismically qualified by type test shall be
analyzed for seismic stresses in critical sections.
d) If the actuator considered for a specific application is not a member of an established generic
actuator group, a qualification type test shall be performed, as described in Part I, Clause 6, to
encompass specific service conditions.
e) If the actuator considered for a specific application is a member of an established generic actuator
group, a performance verification test, while not a part of qualification, is recommended and is
presented in Annex C for guidance.

7.2 Actuator specification

The actuator specification, a document to be provided to the actuator manufacturer, shall include at least
the following:

a) The requirement that the actuator is to be qualified in accordance with this standard.
b) Identification of the safety-related functions and the service conditions including normal and DBE
c) The range of electrical voltage, current and frequency, pneumatic or hydraulic pressure, type of
hydraulic or pneumatic actuating fluid (unless provided by actuator manufacturer), cleanliness
(amount of solid contaminants), and the filtration to be provided.

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IEEE Standard for Qualification of Safety-Related Actuators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
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d) The actuator performance requirements in the normal, abnormal, and accident environments under
the extremes of the above ranges. The requirements to be addressed shall include at least the output
torque or thrust, speed in both directions, number of operating cycles, design life, and position
upon loss of actuating power.
e) The installation requirements at the plant site such as mounting method, orientation with respect to
gravity, configuration, and space envelope.
f) The requirement that the manufacturer provides the following information for the installed life of the
actuator: a preventive maintenance schedule for lubrication and hydraulic fluids, a replacement
schedule for parts subject to wear or environmental deterioration, and inspection of filters. Any
restrictions on maintenance accessibility shall be stated.
g) The requirements for control, indicating devices, or other components and accessories to be
mounted on the actuator or external to the actuator, and any special features such as mechanical or
electrical separation between redundant components used in different safety channels. Items that are
considered to be safety-related shall be identified and their performance requirements shall be

7.3 Relationship to generic actuator group

Analytical comparison shall be made between a generic actuator qualified by test and the actuator for a
specific application. Such comparison shall show the following:

a) Ratios of the specific actuator design dimensions are similar to those of the test actuator. Any
difference shall be shown to be conservative in favor of the specific actuator with regard to any
stress-related dimensional aspect. If this comparison is not favorable to the specific actuator, either
calculation shall show that the stresses in the materials of construction are within the allowable
limits, or qualification tests shall be performed as outlined in Part I, Clause 6.
b) The elevated stresses in the driving parts of the actuator, due to stall thrust or torque, are within the
allowable stress limits for the material.
c) The static and dynamic loading section fiber stresses, bearing and drive element contact stresses,
fluid/gas pressures and other design loading, and strength-related parameters in the specific
actuator are similar to those of the test actuator. Any differences shall be shown to be conservative in
favor of the specific actuator.
d) In addition, similarity shall be shown between the specific actuator and the tested actuator for the
1) Operating principles
2) Structural arrangement is functionally and geometrically similar, with the principal
differences being overall size, weight, and ratings
3) Materials, manufacturing process, finishes, and tolerances
4) Operating characteristics including time and load
5) Auxiliary components
6) Qualification parameters
7) Design margins
8) Mounting requirements
9) Power supply

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IEEE Standard for Qualification of Safety-Related Actuators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
and Other Nuclear Facilities

Substitution of functional parts of a type different from those used in the qualification is permissible,
provided that such parts or components are individually qualified for the appropriate conditions.

Examples are torque switches on motor actuators and solenoid-actuated control valves that form part of a
pneumatic actuator. Type testing shall be used to establish the qualification of the substituted component
and an analysis shall be provided to justify the use of the component in the specific application.

Simple substitution of different materials is permissible provided material testing and analysis demonstrates
that the substitute materials are satisfactory for the appropriate conditions. Examples are bolting material
and gasket material. The test results of materials shall be used to establish properties of the material under
the appropriate conditions. An analysis shall be provided to demonstrate conclusively that the properties are
satisfactory for the specific application.

7.4 Relationship to specification

Comparison shall be made between the performance characteristics of the actuator selected for specific
application and those required by the user’s specification.

8. Documentation

8.1 General

The qualification documentation is ultimately intended to verify that each actuator is qualified for its
intended service. Documentation for generic and specific qualification as described in 8.2 and 8.3 comprise
the documentation package. The substantiation for qualification shall be explained by showing the
relationship among the requirement, test reports, and analysis.

8.2 Documentation for qualification of generic actuator group

The generic qualification documents shall include quantitative information pertinent to the following:

a) The basis for identification of the generic actuator group

b) The basis for selection of units for type testing
c) The equipment type test plan for the unit selected for testing
d) The equipment type test sequence used to test the actuator(s)
e) Test facility, instrumentation, and instrumentation calibration records
f) Justification of any adjustment, disassembly, or alteration to the sample actuator other than that
identified in the type test specification
g) Test results and supportive data
h) Substituted component or material qualification data
i) Summary, conclusion, and recommendation required to support qualification
j) Date and signature of person(s) responsible for the generic qualification
k) Evaluation of test anomalies, including effect on qualification

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IEEE Standard for Qualification of Safety-Related Actuators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
and Other Nuclear Facilities

The documentation shall be arranged and maintained in an auditable form.

8.3 Documentation for qualification for a specific application

The specific qualification documents shall identify the conditions outlined in the actuator specification that
enable the particular actuator design, rating, and performance to be selected and proposed for the duty and
environment required and that further enable the manufacturer to verify in an auditable form that the specific
requirements have been met.

The documentation shall include the following:

a) Identification of equipment being specifically qualified, including assembly drawings and list of
b) Summary of method used to select the specific actuator to meet the operating conditions and valve
characteristics required
c) Demonstration that the specific actuator is a member of a generically qualified family
d) Requirements for periodic maintenance and a schedule for replacement of parts
e) Other technical information such as reference to installation, calibration, maintenance and operation
instruction manuals
f) Substituted component or material qualification data

All documents shall bear the date and signature of person(s) responsible for the specific qualification.

Part II—Tests

9. Baseline functional test

Part II describes the qualification test outlined in 6.3.2 of Part I.

9.1 Scope of Part II

The baseline functional test establishes reference actuator performance data for comparison with
performance at other stages of the qualification test program.

9.2 Test setup requirements

Test setup requirements are as follows:

a) Attach electrical, hydraulic, or pneumatic connections to the actuator in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommended method.
b) Ensure source of variable motive power so that maximum, nominal, and minimum input conditions
can be provided.

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IEEE Standard for Qualification of Safety-Related Actuators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
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c) Sufficient instrumentation shall be provided to record actuator performance.

NOTE—In addition to the minimum required instrumentation to measure the parameters listed in either 9.3.1, 9.3.2,
and 9.3.3, it may be advantageous to measure additional parameters to obtain information that may be useful for
condition monitoring such as, motor power, diaphragm hardness, etc.

9.3 Test performance

Operate the actuator and record the data. Specific data to be recorded for various types of actuators is
contained in 9.3.1, 9.3.2, and 9.3.3.

9.3.1 Electrical-motor, pneumatic-motor, or hydraulic-motor actuators

The following specific data shall be recorded:

a) Confirmation of proper switch action (e.g., torque, limit, and auxiliary)

b) Output speed in each direction under no-load conditions at minimum, nominal, and maximum
motive power
c) Output speed in each direction under simulated load conditions at minimum, nominal, and
maximum motive power
d) Output torque and/or thrust characteristics under the minimum, nominal, and maximum specified
motive power

9.3.2 Pneumatic, electrohydraulic, and hydraulic actuators (cylinder, rams, rotary vanes,
and diaphragm double acting or spring return)

The following specific data shall be recorded:

a) Confirmation of proper switch action (e.g., torque, limit, and auxiliary)

b) Output speed in each direction under no-load conditions at minimum, nominal, and maximum
motive power
c) Output speed in each direction under simulated load conditions at minimum, nominal, and
maximum motive power
d) Output torque and/or thrust characteristics under the minimum, nominal, and maximum specified
motive power
e) Rate of leakage of piston, diaphragm, and vane seals at maximum specified input pressure

9.3.3 Integral valve-solenoid type actuators

The following specific data shall be recorded:

a) Pull-in voltage at maximum specified operating pressure drop

b) Drop-out voltage at maximum specified differential pressure and at zero pressure
c) Minimum specified operating pressure at nominal voltage

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IEEE Standard for Qualification of Safety-Related Actuators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
and Other Nuclear Facilities

In addition to the actuator performance verification tests described in item a) through item c) above, the
valve performance tests listed in the following item d) through item g) are to be recorded once only during
this test and not repeated for subsequent tests unless required by the actuator specification.

d) Internal leakage at rated pressure

e) External leakage at 1.5 times the rated pressure
f) Test fluid and its quality characteristics
g) Special application requirements (such as response time, duty cycle, and flow rate)

10. EMC type test

Where applicable, conduct Radio frequency interference (RFI), electromagnetic interference (EMI) and
surge withstand capability tests to the test levels defined in NRC Reg. Guide 1.180, Revision 1 [B9].
Regulatory Guide 1.180 recommends using MIL-STD-461E [B8] and IEC Std 61000-4-series to perform
electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing. Information on EMI/RFI and surge voltages are also given in
IEC 62003 [B4], EPRI 102323 [B3], and IEEE P2425 [B5].

11. Normal thermal aging test

11.1 Scope

The normal thermal aging test shall be conducted to place the equipment into its end of life condition
(thermal) prior to the DBE.

11.2 Test setup requirements

Test setup requirements are as follows:

a) The actuator shall be mounted in a test chamber with interfaces such as cables and seals, as
described in the test plan.
b) Electrical, hydraulic, or pneumatic connection shall be in accordance with manufacturer’s
recommended method.
c) Provisions should be made to prevent over pressurization due to temperature rise of actuators that
are pressurized during thermal aging.

11.3 Test performance

The test performance is as follows:

a) The actuator performance characteristics shall be measured before and after the thermal aging.
b) Perform a thermal aging analysis to determine the test parameters of aging time and temperature.
Refer to IEC/IEEE 60780-323, IEEE Std 1205, and IEEE Std 101 for guidance.

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IEEE Standard for Qualification of Safety-Related Actuators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
and Other Nuclear Facilities

c) Subcomponents that may have additional temperature rise due to energization under normal
operating conditions, such as solenoid valves, must be considered. For example, these
subcomponents may be energized during thermal aging.
d) Place the actuator in an air-circulating oven at the aging temperature for the time calculated in step
b) above.

12. Normal radiation aging test

12.1 Scope

The normal radiation aging test shall be conducted to place the equipment into its end of life condition
(radiologically) prior to the DBE.

12.2 Test setup requirements

Test setup requirements are as follows:

a) The actuator shall be mounted in a test chamber with interfaces such as cables and seals, as
described in the test plan.
b) Electrical, hydraulic, or pneumatic connections shall be in accordance with manufacturer’s
recommended method.

12.3 Test performance

The test performance is as follows:

a) Expose the actuator to a source of gamma radiation simulating the normal background integrated
dose expected over the installed life of the actuator.
b) The actuator performance characteristics shall be measured before and after the radiation exposure.
Components that are known to exhibit transitory characteristics during radiation shall be monitored
during irradiation.
c) The specified irradiation dose shall be considered an air equivalent dose and the exposure shall be
conducted so that no part of the air equivalent volume will receive a dose less than minimum
specified value (this may result in an overdose to those portions within the volume nearest the
radiation source).

13. Cycle aging test

13.1 Scope

The cycle aging test shall be conducted to place the equipment into its end of life condition (mechanical/
electrical cycles) prior to the DBE.

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IEEE Standard for Qualification of Safety-Related Actuators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
and Other Nuclear Facilities

13.2 Test setup requirements

Test setup requirements are as follows:

a) Attach electrical, hydraulic, or pneumatic connections to the actuator in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommended method.
b) The orientation of the actuator shall be determined by the intended application or the most critical
orientation determined for cycle aging. The rationale for selecting the most critical orientation shall
be included in the qualification report.
c) A representative load for the application shall be applied throughout the stroke during cycle aging.
d) If the environmental conditions for the actuator require elevated temperature, then either the cycles
shall be performed at elevated temperature or justification for not performing the cycles at elevated
temperature shall be provided.
e) The motive power (air pressure, voltage, etc.) shall be representative for the application during the
cycle aging test.

13.3 Test performance

The test performance is as follows:

a) The actuator shall be cycled a representative number of cycles for the application (e.g., the
number of cycles suggested in the previous revision of this standard was 2000 for on/off valves
and 100 000 for modulating valves based on a 40 year qualified life). It may not be necessary to
cycle the valve full stroke for modulating valves depending on the application.
b) The actuator may be rebuilt between cycles to reflect the manufacturers’ service intervals. Any
components replaced must be brought to their end-of-life condition radiological, thermal, cycles,
and vibration prior to being exposed to the DBE or it must be shown that these components are
age insensitive (e.g., metallic components may not require radiation and thermal aging).

14. Normal pressurization cycle test

14.1 Scope

The normal pressurization cycle test demonstrates the ability of the test actuator to operate during and after
exposure to a series of pressurization cycles expected during normal operation.

14.2 Test setup requirements

Test setup requirements are as follows:

a) Attach electrical, hydraulic or pneumatic connections to the actuator in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommended method.
b) The orientation of the actuator shall be determined by the intended application or on the most critical
orientation determined for pressurization cycles. The rationale for selecting the most critical
orientation shall be included in the qualification report.

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IEEE Standard for Qualification of Safety-Related Actuators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
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14.3 Test performance

The test performance is as follows:

a) For qualification for application inside containment, the actuator shall be exposed to a representative
number (e.g., 15) of external pressurizations to maximum containment pressure [e.g., 448 kPag.
(65 psig)].
b) The pressure shall be slowly increased to the maximum containment pressure, held stable for a
period of time (e.g., 3–5 min), and slowly depressurized for each pressurization cycle. Care should
be taken to avoid rapid pressurization/depressurization cycles that may not be representative of
containment integrity tests.
c) An analysis may be performed in lieu of testing. The analysis shall consider as a minimum, balance
of pressure forces both from operability and structural point of view, as well as any potential age
related degradation.
d) For qualification for application outside containment, no pressurization cycle testing or analysis is
e) The actuator performance characteristics shall be measured before, during, and after the pressure
cycle test.

15. Vibration aging test

15.1 Scope

The vibration aging test provides a vibratory environment that is representative of normal plant induced
vibration including system operating transients and other dynamic vibratory environments. The test is
intended to induce an arbitrary but reasonable amount of vibratory aging prior to the DBE testing. It is not
intended to be a qualification test in itself nor a test to any specific plant environment.

15.2 Test setup requirements

Test setup requirements are as follows:

a) Mount the actuator to the shake table fixture in the same manner as it would be attached to a valve.
b) Attach electrical, hydraulic, or pneumatic connections to the actuator in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommended method.
c) Ensure suitable means of inducing vibration and measurement of vibration frequency and

15.3 Test performance

The test performance is as follows:

a) Apply sinusoidal motion by exposing the actuator to 0.75 g or such reduced acceleration necessary
at low frequencies to not exceed 0.635 mm (0.025 in) double amplitude with the frequency
sweeping from 5 Hz to 100 Hz to 5 Hz at a rate of two octaves per minute. Ninety minutes of

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IEEE Standard for Qualification of Safety-Related Actuators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
and Other Nuclear Facilities

vibration shall be applied along each orthogonal axis. Operate on-off actuators under simulated
load every 15 min. Operate modulating actuators under load continuously at between 20% and
80% stroke. Refer to Annex B for rationale applying to the above procedure.
b) Monitor and control the input motion to the actuator using accelerometers located on the test
fixture adjacent to the mounting surface of the actuator.
c) Operate the actuator under load before and after the tests with sufficient monitoring equipment to
verify functional operability. Instrumentation shall be attached to the actuator and its appendages so
that malfunction can be adequately detected.

16. Seismic simulation test

16.1 Scope

The seismic simulation test demonstrates the operability of a test actuator during and after exposure to the
equivalent dynamic effect of five acceptable OBEs followed by one acceptable SSE.

16.2 Test setup requirements

Test setup requirements are as follows:

a) Mount the actuator to the shake table fixture in the same manner as it would be attached to a
valve. The orientation of the actuator should be such that one of the axes of vibratory excitation
is in the line with the apparent most critical direction of the actuator. The rationale for selecting
the most critical direction should be included in the qualification report. The rationale for
selecting the test orientation with respect to gravity should also be included in the qualification
b) Attach electrical, hydraulic, or pneumatic connections to the actuator in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommended method.
c) Monitor and control the input motion to the actuator using accelerometers located on the test
fixture adjacent to the mounting surface of the actuator.
d) Provide sufficient monitoring equipment to verify functional operability to provide resonance
search data. Instrumentation shall be attached to the actuator and its appendages so that
malfunction can be adequately detected.

16.3 Test performance

The test performance is as follows:

a) Since an actuator may be line mounted or hard mounted, it is recommended that both single
frequency and multifrequency tests be performed.
b) For actuator qualification for both line mounted and hard mounted configurations, OBE
vibratory motion shall be simulated by exposing the actuator to two sinusoidal sweeps at two-
thirds of the required input motion (RIM) levels shown in Figure 1, or other enveloping levels
specified by the user, in each orthogonal axis. Each sweep shall be from 2 Hz to 35 Hz to 2 Hz,
or from 2 Hz to 64 Hz to 2 Hz for hard rock sites or other enveloping frequency range specified
by the user, at a rate of not more than one octave per minute. One sweep shall be performed with

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IEEE Standard for Qualification of Safety-Related Actuators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
and Other Nuclear Facilities

the actuator open and one with the actuator closed. The OBE sweeps in each axis may be
followed by the SSE test in the same axis [see item c) and item d)]. The OBE sweeps may also
provide resonance search data unless test table and fixtures adversely affect the results.
c) For actuator SSE qualification for line mounted application, perform a single frequency test by
exposing the actuator to a series of single frequency sine-beat tests at the one-third octave
interval test frequencies indicated in Figure 1, or other enveloping levels specified by the user.
For hard rock sites, the SSE single frequency tests shall be extended up to 64 Hz at the one-sixth
octave interval test frequencies specified by the user (see IEEE Std 344 for further definitions
and detailed descriptions of test methods). The excitation at each frequency shall be in the form
of a continuous series of sine beats of 12–15 oscillations per beat for the duration required. The
successive beats shall be phased so that any superposition of response motion are additive. At
each test frequency the peak acceleration shall be the RIM value shown in Figure 1 or other
enveloping levels specified by the user. The duration of each test shall be 15 s minimum. If the
operating cycle duration is greater than 15 s the vibration may be interrupted during a part of the
cycle provided the open and close operation takes place during vibration at the specified level.
Actuators whose open/close cycle time is less than 5 s shall be cycled at least twice during the
test at each frequency. Operate modulating actuators, under load, at 20% stroke. Apply motion
at the same frequencies and accelerations in each of the three orthogonal axes separately or
biaxially, in which case the test is to be performed both in phase and out of phase in each of the
two orientations. See item d) for guidance in biaxial testing (a single frequency sinusoidal dwell
test of 15 s duration at each frequency may be used in lieu of the sine-beat tests if desired).
d) For actuator SSE qualification for hard-mounted application, perform a multifrequency test by
exposing the actuator to triaxial multifrequency test motion which, when analyzed for each axis,
produces a test response spectrum (TRS) that envelopes the required response spectrum (RRS)
shown in Figure 2, or other enveloping levels specified by the user, (see IEEE Std 344 for
further definitions and detailed descriptions of test methods). Alternatively, a biaxial
multifrequency test may be performed with one horizontal axis combined with the vertical axis
and then repeated with the orthogonal horizontal axis combined with the vertical. Independent
(nonphase coherent) multifrequency motions for the three axes are preferred. If phase-coherent
motions are used the test shall be performed four times, that is, in each of the four horizontal
directions (90° apart), each one combined in phase with the vertical. The duration of each test
shall be 30 s minimum. If the operating cycle duration is greater than 30 s, the vibration may be
interrupted during a part of the cycle provided the open and close operations take place during
vibration at the specified level. Operate modulating actuators, under load, at 20% stroke. The
results of the test may be presented in terms of the TRS at 5% damping for comparison to the
RRS (Figure 2 or user specified enveloping levels). The results of the test shall also be presented
in terms of the TRS at two additional values of damping, for example, 1% and 3%. Refer to
Annex B for rationale to the above procedure.
e) If the test response spectrum (TRS) does not envelop the require response spectrum (RRS) due
to limitations of the test equipment, refer to of IEEE Std 344 for guidance.

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IEEE Standard for Qualification of Safety-Related Actuators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
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Figure 1 —Seismic qualification required input motion (RIM)

Values provide in Figure 1 may not envelop all plants. Users shall verify adequacy.

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IEEE Standard for Qualification of Safety-Related Actuators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
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Figure 2 —Seismic qualification required response spectrum (RRS)

Values provided in Figure 2 may not envelop all plants. User shall verify adequacy.

17. DBE radiation exposure test

17.1 Scope

The DBE radiation exposure test demonstrates the operability of the test actuator after DBE radiation
exposure. It is permissible to combine this exposure with the simulation called for in Part II, Clause 12.

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17.2 Test setup requirements

Test setup requirements are as follows:

a) The actuator shall be mounted in a test chamber with interfaces such as cables and seal
described in the test plan.

b) Electrical, hydraulic, or pneumatic connections shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s

recommended method.

17.3 Test performance

The test performance is as follows:

a) Expose the actuator to a source of gamma radiation simulating the dose the actuator is expected
to receive during and following a DBE up through the time when there is no longer a need to
perform safety-related functions.

b) The actuator performance characteristics shall be measured before and after the radiation
exposure. Actuators that contain any components that exhibit transitory characteristics during
radiation shall be monitored during irradiation.
c) The specified radiation dose shall be considered an air equivalent dose and the exposure shall be
conducted so that no part of the air equivalent volume will receives a dose less than the
minimum specified value (this may result in an overdose to those portions within the volume
nearest the radiation source).

18. DBE environment test

18.1 Scope

The DBE environment test demonstrates the ability of the test actuator to perform its safety-function(s)
during exposure to DBE temperature, pressure, moisture, or spray environment, including post-accident
operability period.

18.2 Test setup requirements

Test setup requirements are as follows:

a) The actuator shall be mounted in a test chamber with interfaces such as cables, seals, and unique
routing, as described in the test plan.

b) Prior to initiating the exposure to temperature/pressure transients, the normal environmental

conditions that exist prior to a DBE shall be established in the test chamber and the actuator shall
be cycled to provide DBE simulation baseline performance data.

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IEEE Standard for Qualification of Safety-Related Actuators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
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18.3 Test performance

The test performance is as follows:

a) The actuator shall be operated through complete test operating cycles under rated-load
conditions. That is the actuator shall be operated for the total number of cycles for which
operability is required during the DBE including any post-accident operability period.

b) If the intended qualification goal is for the circumstances where the safety-related function of
the actuator involves multiple operations in one or more directions, and/or generic qualification,
where the test specimen(s) represent multiple applications, the testing shall demonstrate that the
actuator operates under the most severe conditions on the actuator in accordance with the
following guidance:
1) If qualification is to be demonstrated at maximum DBE temperature, then operate the
actuator in the critical direction during the maximum DBE temperature at a time that
imposes the most severe temperature conditions on the actuator and at input conditions that
imposes the most severe challenge to the actuator. (This may be at the start of the dwell for
a pneumatic actuator and after thermal equilibrium has been attained for electric or
hydraulic actuators.)
2) If qualification is to be demonstrated at maximum DBE pressure, then operate the actuator
in the critical direction during maximum DBE pressure at input conditions that impose the
most severe challenge to the actuator.
3) If qualification is to be demonstrated for chemical or water spray or submergence, operate
the actuator in the critical direction during spray at the maximum pressure and at input
conditions that impose the most severe challenge to the actuator.
4) If qualification is to be demonstrated for performance throughout the DBE, multiple
operations are to be performed at nominal input condition and at least one at maximum and
at least one minimum input condition throughout the DBE. Operation every 2 h to 4 h is
recommended during the first 24 hours and daily operation after the first day.
c) If the actuator is to be qualified for the application where the requirement is for only one
operation in one direction, the actuator shall be operated in the critical direction during the peak
conditions at a time that imposes the most severe conditions on the actuator and at input
conditions that impose the most severe challenge to the actuator. This may be at the start of the
dwell for a pneumatic actuator and after thermal equilibrium has been attained for electric or
hydraulic actuators. For the application where maintenance of one position without operation is
all that is required, position the actuator in the critical direction, maintain the input conditions
that impose the most severe challenge to the actuator, and do not operate the actuator. No other
actuations are required during the DBE environmental simulation.

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IEEE Standard for Qualification of Safety-Related Actuators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
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Annex A


Method of selection of representative actuator(s) for type testing

A.1 Introduction

The validity of this method for selection of test actuators required in Part I, 5.2 represents a consensus of the
working group for this standard. The method is based on an existing extrapolation concept in which
variation from a mean value, of 50% smaller to 100% larger, defines the extrapolation limits. The method, if
applied in a technically responsible manner, will result in a representative and reasonable number of test
units within a generic actuator group.

Several electric motor and hydraulic cylinder actuator manufacturers have investigated this method and
results were found to be acceptable to the manufacturers and to the working group of this standard.

A suggested procedure for selecting units for type testing of a generic actuator group is as follows:

a) Identify the actuators intended to comprise a generic actuator group.

b) Select the technically significant design parameters (a minimum of four shall be chosen for
c) Tabulate the significant parameter values for each actuator in the group.
d) Calculate the mean value of one parameter using the complete range (smallest to largest).
e) Double and halve the numerical mean value for this parameter. This forms the bounds for one
ratio set within extrapolation limits for the parameter.
f) Form as many additional sets for this parameter as necessary, by selecting different real
parameter value ranges and by repeating item d) and item e) until all units are included in at least
one ratio set.
g) Repeat item d) through item f) for the remaining tabulated parameters (at least three).
h) Tabulate the ratio sets and the models within those sets for each parameter. Any one model
within each ratio set is eligible for type test.
i) Tabulate the eligible models and select the test models so that each ratio set from each
parameter is represented.

A.2 Example

A pneumatic cylinder actuator family, all with similar materials, design stresses, pressure rating, and
manufacturing process.

a) Identity family and significant parameters from item a) and item b) of A.1.
b) The models for the generic actuator group are A through X. See Table A.1.
c) The parameters chosen for comparison and selection of the number of actuators to be tested
within the generic group are as follows:
1) Bore diameter
2) Stroke
3) Weight

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IEEE Standard for Qualification of Safety-Related Actuators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
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4) Center of gravity distance from mounting surface

d) Tabulate parameter values from item c) of A.1. See Table A.1.

Table A.1—Significant parameter values [step c)]

Center of gravity
Bore diameter Stroke Weight
in mm in mm lbs kg in mm

A 6 152.4 0.5 12.7 105 47.6 2.3 58.4

B 6 152.4 3 76 120 54.4 3.3 83.8
C 6 152.4 6 152 135 61.2 4.8 121.9
D 8 203.2 0.5 12.7 160 72.6 2.9 73.7
E 8 203.2 4 102 180 81.6 4.4 111.8
F 8 203.2 8 203 200 90.7 6.4 162.6
G 10 254 0.5 12.7 210 95.3 3.3 83.8
H 10 254 5 127 250 113.4 5.5 139.7
I 10 254 10 254 290 131.5 8.0 203.2
J 12 305 0.5 12.7 320 145.2 3.9 99.1
K 12 305 6 152 380 172.3 6.6 167.6
L 12 305 12 305 440 199.6 9.6 243.8
M 14 356 0.5 12.7 485 220.0 4.5 114.3
N 14 356 7 178 575 260.8 7.7 195.6
O 14 356 14 356 665 301.6 11.2 284.5
P 16 406 0.5 12.7 760 344.7 5.1 129.5
Q 16 406 8 203 880 399.2 8.8 223.5
R 16 406 16 406 1000 453.6 12.8 325.1
S 18 457 0.5 12.7 1150 521.6 5.9 149.9
T 18 457 9 229 1300 589.7 9.9 251.5
U 18 457 18 457 1450 657.7 15.4 391.2
V 20 508 0.5 12.7 1400 635.0 6.3 160.0
W 20 508 10 254 1600 725.8 11.1 281.9
X 20 508 20 508 1800 816.5 16.0 406.4

e) Establish ratio set from item d) through item g) of A.1

1) Bore diameter
Range A1: (6 to 20); mean 13, ratio set A1: 6.5 to 26

Range A2: (6 to 6); mean 6, ratio set A2: 3 to 12

2) Stroke
Range B1: (0.5 to 20); mean 10.3, ratio set B1: 5.2 to 20.6

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IEEE Standard for Qualification of Safety-Related Actuators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
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Range B2: (0.5 to 5); mean 2.8, ratio set B2: 1.4 to 5.6

Range B3: (0.5 to 0.5); mean 0.5, ratio set B3: 0.25 to 1.0

3) Weight
Range C1: (105 to 1800); mean 953, ratio set C1: 476 to 1906

Range C2: (105 to 380); mean 243, ratio set C2: 122 to 486

Range C3: 105 to 120); mean 113, ratio set C3: 57 to 226

4) Center of gravity distance

Range D1: (2.3 to 16); mean 9.2, ratio set D1: 4.6 to 18.4

Range D2: (2.3 to 4.5); mean 3.4, ratio set D2: 1.7 to 6.8

f) Tabulate ratio sets and identify eligible models from item h) of A.1. See Table A.2.

Table A.2—Identification of eligible models

Parameter Ratio set Eligible models


Eligible: All in ratio set A2, and M through X of ratio set A1.
Stroke B1, 5.2 to 20.6 CFIKLNOQRTUWX
B2, 1.4 to 5.6 BEH
B3, 0.25 to 1.0 ADGJMPSV
Eligible: All in each ratio set.
Weight C1, 476 to 1906 MNOPQRSTUVWX
C2, 122 to 486 CDEFGHIJKLM
C3, 53 to 226 ABCDEFG
Eligible: All in ratio set C3, H I J K L of ratio set C2, and all in ratio set C1.
Center of gravity distance D1, 4.6 to 18.4 CFHIKLNOPQRSTUVWX
Eligible: A through H, J, and M of ratio group D2; I through X of ratio group D1.

g) Tabulate eligible models and select test model(s) from item i) of A.1. See Table A.3.

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IEEE Standard for Qualification of Safety-Related Actuators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
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Table A.3—Selection of test models

Parameter Ratio set Eligible models from each ratio set

Bore A1 – – – – – – – – – – – – M N O P Q R S T U V W X

A2 A B C D E F G H I J K L – – – – – – – – – – – –
Stroke B1 – – C – – F – – I – K L – N O – Q R – T U – W X
B2 – B – – E – – H – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
B3 A – – D – – G – – J – – M – – P – – S – – V – –
Weight C1 – – – – – – – – – – – – M N O P Q R S T U V W X
C2 – – – – – – – H I J K L – – – – – – – – – – – –
C3 A B C D E F G – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Center of D1 – – – – – – – – I – K L – N O P Q R S T U V W X
distance D2 A B C D E F G H – J – – M – – – – – – – – – – –

Each ratio set in each parameter shall be represented by the selected test models. For example, a test of the
three models A, H, and T is acceptable. No two models could be selected.

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IEEE Standard for Qualification of Safety-Related Actuators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
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Annex B


Rationale for vibration and seismic test methods

B.1 Vibration aging

The vibration aging test provides a vibratory environment, which is representative of normal plant-induced
vibration. The test is intended to induce an arbitrary but reasonable amount of vibratory aging for the
actuator prior to the DBE testing. It is not intended to be a qualification test in itself nor a test to any specific
plant environment. The level of acceleration 0.75 g at a frequency range of 5 Hz to 100 Hz is considered to
be conservative. For example, for shipboard service where vibration could be much more severe than for
land-based plants, test frequency is 5 Hz to 50 Hz at 0.27 g acceleration.

B.2 Seismic aging

Actuators are subjected to a variety of seismic environments, depending on the details of their mounting.
The actuator may be hard mounted and subjected to a multifrequency excitation with frequency content
from 1 Hz to 35 Hz or other frequency content specified by the user. The actuator is more likely to be
mounted in a piping system and be subjected to an excitation that is the result of the dynamic response of
the piping system. The objective then is to define a test method(s) that will qualify actuators to either or
both situations.

The input to the piping system will typically be a random excitation with broad frequency content. The
dynamic characteristics of the system will amplify the excitation at the system resonance frequency and will
suppress the other frequencies. The maximum response will occur at the predominant piping system
frequency and will be excited each time that frequency occurs with sufficient amplitude. The actuator will
be subjected to a series of sine beats with varying amplitudes and with relatively long durations, for
example, 15−20 oscillations per beat. The predominant frequency may be anywhere in the range of 5 Hz to
35 Hz.

The best test method to meet the above simulation criteria is either a sine-beat test of a relatively short
duration or a sine-dwell test at several frequencies. The minimum, peak-test amplitude should be that which
the piping-system designers are not expected to exceed in their system design.

Most actuators shall demonstrate operability during seismic excitation. The sine sweep is not a practical
technique because it is not conclusive to demonstrate operability with the continuously changing frequency
of excitation. A single sine beat, or sine beats spaced apart in time, is not a practical technique because of the
difficulty of synchronizing the excitation and the operability. However, a continuous series of sine beats
applies continuous excitation, albeit at varying amplitudes, during which time operability may be
demonstrated. Actuators with short cycle times are required to cycle at least two times during the test for
better assurance of operability.

To ensure the excitation of all resonance and critical frequencies, the sine beats are applied at one-third
octave intervals over the frequency range of 2 Hz to 32 Hz and at one-sixth octave intervals over the
frequency range of 32 Hz to 64 Hz. The test amplitude should correspond to the levels specified by pipe-
system designers for high seismic zones. This amplitude shall be independent of direction. Hence, single-
axis excitation is recommended, with one of the axes corresponding to the apparent most critical direction
of the actuator. If the actuator is to be mounted in various orientations, it may be necessary to test the
actuator in more than one orientation.

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IEEE Standard for Qualification of Safety-Related Actuators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
and Other Nuclear Facilities

The general requirement to perform five OBE tests prior to the SSE is met by performing the two sine
sweeps that will provide equivalent dynamic effect of five OBEs.

For the cases where an actuator is to be hard mounted and subjected to a multifrequency environment
specified by an RRS for the structure, there are two ways to show qualification. One is to show that a TRS
from any one of the sine-beat or sine-dwell tests will envelop the entire RRS. A second more widely
applicable and preferred method is to show that a TRS from the multifrequency test envelops the RRS.

Since an actuator may be line mounted or hard mounted, it is recommended that both the single frequency
and multifrequency tests be performed.

The test levels shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2 of this standard are selected to envelop the requirements of
most of the power plants in the U.S. 8

Some users request resonance search data. The actuator manufacturer may elect to conduct a resonance
search to make these data available. The resonance search shall be performed separately in each of the three
orthogonal axes. Alternatively, the actuator may be instrumented during the two OBE sine sweep tests to
identify resonance frequencies.

The actuator manufacturer is cautioned that specifications exist that require testing to RIM requirements as high as 12 g and
frequency range up to and including 64 Hz.

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IEEE Standard for Qualification of Safety-Related Actuators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
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Annex C


Performance verification test

C.1 General

If an operating performance verification test (see Part I, 7.1) is specified, the user shall establish the
performance verification test requirements. The test procedure shall be prepared by the actuator
manufacturer with the user concurrence. Minimum performance data to be taken for different types of
actuators and recorded during the test are listed below.

A performance verification record shall be prepared based on listed requirements. This record shall include
positive identification of the actuator tested: actuator designation, serial number, safety-related function,
location, and valve identification number if applicable. All operating performance data obtained during the
verification test shall be recorded.

C.2 Electric-motor, pneumatic-motor, or hydraulic-motor actuators

At least the following operating performance data shall be taken and recorded during the test:

a) Output speed in each direction under no-load conditions at nominal power supply
b) The operating output torque or thrust characteristics under the minimum specified power supply
c) The stall torque or thrust in seating direction bypassing limit-control devices (electric motor-
locked- rotor input at maximum specified power supply or at maximum specified pneumatic or
hydraulic pressure for pneumatic and hydraulic motors)
d) Confirmation of proper torque, limit, and auxiliary-switch action

C.3 Pneumatic, electro-hydraulic, and hydraulic actuators (cylinders, rams, rotary

vanes, and diaphragm double acting or spring return)

At least the following operating performance data shall be taken and recorded during the test:

a) The no-load and rated-load output speeds

b) The operating output thrust and torque characteristics at minimum pneumatic or hydraulic
c) The maximum thrust or torque capability in each direction at maximum pneumatic or hydraulic
d) Rate of leakage of piston, diaphragm, and vane seals at maximum differential pressure

C.4 Integral valve-Solenoid type actuators

At least the following operating performance data shall be taken and recorded during the test:

a) Pull-in voltage at maximum operating pressure drop

b) Drop-out voltage at maximum differential operating pressure and at zero pressure

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IEEE Standard for Qualification of Safety-Related Actuators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
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c) Minimum operating pressure at nominal voltage

d) Internal leakage at rated pressure
e) External leakage at 1.5 times the rated pressure
f) Test fluid and its quality characteristics
g) Special application requirements, such as response time, duty cycle, and flow rate

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IEEE Standard for Qualification of Safety-Related Actuators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
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Annex D



age conditioning: Exposure of sample equipment to environmental, operational, and system conditions to
simulate these conditions for a period of time; design basis events are not included. (IEC/IEEE 60780-323)

Class 1E: The safety classification of the electric equipment and systems that are essential to emergency
reactor shutdown, containment isolation, reactor core cooling, and containment and reactor heat removal, or
are otherwise essential in preventing significant release of radioactive material to the environment.
(IEC/IEEE 60780-323)

NOTE—The terms Class 1E equipment and safety-related electric equipment are synonymous.

condition-based qualification: Qualification based on measurement of one or more condition indicators of

equipment, its components, or materials for which an acceptance criterion can be correlated to the
equipment's ability to function as specified during an applicable design basis event. (IEC/IEEE 60780-323)

condition indicator: A measurable physical property of equipment, its components, or materials that
changes monotonically with time and can be correlated with its safety function performance under design
basis event conditions. (IEC/IEEE 60780-323)

design basis events (DBE): Postulated events used in the design to establish the acceptable performance
requirements for the structures, systems, and components. (IEC/IEEE 60780-323)

design life: The time period during which satisfactory performance can be expected for a specific set of
service conditions. (IEC/IEEE 60780-323)

equipment qualification: The generation and maintenance of evidence to ensure that equipment will
operate on demand to meet system performance requirements during normal and abnormal service
conditions and postulated design basis events. (IEC/IEEE 60780-323)

NOTE—Equipment qualification includes environmental and seismic qualification.

interfaces: Physical attachments, mounting, auxiliary components, and connectors (electrical and
mechanical) to the equipment at the equipment boundary. (IEC/IEEE 60780-323)

margin: The difference between service conditions and the conditions used for equipment qualification.
(IEC/IEEE 60780-323)

operating basis earthquake (OBE): An earthquake that could reasonably be expected to occur at the plant
site during the operating life of the plant considering the regional and local geology and seismology and
specific characteristics of local subsurface material. It is that earthquake that produces the vibratory ground
motion for which those features of the nuclear power plant, necessary for continued operation without
undue risk to the health and safety of the public, are designed to remain functional. (IEEE Std 344)

qualified condition: The condition of equipment, prior to the start of a design basis event, for which the
equipment was demonstrated to meet the design requirements for the specified service conditions.
(IEC/IEEE 60780-323)

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qualified life: The period of time, prior to the start of a design basis event, for which the equipment was
demonstrated to meet the design requirements for the specified service conditions. (IEC/IEEE 60780-323)

required response spectrum (RRS): The response spectrum issued by the user or the user’s agent as part
of the specifications for qualification or artificially created to cover future applications. The RRS
constitutes a requirement to be met. (IEEE Std 344)

safe shutdown earthquake (SSE): An earthquake that is based upon an evaluation of the maximum
earthquake potential considering the regional and local geology and seismology and specific characteristics
of local subsurface material. It is that earthquake that produces the maximum vibratory ground motion for
which certain structures, systems, and components are designed to remain functional. These structures,
systems, and components are those necessary to ensure the following: (IEEE Std 344)

a) Integrity of the reactor coolant pressure boundary

b) Capability to shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe shutdown condition
c) Capability to prevent or mitigate the consequences of accidents that could result in potential off-
site exposures comparable to the guideline exposures of 10 CFR-Chapter 1, Part 100

service conditions: Environmental, loading, power, and signal conditions expected as a result of normal
operating requirements, expected extremes (abnormal) in operating requirements, and postulated conditions
appropriate for the design basis events of the station. (IEC/IEEE 60780-323)

test response spectrum (TRS): The response spectrum that is developed from the actual time history of
the motion of the shake table. (IEEE Std 344)

zero period acceleration (ZPA): The acceleration level of the high-frequency, non-amplified portion of
the response spectrum. This acceleration corresponds to the maximum peak acceleration of the time history
used to derive the spectrum. (IEEE Std 344)

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IEEE Standard for Qualification of Safety-Related Actuators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
and Other Nuclear Facilities

Annex E



Bibliographical references are resources that provide additional or helpful material but do not need to be
understood or used to implement this standard. Reference to these resources is made for informational use

Other standards and documents related to actuator and/or valve qualification are as follows:

[B1] ANSI B16.41, Functional Qualification Requirements for Power Operated Active Valve Assemblies
for Nuclear Power Plants, latest revision. 9
[B2] ASME QME-1 Section QV, Qualification of Active Mechanical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
Plants, latest revision. 10
[B3] EPRI 102323, Revision 4, Guidelines for Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing of Power Plant
Equipment. 11
[B4] IEC 62003, Nuclear power plants—Instrumentation and control important to safety—Requirements
for electromagnetic compatibility testing. 12
[B5] IEEE P2425/D1b, Draft Standard for Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing of Electrical and
Instrumentation and Control Equipment at Nuclear Power Generating Stations and Other Nuclear
Facilities. 13
[B6] IEEE Std 1819™, IEEE Standard for Risk-Informed Categorization and Treatment of Electrical and
Electronic Equipment at Nuclear Power Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities. 14
[B7] IEEE Std 627™, IEEE Standard for Qualification of Equipment Used in Nuclear Power Facilities.
[B8] MIL-STD-461E, Requirements for the Control of Electromagnetic Interference Characteristics of
Subsystems and Equipment. 15
[B9] NRC Reg. Guide 1.180, Revision 1, Guidelines for Evaluating Electromagnetic and Radio-
Frequency Interference in Safety-Related Instrumentation and Control Systems. 16

ANSI publications are available from the American National Standards Institute (
ASME publications are available from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (
EPRI publications are available from the Electric Power Research Institute (
IEC publications are available from the International Electrotechnical Commission ( and the American National
Standards Institute (
Numbers preceded by P are IEEE authorized standards projects that were not approved by the IEEE SA Standards Board at the time
this publication went to press. For information about obtaining drafts, contact the IEEE.
IEEE publications are available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (
MIL publications are available from the U.S. Department of Defense (
Electronic copies of this guide and other recently issued guides are available at NRC’s home page at through the
Electronic Reading Room, Accession Number ML032740277.

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Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Glasgow. Downloaded on December 02,2019 at 19:17:07 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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