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Kaagi: The Philippines and the First Circumnavigation

Kaagi is known as part of Cebuano past lives on what happen it the colonization in Cebu
province and this documentary is an eye-opener for all the Filipinos that up until now is not
familiar on what happen in Cebu as part of our history. Kaagi documentary explains that the
Magellan’s expedition had already mapped the places they would’ve probably claim again as
their territory. Through the insights of distinguished Filipino historians, Kaagi: The Philippines
and the First Circumnavigation explores the Filipino perspective of the first circumnavigation of
the world. It highlights the generosity, compassion, and humanity of our ancestors when they
received and nursed to life the starving members of the Magellan-Elcano expedition that crossed
the Pacific Ocean in 1521, as well as the gallantry of the warriors of Mactan, which influenced
Filipino heroes and history icons who established the Philippines as a nation. The documentary
also recognizes the region’s rich civilization before the Spaniards arrived in the islands 500 years
ago. And explores relevant events after the Battle of Mactan that contributed significantly to the
first circumnavigation.When the colonization begins most of the people know that they just
brought the Christianity in the Philippines but little they know it brought many things that
Filipinos adopt it up until now. One of this is their settlement patterns that is part of their
catechism and because of this it changed a lot of things like Filipinos custom, traditions and its
behavior. Before this expedition there was a theory that our world is a flat surface and because of
this Magellan and his people plan a voyage that will proved of its true shape. It all started when
the food of Spain is lacking in its spices. Their food is all blunt in taste, but then the barter
system I the past is the most vital way of buying things. The Spain has its plenty of gold reserve
so that they come up to other country to barter it with some spices. They believed Maluku is a
place under Spain where there are many of spices, but then before they can reach it, they should
pass through Portuguese waters near Portugal. In that time the Spain and Portugal are both rivals
of territory, Spain now think of an alternative route to not surpass the land of Portugal. Magellan
led the expedition and with the plan of having a westward route from America going to the east
Asia with the help and support of King and Queen of Spain that gives 5 ships. It said that this
expedition is not meant to be a conquering expedition by the cargo itself. Many Filipinos
believed that when Magellan expedition arrived, they were all powerful but then the writer

named Pigafetta said its not true. They are sailing almost 100days in the middle of Pacific Ocean
with no fresh foods and water to take, and they also fought on the country on Guam because of
the pirates who stoles their things. They are all terrified because of it, they Don’t know if their
next island will be hostile like the people in Guam called Chamorros. In the island nearby
Homonhon they anchored the ships which is the sacred place of Waray ancestors where they
celebrated the ‘Humanity in Humonhon’ in which they are exchanging gifts from the people of
Suluan and the Magellan people. This is where the true essence of bayanihan started from the
personality of the Filipinos. They gave different various of foods to Magellan, in this scenario
you really see that this expedition needs help. After 8days, they continue to sail and arrive at
limasawa island. They met our ancestors there and they also exchange gift like firewood.
Colambu one of the Rajah there went aboard the flagship then they conducted casicasi or blood
compact in order to forge alliances this is a ritual for kinship. After that Rajah Colambu advised
Magellan to choose Cebu because it was their trading partner so that Magellan and his crew
travelled to Cebu from Limasawa for almost 3 days. Cebu at that time renowned market. Rajah
Humabon was the chief their demanding a tax for the port where they anchored. Then after the
Christianity was introduced in Cebu when Rajah Humabon accepted the Christianity baptism.
But then Lapu-lapu did not recognized Humabon and voluntary call to fight, when this happen
Magellan said to Humabon that just watch the fight, it is a proof that he is willing to fight.
Magellan was even bragging before the Battle to Mactan, this is reason why they should be
always vigilant to the European trespassers. If you will analyze it more our ancestors outwitted
and strategies against Magellan. It was a collective effort of the warriors of Mactan to defend
their homeland against the Spaniards. When the Spaniards went back to Cebu after the Battle in
Mactan they were all resentful. After the expedition there was different effects one of the most
important is they prove that the world is round not flat and this part of the history is painful, it
opened the way of colonization. This documentary helps us to know more about the simple
things but have its big effect from our past histories. There are still many parts of our history that
haven’t been written yet. By doing this kind of documentaries will help us better know ourselves
and understand the not only past events but also the connection of it up to the present. Just like
Lapulapu, he is one of our heroes from Macta, Cebu who fought for their lives and homeland. He
was part of he awakening of Filipino patriotism to defend our country from foreign intrusion.

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