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What does "L" mean in Austentic SS, like 304L?

A) Has a low carbon content

B) has a low chrome content
C) has a low nickel level A
D) has a low toughness level
E) is lousy steel

What does "H" mean in Austenitic SS, like 316 H?

A) Has a high carbon content
B) has a high chrome content
C) has a high nickel level A
D) has a high toughness level
E) is horrible steel

Which of the following is NOT a Ferritic Steel?

A) 300 Series SS
B) 400 series SS
C) Chromes A
D) carbon steel
E) none of the above

Low alloy steel can contain up to:

A) 5% chrome
B) 9% chrome
C) 12% chrome B
D) 18% chrome
E) 30% chrome

Which of the following is an Austenitic SS?

A) Type 316
B) type 2205 A
C) type 405
D) type 410

Which of the following is a Ferritic SS?

A) type 316
B) type 2205 C
C) Type 405
D) type 410

Which of the following is a Martensitic SS?

A) type 316
B) type 2205 D
C) type 405
D) TYPE 410

Nickel alloys are materials that have over :

A) 18% nickel
B) 25% nickel C
C) 30% nickel
D) 50% nickel

A Brittle Fracture:
A) is caused by stress cycles
B) is always the result of thermal stresses C
C) Grows very rapidly with minimum deformation prior to failure
D) grows slowly and is dependent on time and stress

Which of the following materials is LEAST affected by Brittle Fracture?

A) carbon steel
B) chromes
C) 300 series stainless steel C
D) 400 series stainless steel
E) all stainless steel
Which of the following is NOT a critical factor that contributes to a Brittle
A) the material's fracture toughness
B) Maximum operating temperature B
C) stress concentration at a flaw
D) magnitude of the residual stresses

Resistance to Brittle Fracture is called:

A) charpy
B) embossment D
C) strength
D) Toughness

Which of the following increases the likelihood of Brittle Fracture?

A) Larger grain size.
B) operational temperatures above 800°F.
C) steels lees that ¼ " thick
D) the additional of nickel in the material

Which of the following increases the likelihood of Brittle Fracture?

A) smaller grain size
B) operating above transitional temperature
C) Thicker materials
D) the additional of nickel in the material

What test is used to determine a material's toughness?

A) Charpy impact test
B) guided bend test
C) metallography A
D) tension test
E) physical fitness test

Most brittle failures occur:

A) Below the impact transition temperature
B) on thinner materials A
C) on "clean" steel
D) while in operation at elevated temperatures

ASME Section VIII had few limitations concerning Brittle Fracture prior to:
A) 1955
B) 1962
C) 1973
D) 1987

A 4" thick 5 Chrome vessel operates at 1200 psig and 900°F. When is this
vessel least likely to fail by Brittle Fracture?
A) hydrotesting
B) Normal Operation B
C) shutting down the unit
D) starting up the unit

Most brittle failures appear as :

A) branched cracking
B) intergranular cracking D
C) ductile tears
D) Cleveage

Which of the following is NOT a method used to prevent Brittle Fracture?

A) Thorough inspections
B) strict controls on selecting construction materials
C) post weld heat treatment
D) controlling minimum operating temperatures
Thermal Fatigue is caused by:
A) Cyclic stresses that come from temperature variations.
B) long term operation at elevated temperatures A
C) excessive thermal growth
D) hours of physical activity during a hot summer day

Time to failure by Thermal Fatigue is primarily affected by :

A) magnitude of stress and operating temperature
B) Magnitude of stress and number of cycles B
C) carbon content in material and operating temperature
D) carbon content in material and number of cycles

Thermal Fatigue becomes of concern if temperature swing exceed:

A) 50%
B) 100%
C) 200 °F
D) 400 °F

Which of the following is NOT a primary initiating point for Thermal Fatigue?
A) notches
B) Rounded pits
C) nozzle-to-shell welds
D) toe of the weld

Which of the following is NOT a prime candidate for Thermal Fatigue?

A) coke drums
B) steam actuated soot blowers
C) mix points of hot and cold streams D
D) 600 psig steam piping
E) welds joining materials having different coefficients of expansion

Thermal Fatigue cracks usually:

A) Initiate on the surface of the component.
B) initiate in the subsurface of the component A
C) grow very rapidly (at the speed of sound in the material)
D) are very tight and narrow

Many Thermal Fatigue cracks are filled with:

A) chlorides
B) hydroslime C
C) Oxides
D) sulfides

Thermal Fatigue cracks:

A) propagade rapidly
B) initiate with the first thermal cycle C
C) Propagate transverse to the stress
D) propagade parallel to the stress

Which of the following is NOT a way to prevent Thermal Fatigue?

A) blend grinding weld caps
B) control rates of heating and cooling
C) make smooth transitions
D) Join materials with differential rates of thermal expansion

The removal of surface material by impacting materials is called:

A) Erosion
B) erosion-corrosion A
C) erosion or erosion-corrosion
D) IPC ( imparting particle corrosion)
The removal of a material's protective scale by impacting materials is called:
A) erosion
B) Erosion - Corrosion
C) erosion or erosion-corrosion
D) IPRSC (imparting particle removal of scale corrosion)

Which of the following is NOT a primary factor contributing to Erosion?

A) impact angle (angle that impacting particles strike metal)
B) size of impacting particles
C) velocity of impacting particles E
D) density of impacting particles
E) Corrosiveness of the environment

Which of the following is NOT a primary factor contributing to Erosion-

A) impact angle (angle that impacting particles strike metal)
B) Tensile strength of the metal B
C) velocity of impacting particles
D) Corrosiveness of the environment

A prime location for Erosion is :

A) In catalyst piping***
B) downstream of a fate valve A
C) in superheated steam piping

In the Crude Unit, piping and vessels may have high metal loss from Erosion
- Corrosion if the unit is exposed to:
A) hydrogen
B) low strength caustic C
C) Naphthenic acid***
D) water

Erosion or Erosion-Corrosion usually appears as:

A) Directional pits, grooves or waves***
B) directional cracks A
C) random pitting
D) random grooving

A 6 NPS carbon steel line is experiencing Erosion-Corrosion. A reasonable

solution would be to :
A) overlay the inside of the pipe with Stellite or another hard alloy
B) Increase the line size to 10 NPS*** B
C) remove all elbows and replace with long bent pipe
D) reduce the velocity by lowering the Unit throughput by 50%

Mechanical Fatigue is caused by:

A) Cyclic stresses occurring over a long period of time***
B) higher than average stresses at high temperatures
C) constant stresses occurring at low temperatures A
D) cyclic operating conditions of bird poop then rain, bird poop then rain,

Which of the following materials are affected by Mechanical Fatigue?

a) Only carbon steel
b) Only carbon steel and chromes
c) Only carbon steel, and high nickel alloys
d) All materials

Fatigue will NOT occur in carbon steel if stresses are below the:
a) Transition limit
b) Endurance limit B
c) Hardening limit
d) Speed limit
The endurance limit is usually about:
a) 10-20% of a material's ultimate tensile strength
b) 40-50% of a material's ultimate tensile strength
c) 10-20% of a material's yield strength B
d) 40-50% of a material's yield strength
e) Half-way up the ladder of a 150' column (tower)

Which material does NOT have an endurance limit?

a) Non-normalized carbon steel
b) Normalized carbon steel C
c) Stainless steel
d) titanium

Mechanical Fatigue can cause cracks that initiate from the surface and often form a:
a) Clam shell appearance

b) Snail shell appearance
c) Turtle shell appearance
d) Shell oil shell appearance
e) Taco shell appearance

The best defense against Mechanical Fatigue is a:

a) fantastic inspection program
b) Good design that minimizes stress concentrations
c) shutting down the plant to eliminate stress cycles B
d) good offense
e) streak of good luck

Inspecting for high-cycle Fatigue can be difficult since:

a) The cracks are extremely tight
b) Predicting the location of cracking is difficult
c) Once the crack begins, only a few cycles are needed for the crack to lead to failure
d) Often the equipment is vibrating making non-destructive evaluations difficult

Vibration Induced Fatigue affects:

a) All materials
b) Primarily low chromes A
c) Primarily chromes
d) Primarily 300 series stainless steels

Which of the following is NOT a factor of Vibration Induced Fatigue?

a) Inadequate supports
b) Excessive stiffners
c) Vibration amplitude E
d) Vibration frequency
e) Operating pressure

Vibration will occur in piping when :

a) Mechanical equipment is nearby
b) The piping system has a natural frequency
c) The input frequencies are synchronous with the natural frequency.
d) There is a full moon in line with Mars

Which of the following piping is most affected by Vibration Induced Fatigue?

a) Large-bore column overhead line

b) Large-bore piping operating over 800°F
c) Small-bore piping at mechanical equipment.
d) Small-bore piping in a piperack
e) Operating pressure

Which of the following does NOT prevent a failure by Vibration

Induced Fatigue?
a) Upgrade materials "alloy up". A
b) Add vibration dampening devices
c) On small bore connections add gussets
What is the key factor that causes Galvanic Corrosion?
a) Dissimilar materials are joined together.
b) The breakdown of a molecule that contains Hydrogen
c) The melting of a material like zinc and the molten liquid touches 300SS A
d) The percentage of Sulfur in a process
e) The percentage of Galvinium in a process

Which of the following is NOT a factor of Galvanic Corrosion?

a) electrolyte
b) Operating pressure. B
c) An electrical connection between the anode and cathode
d) Different materials joined

When Galvanic Corrosion occurs, the corrosion occurs at the:

a) Anode.
b) Cathode A
c) Electrolyte
d) Heat affected zone

Two materials are joined in an environment conductive to Galvanic

Corrosion. Which material will corrode?
a) The one closer to the top of the chart (anodic end).
b) the one closer to the bottom of the chart (cathodic end) A
c) the one that has the least mass
d) the one that has the greatest mass

Which of the following is NOT a significant factor in the corrosion rate

caused by Galvanic Corrosion?
a) Size of the anode as compared to the size of the cathode
b) Farther apart the anode and cathode are on the Galvanic Series D
c) Coating applied to either
d) Roughness of the Surface.

Galvanic Corrosion commonly occurs in which equipment type?

a) Boilers furnaces
b) furnaces C
c) Heat Exchangers.
d) Pressure vessels

Which of the following would be a good way to prevent Galvanic

a) Coat the anode
b) Coat the cathode. B
c) Insulate the parts with fiberglass
d) Just hope it goes away

Atmospheric Corrosion is of greatest concern in:

a) Dry climates in rural locations
b) Dry climates in industrial locations D
c) Wet climates in rural locations
d) Wet climates in industrial locations.

Which of the following materials is LEAST affected by Atmospheric

a) Carbon steel
b) chromes C
c) Stainless steels.
d) Copper alloyed with aluminum

Which of the following does NOT increase the likelihood of Atmospheric Corrosion?
a) Bird poop

b) Increasing annual rainfalls
c) Locations where moisture is trapped
d) Increasing operating pressures.
e) Increasing amounts of airborne contaminates
A key place for Atmospheric Corrosion is:
a) On piping systems that operate above 250°F
b) Where piping rests on a pipe support. B
c) On the top side of an uncoated pipe
d) On uninsulated and uncoated vessels in Arizona

Atmospheric Corrosion:
a) Can cause either uniform or localized wall loss.
b) Always causes localized wall loss A
c) Always causes uniform wall loss
d) Is best detected using profile RT

The best way to prevent failures by Atmospheric Corrosion is to :

a) Have an aggressive inspection program
b) Reduce airborne particulates
c) Install and maintain appropriate coatings. C
d) Shoot all birds that cross the plant fence
e) Build new petrochemical facilities in a dry desert

CUI is an inspection concern for insulated carbon steel equipment that operates between:
a) 0 to 100°F

b) 10 to 350°F.
c) 25 to 250°F
d) 50 to 125°F
e) 140 to 400°F

CUI is an inspection concern for insulated austentic stainless steel equipment

that operates between:
a) 10 to 350°F
b) 25 to 250°F D
c) 50 to 125°F
d) 140 to 400°F.

CUI is an inspection concern for insulated vessel that operates at 500°F and:
a) Is in intermittent service.
b) Is made of stainless steel
c) Is made of low chromes
d) Have poorly maintained insulation

Which of the following insulated equipment is most likely to experience CUI?

a) CS vessel with operating temperature of 600°F but is in an intermitten service.

b) CS vessel that operates continuously at 375°F
c) CS vessel that operates continuously at -20°F
d) CS vessel that operates at cyclic temperatures ranging between 375-600°F
e) SS vessel that operates continuously at 100°F

CUI is most severe when metal temperatures are between:

a) 10 to 350°F
b) 25 to 250°F C
c) 212 to 350°F.
d) 140 to 400°F

If the metal temperature increases, while still in the CUI temperature range,
the corrosion rate:
a) Will decrease
b) Will increase. B
c) Will remain constant
d) May increase or decrease depending on the operation process

Which of the following is NOT a common of CUI on piping?

a) Bolted on pipe shoes

b) First few feet of horizontal pipe attached to a bottom of a vertical pipe run
c) Insulation terminations
d) Piping spec breaks.
e) Steam tracing tubing penetrations
CUI on carbon steel or low alloy materials appears as:
a) cracking
b) general wall loss D
c) localized wall loss
d) Localized pitted or localized wall loss.

CUI on 300 Series stainless steel materials appears as:

a) cracking
b) general wall loss
c) localized pitting E
d) localized pitted or localized wall loss
e) Cracking or localized pitting or localized wall lose.

What causes the CUI cracking on 300 series stainless steel materials?
a) Chlorides.
b) Hydrogen
c) Nitrates A
d) Sulfates
e) kryptonite

Which of the following is NOT a method to prevent CUI?

a) Flame sprayed aluminum coatings
b) Non-metallic coatings D
c) Use of closed-cell foam glass insulation
d) Wishful thinking.

Which of the following is NOT a method to inspect for CUI?

a) De-insulate and Visual Inspection
b) Guided wave UT
c) MFL. C
d) Neutron backscatter
e) Real-time profile RT

Corrosion from oxygen in boiler feed water usually creates:

a) Uniform corrosion
b) Isolated pitting.
c) Intergranular cracking B
d) Transgranular cracking
e) Hard and brittle zones

Which of the following is NOT a major factor associated with Boiler Water Condensate
a) Operating pressure.
b) Oxygen content
c) Carbon dioxide content
d) Process ph
e) temperature

Protection in a boiler from Boiler Feed Water Corrosion is accomplished by:

a) Injecting chlorines to kill microbiological bugs
b) Injecting caustic to lower the pH to <4.0.
c) Lowering solids content in boiler feed water to less than 50 ppm.
d) Maintaining a protective corrosion layer of magnetite (Fe3O4).

Carbon Dioxide Corrosion usually creates:

a) Uniform corrosion
b) Isolated pitting
c) Intergranular cracking D
d) Smooth grooving.
e) Hard and brittle zones

What treatment is used to prevent Boiler Feed Water Corrosion?

a) Oxide scavengers are added to process
b) Oxygen scavengers are added to process. B
c) Sulfide scavengers are added to process
d) Sulfur scavengers are added to process
What method is most used to assure Boiler Feed Water Corrosion is NOT
a) Spot UT readings at turbulent areas
b) Profile RT at turbulent areas D
c) Profile RT at stagnant areas
d) Laboratory analysis of boiler feedwater.

Dew Point Corrosion is the result of condensing:

a) Acids.
b) Caustics
c) Hydrocarbons A
d) Sulfides
e) water

Which of the following acid is NOT considered in Flue Gas Dew Point
a) Hydrochloric acid
b) Hydrofloric acid. B
c) Sulfuric acid
d) Sulfurous acid

Which of the following materials is NOT affected by Dew Point Corrosion?

a) Carbon steel
b) chromes
c) Kyptonite.
d) 300-series stainless steel

The typical dew point for sulfuric acid is:

a) 115°F
b) 130°F
c) 225°F D
d) 280°F.
e) 400°F

The typical dew point for hydrochloric acid is:

a) 115°F
b) 130°F.
c) 225 °F B
d) 280°F
e) 400°F

In furnaces or boilers, there is the potential for sulfuric acid Dew Point
Corrosion in the:
a) burners
b) convection C
c) Economizer section.
d) Radiant section

Dew Point Corrosion can occur in furnaces and boiler that burn fuels
a) carbon
b) nitrogen C
c) Sulfur.
d) vanadium

Hydrochloric acid Dew Point Corrosion in 300-Series stainless steel appears

a) Cracks.
b) Deep pits A
c) General corrosion with shallow pits
d) General corrosion with deep pits

Sulfuric acid Dew Point Corrosion in carbon steel appears as:

a) cracks
b) deep pits C
c) General corrosion with shallow pits.
d) General corrosion with deep pits
The best way to prevent Dew Point Corrosion in a furnace stack is to :
a) Alloy up with 300-series stainless steel
b) Decrease flue gas velocity
c) Maintain flue gas temperature below the acid's dew point temperature
d) Maintain flue gas temperature above the acid's dew point temperature.

Microbiologically Induced Corrosion is caused by:

a) Activated hydrocarbons
b) Deposits of sediment C
c) Living organisms.
d) Reactions of acid and caustic

Which of the following is NOT a cause of Microbiologically Induced

a) algae
b) bacteria D
c) fungi
d) Viruses.

Which of the following materials is NOT subjected to Microbiologically Induced Corrosion ?

a) 300-series stainless steel
b) aluminum
c) carbon steel
d) chromes F
e) copper
f) Titanium.

Which of the following substances is normally required in order for MIC to

a) chloride
b) hydrogen D
c) sulfur
d) Water.

When MIC occurs, which of the following substances is NOT required?

a) carbon
b) Iron.
c) Nitrogen
d) phosphorous

There are different types of organisms that cause MIC. Which of the
following is used as a nutrient for some MIC organisms?
a) Ammonia .
b) Ferrite A
c) Hydrogen
d) Polytheonic acid

There are different types of organisms that cause MIC. Which of the
following is used as a nutrient for some MIC organisms?
a) chloride
b) chrome D
c) pearlite
d) Sulfur.

Which of the following is NOT a common place where MIC can occur?
a) Furnace convection section.
b) Heat exchangers
c) Piping with stagnant areas
d) Tank bottoms

Which of the following is a common place where MIC can occur?

a) Furnace stacks
b) Piping with undrained hydrotest water.
c) Piping with high fluid velocities
d) Underside of tank roofs
MIC occurring in carbon steel usually forms:
a) Cup-shaped pits.
b) Cone-shaped pits A
c) Cracks
d) General wall loss

MIC occurring in 300-series stainless steel usually forms:

a) Cup-shaped pits
b) Cone-shaped pits C
c) Sub-surface cavities.
d) Uniform wall loss

To prevent MIC equipment and piping having water should be treated with:
a) Biocides.
b) Hydrocides
c) Pesticides
d) sulficides

Which of the following is NOT a MIC biocide?

a) bromine
b) chlorine
c) Milk of Magnesia. C
d) Ozone
e) Ultraviolet light

Which of the following may be an indication that MIC is occurring?

a) Bubbles in water
b) Grayish water
c) Stinky water. 4.3.8..a
d) Yellow water

Which of the following materials are subject to Soil Corrosion?

a) Carbon steel and Irons.
b) Carbon steel and chromes
c) Carbon steel, chromes and 300-series stainless steel A
d) Chromes and Irons
e) Nickel Alloys

Which of the following is NOT a factor pertaining to Soil Corrosion?

a) %Carbon content of steel.
b) Moisture
c) Oxygen content A
d) Soil resistivity
e) temperature

Soil Corrosion occurs most often at the soil-to-air interface because of the:
a) Higher oxygen content in soil
b) Lower oxygen content in the soil
c) Higher moisture content in the soil
d) Lower moisture content in the soil
e) Higher oxygen and moisture content in the soil.
f) Lower oxygen and moisture content in the soil

The corrosion rates from Soil Corrosion will:

a) Decrease with increasing temperature
b) Increase with increasing temperature. B
c) Not be affected by changing temperature
d) Increase if Mars & Venus are both aligned on the same day

Soil Corrosion appears as:

a) cracking
b) isolated pitting C
c) Localized loss due to pitting.
d) Uniform wall loss
The most effective way to prevent Soil Corrosion is:
a) To never have metal that touches the soil
b) Coat the equipment / piping
c) Coat the equipment / piping and add a cathodic protection system.
d) Replace the component in contact with the soil every 5 years

Which of the following materials is NOT subjected to Caustic Corrosion?

a) Carbon steel
b) chromes
c) 300-series stainless steel
d) Nickel Alloys.

Which of the following is the most significant factor affecting Caustic

a) Presence of Caustic.
b) Gravitation pull of the Moon A
c) The relative value of the Operating Unit
d) The number of Corrosion Specialist that you can fit in VW Bug

Which of the following in NOT a usage for Caustic in the petrochemical industry?
a) Added to Boiler Feedwater in small amounts

b) Used to decease Ph.
c) Used to neutralize
d) Used as a Reactant
e) Used to remove Sulfur Compounds

In order for Caustic Corrosion to occur in routine equipment there must be a:

a) Process tempertures that exceeds 500°F
b) Long period of time
c) Concentrating method to build the Caustic's strength.
d) Unit upset that provides high strength Caustic

Caustic Corrosion is most often associated with:

a) Boilers and steam generating equipment.
b) Furnaces A
c) Overhead systems
d) Tank bottoms

Caustic Corrosion normally appears as:

a) Isolated pitting
b) Concentrated pitting C
c) Localized metal loss often with grooving.
d) Uniform metal loss

Caustic Corrosion is starts to cause uniform corrosion of Carbon Steel when

the process temperature exceeds:
a) 140°F
b) 175°F. B
c) 225°F
d) 500°F

In steam systems, Caustic Corrosion is best prevented by:

A) Aggressive monitoring
B) The constant addition of an acid to neutralize the caustic D
C) Thorough inspection program
D) Proper design.

What materials should be used with high strength Caustic solutions when the
process temperature is above 150°F
a) High chromes alloys
b) High nickel alloys. B
c) High molybdenum alloys
d) High kryptonite alloys
Which of the following is NOT a major factor associated with corrosion by
a) Alloy composition
b) Operating pressure. B
c) Operating temperature
d) Sulfur content

Sulfidation of iron-based alloys usually begins at about:

a) 150°F
b) 250°F C
c) 500°F.
d) 1100°F

Resistance to Sulfidation increases as the:

a) Chromium content in the material increases.
b) Nickel content in the material increases A
c) Material's tensile strength decreases
d) Material's tensile strength increases

Sulfidation is primarily caused by:

a) Impacting particles
b) Sulfur compounds decomposing at higher temperatures.
c) Sulfur compounds being created in the FCCU (Cat Cracking Unit) B
d) Elemental sulfur collecting in stagnate areas, e.g.dead legs
e) Operators failing to adequately control the Ph of sulfur streams

Which of the following process units is NOT affected by Sulfidation?

a) Alkylation.
b) Crude distillation
c) Catalytic cracking
d) coker

Sulfidation usually creates:

a) Uniform corrosion.
b) Isolated pitting
c) Intergranular cracking
d) Transgranular cracking
e) Hard and brittle zones
f) Inspection nightmares

A Crude Distillation Unit is using process crude that has a 0.6% Sulfur content. The process
temperature is 600°F. what is the expected corrosion rate for a carbon steel piping system?

a) 5 mpy
b) 11 mpy
c) 20mpy.
d) 50 mpy

A Crude Distillation Unit is using process crude that has a 0.6% Sulfur content. The process
temperature is 700°F. what is the expected corrosion rate for an 18/8 stainless steel piping
a) 0 mpy
b) 0.1 mpy
c) 0.4mpy.
d) 1.0 mpy

Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking can cause cracks that normally initiate:
a) On the surface of any material
b) At the mid-wall of any material
c) On the surface of 300 Series SS.
d) At the mid-wall of 300 series SS

Which of the following is NOT a factor in the Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking?
a) Chloride strength

b) material
c) stress
d) Pressure.
e) temperature
Which of the following can contribute to Chloride Stress Corrosion
a) Dissolved hydrogen
b) Dissolved oxygen. B
c) Dissolved nitrogen
d) Dissolved sulfide

Heat transfer equipment can provide a way for chlorides to:

a) Break down
b) Concentrate. B
c) React with sulfides
d) vaporize

Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking usually occurs at a pH:

a) Above 2.
b) Below 2 A
c) Above 7
d) Below 7

Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking usually occurs at temperatures above:

a) 10°F
b) 140°F.
c) 180°F
d) 225°F

Nickel alloys have the greatest susceptibility to Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking when
the nickel content is:
a) Less than 5%
b) Between 2.25% to 12%
c) Between 8% to 12%.
d) Between 8% to 18%
e) Above 35%

Nickel is highly resistant to Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking when the nickel content in
the alloy is above:
a) 8%
b) 12%
c) 18%
d) 25%
e) 35%.

External Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking has been caused by chlorides in:
a) Insulation.
b) Paint
c) Steam vapor
d) UT couplant

Caustic Embrittlement can cause cracks that normally initiate:

a) On the surface adjacent to welds.
b) At the mid-wall adjacent to welds A
c) On the surface in the base metal
d) At the mid-wall in the base metal

Which alloys are more resistant to Caustic Stress Corrosion Cracking?

a) chromes
b) ferrites
c) Nickels.
d) sulfides

Which of the following is NOT a factor in the Caustic Stress Corrosion Cracking?
a) Caustic strength

b) material
c) stress
d) temperature
e) Time.
In a caustic system, which of the following if improperly designed can
contribute to Caustic Stress Corrosion Cracking?
a) flanges
b) nozzles D
c) reducers
d) Heat Tracing.

Which of the following is a common way that Operations causes Caustic

Stress Corrosion Cracking in caustic equipment?
a) Increasing flow rate
b) Lowering the ph D
c) overpressure
d) Steam cleaning.

The likelihood of Caustic Stress Corrosion Cracking can be reduced by:

a) Increasing the operational temperature
b) Reducing the fluid velocity
c) Stress-relieving.
d) Using low-hydrogen electrodes

A carbon steel caustic system has a 10% concentration of NaOH (caustic). Above what
temperature is stress-relieving recommended?
a) 80°F
b) 140°F
c) 176°F.
d) 220°F
e) Carbon steel is not recommended for this % of caustic

A carbon steel caustic system has a 30% concentration of NaOH(caustic).

Above what temperature is stress-relieving recommended?
a) 62°F
b) 140°F. B
c) 220°F
d) Carbon steel is not recommended for this percentage of caustic

A carbon steel caustic system has a 10% concentration of NaOH (caustic).

Above what temperature is stress-relieving no longer effective?
a) 60°F
b) 106°F D
c) 176°F
d) 220°F.

A caustic system has a 30% concentration of NaOH (caustic). Above what

temperature are nickel alloys recommended?
a) 60°F
b) 97°F D
c) 138°F
d) 205°F.

HCL Corrosion causes:

a) General corrosion
b) Localized corrosion C
c) Both general and localized corrosion.
d) cracks

HCL Corrosion affects:

a) Primarily aluminums
b) Primarily carbon steel D
c) Primarily stainless steels
d) Most plant construction materials.

Which process areas are most susceptible to HCL Corrosion?

a) boilers
b) desalters
c) Distillation Overhead Systems. C
d) Hydrotreater reactors
e) Vacuum Flasher Bottoms
HCL Corrosion normally occurs as:
a) Dew-point corrosion.
b) Erosion A
c) Fatigue
d) Isolated pitting

The severity of HCL Corrosion increase as the HCL concentration increases

and the:
a) Pressure decreases
b) Pressure increases D
c) Temperature decreases
d) Temperature increases.

Hydrochloric Acid can form when HCL comes into contact with:
a) carbon
b) caustic
c) iron E
d) sulphur
e) Water.

Rapid HCL Corrosion begins to occur if the Ph drops below:

a) 2.0
b) 4.5 B
c) 7.0
d) 11.5

Which materials are generally LESS susceptible to HCL Corrosion?

a) 300 series SS & 400 series SS
b) 400 series SS and Titanium
c) Alloy 400 and Titanium. C
d) Aluminum and Titanium
e) Chrome alloys

HCL corrosion typically occurs in which process units?

a) Crude Unit and Catalytic Reforming Unit.
b) Crude unit and Catalytic Cracking Unit A
c) Catalytic Cracking Unit & Benzene Extraction Unit
d) Sulfur Recovery Unit & Thermal Cracking Unit

HCL Corrosion in 400 series Stainless Steel will appear as:

a) cracking
b) Pitting. B
c) Cracking or pitting
d) Uniform corrosion

HCL Corrosion in 300 series Stainless Steel will appear as:

a) cracking
b) pitting C
c) Cracking or Pitting.
d) Uniform corrosion

Which of the following is NOT a method to reduce the risk of HCL Corrosion
in the Crude Unit Overhead System?
a) Caustic injection to neutralize the acid
b) Steam Injection to dilute the acid. B
c) Upgrade materials to Titanium or Nickel Alloys
d) Water Washing - add water to dilute the acid

In the Crude Unit, one of the checks for the potential of HCL Corrosion is to determine the
chloride content in the water of the Overhead Accumulator. A common chloride limit is:

a) =< 20 ppm.
b) =<25 ppm
c) =< 50 ppm
d) =<250 ppm
HCL Corrosion can create highly localized corrosion in areas where:
a) Dry hydrogen meets light hydrocarbon
b) The temperature exceeds 120°F
c) The pH exceeds 10.5
d) Water with chloride is condensing (vapor to liquid).

Sour Water Corrosion primarily affects:

a) Carbon steel.
b) Low chromes A
c) Carbon steel and low chromes
d) Stainless steels

Which of the following is NOT a critical factor contributing to Sour Water

a) pH
b) temperature C
c) Pressure.
d) H2S Concentration

Which of the following process chemicals is a critical factor contributing to Sour Water
a) carbon
b) hydrogen
c) Oxygen.
d) Sulfur
e) vanadium

At what pH does a thin iron sulfide layer deposit on the steel and provides
some protection to corrosion?
a) >4.5 pH
b) <4.5 pH A
c) >7.0 pH
d) <7.0pH

Which process areas are most susceptible to Sour Water Corrosion?

a) boilers
b) desalters
c) hydrotreater reactors D
d) Overhead systems.
e) Vacuum flashers

Sour Water Corrosion typically appears as:

a) A change in mechanical properties
b) A crack
c) General wall loss. C
d) Localized thinned areas
e) A pit

Sour Water Corrosion can cause localize corrosion is:

a) Nickel content in steel exceeds 30%
b) Oxygen is present.
c) pH is less than 2.4 B
d) temperature exceeds 400°F
e) velocity is less than 2 fps

Which materials are generally NOT susceptible to Acid Sour Water Corrosion?
a) Chromes

b) Copper alloys
c) Nickel alloys
d) Copper and Nickel Alloys.
e) Chrome and Nickel alloys

Amine Stress Corrosion Cracking affects:

a) aluminums
b) Carbon steels and low alloys. B
c) 300 series stainless steels
d) Most plant construction materials
Which of the following is NOT a factor in Amine Stress Corrosion Cracking?
a) Amine concentration
b) temperature
c) tensile stress
d) Fluid velocity.

Amine Stress Corrosion Cracking normally occurs in:

a) 300 series SS
b) boilers D
c) hydro-treaters
d) Non-stressed relieved CS.

Amine Stress Corrosion Cracking normally occurs in:

a) Lean amine.
b) Rich amine A
c) Pure amine
d) Low temperature amine

A common way for Amine Stress Corrosion Cracking to occur is by:

a) Increasing the amine concentration
b) Increasing the amine velocity
c) Steaming out amine piping/equipment during an outage.
d) Stress relieving

Amine Stress Corrosion Cracking typically initiates in:

a) On the ID surface in center of the weld
b) On the ID surface in the HAZ. B
c) On the OD surface in center of the weld
d) On the OD surface in the HAZ

In the HAZ, Amine Stress Corrosion Cracking normally:

a) Extends into the base metal
b) Extends into both the base metal and the weld C
c) Is parallel to the weld.
d) Is transverse to the weld

What is recommended to do prior to welding an existing non-PWHT'd

pipe/equipment that has been in Amine service?
a) Neutralize with acid
b) Neutralize with caustic D
c) Steam out
d) Water wash.

What is the preferred way to check for Amine Stress Corrosion Cracking?
b) PT

c) RT
e) ACFM or PT
f) ACFM or WFMT.
g) PT or WFMT

HTHA occurs on equipment exposed to hydrogen at elevated:

a) Ph's
b) pressures
c) temperatures
d) Pressures and temperatures.
e) Ph's and temperatures
f) Ph's and pressures and temperatures

When HTHA occurs, the hydrogen in the process reacts with:

a) Carbides.
b) Chrone
c) Ferrite A
d) Iron
e) nickel
When HTHA occurs, the hydrogen reacts to form:
a) ethane
b) ferritic acid C
c) Methane.
d) Molecular hydrogen

When HTHA occurs, why is the steel is weakened?

a) Some of the steel is transformed to a ferritic structure
b) Some of the steel is transformed to an austenitic structure
c) Loss of carbides. C
d) Loss of chromides
e) Loss of nickides

When HTHA occurs, the methane gas is trapped in the steel and forms:
a) Fissues.
b) Hard & brittle zones
c) Methite A
d) Methanium
e) Soft & weak zones

Which of the following materials is most susceptible to HTHA?

a) C-0.5 Mo steel.
b) Mn-0.5 Mo steel A
c) 1Cr-0.5 Mo steel
d) 2.25 Cr-0.5 Mo steel

Which of the following is NOT a factor in the development of HTHA?

a) Hydrogen partial pressure
b) Ph.
c) Stress B
d) Temperature
e) time

Which of the following materials is normally NOT susceptible to HTHA?

a) Carbon steel
b) 1.25 chrome
c) 2.25 chrome
d) 300 Series SS.

Where does HTHA damage most of ten occur?

a) Base metal
b) Heat affected zones D
c) welds
d) Randomly in base metal, heat affected zones and welds.

What is the most successful way to discover HTHA damage?

a) Ultrasonics with a combination of velocity ration and AUBT.
b) Visual A
c) All MT techniques
d) All PT techniques

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