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Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research, ISSN: 1674-0440

Evaluation of hypertension using first derivative features of


T. Jayanthi1* and M. Sindhu2

1. Department of Biomedical Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology. 2. Department of Biomedical
Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology.
Correspondence author: T. Jayanthi, e-mail:
Received: 12-04-2019, Revised: 16-05-2019, Accepted: 14-06-2019, Published online: 17-07-2019

How to cite this article: T. Jayanthi and M. Sindhu (2019) Evaluation of hypertension using first derivative features of
photoplethysmography, Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research 46(4): 93-96

The photoplethysmography (PPG) signal is the standard technique to measure blood oxygen saturation and cardiac output,
but the complete diagnostic value of PPG signals is not being used presently in clinical applications. Therefore, we are
proposing a simple algorithm to extract blood flow parameters from the PPG signals and prove that blood vessels are
altered, losing their elasticity in hypertensive people. Hypertension is a serious medical condition where the force of blood
pumping through the arteries is strong as compared to the normal force. Hypertension is defined as blood pressure above
140/90mmHg and is considered to be severe if it exceeds 180/120mmHg. Blood pressure can be measured using various
methods like auscultatory method and palpatory method. The manual method of blood pressure measurements based on a
calibrated sphygmomanometer will be accurate only if performed precisely. A PPG sensor shows us the vascular condition
of a person by allowing us to calculate blood flow parameters like systolic amplitude, pulse interval, augmentation index
and stiffness index. Our study population includes 25 normal and 25 known hypertensive subjects. Parameters from PPG
signal like systolic amplitude, pulse interval, and stiffness index was calculated directly. After taking first derivative of the
signal features like i). Crest Time (CT), ii). Peak to peak time (ΔT) and iii). Stiffness index was also calculated. The
parameters were statistically analyzed to prove that there is vascular wall health deterioration in prolonged hypertensive
Keywords: Hypertension, First Derivative, PPG, Systolic Amplitude, Diastolic Amplitude, Crest Time, Stiffness Index.

fingertip without the need for cuff. The PPG collected

Introduction from the fingertip can potentially be utilized to detect
The most important vital signs of the body is blood the extent of damage on the blood vessel caused by
pressure besides heart rate, respiratory rate, and body prolonged hypertension.
temperature. The risk of hypertension is slowly The recent advances in wearable sensor
extending even to younger adult population from technology allows the PPG to measured continuously
older population.[1] and the data can be stored and retrieved easily. The
Hypertension is a serious medical condition same can be utilized for evaluating the condition of
wherein the force of blood pumping through the the blood vessel. [3,4] The PPG waveform as shown
arteries is strong as compared to the normal force. in figure 1 consists of the features like upstroke
Hypertension is defined as blood pressure above pressure, peak systole, decreasing pressure during
140/90mmHg and is considered to be severe if it systole, dicrotic notch. Researchers have used these
exceeds 180/120mmHg. features for assessing the blood vessel wall health and
its dependence on age. [5]
When the blood pressure is high, an extra strain is
applied to the arteries leading to a loss in the elasticity Thus this work aims to diagnose hypertension
of vessel wall. Having high blood pressure for a short using the features extracted from PPG and its first
duration is normal, but if it stays high for a long derivative. The other alternative methods based on
duration of time, it can lead to several health issues pulse transmit time is a statistical derivation of
like heart attacks, kidney diseases or also dementia. formulae based on the origin of population considered.
Much of the clinically used blood pressure measuring [6, 7] Hence the aim of our work is to propose a direct
devices require inflating and deflating the cuff for continuous method for evaluation of hypertension
determining the blood pressure values. This technique using PPG.
requires skilled medical practitioners for the
measurement to be accurate and consistent.[2]
Photoplethysmogram (PPG) is a simple and non-
invasive method that can be carried out using a
Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research, ISSN: 1674-0440 93
skin and the light transmitted or reflected is measured
by the photodiode. Arduino is an open-source
electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware
and software. Arduino boards can be used with a wide
variety of sensors. The open-source Arduino Software
makes it easy to write code and upload it to the board.
The sensor output is read by the Arduino
board, which then transfers the data to the PC through
a USB interface. The Arduino data sampling rate is 18
ms. An Arduino code is written using processing
programming language to display the received PPG
signal on the Arduino serial plotter. Plx-Daq is used to
save the PPG signal obtained from the Arduino
Figure-1: PPG Signal Waveform obtained from Easy software to make it easy to interface the signal with
Pulse Sensor Matlab.

Materials and Method

Our study population comprised of 50 (25 normal

and 25 hypertensive subjects) volunteers aged
between 20 and 81 years. In this study, data from
subjects was collected with the verbal consent of the
volunteers, and a simple structured questionnaire was
used to obtain the following information:
• Demographic characteristics such as gender,
age, and height
• Lifestyle-related factors such as tobacco and
Figure-2: Easy Pulse Sensor-Acquiring signal
alcohol consumption
• The health status of the individual and any Ppg Acquisition and Feature Extraction

history related to cardiovascular disease, The PPG device consists of an infrared light
source, a photodiode with wavelength around 900nm
stroke, hypertension, and diabetes.
and a phototransistor. The light source illuminates the
The hardware components which are used for skin and a photodetector to measure the small
acquiring the PPG waveform are the Easy Pulse variations in light intensity associated with changes in
Version.1 and the Arduino Uno board. The subjects the blood vessels volume. The increase in blood
were made comfortable in a sitting position and were volume indicates a decrease in light intensity and vice
asked to place their finger on the sensor for recording versa. The PPG signal is affected by various noises in
their PPG signal (figure.2). They were also asked to the patient’s environment, such as the patient
stay still during the procedure to avoid motion movement which affects the sensor at the fingertip.
artifacts. The signal was recorded for 30 seconds. The patient movement is usually filtered using
Immediately after recording their PPG signal, each moving average filter [11]. Hence, a moving average
subject’s systolic and diastolic blood pressure were filter has been implemented in MATLAB to filter out
measured using the automatic BP machine Omron the PPG signals by taking into consideration that if
Hem 7112. the order of the filter increases, the quality of the
signal can deteriorate.
Hardware The features derived from PPG:
The PPG sensor is a device which uses an infrared a). Systolic amplitude: It is an indicator of the
light emitting diode (LED) and a photodetector to pulsatile changes in blood volume caused by arterial
measure blood volumes changes of an organ. The blood flow around the measurement site
sensor used in this work is Easy Pulse Sensor b). Pulse interval: Pulse interval is the distance
compatible with Arduino. The change in blood between the beginning and the end of the PPG
volume occurs when there is a pressure pulse arriving waveform (ΔT).
at the organ. The infrared diode (LED) illuminates the c). Stiffness index: The stiffness index is one of

Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research, ISSN: 1674-0440 94

the parameter for accessing the health of blood vessels. the extensibility is lost the crest time in hypertensive
The forward going pressure wave from the left subjects is lesser than in normal subjects. The stiffness
ventricle of the heart contributes to systolic pressure index values are also higher in the hypertensive
waveform of the PPG signal. subjects.
The contribution from the smaller aorta causes
the diastolic pressure waveform transmitted along the Table-1: PPG features for normal and hypertensive
aorta to small arteries in the lower body, from where subjects
they are then reflected along the aorta as a reflected Normal Hypertensi-
wave. Waveform Parameter subjects ve subjects
The time difference between the systolic and (n=25) (n=25)
diastolic peaks is defined as transit time and it is Mean ± Std Mean ± Std
related to the transit time of pressure waves from the dev dev
root of subclavian artery to site of reflection and back PPG ∆T (ms) 898.4±462 270.8±4
to the subclavian artery. ∆T1 (ms) 553.6±128 479.2±19
An increase in the artery stiffness, reduces the Stiffness Index 0.29704 0.352308±
time interval between the peaks. This artery length is 0.12
assumed to be proportional to the subject height (h). First ∆T (ms) 2409.6±328 2085.2±47
The Stiffness Index (SI) of the large artery is defined Derivative 0.20
as [3] Stiffness Index 0.06589±0. 0.078434±
001 0.01
S= h/∆T
Crest Time 1617.6±59 1156.8±26
First Derivative Features (ms) 0.02

After obtaining the first derivative, the following Conclusion

features are calculated.[8, 9, 10]
Photoplethysmography has the advantage of being
a) Crest Time (CT): The time interval between a low cost, simple and portable technology. In this
the feet of the waveform to the time taken to achieve work features of the PPG like ∆T, ∆T1, stiffness index,
the peal value. peak to peak time (∆T), and the crest time are used to
b) Peak to peak time (ΔT): The time interval evaluate the condition of blood vessels in subjects
between the peaks. Using the ΔT and height of the with hypertension. The parameters were statistically
pulse the stiffness index is also calculated. analyzed to prove that there is vascular wall health
deterioration in prolonged hypertensive subjects. PPG
sensor using to calculate the parameter of normal
subjects and hypertensive subjects mean and stranded
deviation. The extracted features after comparison
between normal and the hypertensive subjects show
that the blood vessel wall is losing its ability to
maintain the pulsatile flow.

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