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TEST 1: The diagram shows the small-scale production of smoked fish

I am unable to edit the diagram. Pls delete 2 mistakes in the diagram. The words ‘small scope about the production of smoking fish’
and ‘smudging’ are incorrect in this context. You can simply delete them.
In the process of smoking in the vat, the fish are hung on wires to ‘smoke’. This is not clear in the diagram, but this is the process
that is carried out

Report Plan:
 Paraphrase paragraph: diagram>flow-chart; production of smoked fish>process of smoking fish
 Summary/Overview paragraph: (1) there are 8 stages (2) name the first stage and the last stage
 Paragraph 3 (before smoking) – cleaning, placing in salt water, cooking for 5 minutes
 Paragraph 4 (smoking process) – smoking, add colouring, pack in boxes, transportation.

The flow-chart illustrates the different stages in the small-scale process of smoking fish.
Overall, it is clear that the process has 8 stages, beginning with the preparation of the fish and ending with the delivery of the finished
First, the fish are cleaned with a knife and prepared ready for the production process, before being placed in a container of salt water for
30 minutes. Next, they are cooked for 5 minutes in hot salted water, and the fish are then removed.
The process of smoking is now ready to start. In a vat, the fish are hung by wires on top of some material which burns and produces
smoke. The vat is covered with wood, so that the smoke cannot escape. After 30 minutes, the fish are smoked and ready for the next
stage, which is the addition of yellow colouring. The smoked fish are then packed in closed containers and, finally, transported in trucks
to where they will be sold.
(163 words)

TEST 2: The diagrams illustrate the process of building an igloo.

Report Plan:
 Paraphrase paragraph: diagrams>pictures; illustrate>show; process>different steps involved; building>constructing
 Overall/summary paragraph: number of stages (13); mention the first and last steps
 Paragraph 3: describe steps 1-7: making the shape using snow
 Paragraph 4: describe steps 8-13: the steps to finish the construction

The pictures show the different steps involved in constructing an igloo.

Overall, there are 13 stages, from finding hard-packed snow to cutting ventilation holes in the wall and roof of the finished igloo.
Using a snow saw, blocks are cut in hard-packed snow. Large blocks are used for the base. Next, the edges of the blocks are smoothed
and placed to form a circle. Then, an entrance is made by digging a hole under the circular wall. The last opening on the top is filled by a
large block, carefully cut to the exact size.
After that, snow is thrown on the igloo and packed into all the crevices or gaps. Inside the igloo, the walls are smoothed by hand. Next,
the entrance is built and the hole is covered with snow blocks. Finally, ventilation holes which allow air to enter are cut in the walls and
roof, and the igloo is finished.
(153 words)

TEST 3: The flow chart below shows the procedure to get a driving license in the US.

Report Plan:
 Paraphrase paragraph: shows>illustrates; procedure>steps; get>obtain
 Paragraph 2: stages up to taking the written exam
 Paragraph 3: next stages – failing or passing the written exam
 Paragraph 4: final stages: failing or passing the road exam.

The chart illustrates the steps necessary to obtain a US driving license.

First, it is necessary to go to the driving license centre and fill in the forms. An eyesight test is then given, and no license can be given
to those who fail this test. However, those who pass the eyesight test must then pay the fees and take a written exam.
The result of the written exam determines the next steps. Those failing the written exam may then retake it and, if they pass, they are
then able to take the road exam. Some people may fail the written test and they are allowed to sit it for a third time and, once more, if
they pass they can take the road exam. If they fail the written exam again, they must pay fees before being allowed to retake the
written exam once more. Others, in contrast, pass the written exam first time and may then take the road exam immediately.
Finally, all who pass the road exam will get the driving license. Those who fail must pay fees again and retake both the written and
road exams.
(190 words)

TEST 4: The diagram below shows the process of generating electricity from coal

Report Plan:
 Paraphrase paragraph: shows>illustrates; the process of generating electricity>how electricity is generated
 Overview/summary paragraph: 9 stages, report the first and last stages
 Report stages: coal heating the water to produce steam. Steam drives the turbine to generate electricity
 Report stages: collection of ash for disposal; collection and cooling of steam to turn back into water

The diagram illustrates how electricity is generated from coal.

Overall, the process has nine stages, beginning with the supply of coal and ending with the disposal of ash.

First, the supply of coal goes into a pulverizer, a machine which breaks the coal into powder. Then, the dust from pulverizing the coal is
collected before it enters the boiler and it is collected in a stack for emission. The powder, however, is burned and it is used to heat
water in a boiler, to produce steam. Next, steam from the boiler enters a pipe which connects with a turbine. The steam drives the
turbine which spins a generator to create electricity in the substation/transformer.

Ash from burning the coal dust is collected from the boiler, ready for disposal. The steam used to drive the turbine is then cooled, and it
is condensed back into water using a cooling system. Finally, this water is returned to the boiler and the process begins again.

(162 words)

TEST 5: The diagrams illustrate the formation of sand dunes from sand particles.

Report Plan:
 Paraphrase paragraph: show>illustrate; how sand dunes are formed>the formation of sand dunes
 Overview/summary paragraph: (1) report the number of stages (2) mention what happens in the first and
last stages
 Paragraph 3: report on diagrams 1 and 2
 Paragraph 4: report on diagram 3, mentioning the changes in the movement of the wind

The diagrams illustrate the formation of sand dunes from sand particles.

Overall, it is clear that the process consists of 3 stages, beginning with the action of wind blowing the sand particles, and ending with
the formation of the sand dunes on the wet areas of ground.

In the first diagram, sand is blown by the wind over dry and wet ground. In the second diagram, sand particles continue to be carried
by the wind, but now more sand particles collect over the wet ground, forming small separate piles.

Finally, the third diagram shows how particles of sand continue to gather over areas of wet ground, with the piles of sand increasing in
size. When the piles are big enough, they form sand dunes.These sand dunes change the direction of the wind by forcing it up one
side of the dune and down the other side. The process is then repeated on the next area of wet ground, to form a series of sand
dunes. (166 word

TEST 6: The diagram below shows the development of cutting tools in the Stone Age.

Report Plan:
 Paraphrase paragraph: shows>illustrates; tools>instruments; develop>evolve
 Summary/overview paragraph: (1) Tool B sharper and more regular in shape (2) over the period, the cutting tool
became bigger and better
 Paragraph 3: compare the tools (front view) – rough and smooth edges, effectiveness for cutting
 Paragraph 4: compare the tools (side and back views) – Tool B flat with sharp edges. Tool A is also smaller.

The diagram illustrates how the cutting instruments used during the Stone Age evolved between 1.4 million and 0.8 million years ago.

Overall, it is clear that Tool B is sharper and more regularly shaped than the earlier Tool A. Over a period of 0.6 million years, the
cutting tool also increased in size and effectiveness .

The front view shows that the edges of Tool A are rough, revealing its more earlier stage of development. Whereas Tool A is
comparatively primitive, therefore, the smooth edges of Tool B are clearly more effective as a cutting instrument.

One of the main differences between the tools is shown in the side view diagram. While Tool A is irregular, in contrast Tool B has a
regular, flattened shape. The sharp edge of Tool B is designed for cutting objects cleanly and easily. Finally, the back view shows most
clearly that Tool A is not only rougher, but is also smaller than Tool B.

161 words

TEST 7: The picture below shows a hot balloon works.

Report Plan:
 Paraphrase paragraph: picture>diagram; shows>illustrates; how a hot air balloon works>the working of a hot air
 Overall/summary paragraph: (1) the envelope is the largest part (2) propane is used to make the hot air
 Paragraph 3: report on the parts below the envelope, including the burner to produce the hot air
 Paragraph 4: report on the parts of the envelope

The diagram illustrates the working of a hot air balloon.

Overall, it is clear that the envelope is the largest part of the total area. In addition, the diagram indicates that propane is the fuel that is
used to produce the hot air.

At the base of the hot air balloon, a propane cylinder is located in the basket. The propane then mixes with air in the burner, producing
a flame to heat the air. Next, the hot air rises inside the envelope, causing the balloon to rise from the ground, because the hot air is
lighter than the cool air in the surrounding atmosphere. Ropes are shown securing the basket section to the skirt of the envelope.

In addition to the skirt at the base of the envelope, gores and panels also form part of the envelope section. A parachute valve at the
top of the envelope is a self-sealing flap. This allows the pilot of the balloon to control the rate at which the hot air can escape.

(170 words)

TASK 8: The diagrams below show the development of the horse over a period of 40 million years

Report Plan:
 Paraphrase paragraph: diagram>pictures; show>illustrate; development>evolution
 Overview/summary paragraph: 4 stages, mention the first and last stage
 Paragraph 3: report on the differences between Eohippus and Mesohippus
 Paragraph 4: report on the differences after Mesohippus up to the modern horse

The pictures illustrate the evolution of the horse over a 40 million-year period.

Overall, four stages are shown, beginning with Eohippus and ending with the development of the modern horse.

40 million years ago, the first horse, Eohippus, was comparatively small with a short tail. Its defining characteristic, however, was the
structure of its foot, which had 4 digits. Each of the digits was relatively small. 10 million years later, it had evolved into the larger
Mesohippus, with a longer tail and a foot structure of 3 digits.

Then, in the next stage of development, Merychippus evolved 15 million years ago. It was a similar size to Mesohippus, and also had 3
digits on its feet, but now the digits on the feet were larger, divided into segments, and the middle digit was very prominent. Finally, the
modern horse evolved. It is bigger than its predecessors, with a large mane and its foot structure is a single, very large digit

160 words

TEST 9: The diagram shows the life cycle of the silkworm

Report Plan:
 Paraphrase paragraph: diagram>picture; shows>illustrates; life cycle>stages in the life
 Overview/summary paragraph: (1) report the number of stages (2) mention the first and last stages
 Paragraph 3: because there are 4 stages, report on stages 1 and 2
 Paragraph 4: report on stages 3 and 4.

The picture illustrates the various stages in the life of a silkworm.

Overall, there are 4 main stages in the life cycle of the silkworm, beginning with the laying of eggs and ending with the final stage as an
adult moth.

At the first stage of the life cycle, eggs are laid by an adult moth on a mulberry leaf. After a period of approximately 10 days, the
silkworm larvae emerge from the eggs and begin to feed on the mulberry leaves. Next, about 4 to 6 weeks later, the larvae start to
become covered in silk thread.

Then, once the larvae are completely covered in the silk thread, which takes between 3 and 8 days, a cocoon is formed. At the final
stage, about 16 days later, the adult moth emerges from the cocoon. The adult moth will, in turn, lay eggs on mulberry leaves and the
life cycle will begin again.

(153 words)

TEST 10: The diagram shows the life cycle of a honey bee

Report Plan:
 Paraphrase paragraph: diagram>picture; shows>illustrates: life cycle>stages in the life
 Overview/summary paragraph: (1) report the total length of the life cycle (2) refer to the first and last stages
 Paragraph 3: report on stages 1-3
 Paragraph 4: report on stages 4 and 5.

The picture illustrates the stages in the life of a honey bee.

Overall, the complete life cycle of a honey bee takes from 34 to 36 days. The life cycle has 5 main stages, beginning with the laying of
eggs and ending with the mature adult honey bee.

At the first stage, 1 or 2 eggs are laid every 3 days by an adult female bee. After 9 to 10 days, these eggs hatch and immature bees –
known as nymphs – emerge. Then, as these nymphs develop and grow larger in size, they moult 3 times, after approximately 5 days, 7
days and 9 days.

Next, when the final moult is completed, the young adult honey bee emerges. This takes place after a period of about 30 days after the
eggs were first laid. At the final stage, the young adult honey bee takes another 4 days to become fully mature. At this point, the female
bee lays eggs and the cycle will begin again.

(164 words)

TEST 11: The diagram shows the life cycle of a salmon

Report Plan:
 Paraphrase paragraph: diagram>picture; shows>illustrates; life cycle> different stages in the life
 Overview/summary paragraph: (1) report the number of stages (2) refer to the first and last stages
 Paragraph 3: report on stages 1-3
 Paragraph 4: report on stages 4-5

The picture illustrates the different stages in the life of a salmon.

Overall, there are 5 main stages in the life cycle of a salmon, beginning with spawning, when eggs are laid, and ending with the adult

At the first stage, the adult salmon spawn. Then, the eggs develop during a period of incubation and the young fish emerge. At the
third stage, the young fish undergo a period of rearing, part of the time in the fresh water where the eggs are laid, and part of the time
in an estuary, where fresh water and sea water meet.

Next, the salmon migrate to the ocean, where they continue to grow and mature for a period, in areas where this continuation of the
rearing process takes place. At the final stage, when the fish have grown and become mature, they are ready to migrate to spawning
areas. The whole cycle is then ready to begin again.

(157 words)

TEST 12: The diagram shows the life cycle of a Monarch Butterfly

Report Plan:
 Paraphrase paragraph: diagram>picture; shows>illustrates; life cycle>the various stages in the life
 Overview/summary paragraph: (1) report the number of stages (2) refer to the first and last stages
 Paragraph 3: report on stages 1-3 (from egg to larva)
 Paragraph 4: report on stages 4-6 (from chrysalis to adult butterfly)

The picture illustrates the various stages in the life of a Monarch Butterfly.

Overall, there are 6 stages in the life cycle of a Monarch Butterfly, beginning when eggs are laid and ending with the adult butterfly.

At the first stage, the Monarch Butterfly lays eggs on the leaves of a plant. Then, a larva or caterpillar emerges from the egg and
begins to feed on the leaves. The next stage is a period when the larva continues feeding, and then attaches itself to the plant.

The fourth stage takes place when the larva is transformed into a chrysalis, which is still attached to the leaf of the plant. Inside the
chrysalis, further changes take place. After a period of time, a fully- formed butterfly emerges from the chrysalis and begins to feed on
the nectar of flowers. Finally, as an adult, the Monarch Butterfly is ready to lay eggs and the cycle will begin again.

(155 words)

TEST 13: The diagrams illustrate 3 different types of bridges.

Report Plan:
 Paraphrase paragraph: pictures>diagrams; show>illustrate; kinds>types
 Overview/summary paragraph: (1) contrast different designs (2) contrast locations where these bridges are used
 Paragraph 3: compare arch bridges and concrete girder bridges – height, design, location
 Paragraph 4: compare suspension bridges with the other types – especially location and distance between piers

The diagrams illustrate 3 different types of bridges.

Overall, the design of the bridges differs in terms of their height and the use of piers. Each type is most suitable for specific locations,
such as lakes, rivers or seas.

The arch bridge is constructed to cross small waterways such as lakes, and it has a maximum span of 200 metres. Its height of no
more than 100 metres only permits small ships to sail under it. In contrast, the concrete girder bridge is constructed using piers, which
cannot be more than 200 metres apart. However, there is no limit to the number of piers that can be used to cross larger bodies of
water, such as wide rivers. Medium-sized ships can pass under this type of bridge, which may be 300 metres in height.

Finally, at sea, suspension bridges enable large ships to sail under them, because of the deep water which they span. The piers can
be spaced between 400 and 2000 metres apart - depending on the topography – up to 10 times the distance between piers of the
concrete girder bridge or the arches of the arch bridge.

(189 words

TEST 14: The diagram shows hw chocolate is produced.

The pictorial diagram illustrates different stages of making chocolate.

Overall, the process requires 10 steps in total, beginning with initial harvesting of ripe pods, followed by physical and chemical
transformation, and finally producing the liquid chocolate.

The first five steps involve preparing cacao pods to be processed. Firstly, ripe red pods are collected from cacao trees which are planted in
different regions around the world, namely South America, Africa, and Indonesia. Next, the harvested pods are cut in order to separate
white cocoa beans from the pods. Following that, the beans are placed on leaves for fermentation. In the next step, the fermented beans
are dried under the sunlight before being packed in large bags for transportation.

The remaining steps involve processing the pods. The process continues with the bags being loaded onto trains or trucks for delivery to a
factory. Subsequently, the beans are roasted at a high temperature, after which they are crushed in a machine and the outer shells are
removed. Finally, the inner part is pressed to form liquid chocolate.

(180 words)
TEST 15 (26/2/2022): The picture shows the process of making wool

- To shear (v): Cắt xén lông

- Yarn (n): Sợi len
- To knit (v): Đan len
- Fleece (n): Lông cừu
- Debris (n): Mạnh vụn rác
- Grease (n): Dầu mỡ động vật
- Twig (n): Cành cây, cành nhỏ
- To card (v): Chải thô lông
- Byproduct (n): Sản phẩm phụ
- To reinsert (v): Đưa lại, cho lại vào

The illustration depicts the process of producing wool for both personal and industrial use.

In general, there are a total of 10 steps involved, beginning with the shearing of the sheep and concluding with the woolen yarns being
knitted or woven into commercially manufactured jackets and carpets.

The procedure begins when the sheeps are sheared for their fleece. After the fleece has been washed with water and chemicals to remove
debris such as grease, twigs, and dried sweat, it is sent to a drying machine. Following that, the fleece is carded with a machine equipped
with multiple rollers, resulting in tufts of wool and bits of string as byproducts, the latter of which is reinserted into the process to maximize

The tufts of wool are then transferred to a warehouse for storage before being spun into balls of yarn. In the final stage, these yarn balls
are sold for either personal enjoyment, such as knitting, or for business purposes, such as manufacturing jackets or carpets.

(166 words)
TEST 16 (30/04/2022): The picture shows the process of making soft cheese

- A to be proportional to B: A tỉ lệ thuận với B

- to be treated with heat: được xử lý bởi nhiệt
- to be vaporized: hóa hơi

The diagram illustrates soft cheese production in detailed steps.

Overall, the 5-stage process turns a mixture of water and milk into soft cheese. During this process, the liquid becomes increasingly
thicker; the thickness of the liquid is proportional to the cheese content in this mixture.

In the first stage, water and milk are poured into a tank to form a mixture used for the cooling stage where it is kept cool at 5 degrees
Celsius for 2 hours. This mixture then undergoes 2 stage heat treatment, starting with a process called fermentation in which the mixture is
fermented and treated with heat at 35 degrees Celsius; this stage lasts 2 hours.

Fermented mixture is then treated at a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius for 8 hours in a stage called evaporation. During this stage, the
water content in the mixture is boiled until it is vaporized and escapes off the tank through a hole set up above the tank while wastewater is
discharged. Cheese content in this mixture increased and this mixture becomes even thicker in the next stage where it is cooled at 5
degrees Celsius for 16 hours before soft cheese is extracted using a filter.

(198 words)
TEST 17 (02/2022):
The plans below show the village of Pebbleton twenty years ago and now.
The maps below illustrate changes taking place in the village of Pebbleton in a 20-year period.

- uneven development = phát triển không đồng đều

- civilian structures = các công trình dân sự
- coastal land = vùng đất ven biển
- to remain intact = còn nguyên vẹn / giữ nguyên không đổi
- to be sandwitched between A and B = nằm kẹp giữa A và B
- a cluster of houses = cụm nhà ở / cụm dân cư
- the northwestern cape = mũi tây bắc

Overall, Pebbleton village has undergone uneven development as changes have taken place primarily on an island. The main feature of
this development is the increase in the number of civilian structures and the improved accessibility of road infrastructure.

This village is an area of coastal land connected with the island by a bridge. After 20 years, its accessibility has been improved significantly
with the construction of a footpath on the western side, connecting the coastal area and the island. On the island, a film studio along the
footpath has been replaced with flats while the playing field on the opposite side has remained intact. A new tennis court has been laid out
on the ground sandwiched between footpath and Lighthouse lane.

On the northern side of the island, a cluster of houses has increased in terms of the number, stretching eastward. The old fort in the
northwestern cape has been expanded and repurposed, working as a children's playground, while a new community center has been built
adjacent to this civilian structure. The school in coastal land and the green area have shown no sign of change.

(203 words)
TEST 18 (25/6/2022):
The table shows the questionaire about opinions of club members and general public for the new theatre on one town in 2012

The given table shows the survey results from club members and the general public regarding an unspecified town's new theatre in 2012.

Overall, it is clear that the vast majority of opinions were ranked excellent in all three categories, whereas only a small percentage of
survey participants ranked any category as poor.

In terms of club members, 72% found the theatre facilities to be excellent, while 26% were satisfied and 2% said they were poor.
Meanwhile, 54% of members said the theatre information was excellent, while around one-third were only satisfied. The quality of the
theatre was ranked as excellent by 88% of the members, while 10% were satisfied, and 2% ranked them to be poor.

On the other hand, 64% of the general public ranked the facilities as excellent, with only 24% merely satisfied. Furthermore, two-thirds of
the public thought the information was excellent, while 20% were only satisfied. Additionally, while 53% of the public thought the quality
was excellent, 7% ranked it as poor.

(166 words)
TEST 19: The diagram shows the process for recycling plastic bottles

The diagram illustrates the plastic bottle recycling process.

Overall, the recycling of plastic bottles has nine steps starting from placing the bottles in the designated bins to the producing end
consumer products like bags, t-shirts and pencils - which would be recycled again once they are used.

As the illustration depicts, the first step of recycling plastic bottles begins with people placing them in specified recycle bins. Next, those
bottles are collected and transported to recycling centres where workers sort out recyclable plastic bottles from others. Selected bottles are
then compressed and converted into large blocks which are, afterwards, sent through crushing machines. The crushing process produces
small pieces which are then washed before feeding them into a machine to make plastic pellets.

In the next step, heat is applied to the pellets which ultimately form the raw materials for producing different plastic-made consumer goods.
Next, the raw materials are refined and rolled which is used to manufacture end products like t-shirts, pens, plastic bottles, containers, and
so on. To reiterate the recycling process, the end products are placed in the designated bins once they get torn out or used. It keeps the
plastic recycling process keep going.

(198 words)
TEST 20: The chart below shows the amount spent on six consumer goods in four European countries.

The chart gives information regarding the money spent on consumer goods namely photographic film, toys, CDs, perfumes, tennis racquets
and personal stereos by 4 countries in Europe (Britain, France, Italy and Germany). The units are in Pound Sterling.

Overall, British, among the four countries, spent most of their money in all the six consumer goods in contrast with Germany spending the
least amount for those products.

British also spent the highest amount to purchase photographic films while France spent the least amount on tennis racquets. In terms of
photographic film, Britain spent well above 170 thousand pounds. This is the highest money spent on any consumer goods. France came in
the second position in terms of their spending which was more or less 165 thousand. Italians and Germans compared to the two latter
countries, spent around 150,000 and 145,000 respectively. Toys and CDs are the second and third most purchased by the 4 countries.

Furthermore, Britain and France purchased tennis racquets the least with only around 155000 and 145000 respectively. Italy spent the least
of their money in buying personal stereos with exactly 150000 same as well in Germany spending around 3000 pounds fewer than that of

(198 words)
TEST 21: The graph below shows the top priorities by business companies in the USA in 2016.

The bar graph outlines the comparative analysis of the American company's top five priorities in 2016 according to the size of the company.
The striking feature to note is that irrespective of the size of the companies, primary importance was given to raising the number of contacts
and converting them to customers.

Looking deep at the details, every company's two top priorities were to keep on increasing leads and to turn those leads into customers.
Small businesses, with 0-25 employees, gave equal emphasis to these two aspects. But a company with 26-200 employees gave the lead
generation and customer conversion the highest priority.

Since small and medium companies spent more on lead generation, they focused less on cost minimisation to gain customers. Contrary to
this, 30% priority was set by large organisations (more than 201 employees) to reduce this cost and they set the target to earn profit from
existing customers. Medium-sized industry indicated 47% to both increasing revenues derived from existing customers and providing ROI of
marketing activities, whereas, 55% and 58% precedence from a large company and 43% and 33% from the small company was assigned
respectively to the same objectives.

(193 words)
TEST 22: The chart below shows information about changes in average house prices in five different cities between
1990 and 2002 compared with the average house prices in 1989.

The bar graph illustrates the mean variation in the price of a house in five various cities when compared with that in 1989 in a period of 12
years from the year 1990.

Overall, it is clearly shown that majority of these five cities had their house prices lower from 1990 to 1995 than that in the year 1989
whereas all cities showed an upward trend in the average house prices between the years 1996 and 2002 except Frankfurt.

First and foremost, the house prices in Tokyo were lower than that in the year 1989 throughout the given period. However, there was a rise
in the house prices from 1996 to 2002 than from 1990 to 1995 (-5% and approximately -7% respectively) which was comparatively lower
than that in 1989. Furthermore, every city had its house prices rising over the period except Frankfurt in Germany which showed a slight drop
of about 1%.

Interestingly, London was the city that had the largest variation in house prices among the five cities from 1990 to 2002 in comparison with
that in 1989 (around 19% in total). There was a bigger fluctuation in house prices in New York than in Madrid in Spain (10% and nearly 5%

(205 words)
TEST 23: Plan A below shows a health centre in 2005. Plan B shows the same place in the present day.

The plans, A and B, illustrate the refurbishment of a health centre in two different years (2005 and the present).

Overall, there have been massive changes in the health centre over the period given. The centre has clearly been enlarged and its layout
has also been changed to meet the demand.

In 2005, the main entrance was located in front of the health centre with 12 car parking spaces outside. From the main entrance, there were
some seats along the hallway for clients to wait for consultation. At the end of the hallway, there was a reception desk for clients to register.
In addition, an office and a consultation room were located on the left of the desk, and on its right, there were two more consultation rooms.
Finally, a physiotherapy room was built behind the desk.

In the present day, the layout of the centre has been revised. The main entrance is now situated in the left corner of the centre with a
reception desk and an area for children to play. Meanwhile, there is a large common area in the middle of the centre for clients where seats
are available alongside the wall. All original rooms and a newly added room called the minor operations room, on the other hand, are now
allocated to the common area. Finally, the size of the car park increased by twice with 30 spaces

(232 words)
TEST 24:
The map below is of the town of Garlsdon. A new supermarket (S) is planned for the town.
The map shows two possible sites for the supermarket.

The illustration gives information on the possible places to construct a supermarket in Garlsdon. Overall, it is clearly shown that one of the
possible sites of a supermarket is in the countryside while the other in the town centre.

Firstly, it is apparent that the first site of the supermarket (S1) is located in the countryside where it is far away from the town centre and
residential places. However, it is reachable by the public from the town centre and their housing areas by train and other transports on roads
as there are a railway track and the main road connecting the supermarket and town centre. In addition, although it is located near to
Hendon, its location is far away from Bransdon and Gransdon which have a higher population than Hindon.

Turning to the second possible site of the supermarket (S2), it is apparent that, it is situated in the centre of the town where every citizen in
the town can easily access. It is fairly convenient for those living in Hindon and Gransdon as there are two ways to reach it, either by train or
through the main roads. On the other hand, those from Bransdon can only visit the supermarket through the main road.

(206 words)
TEST 25: The diagram below gives the information about the Hawaiian island chain in the centre of the Pacific Ocean

The map portrays the Hawaiian island chain, which is located in the heart of the Pacific Ocean and roughly 2,700 kilometres in length.

As is presented, it is formed of volcanoes and the active ones are at the south-east tip of the archipelago, where Hawaii itself is situated. It
also shows the how the volcano eruption occurs.

It is pointed out that the chain began to form almost 80 million years ago on solid dense rock bed and each island started to evolve after an
eruption on the seafloor. First, a `hot spot' existed on the ocean bed, which let out a plume of the material called 'magma'. Further, hot spot
remained stable. Hence, magma spume was formed. This magma may originate as deep as 2,883 km below the ocean bed. Next, further
eruptions took place, which built up the volcano. Eventually, it emerged above the surface of the ocean.

Afterward, the spume of magma has remained immobile as the Pacific tectonic plate moves in a north-west direction across it at an annual
speed of 7-9 centimetre. As it moves, a volcano forms as it passes over the hotspot and then become inactive when it has passed it. The
other major islands in the Pacific ocean are Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Maui, Lanai and Kahoolawe which are 0-100 kilometres away
from each other.

(223 words)
TEST 26: The diagram below shows how the Australian Bureau of Meteorology collects up-to-the-minute information
on the weather in order to produce reliable forecasts

The given diagram shows how the weather information is collected by Australian Bureau of Meteorology to provide accurate and updated
weather forecasting.

As is observed from the given illustration, the weather information collection is done via satellites, radars and drifting buoys and then
analysed before broadcasting them to the public.

As is presented in the diagram, the weather information is collected using three different types of sources namely, satellites, radars and
drifting buoys. The raw data collected from satellites is basically satellite photos while radar information is observed from the radar screens
and the synoptic charts are yielded from the drifting buoys and these three types of data are fed into a computer system to analyse and
prepare the weather news for broadcasting.
After that, the weather, the news is broadcasted in different public media like televisions, radios and telephones. The final information
regarding the weather is provided to the public via TV news, radio broadcasting and as a recorded announcement in devices like telephones.

(165 words)
TEST 27: The diagrams below show the life cycle of the silkworm and the stages in the production of silk cloth

The two given pictures describe the life cycle of silkworm and also illustrate the procedure of silk cloth production.
As is presented in the first picture life cycle of silkworm begins with eggs laid by mother worm. Silkworm eggs transform into the shape of
silkworm larva after around 10 days. Then the second process starts, and in this stage larva usually, eat leaves like mulberry leaves in order
to grow up.

Food process lasts 4 to 6 weeks. Larva generates silk threads shells at the end of the second stage. The third stage begins when silk thread
shells create cocoons, this process usually lasts for 3 to 8 days. In the final stage, cocoons transform into moths after 16 days. And moths
grow up and recycle whole procedure step by step.

As is observed from the second picture, which describes the producing of silk cloth from silkworm, total stages of silk cloth production are
five. Initially, in the first stage, silk thread shells are selected and boiled into hot water. Shells are unwinded properly and unwinded shells are
exactly 300 to 900m long. Then threads are twisted and dyed in dyers. And finally, those silks are weaved and again dyed. The process of
twist and dry, weave and dry possibly repeated if it is necessary to produce high-quality silk cloth.

(220 words)
TEST 28: The following diagram shows how greenhouse gases trap energy from the Sun. Write a report for a
university lecturer describing the information shown in the diagram.

The diagram illustrates the various ways in which solar energy gets trapped by greenhouse gases and the causes for the emission of the

Overall it is evident that there are many factors which prevent the Sun’s heat to escape back into space. There are several ways of
production of carbon dioxide and reduction in the ways of absorption of it.

To begin with, Sun’s rays carrying heat enters the earth from the space. Burning of fossil fuels by automobiles and factories emits carbon
dioxide into the atmosphere results in creating the greenhouse effect. Besides, trees absorb carbon dioxide but cutting trees adds to the
increase in the gas in the earth’s atmosphere.

A part of the heat is radiated out from the surface into the atmosphere naturally but a portion of it is entrapped in the atmosphere due to the
presence of greenhouse gases in it. A small chunk of the heat is also restricted from entering the earth because of the layer of the gases
forming a cover.

(170 words)
TEST 29: The diagrams show a structure that is used to generate electricity from wave power.

The diagrams show the structure and processes of generating electricity from the wave power. As is observed from the presented illustration,
the wave is used to produce the electricity and both the tide and ebb the structure is used to rotate a turbine to produce the electricity.

In summary, the electricity can be produced using a structure near the sea and both the tide and the ebb-tide is used to rotate the turbine to
produce the electricity.

According to the given pictorial, the electricity producing machine works in two ways. Firstly, the structure is placed near a sea so that the
wave water gets inside the chamber and creates an air pressure that would rotate the turbine placed inside a column. The rotation of the
turbine produces electricity which is stored in the cells and this electricity can be passed and used. The whole structure is placed near the
sea, adjacent to a cliff or sea wall.

The second illustration depicts how the electricity can be produced using the ebb tide of the sea. During the ebb, the water gets off from the
chamber and the air pressure is created again from the opposite direction and this rotates the turbine. The rotation of the turbine produces
electricity and supplies it to the storage.

(213 words)
TEST 30: The diagram below shows the stages and equipment used in the cement-making process, and how cement
is used to produce concrete for building purposes.

The given diagram shows the process of cement production and then how this cement is used for concrete production.

As is observed from the graph, cement production involves some complex processes and concrete production is done using the water,
cement and sand in a concrete mixer.

The first diagram depicts that, to produce cement first the limestone and clay are crushed and the produced powder from this is passed
through a mixer. The power is then passed via a rotating heater where heat is supplied constantly and this process creates the raw cement
materials which are passed on a grinder machine to finally produce the cement. The cement is then packed and marketed for sale.

The second diagram presents how the concrete is produced for housing and building work. In the first stage, 15% cement, 10% water, 25%
sand and 50% small stones are mixed in a concrete mixer machine and the machine rotates fast to have the ingredients mixed together to
create the concrete.

(165 words)
TEST 31: The following diagram shows how rainwater is reused for domestic purposes.

The diagram illustrates soft cheese production in detailed steps.

Overall, the 5-stage process turns a mixture of water and milk into soft cheese. During this process, the liquid becomes increasingly thicker;
the thickness of the liquid is proportional to the cheese content in this mixture.

In the first stage, water and milk are poured into a tank to form a mixture used for the cooling stage where it is kept cool at 5 degrees Celsius
for 2 hours. This mixture then undergoes 2 stage heat treatment, starting with a process called fermentation in which the mixture is
fermented and treated with heat at 35 degrees Celsius; this stage lasts 2 hours.

Fermented mixture is then treated at a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius for 8 hours in a stage called evaporation. During this stage, the
water content in the mixture is boiled until it is vaporized and escapes off the tank through a hole set up above the tank while wastewater is
discharged. Cheese content in this mixture increased and this mixture becomes even thicker in the next stage where it is cooled at 5 degrees
Celsius for 16 hours before soft cheese is extracted using a filter.

(198 words)

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