HowTo Checklist

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How to Write
the Perfect Update
Keep it Short: under 150 words Spicy: stir the pot a little
• stats and quotes work well • ask thought-provoking
short, simple Simple: inform & entertain questions; add your considered
and spicy • post links to videos, docs,
opinion to a trending topic
• get personal: “Tech marketers,
infographics, blog posts,
do you think..?”
PDFs, eBooks, white papers,
• hashtag trending themes,
and presentations
e.g. #learning #startups
• include a clear Call To Action

Last but
Share the Use Content Suggestions to Use Notifications to: not least,
find shareable content posted: • track and reshare brand
good stuff • by followers mentions, shares and tags
• by employees = in-house
thought leaders Pin it?
• in specific cities, regions, Pin your best content
Insider Tip: See how many
industries and job functions to the top of your Page
people follow a topic under
Topics by Audience Size Track it?
See which Updates
send traffic to your
Sponsor it?
Always Use rich, eye-catching images Keep text light
• let the image tell the story Use Sponsored
• visuals that compliment the
include text work best Be original Content to expand the
vivid visuals Size matters • feature your employees
and avoid stock photos
reach of your content
• 1200x627 pixels is best Test it?
Length matters Use Page Analytics
• videos between and Direct Sponsored
30s to 2 mins are best Content to test which
headlines and images
perform best

It’s about Focus on your audience’s

needs. Follow the 411 rule.
THEM, + 4 pieces of engaging content
not you that are interesting and add Before you post,
value to your audience (these
should NOT be about you) ask yourself:
+ 1 piece about you from “Would I
another source
+ 1 piece about you click on this?”

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