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• Nouns
• Verbs
• Adjectives
• Adverbs
• Definitions
• Extra language
• So; as a result; as a consequence
• Multi-national businesses often try to declare their profits in
countries where tax rates are lower.Therefore, nations with higher
tax rates receive less revenue and often complain about the
unfairness of the situation.
• Thanks to climatic changes and especially alterations in sea-water
temperatures, fish stocks have re-located or disappeared. Many
fisherman have, therefore, had to find different ways of making a
• Life has become increasingly hard for those living in the countryside;
therefore, many have decided to leave their homes and move to
urban areas in search of a better standard of living.
• Multi-national businesses often try to declare their profits in
countries where tax rates are lower.Therefore, nations with higher
tax rates receive less revenue and often complain about the
unfairness of the situation.
• Thanks to climatic changes and especially alterations in sea-water
temperatures, fish stocks have re-located or disappeared. Many
fisherman have, therefore, had to find different ways of making a
• Life has become increasingly hard for those living in the countryside;
therefore, many have decided to leave their homes and move to
urban areas in search of a better standard of living.
• Increasingly big or fast; bigger and bigger; faster and faster
• There has been an exponential increase in the amount of time
youngsters spend on social media.
• The exponential growth in international tourism can be seen as
having both benefits and drawbacks.
• The population of many Asian countries has grown exponentially
over the past few decades.
• There has been an exponential increase in the amount of time
youngsters spend on social media.
• The exponential growth in international tourism can be seen as
having both benefits and drawbacks.
• The population of many Asian countries has grown exponentially
over the past few decades.
• Very large; massive
• The statistics provided show that there is expected to be a huge rise
in the number of car-owners between now and the middle of this
• Huge numbers of bloggers attempt to make money online.
• I find it hugely disappointing that those from ethnic minorities still
face discrimination in their daily lives.
• It would be hugely ambitious to send a manned mission to Mars; the
chances of failure would be extremely high.
• The hugeness of some of the planet’s so-called ‘mega-cities’ can
scarcely be believed.
• The statistics provided show that there is expected to be a huge rise
in the number of car-owners between now and the middle of this
• Huge numbers of bloggers attempt to make money online.
• I find it hugely disappointing that those from ethnic minorities still
face discrimination in their daily lives.
• It would be hugely ambitious to send a manned mission to Mars; the
chances of failure would be extremely high.
• The hugeness of some of the planet’s so-called ‘mega-cities’ can
scarcely be believed.
• Characteristics; qualities; important parts
• One of the most noteworthy features of the graph is that female
employment levels in all sectors of the economy went up whilst the
corresponding figures for men remained relatively constant
throughout the period.
• Probably the most striking feature of the table under discussion is
the fact that the number of residents in the average household fell
continuously over the period.
• Communist economies have several significant features. Most
importantly, the state is completely centralized and controls labor,
land and capital.
• One of the most noteworthy features of the graph is that female
employment levels in all sectors of the economy went up whilst the
corresponding figures for men remained relatively constant
throughout the period.
• Probably the most striking feature of the table under discussion is
the fact that the number of residents in the average household fell
continuously over the period.
• Communist economies have several significant features. Most
importantly, the state is completely centralized and controls labor,
land and capital.
• To put into practice; to make something happen; to start using a strategy, policy or
• Online bullying is becoming a major problem, affecting teenagers and even
children at primary school. I believe that the authorities should implement quite
draconian policies. Anyone found guilty of bullying a child online should be dealt
with extremely harshly.
• Implementing a ‘zero-tolerance’ approach to crime has, in some cities, led to the
streets becoming much safer.
• The implementation of economic sanctions on other countries almost never
works. For instance, a widespread refusal to trade with North Korea has had
terrible implications for the people of this impoverished nation but almost no
effect on its government’s policies.
• Online bullying is becoming a major problem, affecting teenagers and even
children at primary school. I believe that the authorities should implement quite
draconian policies. Anyone found guilty of bullying a child online should be dealt
with extremely harshly.
• Implementing a ‘zero-tolerance’ approach to crime has, in some cities, led to the
streets becoming much safer.
• The implementation of economic sanctions on other countries almost never
works. For instance, a widespread refusal to trade with North Korea has had
terrible implications for the people of this impoverished nation but almost no
effect on its government’s policies.
• To check the level; to decide how good something/ somebody is
• It is incredibly difficult to assess the effectiveness of awareness-raising campaigns.
Television channels are often asked to screen messages about the dangers of online
fraud, but it is hard to say whether this strategy actually works.
• In the past, students were generally assessed through a written examination at the
end of each term or year. Nowadays, more enlightened strategies are employed:
learners may give a presentation, carry out a piece of research or complete a
project. Self-assessment is also used in some cases.
• The assessment of students needs to be undertaken with great care. A young
person’s self-esteem can be destroyed by a poor grade or unnecessary criticism.
• It is incredibly difficult to assess the effectiveness of awareness-raising campaigns.
Television channels are often asked to screen messages about the dangers of online
fraud, but it is hard to say whether this strategy actually works.
• In the past, students were generally assessed through a written examination at the
end of each term or year. Nowadays, more enlightened strategies are employed:
learners may give a presentation, carry out a piece of research or complete a
project. Self-assessment is also used in some cases.
• The assessment of students needs to be undertaken with great care. A young
person’s self-esteem can be destroyed by a poor grade or unnecessary criticism.
• Frequent rises and falls, often unpredictable
• The figures for the ten-year period commencing in 2001 reveal
moderate fluctuations in the use of coal and quite wild fluctuations
in the use of nuclear power. It is difficult to trace patterns or see
trends in these apparently random numbers.
• The temperature fluctuated wildly during the four months under
discussion, rising and falling regularly and unpredictably.
• The fluctuating figures suggest that future sales will be difficult to
• The figures for the ten-year period commencing in 2001 reveal
moderate fluctuations in the use of coal and quite wild fluctuations
in the use of nuclear power. It is difficult to trace patterns or see
trends in these apparently random numbers.
• The temperature fluctuated wildly during the four months under
discussion, rising and falling regularly and unpredictably.
• The fluctuating figures suggest that future sales will be difficult to
• Trend; information which changes in predictable ways
• By looking at the statistics as a whole, it is possible to trace some significant
patterns: there was an overall steady decline in the amount of tinned food
consumed and a significant reduction in the popularity of frozen food. In contrast,
the amount of fresh food eaten went up by a considerable amount over the 22
years in question.
• Taken together, the two pieces of statistical information reveal a regular pattern:
as temperatures rise during the months of May, June and July, sales of bottled
water show a corresponding increase. Conversely, as temperatures fall, sales also
• Prisons seem ineffective: the pattern of criminals being caught, serving a jail
sentence, being released, re-offending and returning to prison is a familiar one.
• By looking at the statistics as a whole, it is possible to trace some significant
patterns: there was an overall steady decline in the amount of tinned food
consumed and a significant reduction in the popularity of frozen food. In contrast,
the amount of fresh food eaten went up by a considerable amount over the 22
years in question.
• Taken together, the two pieces of statistical information reveal a regular pattern:
as temperatures rise during the months of May, June and July, sales of bottled
water show a corresponding increase. Conversely, as temperatures fall, sales also
• Prisons seem ineffective: the pattern of criminals being caught, serving a jail
sentence, being released, re-offending and returning to prison is a familiar one.
• To show; to tell us; to indicate; to make it clear
• Rises in food prices mean that those on lower incomes can struggle
to feed themselves.
• It is incredibly difficult to define success. Its meaning varies from
person to person.
• Police officers are meant to uphold the law and protect citizens.
(supposed to; have the job of)
• I do not believe that governments around the world are making a
meaningful attempt to eradicate poverty, hunger and disease.
(significant; serious)
• Words are meaningless if not backed up by actions. (pointless)
• Rises in food prices mean that those on lower incomes can struggle
to feed themselves.
• It is incredibly difficult to define success. Its meaning varies from
person to person.
• Police officers are meant to uphold the law and protect citizens.
• I do not believe that governments around the world are making a
meaningful attempt to eradicate poverty, hunger and disease.
• Words are meaningless if not backed up by actions.
• To decide how good something is; to judge something
• If students were encouraged to evaluate their teachers online, the
quality of teaching would probably rise.
• In order to evaluate the importance of a particular charity, we need
to fully understand the work it does.
• Based on an evaluation of the relevant arguments, I feel it is
reasonable to conclude that educating girls and boys separately
would be detrimental to both genders and to society in general.
• If students were encouraged to evaluate their teachers online, the
quality of teaching would probably rise.
• In order to evaluate the importance of a particular charity, we need
to fully understand the work it does.
• Based on an evaluation of the relevant arguments, I feel it is
reasonable to conclude that educating girls and boys separately
would be detrimental to both genders and to society in general.
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