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Should colleges and universities require students to take physical education classes?

Nowadays, students in colleges and universities don’t take any time to do exercise. They
go to sleep very late and don’t have breakfast. Most of their time is just sitting in a chair to
study or surf in the Internet. These things are bad for their health. So, colleges and
universities should require students to take physical education classes. Physical education
classes have many benefits.
First, physical education classes help students improve their physical health. They make
them stronger, reduce the risk of may chronic diseases, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes,
stroke, and some cancers. Exercises can lower their blood sugar level and help your insulin
work well. Moreover, they play an important role in controlling their weight and preventing
obesity. Physical activities also strengthen their bones and muscles.
Second, physical education classes can make students’ mental health better. During
exercises, the body releases chemicals that can increase their mood and make them feel more
relaxed. So, they can help them reduce stress after school time and some pressure in their
lives. Futhermore, physical activities can help them avoid the risk of depression. They also
help them fall asleep faster and have a deep sleep.
Overall, physical education classes improve both students’ physical and mental health.
Colleges and universities need to include physical education classes in the curriculum in a
reasonable way to maximize their benefits.

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