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SET - 01

(Perkenalan, pemaparan jati diri)
Memperkenalkan diri sendiri
Ungkapan pengantar untuk memperkenalkan diri sendiri antara lain :
- I’d like to introduce myself
- May I introduce myself?
- Let me introduce myself
- I want to introduce myself
- Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Radizga.

Memperkenalkan orang lain

Ungkapan pengantar untuk memperkenalkan orang lain yang satu kepada lainnya diantaranya
adalah :
- I’d like you to meet …..(name)
- This is my friend/boss/manager/etc….(name)
- Have you met….(name)?
- May I introduce you to…
- Let me introduce you to…
- I want to introduce you to…

Ucapan ramah tamah saat perkenalan adalah how do you do? Ini hanya digunakan saat
perkenalan saja, setelah saling mengenal, ucapan ini tidak digunakan lagi, untuk sapaan
selanjutnya digunakan how are you? How have you been?, dsb.
Ucapan ramah tamah lainnya setelah how do you do? Lumrahnya adalah ucapan (It’s/I’m)
good/pleasure/glad/nice/happy to meet you. Jawaban dari ungkapan tadi biasanya dengan
ucapan yang sama atau ungkapan I’m too/me too.

Respon yang dapat digunakan :

- Nice to meet/see you
- My name’s …/I’m…
- How do you do?
- My name’s…
- I’m….
- Fine, thanks/thank you
- Hi….
Choose the correct answer

1. Radizga : ‘… my new classmate (D) Do you live with your parents?
Diandra’ (E) Where do you live?
Diandra : ‘How do you do’
Miko : ‘Nice to meet you’ 6. Nowela : ‘…..’
(A) I’m introducing you Miranti : ‘No he isn’t. He is a lawyer’
(B) Let me introduce you (A) Does your father work here?
(C) I’ll be introduced (B) Does your father need s job?
(D) Won’t you introduce (C) Is your father a public accountant?
(E) You are introduced (D) Is your father here now?
(E) Is your father happy with his job?
2. Radizga : ‘Father, this is my friend,
Novalina’ 7. Teacher : ‘Please,…..yourself to your
Father : ‘…..pleased to meet you’ friends in your new class’
(A) How are you Evan : ‘OK’
(B) Is it your name? (A) tell
(C) Well. Great your name (B) describe
(D) I’ve been waiting for you (C) expose
(E) How do you do? (D) introduce
(E) explore
3. Shefia : ‘I am a new student in your class,
…’ 8. Teacher : ‘…..’
Shelly : ‘We are going to hear you’ Ubay : Yes, they do. They have been
(A) Let me introduce you to Revalino living here since ten years ago’
(B) I’d like to introduce myself (A) Are your parents workers?
(C) Nice to meet you (B) Do your parents live in Bandung?
(D) I am happy to meet you (C) Do your parents work?
(E) Have you seen me before? (D) Have you parents done that
challenging job?
4. Richard and Kevin have not met each (E) Do your parents enjoy working here?
other before.
Richard : ‘How do you do’ 9. Arvina : ‘Have you met Mr. Hasan
Kevin : ‘….’ Before?’
(A) Nice to meet you Bilqis : ‘….., I’ve met him twice at
(B) I am glad to see you airport’
(C) Are you happy to meet me (A) Yes, I have
(D) Do you feel satisfied to see me (B) No, I haven’t
(E) How do you do (C) Yes, I do
(D) No, I don’t
5. Rivan : ‘…..’ (E) Yes, I had
Revin : ‘I come from Penang Malaysia’
(A) Where do you come from?
(B) Where are you coming from?
(C) Are you Balinese?
10. Man : ‘Hi,Nisa. Nice to meet you. How is 14. Raditio : ‘My mother is busy with her
everything?’ students assignments every day’
Woman: ‘Hi, John. Nice to see you too. Rinto : ‘Yes of course, cause your mother
I’m fine’ is ….in colleges in Bandung’
Man: ‘I want to introduce you to my (A) a lecturer (D) a publisher
brother, Roberto. He works to repair (B) a designer (E) a translator
machines’ (C) a teacher
Woman: ‘Hello Roberto. How do you
do?’ 15. X : ‘Hello, good morning my new
What is Roberto’s profession? classmates, my name is Conchitta Bella’
(A) A teacher Y : ‘Nice to meet you,….?’
(B) A waitress X : ‘I live in Mawar street number 143’
(C) A driver (A) Where do you live
(D) A flight attendant (B) Where are you live
(E) A mechanic (C) Where will you live
(D) How can you live
11. Angga : ‘Is Mr. Kalim ….in your town?’ (E) When do you live
Avian : ‘Yes, he is. He has designed many
new buildings here’ 16. X : ‘…..?’
(A) a plumber Y : ‘She is fourty years old’
(B) a carpenter (A) When was your mother born
(C) an architect (B) How old is your mother
(D) a pediatrician (C) What’s job of your mother
(E) a pedestrian (D) Does your mother still young
(E) Is your mother friendly
12. Alfredo : ‘I think you haven’t recognized
Monalisa before,……’ 17. Sarah : ‘How many sons and daughters
Andera : ‘OK’ does your uncle have?’
(A) Let me introduce you to her Sinta : ‘….’
(B) Let her introduce me to you (A) He has two sons and one daughter
(C) Allow you introduce me to her (B) He has two son and one daughters
(D) Is she your friend? (C) He didn’t have any sisters and
(E) Does she know you? brothers
(D) He doesn’t have much son and
13. Andrian : ‘Monalisa, …..Mr. radizga?, He daughter
has been your new financial manager (E) He is two sons and one daughter
since yesterday’
Monalisa : ‘No. I’ve not” 18. Richard : ‘…..?’
(A) Do you meet Revan : ‘No I’m not. I am twenty two
(B) May you know years old and he will be twenty next
(C) May you introduce year’
(D) Have you met (A) Do you younger than Scott
(E) Did you meet (B) Are you younger than Scott
(C) Have you been younger than Scott
(D) Are you older than Scott
(E) Will you be older than Scott
19. Rivan : ‘Does your sister…. French at 24. X : ‘…..?’
home?’ Y : No, it isn’t. My hobbies are singing
Scott : ‘No she doesn’t. She always and arranging the flowers’
communicates in Spanish’ (A) Was dancing your hobby
(A) speaks (B) Does dancing your hobby
(B) speaking (C) Is dancing your hobby
(C) to speak (D) Dancing is your hobby
(D) speak (E) Dancing will be your hobby
(E) spoke
25. Conchitta : ‘Shelly, my sister…… to
20. Richard : ‘Bella, I really want to know
Shelly : ‘I am pleasure’
Bella : ‘OK, I write her address in this
(A) wants to introduce you
(B) speaks you
(A) does Cassandra live
(C) asks you
(B) did Cassandra live
(D) would like you
(C) will Cassandra live
(E) is asking me
(D) Cassandra is lived
(E) Cassandra lives
Answer these questions based on the
instruction given for each number.
21. Richard : ‘……., soft drink or juice?’
Scott : ‘She prefers soft drink to juice’
1. Work in pairs. Create a simple and short
(A) What does your mother prefer
dialogue about introducing Anita to your
(B) What are your mother prefers
(C) Why does your mother prefer
(D) What is your mother prefers
2. Write down how you will introduce
(E) What do your mother prefers
yourself in front of your classroom as you
are a new student there.
22. Andi : ‘Have you ever spoken to the
friendly man?’
3. Work in pairs. Create a simple and short
Avin : ‘Which the friendly man you
dialogue about introducing your mother
to your friend.
Andi : ‘The friendly man who …..English
and Spanish fluently’
4. Work in pairs. Create a simple and short
(A) is speaking
dialogue about introducing Richard and
(B) speak
Michael from Australia to Hendra.
(C) speaks
(D) will speak
5. Work in pairs. Create a simple and short
(E) have spoken
dialogue about introducing yourself to
your English teacher for the first time.
23. Kevin : ‘Are you new student in my
Rahmasari : ‘My name is Rahmasari’
(A) What is your name
(B) What is your job
(C) Where are you
(D) How are you
(E) What your name is
SET - 02
Praising (memuji)
Showing attention/care (menunjukkan perhatian)
Willingness of doing something
(niat melakukan sesuatu)
Untuk memberikan pujian pada seseorang dapat dipergunakan ungkapan-ungkapan sebagai
berikut :
Pujian :
- you are great singer
- it is wonderful island
- she is lovely designer
- you are marvelous dancer
- Mr. Thomas has been perfect in teaching Spanish
- It is terrific day
Respon :
- Excellent
- Thanks
- Thank you
- Really
- It’s very kind of you to say so
- Oh you should say so

Selain itu dapat juga dipergunakan ungkapan :

- You are really good at…
- You did very well on….

Ungkapan untuk memberi perhatian dan cara meresponnya adalah :

- You look pale
- Are you OK?
- Not really
- I’ve got a headache

Ungkapan untuk menyatakan niat melakukan sesuatu adalah :

- I’d like to tell my name
- I will tell him about my job
- I am going to introduce my friend
Choose the correct answer

1. Mr. John : ‘I am really satisfied with your (C) You cannot do the job
acting in that movie, you are a great (D) You are really good at delivering
actor’ English speech
Thomas : ‘Thank you’ (E) You are perfect in mathematics test
Mr. John expresses his…to Thomas.
(A) praising 6. Anggara : ‘Have you given him the
(B) agreement invitation?’
(C) disagreement Andiko : ‘No, I haven’t, he is very busy,
(D) pleasure I… phone sooner’
(E) attention (A) am told him
(B) have been told him
2. Andara : ‘You have been perfect on the
(C) will be told him
stage recently’
(D) will tell him
Andina : ‘….’
(E) would be telling him
(A) I agree
(B) I don’t agree
7. Andara : ‘…..them to my wedding party’
(C) You’re welcome
Andica : ‘I am really sure, they will come
(D) I believe you
to your party because at that time they
(E) Thank you
will be free in their office’
(A) I don’t invite
3. Diandra : ‘….’
(B) I’d like to invite
Devan : ‘Thanks’
(C) I didn’t invite
(A) I don’t like your voice
(D) I am inviting
(B) You did very well on singing western
(E) I have invited
(C) I didn’t meet you in Ann’s party
8. Chica : ‘Are you going to…your parents in
(D) Could you give me a solution of my
Chiko : ‘Yes, I am. I want to know their
(E) You didn’t do very well on dancing
(A) contact
4. Mr. Devan : ‘I like you because ………’
(B) contacts
Mr. Raka : ‘Really?
(C) contacted
Mr. Devan : ‘I will promote you as a
(D) be contacted
manager in our company next year’
(E) contacting
(A) you agree with my opinion
(B) you disagree with my answer
9. Budi : ‘Will your sister…to my house?’
(C) you always have great idea
Andi : ‘I am not sure, she is busy at her
(D) you are lazy worker
(E) you are not discipline worker
(A) came
5. X : ‘….’ (B) comes
Y : ‘Thanks, because I always speak (C) to come
English at home’ (D) come
(A) You are not good in English (E) coming
(B) You never follow the English course
10. Eva : ‘Monalisa…her scientific papers in 15. Hasan : ‘……today?’
front of her teacher as soon as possible’ Kalim : ‘Not really, I have done a long
Eli : ‘I think, she can do it well because trip and I am exhausted Now’
she is smart student’ (A) Were you OK?
(A) is presenting (B) Have you been OK?
(B) would like to present (C) Will you come here
(C) has presented (D) Are you OK?
(D) has been presented (E) Will you agree
(E) will be presented
16. X : ‘You look confused, do you have any
11. Andini : ‘Why don’t you attend the class problem?’
today?.......’ Y : ‘I don’t have any way how I….Thomas
Andika : ‘No, I am not. I am at hospital, about this secret’
I have got serious fever since yesterday’ (A) am telling
(A) How are you? (B) will tell
(B) How do you do? (C) told
(C) Are you OK? (D) have told
(D) Nice to meet you (E) was telling
(E) Pleased to meet you
17. X : ‘You have to join Indonesian Idol
12. X : ‘Would you like to…your complete cause your voice is marvelous to hear’
name in this paper?’ Y : ‘It’s very kind of you to say so’
Y : ‘OK’ The underlined sentence expresses…
(A) written (A) giving offer
(B) writes (B) giving help
(C) wrote (C) asking help
(D) writing (D) certainty
(E) write (E) praising
13. Ahmad : ‘…,you should take a rest at
18. Anne : ‘Your little daughter did very well
home and drink some medicines’
on dancing and singing’
Anton : ‘I want to leave this class early’
Rosa : ‘Thank You’
(A) You are OK
Anne expresses her… Rosa.
(B) You look pale
(A) praising
(C) You are fine
(B) displeasure
(D) Are you in class?
(C) uncertainty
(E) Are you in library?
(D) denial
14. Hasan : ‘Your sister looks pale and tired. (E) complaining
Is she OK?’
Kalim : ‘No,she isn’t. She has got fever 19. Tina : ‘Grandma, can I help you with the
for two days’ sewing?’
Hasan expresses his …to Kalim. Grandma : ‘….how kind of you’
(A) attention or care (A) Thank you
(B) agreement (B) I am sorry
(C) disagreement (C) I don’t need you
(D) pleasure (D) Never mind
(E) certainty (E) Don’t worry
20. Jack : ‘Rita……..’ 24. X : ‘Are you OK to present your paper in
Rita : ‘Pleased to meet you’ front of your professor?’
Radizga : ‘Pleased to meet you too’ Y : ‘……I have to edit my paper twice’
(A) Radizga is my friend The suitable response on the dialogue
(B) Radizga wants to meet you above is….
(C) don’t you know Radizga is my friend (A) I am fine
(D) I’d like you to meet my friend (B) You are kind
Radizga (C) Not really
(E) please introduce yourself to Radizga (D) You are friendly
(E) I have been good
21. X : ‘….your sister going to visit Thomas in
Australia?’ 25. X : ‘Why don’t you attend the English
Y : ‘Yes, she is. She has planned to go class today? We have a new English
there since last week’ teacher’
(A) Has Y : ‘… I can’t attend it’
(B) Was The suitable response of the dialogue
(C) Will above is…
(D) Is (A) I am fine to do it
(E) Are (B) I’ve got headache since yesterday
(C) How are you today?
22. X : ‘Would you like….me about the new (D) Really good
schedule of this class?’ (E) I am OK to help you
Y : ‘OK. It will be faxed to you’
(A) inform Answer these questions based on the
(B) to inform instruction given for each number.
(C) informs
(D) informing 1. Work in pairs. Create a simple and short
(E) informed dialogue about promising to join the
English Club to your classmate.
23. Adi : ‘You look exhausted to continue
the job. What’s the matter?’ 2. Work in pairs. Create a simple and short
Tony : ‘I had overtime job last night’ dialogue about showing attention to your
Adi expresses his….to Tony condition. little sister when she is learning English
(A) dissatisfaction by watching an American movie.
(B) denial
(C) pleasure 3. Work in pairs. Create a simple and short
(D) satisfaction dialogue about your willingness of joining
(E) attention Mandarin course in this semester.

4. Work in pairs. Create a simple and short

dialogue about promising to accompany
your mother to hospital to get general
check up.

5. Write down the expressions of giving

showing attention and care to others.
SET - 03
Simple Past Tense
Simple Past Tense
Pola : Subject + verb-2 + Object
Subject + was/were + adjective, noun, adverb
Subject + didn’t + verb-1 + object
Penggunaan : Untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang terjadi pada suatu titik di waktu
- Radizga went to New Zealand last year
- Mariska translated the article last night

Past Continuous Tense

Pola : Subject + was/were + verb-ing
Penggunaan :
Untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung di waktu lampau saat kegiatan lain
- -The engine was running when it suddenly stopped
- When Mariska came home, her parents were watching television
Menyatakan dua kegiatan bersamaan di waktu lampau.
- Hasan was reading a novel while his friends were playing softball
- While Cassandra was searching for the information in the internet, her mother was
watching a movie

Past Perfect Tense

Pola : Subject + had + verb-3
Subject + had + been + adjective, noun, adverb
Penggunaan :
Menyatakan suatu kegiatan atau tindakan yang terjadi sebelum kegiatan lain di waktu lampau,
biasanya ada dua atau lebih kegiatan yang beriringan.
- My sister had written the letter completely before she posted it
- Before my brother bought a new gadget, he had saved his money
- After I had met him, I felt happy
- Thomas went home after he had finished his test

Past Perfect continuous

Pola : Subject + had + been + verb-ing
Penggunaan :
Untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang dimulai sebelum waktu pembicaraan pada waktu
lampau dan berjalan terus sampai waktu itu, atau baru saja selesai/terjadi sebelum orang itu
berbicara. Tense ini umumnya menyatakan kegiatan / peristiwa berdurasi di waktu lampau.
- Radizga had been living in Bandung for ten years before he moved to New Zealand
- Mr. Kalim had been working for an educational consultant for five years before he retired
- I had been waiting for a bus for twenty minutes when I saw you
Choose the correct answer

1. ‘We allowed the children to watch their 6. ‘When did you take the academic writing
favorite TV program yesterday, only after course?’
they…doing their school assignment’ ‘Last year, after I…composition II’
‘I agree you’ (A) complete
(A) were finishing have finished (B) was completing
(B) finish (C) was completed
(C) would finish (D) have completed
(D) had finished (E) had completed
(E) have been finished
7. ‘As a student, I always had instant
2. ‘The book that I …in the classroom was noodles for breakfast’
found by Radizga’ This means that I …for breakfast.
‘I need it now’ (A) am having instant noodles
(A) had left (B) like to have instant noodles
(B) was leaving (C) am used to having instant noodles
(C) had been leaving (D) have instant noodles
(D) have left (E) used to have instant noodles
(E) would have left
8. ‘Did you see the children when you came
3. ‘Monalisa…the shoes for five minutes home this afternoon?
when one of the heels came off’ ‘No, I didn’t. They….their mathematics
‘She was shocked because of the teacher in Maruya’
incident’ (A) visited
(A) am only wearing (B) had visited
(B) was only wearing (C) are visiting
(C) had only been wearing (D) were visiting
(D) have only been wearing (E) would have visited
(E) only wore
9. ‘Since when hasn’t she been feeling
4. ‘When did you realize you had lost your
‘Since she….from Tokyo’
(A) returned
‘When I…money to pay the bus fare’
(B) has returned
(A) was needing
(C) was returning
(B) needed
(D) had returned
(C) had needed
(E) has been returning
(D) have needed
(E) am needing 10. ‘The team…along the river when they
accidentally found a big cave’
5. ‘I did not meet Rosalinda when I visited ‘They were shocked’
her yesterday’ (A) were walking
‘Oh, she…for Australia to see her parents’ (B) are walking
(A) will leave (D) has left (C) will walk
(B) had left (E) would leave (D) walked
(C) is leaving (E) walk
11. ‘When do you plan to visit Bali Island?’ (C) am waiting
‘After ….my national exam’ (D) had been waiting
(A) I finish (E) was waiting
(B) I finished
(C) I am finishing 17. ‘The police …for the robber for two years
(D) I had been finished before they caught him’
(E) I have finished ‘The robbers are young people’
(A) Had been looking
12. ‘When did the guests come yesterday?’ (B) Have been looking
‘When she….cooking the meal’ (C) Were being looked
(A) had just finished (D) Had to be looked
(B) is finishing (E) Were looked
(C) has just finished
(D) has finished 18. ‘We …along the road for about forty
(E) finishes minutes when a man stopped his car and
offered us a ride’
13. ‘When did the farmer find the ancient ‘Did you recognize the man?’
tool?’ (A) was walking
‘When he….his field’ (B) walked
(A) was ploughing (C) are walking
(B) has ploughed (D) had been walking
(C) had ploughed (E) would walk
(D) is ploughing
(E) has been ploughing 19. ‘I…for years before I was able to buy
myself a new car’
14. ‘I saw Narendra this morning when I….for ‘Wow, that’s great’
the bus’ (A) saved up
‘So did my brother’ (B) had saved up
(A) wait (C) have saved up
(B) was waiting (D) have been saving up
(C) had waited (E) would have saved up
(D) am waiting
(E) have waited 20. ‘Monalisa had just watered the flowers
when Narendra came’
15. ‘Why didn’t Narendra want to go home?’ From this sentence we may conclude
‘His mother…him for causing the car that…
accident’ (A) Narendra didn’t see Monalisa
(A) would blame(D) had blamed watering the flowers
(B) has blamed (E) blames (B) Narendra came at the time Monalisa
(C) is blaming was watering the flowers
(C) Narendra was watching Monalisa
16. ‘The bus came after I….for about forty watering the flowers
minutes’ (D) Narendra would come when
‘Why didn’t you ask your brother to pick Monalisa finished watering the
you up? flowers
(A) have been waiting (E) Narendra had come before Monalisa
(B) have waited watered the flowers
21. ‘All students had just left the classroom 25. ‘Did your sister…the English class two
when the mathematics teacher came in’ days ago?’
From this sentence we may conclude ‘No, She didn’t. She was sick’
that… (A) had attended
(A) the students came late for the (B) have attended
mathematics class (C) attended
(B) the teacher cancelled the (D) attend
mathematics class (E) attending
(C) the mathematics class started late
that day Answer these questions based on the
(D) there was no mathematics class that instruction given for each number.
(E) the teacher asked the students to 1. Change this sentence into simple past
leave the class tense.
My sister writes an English article and
22. ‘So you have finished typing those song lyrics to improve her capabilities in
letters! When did you do it?’ English.
‘When you…the meeting’
(A) were attending 2. Change this sentence into negative
(B) attend correctly.
(C) have attended Narendra presented his biology research
(D) attended in front of my classroom this morning.
(E) had attended
3. Change this sentence into interrogative.
23. ‘I didn’t hear the thunder during the Indonesia exported coffee to European
storm last night because I….soundly’ and Asia countries last year.
‘Neither did I’
(A) have been sleeping 4. Complete this sentence using the words
(B) had slept in bracket.
(C) am sleeping Narendra and radizga …..(not/attend)
(D) was sleeping their first English class two days ago
(E) have slept because they….(to be) sick.

24. ‘He found the front door opened 5. Complete this sentence using the words
although he…it before’ in bracket.
‘But he always forgot to lock it’ Mr. Richard……(order) his secretary to
(A) had been locked email this complete proposal to an
(B) had locked American company this morning.
(C) has locked
(D) had to lock
(E) has been locked
SET - 04
Present Perfect Tense
Present Perfect Tense
Pola : Subject + have/has + verb-3 + Object
Subject + have/has + been + adjective, noun, adverb
Penggunaan :
Untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang telah rampung / selesai dilaksanakan sekarang.
- We have already written our reports. (We are not writing them anymore now)
- Radizga has already read the entire book. (He is not reading it anymore)
- I have been in Bandung since I was born
- Has your sister been satisfied with his answer?
- The children have been in their class since two hours ago

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Pola : Subject + have/has + been + verb-ing + Object
Penggunaan :
Untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang dimulai pada waktu lampau dan sekarang masih
berlangsung dan ada kemungkinan masih akan terus berlangsung.
- Kalim has been working in Bandung for three years
- Over the past few years medical doctors have been searching for a drug to control the AIDS
- One of my friends has been working in your company since he graduated
- All these years, Fika’s family has been living in poverty

Choose the correct answer

1. ‘Several hotels in this region are closing 3. ‘Where is Tantri?’

down’ ‘I don’t know. In fact I…any of our friends
‘That’s because tourism itself …..since since I arrived’
last year’ (A) did not see
(A) is declining (B) was not seeing
(B) had been declined (C) have not seen
(C) has declined (D) do not see
(D) was declining (E) had not seen
(E) will decline
4. ‘Hasan was promoted president of your
company last week, wasn’t he?’
2. ‘You look so unhappy, Mahardika. What’s
‘I’m glad he was. He…in this company for
the matter?’
more than twenty years’
‘My father….his job’
(A) had worked
(A) has just lost (D) is losing
(B) has been working
(B) has been loosing (E) loses
(C) was working
(C) losing
(D) would work
(E) worked
5. ‘What are you looking for?’ 10. ‘I know one of my students ….in your
‘My English dictionary, I don’t know company since he graduated from
where I…it’ Indonesia University’
(A) have been putting ‘I really know him’
(B) am putting (A) works
(C) had put (B) is working
(D) was putting (C) work
(E) have put (D) has been working
(E) have worked
6. ‘Where is my new English magazine? It
was on my desk’ 11. ‘How long has he been the principle of
‘Perhaps somebody….it’ our school?’
(A) takes ‘Since I…this school’
(B) has taken (A) was entering
(C) is taking (B) have entered
(D) had taken (C) had entered
(E) would be taken (D) entered
(E) had been entering
7. ‘I have written three English application
letters’ means…. 12. ‘We haven’t heard from Radizga for such
(A) I am still writing now a long time’
(B) I have to write now ‘We haven’t either, since He….to Padang’
(C) I haven’t finished writing yet (A) moves
(D) I am not writing anymore (B) moved
(E) I hope to finish writing (C) was moving
(D) has moved
8. ‘The anthropologist has been studying (E) had moved
that tribe for the last five years’. The
sentence means He…that tribe. 13. ‘My brother is an actor. He….in several
(A) has finished studying action films’
(B) studied ‘I like his acting on his movies’
(C) was studying (A) has been appearing
(D) had studied (B) has appeared
(E) is still studying (C) has been appeared
(D) is appearing
9. ‘Cassandra, the national tennis (E) was appearing
champion, …tennis since she was ten
years old’ 14. ‘The ceiling in the living room was white.
‘So have her brothers’ Now it’s blue. Hasan…the ceiling’
(A) played ‘The colour is fresh’
(B) has been playing (A) has been painted
(C) plays (B) had been painted
(D) is playing (C) was painting
(E) has played (D) is painting
(E) has painted
15. ‘Why don’t you join them to watch the 20. ‘I…my English note book, can you help
movie?’ me look for it?’
‘I …..the movie twice’ ‘Yes, I can’
(A) have been watched (A) has lost
(B) have been watching (B) have been lost
(C) have watched (C) have lost
(D) am watching (D) will lost
(E) will watch (E) am going to be lost

16. ‘Two of my workers… since two 21. ‘Rosalinda…in this company for more
hours ago’ than ten years’
‘They are invited to attend the workshop’ ‘She will be promoted as a financial
(A) has been manager next year’
(B) were (A) is working
(C) was (B) has been working
(D) have been (C) will work
(E) will be (D) have been worked
(E) have been working
17. ‘Look! Somebody ….that window’
‘I think he is a naughty boy’ 22. ‘How long have you been staying in
(A) has been broken Spain?’
(B) has been breaking ‘Since…’
(C) has broken (A) I was nine years old
(D) had been broken (B) I am nine years old
(E) are breaking (C) I have been nine years old
(D) I had been nine years old
18. ‘You look tired, …..hard?’ (E) I will be nine years old
‘Yes, I have. I want to take a rest at home
Now’ 23. Mahardika : ‘Why don’t you want to
(A) have you been working move to Yogyakarta?’
(B) are you working Mandavi : ‘Even though Jakarta is a
(C) were you working busy town, in fact I….in here for ten
(D) will you work years. I don’t have any plan to move to
(E) have you worked Yogyakarta’
(A) am living
19. ‘There’s a strange smell in here, (B) was living
….something?’ (C) have been living
‘No, I haven’t, but my sister has’ (D) had been living
(A) have you been cooking (E) am going to live
(B) have you been cooked
(C) had you cooked 24. ‘I….the glass, and now it is broken’
(D) are you cooking ‘My mother will be angry to you’
(E) would you cook (A) has dropped
(B) have been dropped
(C) will drop
(D) have been dropping
(E) have dropped
25. ‘You look so happy today’ Answer these questions based on the
‘I …many letters from my old friends this instruction given for each number.
(A) have been received 1. Change this sentence into present
(B) have received perfect tense.
(C) had been received Monalisa types and edits two English
(D) will be received articles in the school library.
(E) have been receiving
2. Change this sentence into negative
Shelomitha has finished doing her second
English project on time.

3. Change this sentence into interrogative.

Our government has stopped illegal
logging in Sumatera and Kalimantan
islands since two decades ago.

4. Complete this sentence using the words

in bracket.
The gardener …..(water and fertilize) all
my mother’s plants recently.

5. Complete this sentence using the words

in bracket.
The third grade students…..(not/attend)
their school party because they must
prepare the national examination.
SET - 05
Descriptive Text
Simple Present Tense
Teks Descriptive adalah teks yang digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan orang, tempat, atau benda

Social Function :
To describe a particular person, place, or thing.

Generic Structure :
 Identification :
identifies phenomenon to be described
 Description : describe parts, qualities, characteristics

Significant Lexicogrammatical Features :

 Focus on specific participants
 Use of attributive and identifying processes
 Frequent use of Ephitets and Classifiers in nominal groups
 Use of Simple Present tense

The example of Description Text:

Identification Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia.
It is centrally located within the country on the northwest coast of Java
Island at the mouth of the Ciliwung River. Jakarta dominates Indonesian’s
administrative, economy, cultural activities, and is a major commercial

and transportation hub within Asia-with a population of about 9 millions,

Jakarta has more people than any other cities in Indonesia.
The climate is hot and humid year-round. Rainfall occurs throughout the
year, although it is the heaviest from November to May. To average
annual precipitation in Jakarta is 1, 790 mm. The city lies on a flat, low
plain and is prone to flooding during periods of heavy rainfall.
Kota is city’s oldest commercial area. It is located south of the old Sunda
Kelapa harbour. Glodok, the south of Kota is a banking, retail and
residential neighborhood with a large Chinese population. Merdeka
Square with Monas (The National Monument) dominates the city’s central
district. Surrounding the square are Istana Merdeka, the presidential
palace, the National Museum, and the Istiqlal Mosque.
Simple Present tense
Pola : Subject + verb-1 + Object (Verb-1 ditambah –s/-es untuk subjek bentuk ketiga tunggal
Subject + do/does + not + verb-1 + object
Subject + am/is/are + adjective, noun, adverb
Penggunaan :
A. Menyatakan suatu kebiasaan (=habitual action) atau kegiatan yang terjadi berulang-ulang
dan atau terus-menerus
o My old brother lives in Damansara Kuala Lumpur
o Every night the watchman turns on all the lights and walks around the building every
half an hour
o I go running three times a week
B. Menyatakan kebenaran umum (=general truth)
o The sun rises in the east and sets down in the west
o The earth revolves around the sun
o Water boils at 100 degrees celcius
C. Membicarakan hal yang akan datang, dalam hal ini berkenaan dengan jadual, program,
acara atau kegiatan lain yang terencana dan atau berseri
o We begin the first English lesson next week
o What time does the music concert starts?
o The train arrives at 10.20
D. Stative Verbs : Kata kerja yang menunjukkan waktu sekarang tetapi selamanya tidak boleh
dalam bentuk continuous melainkan harus dalam bentuk non-continuous.
o Do you like Jakarta? (bukan are you liking Jakarta?)
o I need two papers now (bukan I am needing two papers now)
o The hamburger tastes delicious (bukan the hamburger is tasting delicious)
o Now I know how to do the job properly (bukan now I am knowing how to do the job

Choose the correct answer
The following text is for questions 1 to 5
Although a jaguar does not live in Asia, it is famous there because there is a car named
after the animal. It can be stated in some points.
The jaguar belongs to the cat family. It is one of the four big (roaring) cats along with the
lion, the tiger and the leopard. Because it has spots, a jaguar is often mistaken for a leopard.
However, a jaguar has larger rossete markings, a stronger body and a shorter tail. The jaguar
is brownish – yellow in color and has spots on the head.
Jaguars live in a variety of locations. The rainforests and wet grasslands of Central and
South America from the habitat of the jaguar.
The jaguar is an excellent hunter. While the other three roaring cats kill their prey by
biting it at the neck, the jaguar kills its prey by biting it through its skull. It usually kills small
animals for food, but can attack and kill cattle or deer.

1. What is mainly discussed in the text?

(A) The differences between jaguar and other animals
(B) The way how the jaguar kills its prey in the jungle
(C) Explanation of the shape, the ability and the excellence of the jaguar
(D) Information on the characteristics, habitat and life of the jaguar
(E) The comparison between the jaguar and other roaring animals
2. The jaguar kills its prey by biting it through its…
(A) head
(B) neck
(C) nail
(D) legs
(E) skull

3. The purpose of the text is to…

(A) tell the life of the jaguar
(B) describe a jaguar in brief
(C) explain how a jaguar attacks its prey
(D) entertain the readers by telling the story of a jaguar
(E) inform the readers about the life of roaring animals

4. Which of the following is the characteristic of the jaguar?

(A) It has spots on its body
(B) It belongs to tame animals
(C) It is found in Asia
(D) It has smaller rossete markings
(E) It kills its prey by biting through its neck

5. The word ‘famous’ in the first paragraph can also be replaced by…
(A) remarkable
(B) well known
(C) satisfied
(D) amazed
(E) bored

The following text is for questions 6 to 10

Paris is the capital of a European nation, France. It is also one of the most beautiful and
most famous cities in the world.
Paris is called the City of Light. It is also an international fashion centre. What stylish
women are wearing in Paris will be worn by women all over the world. Paris is also famous
for its world centre of education. For instance, it is the headquarters of UNESCO, the United
Nations educational Scientific and Cultural Organization.
The Seine River divides the city into two parts. Thirty – two bridges cross this scenic
river. The oldest and perhaps the most well-known is Pont Neuf, which was built in the
sixteenth century. Sorbonne, a famous university, is located on the left bank (south side) of
the river. The beautiful white church Sacre Coeur lies on the top of a hill called Montmartre
on the right bank (north side) of the Seine.
There are many other famous places in Paris, such as the famous museum the Louvre
as well the cathedral of Notre Dame. However, the most famous landmark in this city must
be Eiffel Tower.
Paris is named after a group of people called the Parisii. They built a small village on an
island in the middle of the Seine River about two thousand years ago. This island is called Ile
de la Cite. It is where Notre Dame located. Today around eight million people live in the Paris
6. What is the text about?
(A) How Paris is named
(B) The famous city in the world
(C) The description of Paris
(D) Things you can see in Paris
(E) Paris as the world centre of education and fashion

7. The fifth paragraph tells about…

(A) The Parisii
(B) The origin of the word Paris
(C) The location of Notre Dame
(D) A village built thousands years ago
(E) An island in the middle of the Seine River

8. What is the oldest and most well-known part of the city?

(A) The Seine River (D) The right bank
(B) The Pont Neuf (E) The left bank
(C) The Sorbonne

9. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?

(A) The Seine River divides the city into two parts
(B) Paris is famous for its world centre of education
(C) Paris is named after a group of people called the Parisii
(D) Notre Dame is located on the left bank of the Seine River
(E) The church Sacre Coeur lies on the top of a hill called Montmartre

10. Conjunction ‘however’ can also be replaced by….

(A) moreover (C) therefore (E) as a result
(B) furthermore (D) but

The following text is for questions 11 to 15

University of Cambridge

Do you plan to study abroad? Don’t hesitate. Welcome to Cambridge University.

Cambridge University, an institution of higher education, is the second oldest university in
Great Britain after the University of Oxford. It is located in the city of Cambridge.
The University of Cambridge is a system of faculties, departments and 31 independent
colleges. You know, although the colleges and the university are separate corporations, all
are parts of an integrated educational entity. The University examines candidates for degrees
during their residencies and at the conclusion of their studies. The colleges provide their
students with lodgings and meals, assign tutors, and offer social, cultural and athletic
activities. Every student at the University of Cambridge is a member of a college.
Let’s see its academic year. The academic year is divided into three terms of
approximately eight weeks each : Michaelmas (autumn), Lent (late winter), and Easter
(spring). Students required to study under supervisors are usually members of the college’s
faculties who maintain close relationships with small groups of students in their charge and
assist them in preparing for university exams.
11. The author’s purpose of writing the text is….
(A) To review a particular education system
(B) To commemorate a particular college
(C) To define a particular academic year
(D) To explain a particular way to study
(E) To describe a particular institution

12. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

(A) The academic year is held in four seasons in a year
(B) Students is colleges are not members of this university
(C) Students must not be in their residence during the terms
(D) The students of Cambridge University have holidays in summer
(E) University of oxford is younger than the University of Cambridge

13. The second paragraph tells the readers about…

(A) an integrated educational entity
(B) social activities in the university
(C) the system in Cambridge University
(D) the examination for candidates’ degrees
(E) the criteria for the membership of the university

14. ‘The colleges provide their students with lodgings and meals, assign tutors and offer …’
(paragraph 2), the underlined word means…
(A) dormitories used for studying in groups
(B) places offered for doing some business
(C) spaces needed for discussion
(D) houses needed for taking a rest
(E) rooms rented to stay in

15. The word ‘assist’ in the last paragraph can also be replaced by…
(A) help (C) accompany (E) divide
(B) alter (D) maintain

The following text is for questions 16 to 20

The Sumatran elephant’s habitat is Sumatera, Indonesia. The average male elephant
reaches eight feet high and weighs up to six tons. A baby elephant can weigh up to one ton.
The males are always larger than the females. They are massive creatures.
An elephant has a trunk, two tusks, two eyes, two ears and two lumps on its head. It is
known to be a clever animal. When an elephant is hot, it fans itself by flapping its ears back
and forth. When an elephant herds wants to move, they use their ears as a guide. Their
hearing range is very large. Elephants hear some noises that cannot be heard by human’s
Sumatran elephants have enough strength to knock down a tree. They can also pick up
a log using their trunk and their tusks. Their trunk is their nose. They also use it like a hand.
Just below their trunk, they have their tusks. Only male Sumatran elephants have tusks. A
baby elephant is called a calf, the females are called cows.
16. The text describes….
(A) a wild elephant The questions 21 to 25 are not based on the
(B) a baby elephant text
(C) the Sumatran elephant 21. ‘When are you going to tell your sister
(D) the Indonesian elephant the good news?’
(E) a male Sumatran elephant ‘When She….from her business trip’
(A) will be returning
17. What guides an elephant herd when they (B) is going to return
want to move? (C) returns
(A) Their ears (D) is returning
(B) Their feet (E) had returned
(C) Their nose
(D) Their trunk 22. ‘Every night the security turns on the
(E) Their tusks light and …around the luxurious house
every half an hour’
18. Which statement is NOT TRUE about the ‘So do the housekeepers’
Sumatran elephant? (A) walks
(A) The male has tusks (B) is walking
(B) They have big ears (C) was walking
(C) They flap their ears to cool (D) has walked
themselves (E) has been walked
(D) Male elephants are larger than the
females 23. ‘When you ….on the sixth floor, give this
(E) The Sumatran elephants are not note to the secretary, and she will direct
easy to train you to my office’
‘Thank you’
19. ‘When an elephant herd wants to (A) are arriving
move…’(paragraph 2) (B) were arriving
The underlined word has the closest (C) arrives
meaning to… (D) arrive
(A) group (E) are going to arrive
(B) place
(C) animal 24. ‘Why….you absent from the English class
(D) cage today?’
(E) trunk ‘Because I have to accompany my
mother to the hospital’
20. When an elephant feels…, it fans itself by (A) were (D) is
flapping its ears back and forth. (B) have (E) are
(A) peace (C) had
(B) hot
(C) angry 25. ‘I … umbrella with me’
(D) hungry ‘Don’t worry. By the time the class is
(E) cold over, the rain will have stopped’
(A) don’t have
(B) didn’t have
(C) haven’t had
(D) doesn’t have (E) wasn’t having
Answer these questions based on the instruction given for each number.
Napoleon is a favorite fish divers in many regions of the world. The fish can
instantly be recognized by its size, color and shape. It is one of the largest reef fish in
the world. They can grow up to 230 cm and weigh 190 kg. They have fleshy lips and
a hump over the head that is similar to Napoleon hat. The hump become more
prominent with age.
Colors vary with age and sex. Males range from a bright electric blue to green
or purplish blue. Mature males develop a black stripe along the sides, blue spots on
their body scales, and blue scribbles on the head. Juveniles can be identified by their
pale greenish color and two black lines running behind the eye. Females, both old
and young, are red-orange on the upper parts of their bodies and red-orange to
white below.
Napoleon fish are carnivorous and eat during the day. They can be seen
feasting on shellfish, other fish, sea stars, sea urchins and crabs, crushing the shells
to get animal within. They also crush large chunks of dead coral rubble with peg-like
teeth to feed on the burrowing mussels and worms.
Pairs spawn together as part of a larger mating group that may consist of
over 100 individuals. The planktonic eggs are released into the water, and once the
larvae have hatched they will settle out on the substrate. Adult females are able to
change sex but the triggers for this development are not yet known.
The Napoleon is mainly found on coral reef edges and drop-offs. They move
into shallow bays during the day to feed, and tend to move into deeper waters as
they grow older and large. Adults, therefore, are more common offshore than

1. What is the text about?

2. Where do Napoleon fish move during the day to feed?

3. Write down one characteristic of napoleon fish.

4. The fish can instantly be recognized by its size, color and shape. The underlined word can
also be replaced by….

5. Adult females are able to change sex but the triggers for this development are not yet
known. The underlined conjunction can also be replaced by…
SET - 06
Announcement (=pengumuman) adalah sesuatu yang diucapkan, ditulis, atau dicetak untuk
membuat orang lain mengetahui sesuatu yang terjadi atau yang akan terjadi.
Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam pengumuman bentuk tulis adalah :
- Judul atau jenis peristiwa (the title/type of an event)
- Tanggal atau waktu (date/time)
- Tempat (place)
- Orang/alamat yang dapat dihubungi (contact person/address)

Contoh announcement


Pay attention!
Our school will have a Debate Competition
 Participants : All students in our school
 It will be held from 10th – 12th August 2014
 Prizes : I Rp. 2.000.000,-
II Rp. 1.500.000,-
III Rp. 1.000.000,-
Please join us!

Choose the correct answer
The following text is for questions 1 to 5

In accordance with the international security regulations, the following items are never
allowed to be taken onto a plane by passengers, either in their carry-on bags or in their
checked luggage: weapons, including knives and guns; explosives, including dynamite and

The following items may be placed in checked luggage but not on carry-on bags. Tools,
including hammers. screwdrivers. and wrenches; sports equipment such as golf clubs,
baseball bats, skis and ski poles.

When you pass through the security line, all bags will go through our X ray machines and
some bags will be manually checked by personnel, as well.
Thank you for your cooperation. Have a safe and pleasant flight.

1. What is the announcement about?

(A) Weapons and explosives
(B) Items brought on carry-on bags
(C) Welcoming foreign passengers
(D) An international airport security regulations
(E) A warning to passengers from different countries

2. ... can't be brought onto an airplane.

(A) Knives
(B) Ski poles
(C) Wrenches
(D) Screwdrivers
(E) Basketball bats

3. ‘When you pass through the security line, all bags will go through-our X ray machines’
(paragraph 3)
The underlined part of the sentence above means ...
(A) all bags will be sent to the X-ray machines
(B) all bags will be moved to the X-ray machines
(C) all bags will be delivered with X-ray machines
(D) all bags will be packed next to X-ray machines
(E) all bags will be checked by using X-ray machines

4. The word ‘allowed’ in the first sentence can also be replaced by…
(A) taken
(B) proposed
(C) accompanied
(D) advised
(E) permitted

5. The word ‘pleasant’ in the last paragraph can also be replaced by…
(A) glad
(B) happy
(C) satisfied
(D) comfortable
(E) bored

The following text is for questions 6 to 10

To All Third Grade Students
All library books have to be returned on the twenty-second of May,
2014. They should be covered with non-colorful wrapping plastic. Lost books
must be replaced with the ones of similar subjects. Fine will be charged to the
late return of the books. Students who have handed on all books will get
receipts that have to be submitt ed to the administration officers.

Library Staff

6. What is informed on the announcement?

(A) A request to return library books
(B) The subjects of the library books
(C) A compulsory to replace lost books
(D) The library administration officers
(E) Submission of receipts

7. What will happen if the book you borrowed is lost?

(A) You will get receipts
(B) It should be covered by non-colorful plastic
(C) The librarian will be fined by a certain amount of money
(D) You should cover with wrapping plastic
(E) It should be replaced with a similar book

8. The word they in the second sentence refers to…

(A) all library books
(B) the members of the library
(C) the librarians
(D) all students
(E) all students and teachers

9. The word ‘get’ in the last sentence can also be replaced by…
(A) change
(B) return
(C) receive
(D) combine
(E) compare

10. Who will get fine in returning the books?

(A) The students who return the books late
(B) The students who always come late
(C) The students who are the members of the library
(D) The librarian who comes late
(E) The librarian who makes mistakes

The following text is for questions 11 to 15

We are announcing today that we are bringing the Milestone and Ever Green brands even
closer together. Effective as of 5th December 2014, our official name will be:
The substitution of ‘West’ in our name replacing ‘California is the result of an agreement we
reached with California Gardening Association, following a protest over the original use of
‘California’ in our name.
We hope this does not create any confusion among our loyal consumers. While this
represents a change from our initial name introduction, it does not change the quality of
products we offer to our consumers.

11. What does the text tell you about?

(A) The new service of a company
(B) The new office of a company
(C) The change of an official name
(D) The result of an agreement
(E) The mergers of two companies

12. Who issues the announcement?

(A) Green Miles West company
(B) Green Miles West customers
(C) The manager of Green Miles West
(D) The director of Green Miles West
(E) The government of California

13. The word ‘while’ in the third paragraph can also be replaced by…
(A) moreover (C) as a result (E) but
(B) furthermore (D) and

14. The word ‘consumers’ can also be replaced by…

(A) users (C) producers (E) publishers
(B) sellers (D) creators

15. The word ‘offer’ in the last sentence can also be replaced by…
(A) create
(B) publish
(C) make
(D) buy
(E) give
The following text is for questions 16 to 20
‘A class meeting will be coming soon’
So, prepare yourselves from now on!
Some competitions have been arranged for you who are keen in sports, such as football,
volleyball, basketball and badminton. You can also show your skill and talent in speech and
singing contests as well as cooking and painting competitions.

Remember : All classes should participate in each event. Many prizes are waiting for all the

For further information, please contact your class captain or the committee in the OSIS room
16. The announcement is mainly about….
(A) sports competition
(B) talent competitions
(C) a class meeting
(D) prizes for the competitions
(E) the competitions for students
17. What kind of competition requires a good speaking skill?
(A) A cooking competition
(B) A singing contest
(C) A basketball competition
(D) A speech contest
(E) A painting competition

18. The word ‘show’ can also be replaced by…

(A) perform
(B) prepare
(C) predict
(D) prefer
(E) prevent

19. The modals auxiliary ‘should’ can also be replaced by…

(A) must
(B) have to
(C) has to
(D) ought to
(E) might

20. The word ‘participate’ can also be replaced by…

(A) consider
(B) continue
(C) take part
(D) deny
(E) refuse

The following text is for questions 21 to 25

To all International English College Students

All students can borrow up to 6 books at a time. Books may be kept for a maximum of
14 days. A fine of Rp. 10.000 a day will be charged for overdue books. Magazines and
newspapers may not be brought home. The use of a card belonging to another person is

21. How long can the students borrow the books?

(A) One week (D) Three weeks
(B) One month (E) Two weeks
(C) Two months

22. What will happen if the students are late to return the books?
(A) They should pay the fine
(B) The librarian will be angry
(C) They will not be permitted to borrow again
(D) They should replace the books with the new ones
(E) They must make a new card
23. …..can’t be brought home.
(A) Articles and novels
(B) Novels and magazines
(C) Short story and newspapers
(D) Magazines and newspapers
(E) Newspapers and articles

24. The use of a card belonging to another person is not permitted.

The underlined words can also be replaced by…
(A) is prohibited
(B) is considered
(C) is continued
(D) is prevented
(E) is kept

25. The similar word of ‘students’ in English is…

(A) librarians
(B) visitors
(C) guests
(D) lecturers
(E) pupils

Answer these questions based on the instruction given for each number.


CyboEnergy, Inc (Rancho Cordova, CA) is pleased to announce that our company has been
awarded U.S Patent 8,786,133 entitled “Smart and Scalable Power Inverters”. CyboEnergy
has implemented the technology in its award-winning CyboInverter off-grid solar power
systems. For more information, please visit our website or contact us.
PH: 141375680 (office)

1. What is the objective of the text?

2. Why has the company been awarded?
3. CyboInverter is the equipment for ...
4. For more information, please visit our website or contact us. The word ‘visit’ can also be
replaced by…..
5. CyboEnergy has implemented the technology in its award-winning CyboInverter off-grid
solar power Systems.
A. What is the predicate of the sentence?
B. What is the name of the tenses?
SET - 07
Teks Recount adalah teks yang digunakan untuk menceritakan pengalaman masa lalu,
perjalanan hidup seseorang pada masa lalu, atau peristiwa sejarah masa lalu. Jenis-jenis
recount text adalah biography, autobiography, diary, own experience.
Social Function :
To retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining

Generic Structure :
 Orientation : provides the setting and introduces participants
 Events : tell what happened, in what sequences
 Re-orientation : optional-closure of events

Significant Lexicogrammatical Features :

 Focus on specific participants
 Use of material processes
 Circumstances of time and place
 Use of past tense
 Focus on temporal sequences

The example of Recount Text:

I was driving along the coast road when the car suddenly lurched to
one side.
At first I thought a tire had gone but when I saw telegraph poles
Event 1
collapsing like matchsticks.
The rocks came tumbling across the road and I had to abandon the
Event 2
Event 3 When I got back to town, well, as I said, there wasn’t much left

Choose the correct answer
The following text is for questions 1 to 5
I’m moving into a new house this weekend, so I decided to do some shopping to furnish
the place. I went to an appliance store not too far from my house, and I first bought a
refrigerator for the kitchen. You really can’t live without one because you have to keep your
food cold or frozen so it doesn’t spoil. Then, I bought a washer and dryer to clean and dry my
clothes. I don’t want to go to Laundromat to do this every week like I used to do. Next, I
bought a dishwasher. I probably don’t need because I could wash my dishes by hand, but
having a dishwasher can make life easier. You simply put the dishes inside, add some
diswashing detergent, and turn the machine on. Finally, I picked up a microwave oven. If I’m
in a hurry and don’t have time to cook, I can throw something in the microwave and heat it
up quickly. I haven’t purchased everything I need to furnish my new place, but I think I have
the basic appliances to make life more comfortable for now.
1. The text tells us about…
(A) the writer’s new house
(B) the writer’s shopping for his/her new house
(C) the writer’s refrigerator
(D) the writer’s dishwasher
(E) the writer’s basic appliances

2. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?

(A) The writer moved to his/her new house this weekend
(B) A refrigerator is the first appliance he or she bought
(C) The writer used to go to a Laundromat
(D) The writer bought a refrigerator, a washer and a dryer, a dishwasher and a gas stove
(E) The appliance store is not too far from the writer’s house

3. ‘…so it does not spoil’

The word ‘it’ refers to…
(A) the house
(B) the refrigerator
(C) food
(D) the dishwasher
(E) the microwave oven

4. The word ‘one’ in the sentence ‘You really can’t live without one because you have to keep
your food cold or frozen so it doesn’t spoil’ refers to..
(A) refrigerator
(B) hairdryer
(C) dishwasher
(D) air conditioner
(E) washing machine

5. Conjunction ‘because’ can also be replaced by…

(A) moreover
(B) furthermore
(C) since
(D) although
(E) even though
The following text is for questions 6 to 10
Last weekend my family and I decided to visit Genting Highlands. We went there by car.
My father drove hundreds of miles before we finally neared the highland. The temperature
started to drop the road began to twist and turn. The view was simply breathtaking. I noticed
the deep ravines and cautioned my father to drive slowly as we ascended the steep road.
There were a few other cars in front of us and some behind us. ‘Look at the red car!
Goodness, it is going at too fast a speed’, observed my father.
Seconds later, there was a loud crash. We could guess what had happened. All other
vehicles came to an abrupt stop as the spectacle of a huge lorry, which had been descending,
ploughing into the red car. In horror, we watched the lorry hang on the edge of a precipice as
the red car was thrown against the slope of a hill on the other side.
Immediately, our father called out to some people to alert the police, to call an
ambulance and to summon the fire department. A fat man had cleverly started to warn
other vehicles which were descending to slow down and stop. My father and a few others
had gone to inspect the accident scene. Thankfully none of the drivers or their passengers
were injured. The occupants of the red car had already gotten out of their smashed vehicle.
They were sitting by the roadside in a state of shock. My mother and I went to them to
comfort them. We gave them a little water to drink.
We got a lesson from that experience. We should be careful while riding our vehicles,
especially on a twisting and ascending mountain road.

6. What is the text about?

(A) visit to Genting Highlands
(B) A red car
(C) an accident
(D) A twisting road
(E) The slope of a hill

7. Why did the writer’s father ride their car slowly?

(A) Because they ascended the steep road
(B) Because they were trapped in a traffic jam
(C) Because they were many cars in front of and behind him
(D) Because many drivers drove very fast
(E) Because there was an accident

8. ‘….came to an abrupt stop as the spectacle of…’ (paragraph 2)

The underlined word has a similar meaning to…
(A) slow
(B) fast
(C) sudden
(D) careful
(E) careless

9. The word ‘noticed’ can also be replaced by…

(A) looked at
(B) considered
(C) continued
(D) accompanied
(E) accomplished

10. The word ‘breathtaking’ can also be replaced by…

(A) satisfying
(B) amazing
(C) calculating
(D) comparing
(E) boring

The following text is for questions 11 to 15

Alfred Bernhard Nobel was a Swedish chemist, engineer, innovator, and
ornament manufacturer. He was the inventor of dynamite. He also owned Bofors,
which he had redirected from its previous role as primarily an iron and steel
producer to a major manufacturer of cannons and other ornaments. He held 355
different patents, dynamite being the most famous. In his last will, he used his
enormous fortune to institute the Nobel Prizes. The synthetic element nobelium
was named after him. He was the third son of Immanuel Nobel and Andriette Ahlsell
Nobel. Born in Stockholm on 21 October 1833, lie went with my family to Saint
Petersburg in 1842, where his father invented modern plywood. He studied
chemistry with Professor Nikolay Nikolaevich Zinin. When he was 18, he went to the
United States to study chemistry for four years and worked for a shore period under
John Ericsson, who designed the American Civil War ironclad USS Monitor.
Returning to Sweden with his father after the bankruptcy of his family
business, he then devoted himself to the study of explosives, and especially to the
save manufacture and use of nitroglycerine (discovered in 1847 by Ascanio Sobrero,
one of his fellow students under Theophile-Jules Pelouze at the University of Turin).
A big explosion occurred on 2 September 1864 at his factory in Heleneborg in
Stockholm, killing five people. Among them was his younger brother, Emil.
The foundations of the Nobel Prize were laid in 1895 when Alfred Nobel wrote
his last will, leaving much of his wealth for its establishment. Since 1901, the prize
has honored men and women for outstanding achievements in physics, chemistry,
medicine literature and for work in peace.

11. Where did Alfred Nobel work with John Ericsson?

(A) In Sweden (D) In Heleneborg
(B) In the USA (E) In Saint Petersburg
(C) In Stockholm

12. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

(A) Alfred Nobel devoted himself to the study of chemistry
(B) His success with explosive finally led to the 1864 tragedy
(C) A big explosion in Helenborg in Stockholm killed many people
(D) A big explosion destroyed his factory in Heleneborg Stockholm
(E) Alfred Nobel planned the safe manufacture and use of nitroglycerine

13. What was Bofors's main business under Alfred Nobel?

(A) It manufactured cannons and other ornaments
(B) It designed the ironclad monitor
(C) It produced iron and steel
(D) It produced dynamite
(E) It invented nobelium
14. The word ‘primarily’ can also be replaced by…
(A) precisely
(B) mainly
(C) easily
(D) obviously
(E) briefly
15. The word ‘outstanding’ can also be replaced by…
(A) excellent
(B) improvement
(C) agreement
(D) decreasing
(E) increasing

The following text is for questions 16 to 20

I usually woke up at 8 a.m. and went to the press center to check the daily schedule
of briefings and press conferences, usually held by the United Nations officials or disaster
mitigation team chief, Alwi Shihab.
It was challenging to visit different refugee to find soft stories, human interest stories.
Then, I went back to the press center in between to cover the press conferences of the day.
It was heart breaking when I saw these survivors fight for food and secondhand clothing,
which they said were limited and inadequate. Emerging to a glaring, full noon, it was time to
go back to the press center to write stories and race against time, always fearing that the
internet connection would come crashing down.
And after everything was done, only then I remembered to eat. Most times, I only ate
once a day because you always had to rush and it was difficult to find food. You had to travel
quite far, about a 30-to 45- minute trip by car to find fresh food.

16. How often did the writer eat a day?

(A) Three times (D) Never
(B) Seldom (E) Once
(C) Twice

17. “… mitigation team chief Alwi Shihab.” (Paragraph 1)

The synonym of the underlined word is …
(A) publisher
(B) lightener
(C) reliever
(D) developer
(E) writer

18. What is the writer’s occupation?

(A) A social worker
(B) A volunteer
(C) A journalist
(D) A presenter
(E) A TV reporter

19. The word ‘held’ in the first paragraph can also be replaced by…
(A) carried out
(B) presented
(C) performed
(D) provided
(E) shown
20. The word ‘trip’ in the last sentence can also be replaced by…
(A) schedule
(B) list
(C) arrangement
(D) journey
(E) holiday

The following text is for questions 21 to 25


Born in Pungkursari, Salatiga, Central Java, Adisucipto was known as the founding
father of the Indonesian Air Force. He was the first Indonesian who flew the first Indonesian
airplane. He was also the founder of the School of Aviation, which later became the Air
Force Academy.
A descendant of an empu who was one of Prince Diponegoro's troops, Adisucipto
was predicted to have a short life. Mbah Wiryo, Adisucipto's grandfather, said that his
grandson was like Palgunadi, a courageous and honest wayang character who dies young.
That was why Adisucipto's father insisted that his son go to School tot Opleidings Van
Indische Arisen (STOVIA), a medical school for Indonesians during the Dutch Colonial period,
and become a doctor. However, Adisucipto's determination to become a pilot was so strong
that lie dropped out of his medical school to enter the aviation school.
At the Militaire Luchtvaart Opleidings, a school of aviation in Kalijati, West Java, he
showed an excellent record. He could finish his study in 2 years and was also one of two
Indonesians who got an advanced pilot license. For his excellent performance, Adisucipto
was appointed secretary of the Koninklijk Nederlands-Indische Luchtvaart Maatschapij, the
Dutch aviation company.
After the proclamation of the Republic of Indonesia, Adisucipto formed the Air
Force together with Suryadarina, who later became the first Commander of the Indonesian
Air Force.

21. Adisucipto is one of Indonesia's prominent heroes because he was ...

(A) the founding father of the Indonesian Air Force
(B) the first Indonesian pilot in the world
(C) the head of the School of Aviation
(D) the grandson of Prince Diponegoro
(E) a very brilliant Air Force official

22. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

(A) Adisucipto went to the Militaire Luchtvaart Opleitling
(B) Adisucipto finished his studies in 2 years
(C) Adisucipto got an advanced pilot license
(D) Adisucipto demonstrated high level achievements in aviation
(E) Koninklyk Nederlands Indische Luchtvaart Maatschapij was the Dutch aviation

23. The reason for Adisucipto's father insisted him entering STOVIA because ....
(A) he founded the Indonesian Air Force
(B) he flew the first Indonesian airplane
(C) his father was disappointed
(D) he was predicted to die young
(E) his father wanted him to be a doctor

24. The word ‘courageous’ in the second sentence can also be replaced by…
(A) brave (D) breathtaking
(B) enchanted (E) generous
(C) amazing

25. The word ‘excellent’ in the third paragraph can also be replaced by….
(A) efficient (D) Sufficient
(B) very good (E) comprehensive
(C) collaborative

Answer these questions based on the instruction given for each number.
Walter Elias Disney (december 5, 1901- December 15, 1966) was an American
animated film producer and animator. He was also the creator of an American-based
theme park called Disneyland, and the founder of the highly profitable corporation,
now known as The Walt Disney Company.
Disney was born in Chicago to Elias Disney and Flora Call. He was named after
his father’s close friend walter Parr, the minister at St. Paul Congregational Church. In
1906, his family moved to a farm near Marceline, Missouri. The family sold the farm in
1909 and lived in a rented house untill 1910, when they moved to Kansas City, Disney
was nine years old.
According to the Kansas City, Missouri, Public School District records, Disney
began attending the Benton Grammar School in 1911, and continued his formal
education there untill he graduated on June 8, 1917. During this time, Disney also
enrolled in classes at the Kansas City Art Institute. In the fall of 1917, Disney rejoined
his family. He left school at the age sixteen and became a volunteer ambulance driver
in World War I, after he changed his birth certificate to shhow his year of brth as 1900
in order to be able to enlist in the service. He served as a member of the American Red
Cross ambulance Force in France till 1919.

1. The text is about …

2. In 1906, Disney and his family….

3. From the text, we conclude that Disney ... to become an ambulance driver.
4. According to the Kansas City, Missouri, Public School District records, Disney began
attending the Benton Grammar School in 1911, and continued his formal education there
untill he graduated on June 8, 1917. The word ‘there’ refers to….

5. He left school at the age sixteen and became a volunteer ambulance driver in World War I,
after he changed his birth certificate to shhow his year of brth as 1900 in order to be able
to enlist in the service. The underlined word can also be replaced by….

SET - 08
Narrative Text
Teks Narrative adalah teks yang berisi cerita imajinasi atau dongeng dan bertujuan untuk
menghibur pendengar atau pembaca. Jenis fable (semua tokoh di cerita tersebut adalah
binatang), fairy tale (cerita peri), folklore (cerita rakyat), legend (legenda), myth (mitos).
Social Function :
To amuse, to entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways.
Narratives deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some
kind, which in turn finds a resolution.

Generic Structure :
 Orientation : sets the scene and introduce the participants.
 Evaluation : a stepping back to evaluate the plight.
 Complication : a crisis arises
 Resolution : the crisis is resolved for better or for worse.
 Reorientation : optional
Significant Lexicogrammatical Features :
 Focus on specific and usually individualized participants.
 Use of material processes (and in this text, behavioral and verbal process)
 Use of relational Process and mental processes
 Use of temporal conjunctions and temporal circumstances.
 Use of Past tense

The example of Narrative text :

Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Snow White. She
lived with her aunt and uncle because her parents were dead.
One day she heard that her uncle and aunt talking about leaving
her in the castle because they wanted to go to America and they
didn’t have enough money to take Snow White with them.
Snow White didn’t want her uncle and aunt to do this so she
decided it would be best if she ran away. The next morning she ran
away from home when her aunt and uncle were having breakfast.
She ran away into the woods.
Complication She was tired and hungry.
Then she saw a little cottage. She knocked but no one answered so
she went inside and fell asleep.
Complication Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They
went inside. There they found Snow White sleeping. Then Snow
White woke up. She saw the dwarfs. One of the dwarfs said,
“What’s your name.” Snow White said, “My name is Snow White.”
One of the dwarfs said, “If you wish, you may live here with us,”
Major Snow White said, “Oh could I? Thank you.” Then Snow White told
Resolution the dwarfs the whole story and Snow White and the seven dwarfs
lived happily ever after.
Choose the correct answer
The following text is for questions 1 to 5
The Three Sheiks and Queen of Arabia

Maura, who liked to be thought of as the most beautiful and powerful

queen of Arabia, had many suitors. One by one she discarded them, until her list
was reduced to just three sheiks, all equally young and handsome, rich and strong. It
was very hard to decide who would be the best of them.
One evening, Maura disguised herself and went to the camp of the three sheiks, as
they were about to have a dinner, and asked them for something to eat.
The first gave her some leftover food; the second gave her some
unappetizing camel’s tail; the third sheik, who was called Hakim, offered her some
of the most tender and tasty meat. After dinner, the disguised queen left the sheik’s
The following day the queen invited the three sheiks to dinner at her
palace. She ordered her servants to give each one exactly what they had given her
the evening before.
Hakim, who received a plate of delicious meat, refused to eat it if the other
two could not share it with him, and this act finally convinced Queen Maura that he
was the man for her.
“Without question, Hakim is the most generous of you’” she announced
her choice to the sheiks, “So it is Hakim I will marry.”

1. The three sheiks were not …

(A) rich (C) strong (E) handsome
(B) young (D) gloomy

2. Which statement is TRUE about the queen?

(A) The queen was the most powerful queen in Africa
(B) The queen was very proud of her beauty and riches
(C) The queen herself served the sheiks with delicious food
(D) The queen was very careful in deciding whom she would marry
(E) The queen was very satisfied with the food given by the sheiks

3. The Queen ordered her servants to give the sheiks the same kind of food she got from
them the evening before because …
(A) she wanted to entertain her guests
(B) she wanted to test the sheik’s taste
(C) she wanted to see the sheik’s reactions
(D) she wanted to make a joke of the sheiks
(E) she wanted to repay the sheiks’ kindness

4. The main idea of paragraph six is …

(A) Hakim was unselfish person
(B) Hakim was served with succulent meat
(C) Hakim was satisfied with the food served
(D) Hakim wanted to share the food with the sheiks
(E) Hakim had made the queen find the resolution of her problem
5. The word ‘give’ can also be replaced by…
(A) provide
(B) assume
(C) predict
(D) change
(E) remove

The following text is for questions 6 to 10

Once upon a time there lived as neighbors, a bear and a rabbit. The rabbit
was a good shot, and the bear, being very clumsy, could not use the arrow to good
advantage. The bear would call over the rabbit and asked the rabbit to take his bow
and arrows and came with the bear to the other side of the hill. The rabbit, fearing
to arouse the bear’s anger by refusing, consented and went with the bear and shot
enough buffalo to satisfy the hungry family. Indeed, he shot and killed so many that
there was lots of meat left after the bear and his family had loaded themselves, and
packed all they could carry home. The bear was very gluttonous and did not want
the rabbit to get any of the meat, so the poor rabbit could not even taste the blood
from the butchering, as the bear would throw earth on the blood and dry it up. Poor
rabbit would have to go home hungry after his hard day’s work.
The bear was the father of five children. The youngest child was very kind
to the rabbit. The mother bear, knowing that her youngest child was very eater,
always gave him an extra large piece of meat, but the youngest child didn’t eat. He
would take it outside with him and pretend to play ball with it, kicking it toward the
rabbit’s house, and when he got close to the door he would give the meat with such
a great kick, that it would fly into the rabbit’s house and in this way the poor rabbit
would get his unknown to the papa bear.

6. The poor rabbit didn’t taste any of the meat because …

(A) they are already given to the butcher
(B) they are eaten by the youngest bear
(C) the bear carried all the meat home
(D) they are already dried up
(E) the bear are all the meat

7. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?

(A) The papa bear was not very kind to the rabbit
(B) The rabbit got nothing from his shooting
(C) The mother bear always gives her youngest extra meat
(D) The papa bear didn’t like giving the rabbit some meat
(E) The papa bear knew that his youngest child gave the rabbit some meat

8. The story teaches us that …

(A) poverty makes people suffer
(B) we must keep our promise
(C) being greedy makes other people happy
(D) people should love each other
(E) we must keep our relationship with others

9. The word’ gluttonous’ can also be replaced by…

(A) friendly
(B) very greedy
(C) generous
(D) angry
(E) nice

10. The word ‘extra’ can also be replaced by…

(A) additional
(B) approval
(C) consumptive
(D) comparative
(E) accelerative

The following text is for questions 11 to 15

The Rabbit's Revenge

Long, long ago a rabbit and a lion were neighbors. The lion was very proud,
and was fond of boasting about his strength. And though they were such close
neighbors, the lion looked down upon the rabbit) and used to bully and frighten her.
Finally) the rabbit could stand it no longer and wanted to get her own back.
One day she went to the lion and said, "Good day, respected elder brother. Imagine
it, I met an animal over there who looked exactly like you, and he said to me, 'Is there
anyone in the world who dares stand up to me. If there is, let him come and have a duel with
me. If there is no one, all of you have to submit to my rule and be my servants!" "Oh, he was
an intolerable braggart! He is so puffed up with pride that his eyes can't even light on
anyone!", added the rabbit.
"Oho," the lion said. "Didn't you mention me to him?"
"Yes, indeed," the rabbit replied. "But it would have been better if I hadn't.
When I described how strong you were, he just sneered and said dreadfully rude
things. He even went so far as to say that he wouldn't take you for his attendant!"
The lion flew into a rage and roared, "Where is he? Where is he?"
So the rabbit took the lion behind a hill and, not going too near herself, pointed to a
deep well from a distance, and said, "He is down there, in the well."
The lion hastened to the well and glared angrily into it. Yes, there was his rival who
even glared back at him angrily. The lion roared, and his enemy roared back. The lion
became so furious that his hair stood on end. So did his enemy's in the well. The lion showed
his teeth and lashed out with his paws to scare his rival -- and his enemy in the well
retaliated! In a fit of anger the lion sprang into the air with all his might and then flung
himself at the enemy in the well. The result was that the proud lion was instantly drowned.

11. What do you think of the animal in the well?

(A) The image of the lion himself
(B) An intolerable braggart
(C) A stronger animal
(D) Another lion
(E) His neighbor
12. The lion was proud of his ...
(A) hair
(B) eyes
(C) teeth
(D) paws
(E) strength

13. What can we learn from the story?

(A) Be a good neighbor
(B) Don't be so arrogant
(C) We must help each other
(D) An enemy can be a good friend
(E) A friend in need is a friend indeed

14. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

(A) The lion was too furious that he challenged the other animal to fight
(B) The rabbit told the lion that a strong animal challenged him to duel
(C) The rabbit and the lion went to a hill to fight the strong animal
(D) The rabbit was successful in defeating the lion
(E) The lion was challenged by a strong animal

15. The word ‘replied’ can also be replaced by…

(A) prohibited
(B) brought
(C) answered
(D) ordered
(E) permitted

The following text is for questions 16 to 20

Once, a cap seller was passing through a jungle. He was dead tired and needed to
rest. Then, he stopped and spread a cloth under a tree. He placed his bag full of caps near
him and lay down with his cap on his head.
The cap seller had a sound sleep for one hour. When he got up, the first thing he
did was to look into his bag. He was startled when he found all his caps were not there. He
was wondering where they could have gone. Indeed, he was greatly puzzled.
When he looked up the sky, he was very surprised to see monkeys sitting on the
branches of a tree, each wearing a cap on his head. They had evidently done it to imitate
He decided to get his caps back by making a humble request to the monkeys. In
return, the monkeys only made faces of him. When he began to make gestures, even when
he raised his fist towards them to threaten them, they also imitated him.
At last he hit upon a clever idea. "Monkeys are a great imitator," he
thought. So he took off his own cap and threw it down on the ground. As he had
expected, all the monkeys took off the caps and threw them down on the ground.
Quickly he stood up and collected the caps, put them back into his bag and went

16. Why was each monkey wearing a cap on their head?

(A) They liked them
(B) They liked wearing caps
(C) They were imitating the cap seller
(D) They were teasing the cap seller
(E) They had stolen the caps

17. What is the moral value of the text?

(A) Monkeys are clever animals
(B) Put your belongings in a safe place
(C) Kindness must be possessed by everyone
(D) Foolishness is a source of faulty
(E) You have to know who you are talking to

18. The word ‘tired’ in the first paragraph can also be replaced by…
(A) amused (D) bored
(B) amazed (E) satisfied
(C) exhausted

19. The word ‘them’ in the last paragraph refers to…

(A) caps (D) bags
(B) monkeys (E) branches
(C) bananas

20. The word ‘dead’ can also be replaced by….

(A) Precisely
(B) Mainly
(C) Absolutely
(D) Quickly
(E) Obviously
The following text is for questions 21 to 25

A long time ago, a child was born to a queen and a king and she was called Snow White.
When the queen died, the king remarried. This new queen was wicked gave orders that
Snow White. The queen gave orders that Snow White was to be treated as a servant.
Snow White grew to be a very beautiful girl. One day a prince who was riding by saw her
at work an immediately fell in love with her.
The queen was beautiful too and every day she asked her magic mirror, “Who is the
fairest in the land?” and the mirror always answered, you are the fairest one of all.
One day the mirror answered that Snow White was the fairest in the land. In a rage the
queen gave orders to one of her huntsman to take Snow White into the woods and kill her.
But the huntsman had a kind heart and couldn’t carry out the order. So he told Snow
White to run away. She fled into the woods where the Seven Dwarfs lived. Their house was
small and strange.
Snow White entered the little house and found it very untidy. She started to clean it up.
Upstairs, she found seven little beds. Feeling very tired she stretched out on one of the beds,
and soon feel asleep.
When the Dwarfs came home they were surprised to find Snow White and after some
arguments, they decided to let her stay. She promised to cook and look after them.
The queen discovered where Snow White was living and disguising herself as a witch.
She took a poisoned apple and set out for the poisoned apple Snow White ate it and as soon
she is into the apple, she sank into unconsciousness.
Thinking he was dead, the Dwarfs built a glass and put her in it. For days she laid in the
form in the glass coffin. One day, the princes when was riding through the forest looking
Snow White found her. He leaned over and kissed her. She opened her eyes and sat up with
a smile. Everyone was happy. The prince took Snow White to his palace where they were
married and lived happily ever after.

21. The story tells us about…

(A) A cruel Queen
(B) The seven Dwarfs
(C) A handsome Prince
(D) A beautiful Princess
(E) Snow White and the seven Dwarfs

22. The queen ordered the huntsman to take Snow White into the woods and killed her
(A) Snow White was a lazy girl
(B) Snow White was her step- daughter
(C) The Prince fell in love with Snow White
(D) Snow White didn’t do what the queen asked
(E) Snow White was the most beautiful girl in the land

23. The story above is a / an…

(A) report
(B) narrative
(C) recount
(D) description
(E) news item

24. Which of the following best describes organization of text?

(A) Orientation-events-reorientation
(B) Newsworthy event- background events- source
(C) General classification-description
(D) Identification- description
(E) Orientation-evaluation-complication-resolution-reorientation

25. Why did the queen go to the woods?

(A) She liked visiting Snow White
(B) She missed Snow White very much
(C) She wanted to kill Snow White herself
(D) She promised Snow White to bring her apples
(E) She wanted to meet Snow White and the dwarfs

Answer these questions based on the instruction given for each number.
One day a poor farmer was going to the nest of his goose and found there was an egg
with a yellow and glittering color. When he took it up, it was as heavy as lead and he was
going to throw it away, because he thought a trick had been played upon him. But he took it
home on the second thought, and soon found to his delight that it was pure gold. Every
morning the same thing occurred and he soon became rich by selling the eggs. As he grew
greedy and greedy he thought to get at once all the gold the goose could give. He killed the
goose opened and opened it: only to find thing.

1. Where did a poor farmer get a gold egg?

2. ‘Every morning the same thing occurred and…..’

The word ‘occurred’ can also be replaced by….

3. Why did the poor farmer kill the goose?

4. The topic of the text is about….

5. When he took it up, it was as heavy as lead and he was going to throw it away. The
underlined word refers to….
SET - 09
English Songs
Mengenal atau mempelajari Lagu- lagu berbahasa Inggris (English western songs) dapat untuk
menghibur, mengungkapkan perasaan serta mengajarkan pesan moral (=moral value),
bertujuan untuk memperoleh pengetahuan atau pengenalan tentang kosa kata baru dalam
bahasa Inggris dan pesan moral atau makna lirik dari lagu tersebut.

Contoh lagu berbahasa Inggris

Wait For A Minute

Wait for a minute
Can wait for a minute?
Yeah, wait for a minute
Wait for a minute
Girl, just a minute

Well, if you walk with me

Well, if you take my hand babe
We can go to a place you ain't never seen before

Slow dance in the moonlight

I'm just tryna set the mood right
I'm just doing what a dude do
Do it over and over and over

Quickly wanna run with me now

Swiftly just come with me now
Foot steps go to the beat now
Over and over and over
It's just the way, that way, that way, that you do me babe
All, I can say, that say, that say, that I'd behave
But I'd be lying babe
Just wanna wait for a minute (wait for a minute)
Wait for a minute, babe (wait for a minute)
Just wanna wait for a minute (play for a minute)
I dream place for a minute, place for a minute babe

Hold up, I don't need no love
I said that with a straight face, baby that's poker
Feel a lil sober, got it mixed in my soda
I clean up good, aropa, dopa
Baby I'm the shit but that's a good odor
I'm a young star but my money look Yoda
Crib on the ocean, backyard boat shit
You hating on the Internet, I couldn't even notice
Tickets no service, we at the top working
Pop-pops is lurking, told her "don't get nervous"
I don't swerve Suburbans, this a gold derby
Ferarri's and horses, I snap like Torres
No rug, I floor it, girl, come feel important
I'm all about a dollar, babe, banks call me Georgi
9-5 Rollie, 96 Kobe, tonight we gon' ball like Ginobili
You know me, I'm just tryna...

Slow dance in the moonlight

I'm just tryna set the mood right
I'm just doing what a dude do
Do it over and over and over

Quickly wanna run with me now

Swiftly just come with me now
Foot steps go to the beat now
Over and over and over

It's just the way, that way, that way, that you do me babe (oh)
All I can say, that say, that say that I'd behave
But I'd be lying babe (I'd be lying babe)

Just wanna wait for a minute (wait for a minute)

Wait for a minute, babe (wait for a minute)
Just wanna wait for a minute (wait for a minute)
I dream place for a minute, place for a minute babe

Just wanna wait for a minute

Wait for a minute
Just to wait for a minute
Wait for a minute
Girl, just a minute
Wait just a minute
Can you wait just a minute?
Girl, just a minute
Wait just a minute, wait just a minute

Yeah, T-raw, JB
Too fly never stop, know what?

Choose the correct answer
The following text is for questions 1 to 6
That's one reason why I'll cover you sleeping
Sleeping Child child

The Milky Way upon the heavens I'm gonna cover my sleeping child
Is twinkling just for you Keep you away from the world so wide
And Mr. Moon he came by
To say goodnight to you 1. The moral lesson of the song is…
(A) no fighting and no wars in the world
I'll sing for you I'll sing for mother (B) sleeping child must be protected
We're praying for the world (C) we can’t let the children sleep
And for the people everywhere (D) we support fighting for children
Gonna show them all we care (E) peace is given by sleeping child

[Chorus:] 2. The word ‘but’ can also be replaced by…

Oh my sleeping child the world's so wild (A) and
But you've built your own paradise (B) so
That's one reason why I'll cover you sleeping (C) therefore
child (D) however
(E) moreover
If all the people around the world
They had a mind like yours 3. I'll sing for you I'll sing for mother.
We'd have no fighting and no wars What is the tense of the above
There would be lasting peace on Earth sentence?
(A) past simple
If all the kings and all the leaders (B) present simple
Could see you here this way (C) present perfect
They would hold the Earth in their arms (D) future simple
They would learn to watch you play (E) past perfect

[Chorus:] 4. I’ll sing for you I’ll sing for mother, the
Oh my sleeping child the world's so wide underlined words can also be written in…
But you've build your own paradise (A) I am going to sing
(B) I was going to sing But you are not alone
(C) I have been going to sing
(D) I have to sing 'Lone, 'lone
(E) I am singing Why, 'lone

5. If all the kings and all the leaders,the Just the other night
word ‘if’ can also be replaced by… I thought I heard you cry
(A) as though Asking me to come
(B) although And hold you in my arms
(C) whether I can hear your prayers
(D) meanwhile Your burdens I will bear
(E) despite But first I need your hand
Then forever can begin
6. Is twinkling just for you, the word
‘twinkling’ means… you are not alone
(A) shining I am here with you
(B) glittering Though we're far apart
(C) reddish You're always in my heart
(D) yellowish you are not alone
(E) spreading
Whisper three words and I'll come runnin'
And girl you know that I'll be there
I'll be there
You are not alone
The following text is for questions 7 to 14 I am here with you
You Are Not Alone Though you're far away
I am here to stay
Another day has gone you are not alone
I'm still all alone I am here with you
How could this be Though we're far apart
You're not here with me You're always in my heart
You never said goodbye
Someone tell me why you are not alone
Did you have to go I am here with you
And leave my world so cold Though you're far away
I am here to stay
Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away you are not alone
Something whispers in my ear and says I am here with you
That you are not alone Though we're far apart
I am here with you You're always in my heart
Though you're far away
I am here to stay For you are not alone...
Not alone ohh
But you are not alone You are not alone
I am here with you You are not alone
Though we're far apart Say it again
You're always in my heart
You are not alone (B) far away (E) Burden
You are not alone (C) Whisper
Not alone, Not alone
If you just reach out for me girl 13. Your burdens I will bear, the closest
In the morning, in the evening meaning of the underlined word is…
Not alone, not alone (A) accept (D) claim
You and me not alone (B) fix (E) refuse
Oh together together (C) argue
Not not being alone
Not not being alone 14. You're always in my heart, the
underlined word means…
7. The word ‘leave’ can also be replaced (A) not at all times
by… (B) forever
(A) arrive (D) protect (C) as long as
(B) departure (E) accompany (D) whether
(C) abandon (E) seldom

8. Another day has gone. The following text is for questions 15 to 25

What is the name of the above sentence? Heal The World
(A) Present simple There's a place in your heart
(B) Present perfect And I know that it is love
(C) Past simple And this place could be much
(D) Present perfect continuous Brighter than tomorrow
(E) Present continuos And if you really try
9. And leave my world so cold, the You'll find there's no need to cry
underlined word can also be replaced In this place you'll feel
by…. There's no hurt or sorrow
(A) unfriendly (D) amazing There are ways to get there
(B) happy (E) pleasant If you care enough for the living
(C) satisfied Make a little space, make a better place
Heal the world
10. The word ‘though’ can also be replaced Make it a better place
by… For you and for me and the entire human
(A) despite (D) even though race
(B) in spite of (E) hence There are people dying
(C) so If you care enough for the living
Make a better place
11. I am here to stay, the closest meaning of For you and for me
the underlined word is…. If you want to know why
(A) remind (D) continue There's a love that cannot lie
(B) forget (E) decide Love is strong
(C) prepare It only cares for joyful giving
If we try we shall see
12. ……is speak very quietly to somebody so In this bliss we cannot feel
that others cannot hear what you are Fear or dread
saying. We stop existing and start living
(A) far apart (D) Bear Then it feels that always
Love's enough for us growing You and for me / Make a better place
Make a better world, make a better world You and for me / Make a better place
Heal the world You and for me / Heal the world we live in
Make it a better place You and for me / Save it for our children
For you and for me and the entire human You and for me / Heal the world we live in
race You and for me / Save it for our children
There are people dying You and for me / Heal the world we live in
If you care enough for the living You and for me / Save it for our children
Make a better place You and for me / Heal the world we live in
For you and for me You and for me / Save it for our children
And the dream we would conceive in
15. The word ‘sorrow’ can also be replaced
Will reveal a joyful face
And the world we once believed in
(A) happy (D) glad
Will shine again in grace
(B) sad (E) loveable
Then why do we keep strangling life
(C) pleasant
Wound this earth, crucify it's soul
Though it's plain to see, this world is
16. You'll find there's no need to cry, the
underlined word means…
Be God's glow
(A) discover
We could fly so high
(B) prepare
Let our spirits never die
(C) debate
In my heart I feel
(D) invest
You all are my brothers
(E) investigate
Create a world with no fear
17. We could fly so high, the underlined
Together we'll cry happy tears
word means…
See the nations turn
(A) but (D) whether
Their swords into plowshares
(B) and (E) very
We could really get there
(C) if
If you cared enough for the living
Make a little space to make a better place
18. We could fly so high, the word ‘so’ is
Heal the world
Make it a better place
(A) adverb
For you and for me and the entire human
(B) adjective
(C) noun
There are people dying
(D) verb
If you care enough for the living
(E) conjunction
Make a better place
For you and for me
19. If you care enough for the living, the
There are people dying
underlined word means..
If you care enough for the living
(A) precisely
Make a better place
(B) sufficiently
For you and for me
(C) quickly
There are people dying
(D) hardly
If you care enough for the living
(E) mainly
Make a better place
For you and for me
You and for me / Make a better place 20. There are ways to get there, we can also
replace the word ‘get’ into…
(A) go Answer these questions based on the English
(B) see song lyrics given for you.
(C) meet "Just A Friend To You"
(D) reserve The song From Meghan Trainor
(E) look at
Why you gotta hug me like that
21. And this place could be much brighter Every time you see me?
than tomorrow, the word ‘brighter’ can Why you always making me laugh?
also be replaced by… Swear you're catching feelings
(A) sad
(B) miserable I loved you from the start
(C) cheerful So it breaks my heart
(D) angry
(E) dark When you say I'm just a friend to you
'Cause friends don't do the things we do
22. Though it's plain to see, this world is Everybody knows you love me too
heavenly be God's glow. The underlined Tryna be careful with the words I use
word can also be replaced by… I say it 'cause I'm dying to
(A) difficult I'm so much more than just a friend to you
(B) hard
(C) easy When there's other people around
(D) complicated You never wanna kiss me
(E) confused You tell me it's too late to hang out
23. Let our spirits never die. What does the And you say you miss me
word ‘let’ mean?
(A) Prohibit And I loved you from the start
(B) Allow So it breaks my heart
(C) Take
(D) Follow When you say I'm just a friend to you
(E) Guarantee 'Cause friends don't do the things we do
23. Create a world with no fear, the word Everybody knows you love me too
‘fear’ is… Tryna be careful with the words I use
(A) verb I say it 'cause I'm dying to
(B) adjective I'm so much more than just a friend to you
(C) adverb
(D) verb-base You...
(E) noun
You say I'm just a friend to you
24. Save it for our children, the word ‘it’ Friends don't do the things we do
refers to… Everybody knows you love me too
(A) the place I tried to be careful with the words I use
(B) the world we live in I say it 'cause I'm dying to
(C) the planet I'm so much more than just a friend to you
(D) the life
(E) the living A friend to you
A friend to you
A friend to you
3. And I loved you from the start.
So it breaks my heart.
The word ‘it’ refers to…..
1. Everybody knows you love me too.
Change this sentence into interrogative 4. What is the moral lesson from this
form. English song?

2. I loved you from the start. 5. I tried to be careful with the words I use.
So it breaks my heart. What does this sentence mean?
The word ‘so’ can also be replaced by….

SET - 10
Latihan UTS semester - 1
4. Betty : ‘Are you OK to perform your
Choose the correct answer scientific paper in front of your dean?’
1. X : ‘….’ Bekka : ‘……I have to type and edit it
Y : ‘Thanks’ three times’
(A) You did very well on writing English The suitable response of the dialogue
articles’ above is….
(B) I don’t like your writing (A) I am fine
(C) I didn’t meet you in Radizga’s party (B) You are really kind
(D) Could you give me a solution of my (C) Not really
financial problem? (D) You are dead friendly
(E) You didn’t do very well on traditional (E) I have been good
5. Abby : ‘You look exhausted to finish your
2. Ani : ‘Why don’t you teach in my class?’ project . What’s the matter?
Adi : ‘…….so I can’t teach in your class’ Beno : ‘I didn’t have any friends to share
The suitable response of the dialogue last night’
above is… Adi expresses his…to Beno condition.
(A) I am fine to do it (A) attention
(B) I am welcome to you (B) satisfaction
(C) How are you? (C) pleasure
(D) I am OK to help you (D) denial
(E) I have gotten cold fever since last (E) refusal
6. ‘When did you see Jonas?’
3. Tina : ‘Mother, can I help you prepare ‘When I… car’
the dinner for our guests?’ (A) was being driven
Mother : ‘…….how kind of you’ (B) was driving
(A) Thank you (C) am driving
(B) I am sorry (D) had driven
(C) I don’t need you (E) had been driven
(D) Never mind
(E) Don’t worry 7. ‘My sister… in Monalisa’s party
‘I attended her party’ ‘It is good for you to practice your
(A) doesn’t see English’
(B) haven’t seen (A) is speaking (D) will speak
(C) hadn’t seen (B) has spoken (E) was speaking
(D) didn’t see (C) speaks
(E) won’t see
13. ‘….the children attended the class
8. ‘After my brother….the English article, he recently?’
submitted it to his teacher three days ‘Yes, they have. They are good students’
ago’ (A) Has (D) have
‘My sister had too’ (B) Had (E) Do
(A) has written (C) did
(B) had written
(C) was writing 14. ‘Have you …..translating this scientific
(D) was being written article into English?’
(E) had been written ‘No I haven’t. It is still being edited’
(A) finishes
(B) finished
(C) to finish
(D) been finishing
(E) been finished
9. ‘My brother had saved his much money 15. ‘I couldn’t join you to Jakarta yesterday
before he ….a new motorcycle’ since my mother….hospitalized at
‘Wow, that’s great’ hospital’
(A) bought ‘I am very sorry to hear that’
(B) was bought (A) was
(C) will buy (B) were
(D) had bought (C) had been being
(E) have been bought (D) has been being
(E) would be
10. ‘When did your sister…the parcel to
Irene?’ 16. The sun rises in the east and …..down in
‘It was sent last week’ the west.
(A) send (D) sends (A) is setting (D) has set
(B) sent (E) to send (B) sets (E) was setting
(C) sending (C) will set

11. ‘I won’t join you to cinema to watch that 17. ‘Revalina never…English article’
new movie because I… twice’ ‘Neither does Rosalinda’
‘OK’ (A) is writing (D) has written
(A) had watched (B) writes (E) write
(B) have been watched (C) wrote
(C) have watched
(D) will watch 18. ‘My parents……in Denpasar since three
(E) was watching days ago’
‘My brother has too’
12. ‘My mother always….English at home’ (A) have been
(B) has been (C) Have
(C) was
(D) were 20. ‘Before Shelly …me, she had phoned me’
(E) would be ‘She didn’t come on time when she
visited me’
19. ‘……you satisfied with your teacher about (A) Met
the answer of the question?’ (B) Had met
‘No, I wasn’t. He didn’t give me the clear (C) Has met
answer’ (D) Was met
(A) Was (D) Were (E) Would be me
(B) Had (E) Would
The following text is for questions 21 to 25
34 Sutherland
Mews North,
London SWIR
27th March,

Dear Mr. Frank Sinatra,

The Fun World, Co would like to welcome you as a new customer to our firm. We know that
you will be extremely satisfied with our line of products and the service we provide to our

You are invited to purchase our merchandise on our regular open account terms, from April
1 until June 30th, 2010. Our credit manager, Andi Nico, will be happy to discuss any aspect of
our credit policy with you at your convenience.

I am enclosing our catalog and price list for your review. I believe that you will find our prices
competitive and in keeping with industry trends. Throughout the year we offer our valued
customers frequent discount as an incentive and as a showing of our appreciation.

I do hope you will afford us the opportunity to serve you in the near future.

Yours faithfully,
R.S.J. Edward

21. The letter is about ...

(A) a new customer welcome
(B) discounts offered to a new customer
(C) a description about services provided
(D) information on prices of new products
(E) an appeal to a new customer to buy the company's products
22. Beside sending the letter, the company also attached ... to its customers.
(A) catalogs and price lists
(B) products and price lists
(C) incentives and products
(D) merchandise and catalogs
(E) merchandise and catalogs
23. "I do hope you will afford us the opportunity to serve you in the near future."
(Paragraph 4). The sentence means ....
(A) I will send the product soon
(B) I hope you enjoy having our product
(C) I give you a chance to join the company
(D) I give you discount if you buy our product
(E) I hope we could give you the best service soon
24. The word ‘satisfied’ can also be replaced by…
(A) Contented (C) Glad (E) Innovative
(B) Happy (D) Effective

25. The word ‘purchase’ can also be replaced by….

(A) promote
(B) Sell
(C) Buy
(D) Produce
(E) Create

The following text is for questions 26 to 30


Hess (Indonesia – Pangkah) limited a production sharing contractor of BP MIGAS, invite

Goods and Service Providers to participate for the following retender :

Title : Provision of rental drilling tool and equipment for Pangkah 2012 –
development program
Participant category : Big Scale company
Group : Project
Activities Section : General services
Sub section : Rental : drilling tools
Local content : 20% tkdn + max 10% fund from BUMN bank

Requirements for participants :

Should you wish to participate , you may collect the pre-qualification document at the
schedule given below :
Date : September – October 2, 2014
Time : 09.00 – 15.00 WIB
Place : Hess (Indonesia – Pangkah) Limited
The Energy 11th floor, SCBD lot 11a
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav 52 – 53 Jakarta 12190
Jakarta, 28 September 2014
Hess (Indonesia – Pangkah) Limited
Bid Committee

26. What must be done for the participants?

(A) Write a good proposal
(B) Develop drilling tools
(C) Invite the service company
(D) Provide drilling production
(E) Collect the pre-qualification documents

27. What will the participant provide if they win the tender?
(A) Rent drilling equipment
(B) Equip the drilling program
(C) Collect the drilling document
(D) Collect the document schedule
(E) Share contract with BP MIGAS

28. The word ‘participate’ can also be replaced by…

(A) take part
(B) promote
(C) invite
(D) prevent
(E) modify
29. ‘20% tkdn + max 10% fund from BUMN bank’ , the word ‘fund’ means…
(A) Support from the bank
(B) Import from aboard
(C) Qualified in delivering products
(D) Amount of money for a purpose
(E) Comparison of jobs
30. ……is a plan that lists all the work that you have to do and when you must do each thing.
(A) Service
(B) Schedule
(C) Document
(D) Category
(E) Participant

The following text is for questions 31 to 35

The Japanese traditional house made of wood is expected to last about
twenty years before having to be repaired or rebuilt. Each year it is depreciated.
The interior design is what really sets the Japanese traditional house. With
the exception of the entry way (genkan), the kitchen (daidokoro), the bathing room
(sento) and the toilet (benjo), the rooms in a Japanese traditional house does not
have a designated use.
A room can easily be a living area, a bedroom, a dining room or any
combination. Large rooms are partitioned by fusuma, sliding doors made of wood
and thick paper. The paper used for fusuma is called washi. These sliding doors can
be removed whenever a larger space is needed.
In large traditional houses, there was one large room, or ima (living space)
that could be divided as needed. The smaller rooms like kitchen, bath and toilet
were small extensions to one side. Rouka, or wooden-floored hallways, follow the
edge of the home. Windows are made of wood and shoji paper, which is thin
enough to let the light shine through.
Even Japanese modem houses tend to have one traditional Japanese room,
called a washitsu. This room has tatami mats on the floor as used in Japanese
traditional house. Tatami are thick straw mats covered with stitched, woven rushes.
Tatami are smooth and firm enough to walk on, while making a sleeping surface
more comfortable than wood or stone.
The genkan is usually a step below the level of the rest of the house. When
people enter the home, they leave their shoes in the genkan, pointed toward the
door so they only need to slip them on when they are ready to go out. Indoor
slippers are often worn inside the house.
The kitchen in most traditional Japanese homes will contain a stove with a
very small oven and broiler and an electric refrigerator. Counter space for food
preparation and a sink are also located in the kitchen.
The bathing room contains a tub and is often waterproof. An adjacent area
is available for showering. The Japanese re-use bathwater, either for other bathers
or for washing laundry, so it is important not to dirty the water with soap and dirt.
Dirty portions of the body can be washed before stepping into the bath.

31. The text is about ....

(A) Japanese house
(B) traditional houses
(C) Japanese traditions
(D) Japanese modern houses
(E) Japanese traditional houses
32. "Each year it is depreciated." (Paragraph 1)
The underlined word refers to ....
(A) a house
(B) an old house
(C) a Japanese house
(D) a Japanese modern house
(E) a Japanese traditional house
33. The thick paper used for partition is ....
(A) tatami
(B) rauka
(C) shoji
(D) washi
(E) banjo
34. Some modern houses in Japan have a ... which is usually found in traditional houses in
(A) ima
(B) washi
(C) rouka
(D) fusuma
(E) washitsu
35. ‘These sliding doors can be removed whenever a larger space is needed’
The underlined word can also be replaced by….
(A) required
(B) sent
(C) evaluated
(D) changed
(E) altered
The following text is for questions 36 to 40
World War II was the most widespread and the most destructive war in history. It
lasted from 1939 to 1945 and eventually involved all the great powers and most of the
smaller nations of the world. Even the countries that remained neutral felt the war’s impact.
The chief antagonists were German, Italy and Japan (known as the Axis powers) on one side
and the (United States, Great Britain, the Soviet Union, France, and China (known as the
Allies) on the other. The battle field of the war stretched from Europe to North Africa and
from the island of the Pacific to eastern and southern.

36. Which statement serves the main idea of the text?

(A) World War II lasted from 1939 to 1945
(B) The countries that remained neutral felt the war’s impact
(C) The battle field of the war stretched from Europe to North Africa
(D) World War II was the most widespread and destructive war in history
(E) World War II involved all the great powers and most of the smaller nations of the

37. Which statement is TRUE according to the text?

(A) World War II ended in 1939
(B) China belonged to the Axis Powers
(C) The Allies consisted of three countries
(D) Great Britain remained neutral in World War II
(E) The antagonist countries consisted of three countries

38. “Even the countries that remain neutral felt the war’s impact” (Paragraph 2) .
The underlined word can be replaced by…
(A) effect
(B) cause
(C) result
(D) reason
(E) sequence
39. How long did World War II last?
(A) 3 years
(B) 4 years
(C) 5 years
(D) 6 years
(E) 10 years

40. The word ‘eventually’ can also be replaced by…

(A) finally
(B) mainly
(C) briefly
(D) correctly
(E) quickly

SET - 11
Latihan UTS semester - 2
Choose the correct answer 4. X : ‘….them when I perform my dancing’
1. X : ‘Has your sister given the new Y : ‘Will you also invite me?’
proposal to Richard?’ (A) Are you OK
Y : ‘No, she hasn’t. She is very busy. (B) I’d like to invite
She…immediately’ (C) Will you be fine
(A) will tell him (D) Will you be OK
(B) is telling him (E) Will you invite
(C) has been told him
5. X : ‘….your children going to watch the
(D) was telling
music concert in GBK Jakarta?’
(E) would be telling him
Y : ‘No, they are. They have toprepare
2. X : ‘Would you like ….them about the their final test’
workshop?’ (A) can (D) Are
Y : ‘Yes, I would’ (B) would (E) Were
(A) was telling (D) told (C) Will
(B) will tell (E) to tell 6. Kalim : ‘Hasan,….’
(C) are telling Hasan : ‘Pleased to meet you’
Noni : ‘Pleased to meet you too’
3. X : ‘…..’
(A) I’d would like you to meet my friend
Y : ‘Thanks, because I always practice it
with my sister’
(B) How are you
(A) You are not really good at speaking
(C) Are you all right
(D) I want someone to know you
(B) You are kind person
(E) She wants you to know me
(C) You are really good at speaking
7. X : ‘Your writing has been perfect’
(D) You are a humble man
Y : ‘Thanks for your……’
(E) You have been invited to Tom’s
(A) suggesting
(B) correcting
(C) certainty 12. ‘English men…home when the day’s work
(D) praising is over’
(E) advising ‘So do the women’
(A) rush (D) rushing
8. X : ‘I am going to…my name, my name is (B) to rush (E) rushed
Revano’ (C) rushes
Y : ‘Welcome to your new class’
(A) know 13. ‘The earth ….around the sun’
(B) introduce ‘Yes, I agree you. It is called rotation’
(C) recognize (A) is revolving
(D) interview (B) has revolved
(E) invite (C) revolved
(D) will revolve
9. X : ‘I am really amazed with your modern (E) revolves
dancing on the stage,……’
Y : ‘Thank you’ 14. ‘Miranda had been diagnosed to have
(A) You don’t like dancing cancer and the doctor asked her…….
(B) How are you? a chemotherapy’
(C) You are poor in dancing ‘I hope she will be better’
(D) You are great dancer (A) have (D) to have
(E) Do you like dancing? (B) having (E) to be had
(C) had

15. ‘While Jecko was repairing his car in the

garage, his brother …….the old radio’
‘Their friends also helped them’
(A) were fixing (D) is going to fix
(B) was fixing (E) is fixing
(C) fixed
10. X : ‘…’ 16. ‘Mahardika… finished doing his
Y : ‘Not really, I have done a long flight assignment recently’
and I am very tired’ ‘His friends have too’
(A) Were you all right (A) had
(B) Have you been OK (B) has had to
(C) Will you come here (C) has
(D) Are you OK? (D) had had
(E) Will you agree? (E) have had

11. ‘Dutch……Indonesia for three hundred 17. ‘Before Revanno painted the house,
and fifty years before Japanese came’ he….it’
‘I have known it’ ‘When he do it?’
(A) was colonizing (A) will clean
(B) has been colonizing (B) had cleaned
(C) has been colonized (C) has cleaned
(D) is colonizing (D) has been cleaned
(E) had been colonizing (E) had been cleaned
18. “When I got there, everyone had gone (B) did
home” (C) was doing
“So you…them” (D) has been doing
(A) didn’t meet (E) will do
(B) have not met
(C) didn’t have to meet 20. ‘He was playing the guitar outside of her
(D) were not meeting house when someone opened the
(E) will not meet window and…on bucket of water’
‘I was there at that time’
19. ‘Radizga……some shopping when he got (A) throw
the news that he won the first prize for (B) threw
writing competition’ (C) had thrown
‘Wow, it’s surprise’ (D) would throw
(A) has done (E) has thrown
The following text is for questions 21 to 25
Eskimos live in a land where the winters are long and very cold. During the short
summer months, they live in permanent homes of stone or earth. However, their homes are
useless when the Eskimos have to travel great distances to hunt for food. During such
periods, they need temporary homes to live in and the only available materials that the
Eskimos can use ice and snow.
Given the absence of the usual building materials, the indigenous Eskimos have learned
to utilize the snow and convert it into a snug, warm shelter called an igloo. In the language of
the Eskimos, the word ‘igloo’ simply means house. The igloo is made of blocks of hard-
packed snow fitted together to make a low, domed-shapped building. The blocks are cut out
with a knife made from walrus ivory as snow does not stick to this kind of knife. Using this
method, an Eskimos takes only a few hours to build his home.
Inside the igloo, it is warm enough for the family to take off their outer fur clothing. A
platform of snow, covered with fur and skins, serves as the family bed. During the cold, arctic
nights, the entire family sleeps together for warmth. Cooking is done on a stone stove or
lamp that burns seal fat or blubber. A small opening at the top of the igloo lets the smoke
out and the fresh air in. even though the air in the igloo may not be clear or pleasant –
smelling, it serves its purpose as a warm, comfortable shelter for the Eskimos family.

21. The text tells us about…

(A) where the igloo is built
(B) where the Eskimos live
(C) how the Eskimos find their food
(D) how and where the Eskimos live
(E) where the whole family sleeps together

22. Why do the Eskimos use a walrus ivory knife? Because…

(A) it is easy to cut the food
(B) it is sharp enough to cut the animals
(C) it is more comfortable to find some food
(D) snow doesn’t stick to this kind of knife
(E) this kind of knife is useful to hunt for food
23. The purpose of the text is…
(A) to entertain the Eskimos family
(B) to describe how the Eskimos live
(C) to describe how the Eskimos cook their food
(D) to tell why the Eskimos should hunt for food
(E) to tell the traditions of the Eskimos

24. Why are permanent settlements useless to an Eskimos hunter? Because…

(A) they have to utilize the snow and convert it into a snug
(B) their permanent settlements are made of stones of earth
(C) their permanent houses are made of ice and snow
(D) their temporary houses are made of ice and snow
(E) they have to take long distances to hunt for food

25. The conjunction ‘however’ in the first paragraph can also be replaced by….
(A) moreover (C) but (E) and
(B) furthermore (D) therefore

The following text is for questions 26 to 30

Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) or ‘Beautiful Indonesia Miniature Park’ (literally
translated) is a culture – based recreational area located in East Jakarta, Indonesia. It has an
area of about 250 acres. The park is a synopsis of Indonesia culture, with virtually all aspects
of daily life in Indonesia’s provinces encapsulated in separate pavilions with the collections of
architecture, clothing, dances and traditions all depicted impeccably. Part from that, there is
a lake with a miniature of the archipelago in the middle of it, cable cars, museums, a theatre
called of My Homeland (Teater Tanah Airku) and other recreational facilities which make
TMII one of the most popular tourist destination in the city.

26. What is the text about?

(A) The description of TMII
(B) The location of TMII
(C) The history of TMII
(D) The benefit of TMII
(E) A tourist destination

27. How are the aspects of the daily life of Indonesia’s provinces exposed?
(A) They are put at a theatre
(B) They are shown by cable cars
(C) They are placed at separate pavilions
(D) They are presented in the forms of dances
(E) They are positioned in the middle of the park

28. The word ‘popular’ could also be replaced by…

(A) significant
(B) famous
(C) important
(D) qualified
(E) amazing
29. The word ‘it’ in the second sentence refers to…
(A) recreational area
(B) Jakarta
(C) East Jakarta
(D) Taman Mini Indonesia Indah
(E) Indonesia
30. The word ‘tourist’ in the last sentence could also be replaced by…
(A) visitor
(B) publisher
(C) evacuator
(D) investigator
(E) editor
The following text is for questions 31 to 35
To : All students of XI IPS

I’m sorry I can’t come to the class because of the school project from the headmaster. Please
continue doing the task I gave you at the last meeting. Submit it to the chairman, put it on
my table in the teachers’ room. We’ll discuss the task at the next meeting. Thank you.

31. What does the text about?

(A) Doing a project
(B) The principal’s task
(C) Giving permission to do the task
(D) Asking the students to do the task
(E) Asking for permission not to come to the class

32. The word ‘it’ in ‘submit it to the chairman…’ refers to….

(A) task
(B) class
(C) table
(D) project
(E) meeting

33. Conjunction ‘because of’ can also be replaced by…

(A) due to
(B) hence
(C) therefore
(D) and
(E) so

34. The word ‘we’ in the last sentence refers to…

(A) all students
(B) all students and teacher
(C) all students and principle
(D) all teachers
(E) some of students and teachers

35. The word ‘the task’ can also be replaced by…

(A) the lesson
(B) the permission
(C) the assignment
(D) the proposal
(E) the edition

The following text is for questions 36 to 40

Charles Robert Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, England, on February 12, 1809. He came
from a wealthy family and never had to work. He studied medicine and theology. In 1831 he
graduated from university of Cambridge with a degree of theology.
He began a career as a scientist quite by chance. On December 27, 1831, 22 years old
Charles Darwin joined the crew of the HMS Beagle as a naturalist. The five years expedition
collected hydrographic, geologic, and meteorologic data from SouthAmerica and many other
regions around the world. Darwin’s own reservation on this voyage led to his theory of
natural selection.
Charles Darwin was greatly influenced by the geologist Adam Sedgwick and naturalist
John Henslow in his development on the theory of natural selection, which was to become
the foundation concept supporting the theory of evolution. Darwin’s theory holds that
environmental effects lead to varying degrees of reproductive success in individuals and
groups of organisms. Natural selection tends to promote adaption in organisms when
necessary for survival. This revolutionary theory was published in 1859 in Darwin’s now
famous on the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection.

36. Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution believed that….

(A) people could defend themselves naturally
(B) environment affected natural election
(C) organism didn’t need adaptation to survive
(D) people and nature supported to each other
(E) natural selection tend to adapt organism to survive

37. How was Darwin’s theory of natural selection developed?

(A) Adapted by the necessary for survival
(B) Influenced by his collection
(C) Supported the effect of environment
(D) Influenced by John Henslow and Adam Sedgwick
(E) Affected by only groups of organisms

38. The famous Darwin Theory was published based on…

(A) theories was always developed by other scientists in the world
(B) the influence of organisms adaptation in survival living was complicated
(C) the success of his observation supported and influenced by geologist and naturalist
(D) his expedition and natural observation data a scientist
(E) the observation of other geologist’s natural selection
39. The word ‘wealthy’ in the first paragraph can also be replaced by…
(A) rich
(B) poverty
(C) poor
(D) satisfied
(E) qualified

40. The word ‘influenced’ in the third paragraph can also be replaced by…
(A) protested
(B) protected
(C) affected
(D) changed
(E) modified

SET - 12
Latihan UAS Semester Satu
Choose the correct answer
The following text is for questions 1 to 2

I lost my mobile phone this morning. It’s silver with wide LCD screen and Qwerty keypad. It
has radio connection, infrared and Bluetooth connectivity. It has also an integrated camera,
3 mega pixels.

Please contact : Susi, grade X-4 or call 08796543434

1. What does the announcement tell you about?
(A) Susi’s LCD which is lost
(B) Susi’s digital camera which is lost
(C) Susi’s mobile phone which is lost
(D) The characteristics of Susi’s mobile phone
(E) The connection of Susi’s mobile phone

2. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to text?

(A) Susi’s mobile phone is silver
(B) Susi’s mobile phone has radio connection
(C) Susi is a student of grade X-4
(D) Susi’s mobile phone has 3 mega pixels integrated camera
(E) Susi lost her mobile phone yesterday

The following text is for questions 3 to 7


New York Berlin $349

New York San Fransisco $239
New York Bombay $538
Washington Bombay $379
San Fransisco Paris $456

All flights make at least one stop with a change of aircraft.

Tickets must be purchased two weeks in advance.
One ticketed, any alteration will cost $25,00. No refunds

3. The text is about…

(A) Flight booking
(B) Low cost flights
(C) International flights
(D) Western to Eastern world flights
(E) An aircraft change in international flights

4. The writer writes the text in order to….

(A) Describe about the flight route to Europe
(B) Tell all clients about the flight fares and flight procedures
(C) Explain what passengers should do on their international flights
(D) Describe about a flight route from Europe to America
(E) Tell the flight fares and how to book a flight ticket

5. When should people buy the tickets?

(A) One day before the flight (D) Three weeks before the flight
(B) One week before the flight (E) One month before the flight
(C) Two weeks before the flight

6. The word ‘purchased’ can also be replaced by…

(A) Sold (D) Imported
(B) Promoted (E) Exported
(C) Bought

7. The word ‘alteration’ can also be replaced by…

(A) Change (D) Qualification
(B) Satisfaction (E) Arrangement
(C) Agreement

The following text is for questions 8 to 10

For students grade XII who need a polytechnic admission form :
2 choices Rp 125.000
3 choices Rp 160.000
From the 6th – 16th July 2014
Time 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Contact person : Revalina phone (022) 2011975

8. What is the purpose of the text?
(A) To inform students about a polytechnic admission
(B) To tell students about payment to enter a polytechnic
(C) To explain the students about an entrance test
(D) To give description of a polytechnic selection
(E) To invite the students to come to the polytechnic

9. ‘…a polytechnic admission form’

What does the word ‘admission’ mean?
(A) Adoption (D) Denial
(B) Entry (E) Negation
(C) Advertisement

10. The word ‘need’ can also be replaced by…

(A) Survey (D) Require
(B) Select (E) Modify
(C) Choose
The following text is for questions 11 to 14
Good afternoon, everyone.

We are gathering here to commemorate the Silver anniversary of our company. We shall
begin with a few words of welcome from our honorable speaker, the director of our
company, Mr. Radizga. This will be followed by a short question and answer session. After
that, we can enjoy lunch together.

11. The text tells us about…

(A) The celebration of the Silver anniversary of a company
(B) A short question and answer session
(C) A few words of welcome from the director of a company
(D) An annual meeting of a company
(E) A luncheon in a company

12. Who will give a short speech in the beginning of the celebration?
(A) The personnel manager (D) One of the employees
(B) The announcer (E) The director of the company
(C) The manager of the company

13. We are gathering here to commemorate the Silver anniversary of our company. What does
the word ‘commemorate’ mean?
(A) prepare (C) reserve (E) indicate
(B) fix (D) Honor

The following text is for questions 14 to 18

Mexico City is growing very fast. In 1970 the city had about nine million people. Now it has
over 17 million. All these people who mostly come from the country are causing for the city.
There are not enough jobs. Also, there is not enough housing. Large families have to live
together in very small homes. Many homes do not have water. They also do not have
bathrooms or electricity. In addition, the air Mexico City is dirty and unhealthy. The smoke
from the factories and cars pollutes the air of the city. All these problems make the
government work hard to make life better in the city.

14. The topic of the above paragraph is about…

(A) the problems of Mexico City
(B) the growing population in Mexico
(C) the reason why country people like the city
(D) the poor and the unemployment in Mexico City
(E) the efforts to raise people’s standard of living

15. What has mainly caused the problems of Mexico City?

(A) The polluted air of the city
(B) The available jobs in Mexico City
(C) The rapid growth of country people
(D) The housing provision by the government
(E) The migration of country people to the city
16. The text above is in the form of…
(A) descriptive
(B) explanation
(C) narrative
(D) exposition
(E) hortatory exposition

17. All these people who mostly come from the country are causing for the city.
What does the word ‘mostly’ come from?
(A) Mainly
(B) Precisely
(C) Briefly
(D) Clearly
(E) Obviously

18. The smoke from the factories and cars pollutes the air of the city.
What does the word ‘pollutes’ mean?
(A) Protects
(B) Contaminates
(C) Filters
(D) Evaporates
(E) Breathes

The following text is for questions 19 to 23

Once upon a time, there lived in Japan a peasant and his wife. They were sad couple
because they had no children. They kept praying to their God pleading give them a child.
While cutting wood by a stream one day, the man saw a large peach floating on the
water. He ran to pick it up. His wife was excited because she had never seen such a large
peach before. They were about to cut the peach when they heard a voice from inside.
The couple were too surprised to do anything. The peach then cracked open, and there
was a handsome baby boy inside. The couple were very happy, of course. They named the
baby Momotaro, which means ‘peach boy’.
Momotaro grew up to be a cleaver, courageous young man. His parents loved him very
One day, Momotaro told his parents that he was going to fight the pirates who always
attacked their village. These pirates lived on an island a few kilometers away. Momotaro’s
mother packed his food, and his father gave him a sword. Having blessed Momotaro, they
sent him off on his journey.
Sailing on his boat, Momotaro met an eagle going in the same direction. They became
good friends, soon, both of them arrived on the island of the Pirates.
Momotaro drew out scared sword his father had given and began to fight the pirates.
The eagle flew over the thieve’s heads, pecking at their eyes. Finally, the pirates were
Momotaro brought home all the goods that the pirates had stolen. His parents were
proud of him, and they were overjoyed at his victory and safe return.

19. The story happened …

(A) in Japan
(B) on the boat
(C) by the stream pirates
(D) in village
(E) on the island of the pirates

20. Who is the main character in the story?

(A) the lucky peasant
(B) the blessed child
(C) the defeated pirates
(D) the peasant’s wife
(E) Momotaro, the peach boy

21. “Having blessed Momotoro, they sent him off on his journey”. (paragraph 5).
From the sentence we know that Momotaro’s parents…..him to fight the pirates.
(A) joined (D) allowed
(B) refused (E) declined
(C) forbade

22. When the peasant and his wife saw the handsome baby boy inside the large peach,
they……and named him Momotaro.
(A) felt annoyed
(B) were anxious
(C) seemed afraid
(D) were very glad
(E) looked surprised

23. What do we learn from the story?

(A) We should do our best
(B) Momotaro is a brave man
(C) There is no gain without pain
(D) Happiness will find you if you try
(E) The peasant and his wife are good persons

The following text is for questions 24 to 27

Amelia Earheart who was born at Atchison in 1987 was one of the first is still probably
the most famous woman aviator in the world. She dropped out of Columbia University and
worked in California to earn money for flying lessons. In 1928, she became the first female
passengers on transatlantic flight. She flew from Newfoundland to Burry Port, Wales. In
1932, at the age of thirty- four, she was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean
alone, from Harbor Grace, Newfoundland, to Ireland. This success was soon followed by a
series of flights across the United States alone. 1935 she was the first woman who made a
solo flight from Hawaii to California in both directions. In 1937, she tried to fly around the
world with Fred Noonan as her Navigator. After completing more than two-thirds of the trip,
her twin- engine Lockheed Electra vanished near Howland Island d in the Pacific Ocean, and
no trace of Earheart or her plane was ever found.
24. What is the type of this text?
(A) recount
(B) report
(C) explanation
(D) description
(E) discussion

25. The organization of the text above is …

(A) general classification-description
(B) issue-argument for-argument against- conclusion
(C) identification-description
(D) general statement- description
(E) orientation-events- reorientation

26. When did she make her first solo flight in …

(A) 1897
(B) 1928
(C) 1932
(D) 1935
(E) 1937
27. Which of the following is the most suitable title for the passage above?
(A) Amelia Earheart
(B) Amelia Earheart and her flights
(C) Amelia Eartheart and her mysterious disappearance
(D) Amelia Earheart, the first woman aviator in the world
(E) Amelia Earheart who disappeared in the Pacific Ocean

The following text is for questions 28 to 31

Some of the world’s finest roads make use of bodies of water. They are called canals.
Canals are man made waterways. They are usually straight and narrow. But they are filled
with water. They connect rivers and lakes, oceans and lakes, rivers and rivers, and oceans
and oceans so that boats and ships can go from one to the other.
Most canals are used for transportation. Barges, boats, and ships carry goods over
canals. Some are used to irrigate land or to carry sewage from large cities. Canals also reduce
the cost of shipping goods and offer travel short cuts,
Canals even go over hills and mountains. But you know that water can’t flow up a hill;
so how can the water and boats in a canal go up a hill?
Something called a lock is used. It is a giant tank. The tank is big enough to hold a long
boat. The boat floats into the tank, and the doors behind it are closed to lock the boat in
there. Then more water is let into the tank. When the tank is full of water, the tank door in
front of the boat is opened and the boat floats out. The boat floats higher and higher as the
water rises. It floats either out into a higher part of the canal or into another tank or lock,
which will lift it still higher.
To go down the hill on the other side, the boat enters a lock that is full of water. As the
water is let out of the lock, the boat will float lower and lower. So locks make it possible for
boats or ships to move from one water level to another.

28. The text is about …

(A) Canals are used for transportation
(B) Water for irrigation
(C) water transportation
(D) world’s finest canals
(E) straight and narrow roads

29. Why do people build canals?

(A) To lift boats (D) To hold a giant tank
(B) To rise water (E) To connect rivers, lakes, and oceans
(C) To store sewage

30. According to the text, the canals join together the following EXCEPT, …
(A) rivers and lakes (D) rivers and oceans
(B) oceans and lakes (E) oceans and oceans
(C) rivers and rivers

31. “They are straight and narrow like some roads.” (Paragraph 2).
The antonym of the underlined word is …
(A) flat (D) indirect
(B) rough (E) winding
(C) bumpy

The questions 32 to 40 are not based on the text

32. ‘Did you ….this article yesterday?’
‘No, I didn’t. I was really busy’
(A) translated
(B) translating
(C) translate
(D) to translate
(E) translates
33. ‘After Selvinna had finished her job, she ….to a shopping center with her friends’
‘I also joined her’
(A) was going
(B) went
(C) had gone
(D) has gone
(E) would have gone

34. ‘What does your sister prefer Soft drink or juice?

‘She ……juice to soft drink’
(A) prefer
(B) is preferred
(C) preferred
(D) prefers
(E) has been preferred
35. ‘I like working with you because……’
‘I will promote you as a manager in our company next year’
(A) You agree with my opinion
(B) You disagree with my opinion
(C) You are not discipline worker
(D) You are lazy worker
(E) You always have a great idea

36. X : ‘You did very well on delivering English speech yesterday’

Y : ‘…’
(A) Thanks
(B) How are you?
(C) I am fine
(D) I agree you
(E) You don’t know that I am a good boy

37. X : ‘… to my farewell party tonight’

Y : ‘I am not sure I can come because I am really busy’
(A) I don’t invite
(B) I’d like to invite
(C) I am going to be invited
(D) I am inviting
(E) I have been invited

38. X : ‘Will your old brother…and… the living room?’

Y : ‘Yes he will, because the party will be held immediately’
(A) paint and decorate
(B) painting and decorating
(C) painted and decorated
(D) paints and decorates
(E) paint and decorating
39. X : ‘Your face looks reddish, …?’
Y : ‘No,I am not. I have been allergic since last night’
(A) how are you (D) are you OK
(B) can you do that (E) I am OK
(C) is it all right

40. Ravisa : ‘Your little daughter did very well on singing on the stage this morning’
Rafina : ‘Thank You’
Ravisa expresses her ….to Rafina.
(A) praising
(B) displeasure
(C) uncertainty
(D) opinion
(E) complaining

SET - 13
Latihan UAS Semester Dua
Choose the correct answer
The following text is for questions 1 to 5
A planet is a body in space that revolves around a star. There are nine planets in
our solar system, and these nine planets travel around the sun. The names of the planets
are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto.
Planets travel in orbits, around the stars. All the planets of the solar system revolve
in elliptical orbits. In other words, their orbits are like large, flat circles. The time that it
takes a planet to make one revolution around the sun is called a year.
The Greeks were the first people to recognize and give names to some of the
planets. The word planet comes from Greek word meaning wandered. If a person wanders,
this means that he goes from one place to another and does not have a home. The Greeks
thought that planets “wandered” in the sky. However, modern scientists can predict the
movement of the planets very accurately.

1. What is the suitable title for this text?

(A) The stars (D) The Planets
(B) The Orbits (E) The Wanders
(C) The Greeks

2. The planets in our solar system travel…

(A) around the star
(B) around the circles
(C) in one movement
(D) from one position to another
(E) in elliptical orbits

3. The word ‘recognize’ can also be replaced by…

(A) know (D) revolve
(B) provoke (E) take
(C) protect

4. Conjunction ‘however’ can also be replaced by…

(A) and (D) moreover
(B) so (E) therefore
(C) nevertheless

5. The antonym of ‘modern’ in the last sentence is…

(A) ancient
(B) significant
(C) complaint
(D) sufficient
(E) enchanted

The following text is for questions 6 to 10

There was a black family in Scotland years ago. They were Clark family with nine
children. They had a dream to go to America. The family worked and saved. They were
making plan to travel with their children to America. It had taken several years but finally
they had saved enough money. They had gotten passport. They had booked seats for the
whole family member in a new liner to America.
The entire family was full of anticipation and excitement with their new life in America.
However few days before their departure, the youngest son was bitten by a dog. The doctor
sewed up the boy. Because of the possibility of getting rabies, there were being quarantined
for long days. They were in quarantine when the departure time came. The family dreams
were dashed. They could not make the trip to America as they had planned.
The father was full of disappointed and anger. He stomped the dock to watch the ship
leaved without him and his family. He shed tears of disappointment. He cursed both his son
and God for the misfortune.
Five days later, the tragic news spread throughout Scotland. The ship, the mighty
Titanic, had sunk. It took hundreds of passengers and crew with it. Titanic which had been
called the unsinkable ship had sunk. It was unbelievable but it was.
The Clark family should have been on that ship, but because of the bitten son by a dog,
they were left behind. When the father heard the news, he hugged the son and thanked him
for saving the family. He thanked God for saving their lives. It was a blessing behind a

6. What is the main idea of the fifth paragraph?

(A) We have to accept the bad or good things in our lives
(B) We have to grateful to God with everything in our live
(C) The family got blessing from God behind the tragedy
(D) Don’t be angry and disappointed with the problem
(E) We have to learn from our experience

7. What happened with their son?

(A) He was sick
(B) He was missing
(C) The son got rabies
(D) He was bit by a dog
(E) He was bit by a poisonous snack

8. What did father feel when his son was sick?

(A) He became angry
(B) He was really sad and anxious
(C) He tried to accept the problem
(D) He cursed with his son and God
(E) He became angry and disappointed

9. The word ‘booked’ can also be replaced by…

(A) Reserved (D) Bought
(B) Contacted (E) Prepared
(C) Purchased
10. Conjunction ‘because of’ can also be replaced by…
(A) Since
(B) As
(C) For
(D) Due to
(E) And

The following text is for questions 11 to 15

We were born on August 5, 1992. We are in the eighth grade now. Jada and I do everything
together. We are in the same class. We dress alike. We look the same. We always get other
people confused. This really makes Jada and I laugh. Teachers and friends always get us
mixed up at school. Even our father has trouble telling us apart. Our mother doesn’t. She
always knows which twins is which. Jada and I often try to confuse her, but it has never
happened. One day, out teacher told our mother to get one of us a different haircut, so that
he could tell us apart. Jada and I were horrified. We didn’t want to look different. We liked
looking the same. Our mother came to the rescue, and refused to make us cut our hair. We
were happy just the way we were and didn’t want to change. Our dad just shook his head.
He would have to stay confused. Jada and I didn’t care. We knew which one was which, and
that was all that mattered.

11. Who never get confused telling the twin girls apart?
(A) Dad
(B) Friends
(C) Mother
(D) Teachers
(E) Classmates

12. What did their teacher suggest to make them look different?
(A) To get them horrified
(B) Not to make him confused
(C) To get hem mixed up at school
(D) To make differences between them
(E) To get one of them a different haircut

13. How did they feel about the teacher’s suggestion?

(A) Sad
(B) Glad
(C) Happy
(D) Excited
(E) Horrified

14. The word ‘happened’ can also be replaced by…

(A) occurred
(B) portrayed
(C) accompanied
(D) accomplished
(E) supported
15. The word ‘refused’ can also be replaced by…
(A) agreed
(B) disagreed
(C) declined
(D) complained
(E) offered

The following text is for questions 16 to 20

Two thin goats

Once there were two thin goats. Both of them were hungry. They were tied together
with brown rope. They wanted to eat the green leaves from two separated bushes. One bush
was on the left. The other bush was on the right.
The goats thought they could do everything on their own. However, the rope was short.
They tried and tried but they could not reach the bushes. They were sad. Then , the goats
decided to work together. First, they ate the leaves on the right. Then, they ate the leaves on
the left. The leaves were very delicious. The goats were happy.

16. Why were the goats sad?

(A) They were hungry
(B) The rope was short
(C) They cannot work together
(D) They could not reach the leaves
(E) They thought they could do everything

17.How did the goats finally reach the bushes?

(A) By working together
(B) By cutting the rope
(C) By doing everything on their own
(D) By trying to reach the bushes on their own
(E) They eat the leaves on the right and then on the left
18.The word ‘however’ can also be replaced by…
(A) furthermore
(B) besides
(C) but
(D) moreover
(E) consequently

19. The word ‘sad’ can also be replaced by…

(A) sorrow
(B) happy
(C) glad
(D) generous
(E) friendly

20. The leaves were very delicious. The word ‘delicious’ means the leaves have…
(A) a very pleasant taste
(B) enough sugar
(C) enough salt
(D) been rot
(E) been edible

The following text is for questions 21 to 25


In order to show the company’s appreciation for the hard work of all our employees, we
have started an Employee of the Month program. The Employee of the Month will be chosen
according to his or her efficiency and dedication to work. The employee of the Month will
receive an award as well as free lunches in the company’s cafeteria and a parking space near
the front door. The name of the first Employee of the Month will be announced at the end of
this week.

21. The word ‘chosen’ form the second paragraph can be replaced by…
(A) accumulated
(B) selected
(C) calculated
(D) accomplished
(E) finished

22. What will the winner get?

(A) Appreciation and higher salary
(B) Sum of money, certificates, and free trip
(C) Promotion in the company’s cafeteria
(D) New office at the front door
(E) An award, free lunches, and a parking space

23. The word ‘receive’ can also be replaced by…

(A) get
(B) buy
(C) sell
(D) promote
(E) evacuate

24. The name of the first Employee of the Month will be announced at the end of this week.
The underlined words can also be written…
(A) was being announced
(B) is going to be announced
(C) is going to announced
(D) is being announced
(E) has been announced

25. In order to show the company’s appreciation for the hard work of all our employees.
What does the word ‘employees’ means?
(A) managers
(B) supervisors
(C) workers
(D) publishers
(E) designers

The following text is for questions 26 to 30

Around Bali
Bali, the fabled “Island of the Gods” has been enchanting visitors for centuries with its
rich cultural traditions and spectacular panoramas. From lofty, misty enshrouded volcanoes
and cool mountain lakes down through terraced rice fields to a golden strand lapped by
azure waters, every square inch of Bali offers a fresh and unforgettable image.
No, less enchanting are its people, some 2,7 million souls whose artistry and piety are
recognized throughout the world. Balinese Hinduism, a complex fusion of Indian cosmology,
Tantric Buddhism and home-grown mythology, is the primary faith of Bali’s inhabitants ,
and so deeply woven into the fabric of their daily lives that, the line between the spiritual
and the material is blurry at best.
The shoppers among you will find Bali a treasure house of handicrafts and fine works of
art. The Balinese are incredibly gifted artists and craftsmen, and their material creations are
imbued with the same sense of wonderment with which they regard their universe. Stone
and Woodcarvings, traditional and modern paintings and intricately designed jewelry in gold
and silver are readily available in shops and galleries throughout the island.
As for recreation, there is no shortage of options. Nature walks, horseback riding, diving,
surfing, bungee jumping and white water rafting await the adventurous here.

26. The topic of the text is…

(A) Balinese life, interesting places and cultural traditions in Bali
(B) Scenery in Bali
(C) Domestic tourist in Bali
(D) Bali for recreation, especially for foreign tourists
(E) Visiting Bali in holiday
27. The main idea of paragraph two is?
(A) Population of Bali
(B) Culture in Bali
(C) Balinese custom
(D) Daily lives of Balinese
(E) The Balinese religion

28. The synonym of the word azure in paragraph 1 is …

(A) dark blue
(B) bright green
(C) dark green
(D) bright blue
(E) dark red
29. The word ‘they’ in paragraph 3 refers to…
(A) craftsmen (D) gifted artists
(B) fine works (E) tourists
(C) the Balinese

30. Below is recreational activities you can find in Bali, EXCEPT…

(A) horseback riding
(B) nature walks
(C) surfing
(D) bungee jumping
(E) fishing

The questions no 31 to 40 are not based on the text

31. X : ‘Where does the woman leave the baby?’
Y : ‘…….’
(A) She left the baby in front of the door
(B) She leave the baby in front of the door
(C) She leaves the baby in front of the door
(D) She has been left the baby in front of the door
(E) She had been left the baby I front of the door

32. X : ‘What are you talking to him?’

Y : ‘Adult eagles let their offspring ….rest near their original nesting area.’
(A) build
(B) builds
(C) building
(D) to build
(E) built

33. They are band. Ray is the vocalist. The drummer is Andi. Vicky and Andre ….the guitars.
What are the suitable words for the blank space?
(A) play (D) is playing
(B) plays (E) have played
(C) played

34. Her name is Maura. She has been 17 years old. She studies in SMU Baratayuda Jakarta.
She is the smartest student in her class. Although she is the star in her class, she is very
kind person and friendly to everyone. She will help someone who has difficulties with the
material in her class.
What does the type of above text?
(A) Narrative
(B) Recount
(C) Report
(D) Description
(E) Exposition

35. ‘How could Maura afford to go abroad at least twice a year?’

‘I’m also wondering…..’
(A) that she has earned her living
(B) what she earning living for
(C) why does she earn her living?
(D) How she earns her living
(E) Does she earn a living?

36. ‘Joan …the letter and she will post it, but she can’t find a stamp’
‘She will buy it at the post office’
(A) has been writing
(B) has written
(C) wrote
(D) had written
(E) is writing

37. ‘How long has the U.S been fiercely fighting terrorism?’
‘Since the bombing of the World Trade Center which …hundreds of Americans’
(A) is killing
(B) had been killing
(C) killed
(D) has killed
(E) was killed

38. ‘Why am I not allowed to take Almira’s picture?’

‘Well, She doesn’t like …’
(A) she photographed
(B) was photographing
(C) to be photographed
(D) she was photographed
(E) photographed

39. ‘After the funeral, the residents of the apartment building …’

‘I appreciate their activity’
(A) sent faithfully flowers all weeks to the cemetery
(B) sent to the cemetery each week flowers faithfully
(C) sent flowers faithfully to the cemetery each week
(D) sent each week faithfully to the cemetery flowers
(E) sent each week flowers to the cemetery faithfully

40. ‘The committee has met and …..’

‘I think the committee will give the result of the meeting to the president director’
(A) they have reached a decision
(B) it has formulated themselves some opinions
(C) its decision was reached at
(D) it has reached a decision
(E) they have been reached a decision
Tahun Pelajaran 2018 - 2019
Kurikulum 2013 (KURTILAS)

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2 E E A A E A D D D
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5 A D B E B D C A C
6 C D E B C E A C A
7 D B E D B E E E C
8 B A D E B A C E B
9 A D A B D C A B A
10 E B A D D A B A D
11 C C E D E E B A A
12 A E A B D A E E C
13 D B A B C E A B A
14 A A B E A A B B B
15 A D D C E E A C B
16 B B D D C E E C A
17 A E A C A D C E E
18 B A D E E A C C A
19 D A B A A D A A B
20 E D A C B C D C A
21 A D D B C E A E C
22 C B A A A A D E C
23 A E D C D D D B B
24 C C B E E A A E E
25 A B D B A E B C B
Tahun Pelajaran 2018 - 2019
Kurikulum 2013 (KURTILAS)

NO Set 10 Set 11 Set 12 Set 13

Smt 1 Smt 2 Smt 1 Smt 2
1 A A C D
2 E E E E
3 A C B A
4 C B E C
5 A D C A
6 B A C C
7 D D A D
8 B B A E
9 A D B A
10 A D D D
11 C E C C
12 C A E E
13 D E D E
14 B D A A
15 A B E C
16 B C A D
17 B B A A
18 A A B C
19 D C A A
20 A B E A
21 C B D B
22 A D D E
23 E B A A
24 A E A B
25 C C E C
26 E A D A
27 A C D A
28 A B E D
29 D D A C
30 B A D E
31 E E E C
32 E A C A
33 D A B A
34 E B D D
35 A C E D
36 D E A B
37 E D B C
38 A C A C
39 D A D C
40 A C A D

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