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Name: Roy B. Benedicto Jr.

Grade and Section: OV II-BSSE

Course Subject: Historiography

Coursework: Acrostic

What is HISTORY? Write an Acrostic to discuss/describe/explain/expound HISTORY. Remember

that the first letter of the line/stanza/paragraph must correspond to the order of the letters of the
subject - HISTORY.

H- History , we all know it possesses the happenings and events of the past and because of its
presence it has made of how and what we are today , however, history is being associated of many
factors and perspectives thus there instances of which the cultivation of many biased and scarcity of
information have led to some uncertainties and hypothesis, nonetheless, history is still history and what
has happened could not be reconfigured.

I- Investigate, the foundation of an historian is through the knowledge that he/she has gathered,
however, the information that they have obtained must be thoroughly criticized in order to be
considered a legitimate and credible source. Investigation of details amongst whatever source is vital,
since there are cases of false information, whitewashing, alteration of events, and other mischievous
sources. Fortunately there are procedures of filtering whether a source is reliable or not, generally
through external and internal criticisms.

S- Stories exists in the midst of these events, however, let us not only speculate those who are at the
top because sometimes historical marks were formed due to a movement of a nation. These stories
allow us to look at different angles of history and understanding the situations of how things came to
arise and meet an end, furthermore, if historical events were represented through stories then the more
interested and prevalent it may become , since there is a vast number of world history but only a few
were carved on our education.

T- Traditions were also manifested in alongside with history. Traditions serve as a mark or a distinctive
factor that separates one state to the other, therefore it is an integral element in history. Traditions all
through the years don’t actually change but there are instances of slight modifications due to also some
influence or adaptations but nevertheless they still remain as a distinguished figure for a country and
history assists traditions for origin and belongingness.

O- Origin, History focuses of where things have started in order to acquire answers of the present and
for the later future , the sequence of events from the present and towards the origin enables us study
and reacknowledge missing points and perspectives in order to obtain information of possible causes,
reasons, activities, and ordeals that may have led to historical remarks.

R- Retrospect is a review or indoctrination of a certain subject in consideration of the past. When we

say retrospect, it is where we use historical events of the past to support or build foundations of a topic.
Furthermore, it helps us to showcase chronological sequence of events of any historical matter may be it
from a person, place, event, or name.


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