Color, Race, National Identity. BENEDICTO

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Color, Race, and National Identity

Anthony D. Smith

Australian National University Press

2S-SOC 01: Philippine Nationalism and Development

Mr. John Java

December 4, 2022


There are of many roots that nourish a country’s sense of nationalism. Values, ethics, traits,

are a few, however, let us bear into thought that one does not always seek conflict nor it yearns

another. But still, a lingering thought for reason of why is there a need for oppression? Is it

necessary to degrade or overpower another kin due to their differences? And does this ever

satisfy the means of becoming a superior human being? Some nation colonize others with the

intent of disseminating their culture and beliefs, and some whose motives are to present their

own identity as a higher level of being , and thus allows themselves to freely dictate of what and

who the colonized people are.

Color, race, and national identity are elements a state should be proud of and it shall always

never be a reason for one’s own humiliation nor devalue but rather the opposite. Racial slurs and

discrimination were rampant even in the late 18th and still was in the 19th century, it was not

entirely because of their color, but of their lack religious affiliations or beliefs that they were

easily be manipulated. As reviewed by Smith (1979), yet, in most of these cases, the basis of

prejudice was cultural rather than physical. Though our authors and groups remarked upon and

scorned the physical traits of their opponents or slaves, it was really their lack of certain values

or qualities that they themselves prized.

Furthermore, ethnocentrism alone upholds that the members of a community is the apex

compared to the essence of other communities, and is considered to be a reason for emergence

of nationalism, however, abused or blinded by excessive devotion to ethnocentrism has created

racism. This belief and mindset has spread in all corners of the world, triggering uncalled wars

and revolutions but mainly for the goal of being recognized, to be equal, and valued. National

identity allows ourselves to envision our uniqueness and that the self is already genuine therefore

does not need the validation of other nations for its individuality. Race contributes to many of

our aspects such as features, traits, and heritage and is poorly considered to be reasons of

injustices. As perceived by (Berger & Luckmann, 1963) Race is a social construction, a concept

that has no objective reality but rather is what people decide it is. As emphasized by Begley

(2008) on her article Race and DNA, ven though so little of DNA accounts for the physical

differences we associate with racial differences, that low amount leads us not only to classify

people into different races but to treat them differently—and, more to the point, unequally—

based on their classification. In addition, Colors were seen to be different rather than just plain

characteristic. It meant to others as a indication for their value and dignity, and thus it

overlooked the essence of a human being for what they are rather than who they are.

Article Summary

First and foremost, let us differentiate “nationalism” and “race” . On my account, I

believe that nationalism is an action that enforces a certain state or nation to acquire cohesion or

unity amongst themselves for their own betterment in matters of economy and sustainability, it

only promotes the essence of their own nation other than others, and lastly to incorporate

sovereign rights and independence. On the other hand, “race” on my own understandings, can be

categorized under “nationalism” or may be considered as an element that awakens sense of

nationhood, on a technical approach, it emphasizes the physical attributes to distinguish

individuality or division amongst countries.

Yet eventually, race was then used a tool to differentiate power and dignity, claiming ( in

accordance to ideal theories such as “racial Darwinist”) that physical-traits directly reflects the

mental mind of the individual. Ethnocentrism was a catalyst that rapidly amplified racism,

although there always existed racism without the interference of Europe or Western nations

towards other countries and when foreign exchange occurred, thus led to convergence of

civilizations, ethnocentrism that was embodied amongst foreigners was impacted towards the

local people or vice versa.

Racism spread to many parts of the world. It happened both on external and internal colonies,

nations got as far as devaluing even their own kin just by difference of dialect and physical

attributes. However, racism led to nationalism which resulted to wars and revolutions, the people

had enough of discrimination, injustices, and prejudice. They wanted total separation towards

foreigners, to be acknowledged more than just their features, and to be given equal opportunities.

There exists three levels of nationalism that cultivated in Asia and Africa; first is the ethnic or

tribal nationalism which emphasizes that unified tribes have approached the desire for

emancipation, solidarity of lands, and knowing one’s own culture. Second, state or territorial

nationalism focuses about an allegiance towards one’s own nation, it centralizes common

national identity. Lastly, is pan-nationalism. “Pan” associates with continental or whole, it aims

of merging similar cultures or neighboring states into a greater civic community. Pan-

nationalism emerges on different nations and its classification for racism also changes, some

countries are mild and some are severe.

Let us draw a fine line between “Racial nationalism’ and “Nationalist Racism”; racial

nationalism on my articulation is a healthy approach of maximizing physical features to uphold

liberty, distribution of lands, sense of belongingness, and humility for own traditions. Although,

nationalist racism promotes nation hood, however its approach is quite unvirtuous since its aim is

to end racial discrimination through the extermination and segregation of inferior races towards

racial elites.

Pan-African identity is a core example of the whole article. Due to their black skin color, they

were amongst those who were enslaved, abused, and deprived of freedom. This topic also

considered that the color of the skin aside from Africans , still was known to be a threat and if

not, was suggested to be alienated. Nevertheless, humanity still existed, hope never withered, and

nationalism strived.


Beforehand, I would like to consider this part of the paper as a section of implicitly

expressing my thoughts, struggles, and insights whilst reading this article.

To start off, I underestimated the details of the book so frankly I only read it about 5 days before

the deadline. Arrogant as was I, assuming that the contents were likely to be redundant,

straightforward, or just a mere breeze. Little did I know that it was actually very “specific” and

“broad”. I couldn’t finish reading the contents continuously, so I had to rest and absorb all the

information. I finished it about 2 days and reviewed and researched for the remaining 3 days.

Thank fully I managed to chunk down important details and rewired my thoughts.

Proceeding to the article on hand. COLOR, RACE, AND NATIONAL IDENTITY, the first

thing that came to my mind was these words are just one concept, color comes from race and

race comes national identity. I believe I need not to differentiate further the difference of

nationalism and race or other terms since on the previous page I had already poured my


However, in matters of insight I actually learned a lot. Discovering the true purpose of

ethnocentrism allowed me to clearly picture of how it affected nationalism and it was through

racism. Also, I had to carefully distinguish closely related terms such as racist, racism, race,

racial elite, racial nationalism, nationalist racism, master race, race consciousness, etc.

For me, what actually enlightened my thoughts was the difference of Racial nationalism and

Nationalist racism. This concepts were a bit challenging and I had to research and reread

definitions. Further scoping, I learned that many interesting abstracts such as the Partido

Revolucionario Institucional and Yellow Peril, very enriching. It also pointed out that lack of

cultural values and faiths allowed other nations to easily dehumanize nations, its actually logical

for example like since you are naïve of things you tend to be vulnerable thus you accept

information without prior foundations resulting towards manipulation.

But the most envisioning topic was about of Pan-African Identity, it described of how the

Africans had to struggle because of their own color, of how they coped to survive discrimination

and prejudice, but most importantly, of how they managed to uphold their own beauty and worth.

And I only concluded my insights into one sentence; It is not about what we are but who we

chose to be.


Begley, S. (2010, May 18). Race and DNA. Newsweek. Retrieved December 4, 2022, from

Smith, A. D. (1979). Nationalism in the Twentieth Century. Australian National Univ. Press. 86-


Smith, C. S. (2018, December 17). Is 'nationalism' really the same as 'white nationalism'? The

Des Moines Register. Retrieved December 4, 2022, from



Stovall, T., Burton, A., & Halpern, R. (2016, October 17). "race, ethnicity, and Nationalism in

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