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Create a scenario or storyline visualizing the four stages of sexual abuse.

One (1)
storyline only then identify at what particular stage of cycle of abuse that specific
scenario or situation is in. Use the format below. 
1. Tension Building Phase 2. Acute battering Incident Phase 3. Reconciliation or
Honeymoon Phase 4. Calm Phase
On a hot Friday night, there is this man who went out for a night drinking and was on the
verge of passing out, so he decided to go home to his wife and saw his wife lying in bed
sleeping. (1 Tension Building Phase) He slowly approached his wife and caressed her
breast, but the wife was tired from working and decided to take her husband’s hand
away from her and said “don’t touch me, you drunkard”, the husband was surprised and
went to go outside to cool down. When he came back to the room, he apologized to his
wife for what he did and went to sleep next to his wife. As the morning came, the wife
was up early to prepare breakfast, but she wasn’t feeling like herself, she felt that she
was not safe while her husband is still in the house. (2 Acute battering Incident
Phase) When the wife was done cooking, she heard her husband screaming. The
screams made the wife very uncomfortable, and was shaking the entire time when she
was in the kitchen. The husband went down and was still feeling drunk and suddenly
approached his wife with the intent to do sexual intercourse, the husband pulled his wife
towards him and started to undress her, but as the wife was feeling scared and froze up
and didn’t do anything for the first 10 seconds, and suddenly she ran away from his
husband but the husband chased her and starting to grab her hand aggressively that
resulted in bruises, after a few minutes the husband started to scream at her wife and
saying that she should do whatever he wants, but the wife ran away towards their room
and locked herself until her husband went away. (3 Reconciliation or Honeymoon
Phase) The husband left for the whole day, and when Sunday came, he brought his
wife some flowers and apologized for what he did the day before, the husband said that
he will never drink like that ever again and that he regrets his actions and that he is
devastated for hurting his wife. The wife was silent for the entire time and left the
husband for the entire day. (4 Calm Phase) As days passed, the husband came home
early from work and gave his wife a letter saying “I’m sorry for the things that I did, I
know that this is not the man you married, I’m sorry for making you feel this way, I
guess I was just drunk and frustrated from work that’s why I did those things, but I will
change from now on, I will never make you go through that ever again. I’m sorry my
wife, I love you”. The wife was crying after reading the letter from her husband and later
forgave him for his actions.

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