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Gender and Society

AY 2020-2021

Assignment 1

Instructions: Give me your personal insights about how society is looking after gender. How people
react or think about man and a woman interaction within the society. How do gender affects our
everyday lives. Write it in Word. Make your own creative analysis about it. ( 2 sheets or paper atleast)

Gender socialization is the process by which individuals are taught how to socially behave in accordance
with their assigned gender, which is assigned at birth based on their biological sex.Today it is largely
believed that most gender differences are attributed to differences in socialization, rather than genetic
and biological factors.Gender stereotypes can be a result of gender socialization: girls and boys are
expected to act in certain ways that are socialized from birth. Children and adults who do not conform
to gender stereotypes are often ostracized by peers for being different.While individuals are typically
socialized into viewing gender as a masculine-feminine binary, there are individuals who challenge and
complicate this notion. These individuals believe that gender is fluid and not a rigid binary.Gender
socialization: The process of educating and instructing males and females as to the norms, behaviors,
values, and beliefs of group membership as men or women.gender: The socio-cultural phenomenon of
the division of people into various categories such as male and female, with each having associated
roles, expectations, stereotypes,sex: Either of two main divisions (female or male) into which many
organisms can be placed, according to reproductive function or organs.


Instructions: Answer the following questions briefly and concise in your own words. (Please avoid
Define Sex, Gender and Sexuality (15 pts)

sex is about your body, gender is about who you feel yourself to be, and sexual orientation is about to
whom you’re attracted sexually.Now here’s the longer answer:“Sex” is the term we use to refer to a
person’s sexual anatomy (his or her sexual body parts). So if a doctor were to say that a girl is female in
terms of her sex chromosomes, her sex organs, and hormonal make-up, the doctor is referring to the
girl’s sex

Why men and women vary from one another? (5 pts)

In gender and in behavior, there is a saying that what a man can do, a woman cannot do, there is a den
in a woman that a man cannot do.

How do Philippine Society have different perspective in terms of gender as compared with other
countries or nations? (10 pts)

The gender situation in the Philippines is characterized by sharp contradictions.It graphically showcases
samples of women’s advancement in politics, academic and professional excellence, and even
legislation. But this is contrasted by images of prostituted women, battered wives, economically
disadvantaged women and exploited migrant workers. The socio-cultural traditions are clashing with the
MTV and cyberspace generation. The long history of colonialism has embedded a patriarchal culture
among Filipinos. The conception of women as full-time homemakers, as subordinated to men, violence
against them is private, as reserve labor force, and as sexual objects is now being eroded by modern
women asserting themselves in many aspects of life. But on the other hand, some are either
marginalized, discriminated, or even exploited by the harsh,realities of global economy and

Instructions: Make an observation around you. Look for any domestic issue that you have noticed
about Gender and Society. make a research about that kind of scenario that you chose by using the
following outline:

Topic (Gender Abuse)

State the whole scenario

This issue is not only devastating for survivors of violence and their families, but also entails significant
social and economic costs. In some countries, violence against women is estimated to cost countries up
to 3.7% of their GDP – more than double what most governments spend on education.

Diagnosis and Observations

Each year, countless women and children flee violence at home and take an uncertain journey in the
hope of finding safety in a new country. While many escape conflict zones or generalized human-rights
abuses, some also run from more intimate forms of violence—namely, sexual and domestic violence
perpetrated by men. Setting off on the journey is no guarantee of safety; many are vulnerable to
gender-based abuse in transit and even at destination. Along some migrant routes, half or more of
women surveyed reported experiencing sexual assault during the journey, and many take birth control
to avoid becoming pregnant from rape

The rise of gender-based violence stemming from conflict is correlated with the changing nature of
conflict itself. In the past, wars pitted countries against one another and had distinct battlegrounds;
today, conflicts are largely contained within a country’s borders and are increasingly waged against
unarmed civilians. Rape is used as a deliberate military strategy to disrupt communities and instill fear,
and in ethnic conflicts as a tool for both “cleansing” and social control. Modern conflicts disrupt
traditional social structures, leading to an increased risk of gender violence. Ethnic differences,
socioeconomic discrimination, and group rivalries can exacerbate these risks. Lack of economic
opportunity in societies where males are traditionally the providers can also lead to increased violence
at home.

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