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1) The difference between profit maximization and revenue maximization is that

revenue maximization has an objective aimed towards increasing the total number of
sales to its maximum, the concept is that if you sell goods at low enough price you
will increase your revenue by having a larger total amount of sales, while on profit
maximization the objective is aimed towards the optimum output by producing the
quantity where the marginal cost and marginal revenue are equal to each other.
2) Sales revenue maximization is a company's attempt to generate sales revenue to the
highest degree possible while sales volume maximization refers to increasing the
total amount of sales rather than increasing the revenue/income obtained from this
3) Because it's the most beneficial to themselves individually, a worker's tendency is to
achieve the highest wage they can rather than increasing the firm's outcome.
4) Corporation companies in which the shareholders have control and decision making
powers inside the company.
5) Private companies.
6) A principal agent problem is what happens when the incentive of two parties in a
transaction are not aligned. A contributing factor is when one of the parties has more
information than the other other one also known as asymmetrical information.
7) contradictory objectives due to too many different opinions on a non centralized
8) MC = MR (Marginal Cost = Marginal Revenue )
9) By selling goods at a low enough price so that the firm will increase its revenue by
having a larger total amount of sales. but it does depend on elasticity
10) AR = AC (Average Revenue = Average cost)

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