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(Summative Test)

Name: Jameson D. Besa

Section: Bsed Filipino 3A
Date: 1/ 13/23

Test 1. Multiple choice: Read and analyze each item carefully. Choose the correct
answer from alternatives A,B, C, and D.Writeof the correct Capital Letter of your
answer on a piece of paper and sendit in my email add: Cmarie.deocampo06@gmail-
1. A What is the main role of the teacher?
A. Facilitator of Student learning
B. Classroom manager
C. Model
D. Manager
2. B Which of the following is usually considered the most important factor in a child’s
observable classroom behavior?
A. self-concept
B. heredity
C. intelligence
D. cultural background
3. C Which is a classroom application of this principle, “Students learn more effectively
when they elaborate on new information.” Ask your students to

A.write the principle five times.

B.commit the principle to memory.

C.analyze the principle from different points of view.

D.print the principle in bigger letters then put it in a place where they can read it time and again.

4. A Bernadette enjoyed the roller coaster when they went to Enchanted Kingdom. The
mere sight of roller coaster gets her excited. Which theory explains Bernadette’s
A. Operant conditioning
B. Attribution Theory
C. Pavlovian Theory
D. Social learning theory
5. A Macey was walking by the road to buy suka. Suddenly, a green snake bit her right
foot and left her very terrified for the rest of the day. Since that incident, she has
held immense fear towards all snakes. What concept is best illustrated in this
A. stimulus generalization
B. associative learning
C. stimulus discrimination
D. stimulating stimulus
6. D In treatment for alcoholism, Prince was made to drink an alcoholic beverage and
then made to ingest Antabuse, a drug that produces nausea. Eventually, he was
nauseated at the sight and smell of alcohol and stopped drinking alcohol. This is an
example of what theory?
A. Attribution theory
B. Operant conditioning
C. Social learning theory
D. Associative learning
7. C Visual imagery helps people store information in their memory more effectively.
What is one teaching implication of this principle?

A.You will not object when students daydream in class.

B. Instruct students to take notes while you lecture.

C. Encourage your students to imagine the characters and situations when reading a story.

D.Tell them to read more illustrated comics.

8. C Teacher Miguel believes that to effectively teach, thinking skills like effective
thinking, intuitive thinking, and discovery learning must be emphasized to the
students. Which particular school of thought/branch of psychology best represents
his principle?
A. Essentialism
B. Existentialism
C. Cognitive Psychology
D. Behaviorism
9. A Parents and teachers are considered authorities and models by children at the early
childhood stage. What does this statement imply?
A. Teachers and parents should serve as role models at all times.
B. Parent-teacher conferences should always be an activity in school.
C. Parents should enforce strict discipline at home and teachers ins school.
D. Teachers should demand complete obedience from the learners in school.
10. D Who of the following authors would most help teacher Lito to understand the
underlying effects of poverty on academic achievements.
A. Dewey
B. Kohlberg
C. Piaget
D. Maslow
11. C Based on Bandura’s social learning theory, whom do children often imitate. Those
who ______.
I. have substantial influence over their lives
II. belong to their peer group
III. belong to other races
IV. are successful and seem admired
A. IV only
B. II and IV
C. I and IV
D. I and II
12. D He is generally considered the father of modern education.
A. Collin
B. Aristotle
C. Hagel
D. Comenius
13. D The child’s concept of right and wrong is based on external criteria laid down by
adults during the stage of pre-conventional morality. This is based on the idea of?
A. Freud
B. Piaget
C. Erickson
D. Kohlberg
14. B When planning a lesson, a Teacher can best help ensure that instruction will be
effective and appropriate for students from a wide range of socioeconomic
background by asking himself or herself which of the following question?
A. Will the lesson include opportunities for interaction among students from
different background?
B. Will students have opportunities to ask questions and seek clarification at
various points in the lesson?
C. Will the lesson be structured in a way that allows students to spend time
working with self -selected peers to help process new learning.
D. Will the example used to illustrate and explore lesson content to be familiar and
relevant to students with varied life experiences?
15. C According to Erickson, what is the primary task of an adolescent?
A. To establish integrity
B. To establish trust
C. To search for his identity
D. To be more intimate with others
16. A Psychological, there is unity in all learning. However, there are distinct types of
learning that are recognized. One is effective learning that involves:
A. acquisition of attitudes ideals, judgment, and values
B. formation of concepts and ideas
C. understanding of the external world through the use of the senses.
D. acquisition of facts and information
17. D This condition is characterized by poor spelling and pervasive difficulty in reading.
A. savant
B. mental retardation
C. autism
D. dyslexia

18. B It includes everything from simple associations between stimuli and responses or
association learning to the development of complex insights as in problem-solving:
A. Affective learning
B. Cognitive learning
C. Psychomotor learning
D. All of these
19. C This law state that every stimulus pattern is seen in such a way that the resulting
structure is as simple as possible.
A. Law of readiness
B. Law of contiguity
C. Law of prägnanz
D. Law of similarity
20. A Repetition will facilitate the learning process when?
A. given the same information each time
B. kept short if possible
C. done in different setting
D. there are short intervals between repetitions
21. D He is generally considered the father of modern education.
A. Collin
B. Aristotle
C. Hagel
D. Comenius
22. C A child receives STARS STAMP after correctly completing his task. The child
always tries to complete all tasks correctly for him to have a stamp once again.
What is being shown in the situation?
A. Classical learning
B. Pavlovian conditioning
C. Operant learning
D. Associative learning
23. C According to Ausubel, one of the ways to strengthen the student’s cognitive
structure is by using an instructional tool called:
A. Cross-referencing
B. Narrative
C. Advance organizer
D. Spiral approach
24. C Which of the following is an integral part of the teaching process?
A. Teachers and principal
B. Lesson plan
C. Classroom management
D. Rubric
25. D Which of the following are examples of disabilities?
A. When letters appear jumbled, for example "read" looks like "raed"
B. Losing all or part of your hearing
C. Having difficulty to make friends
D. Both A and B
26. A The principle of individual differences enables a teacher to
A. Provide different activities to meet student needs
B. Reduce students engagement in learning
C. Requires much time to teach
D. Treat all learners alike while inside the classroom
27. A The 14 Learner-centered Psychological principles are divided among the following
areas, EXCEPT
A. Physical and psychomotor
B. Cognitive and metacognitive
C. Developmental and social
D. Individual differences
28. D Which of the following is the BEST purpose of assessment?
A. School leaders use assessment results as a basis for the rehiring of teachers.
B. Assessment results improve students' learning and teachers' teaching strategies
and techniques.
C. Assessment results help determine the number of students to be retained and
promoted in a particular grade level.
D. Assessment results are used for school planning and teacher support systems.
Students also viewed

29. B A student who likes reading-based books and is encouraged by parents to do so

would be more scientific-minded and logical. Which phrase proves that the student
is intrinsically motivated to read?
A. Encouraged by parents
B. Loves reading science-based books
C. Be more scientific-minded
D. Be more logical
30. B Which of the following is NOT a positive response in a diverse classroom?
A. Multicultural teaching is an approach to education that promotes learning of
other cultures and healthy social skills in a multicultural setting.
B. Classrooms are melting pots of all kinds of students with diverse abilities,
characteristics, dispositions, and needs.
C. Using different activities and games in multicultural classrooms is an excellent
way to foster inclusivity and encourage students to share their heritage.
D. The seating arrangements of learners are by their social status and backgrounds
to establish order and unity in the classroom.


1. What aspect of the Part I-IV enumerated below you think

need to develop and improve by yourself? Express in writing.

Part I- Motivation
Part 2- Organizing and planning your work
Part 3- Working with Others; Utilizing resources and Feedback
Part 4- Managing school work Stress.

 Answer – in regard of “Managing school work Stress” is the primary factor

which intrigue the systematic method of every student particularly in resolving
the school works and stress factors, as we see all of the intended individuals
are might experience certainly encounter stress faction in regards to their work
place, jobs, the things they do and every particular activity, for that matter they
might actually experience a mental stress and physical stress which could
effect to their level of performance, the same thing how the student encounter
the stress of school works particularly if the student couldn’t manage the stress
and pressure coming from the series of school works generated by the course
facilitator, there are those student who couldn’t manage the stress, and they
couldn’t actually generate a method on how deal this stress, as we see the very
reason to this matter is because of their lack of ideas and experience in regard
of dealing the school works and stress, like for example the student of sir Mike
had a hard time fulfilling their duty in doing their own school works and other
school related activity which generate a stress and pressure to their mental and
physical aspect, that cause low performance particularly with in terms of
academic matter, in that matter the situation of the student become inevitable
wherein some of them couldn’t handle the school works and school activity at
the same period of time which up bring faction in regards of managing their
Possible improvement and solution “Managing school work Stress”

 Method and strategies are the common solution an aiding the stress and
dealing the school works, but in order to the fulfilled the said solution we need
to realize that the method and strategies are only affective if the performer (the
student) are able to follow the method and strategies, but if not the student are
may experience the same problem in dealing the stress and school works.
 Time management and time adjustment: the student are the only person who
could establish their own schedule particularly in n doing the scheduled
activity to every certain day in order to not stress their self, some of the
student (specially me) are certainly slaggard or matamad (the word matamad
is the ilonggo term which are used to describe the person who are lazy and not
fulfilling their duty or activity) by that matter student are might actually
encounter the stress after knowing the series of school works which are needed
to submit in a certain deadline, now the course facilitator will establish the
deadline and the student who didn’t actually do their school works become
stress because on that day after the teacher announce the deadline student only
do the school work the same day, so they don’t have a time to work properly
or do the school works.
 For me the time management and time adjustment are the crucial thing in
order improvement my personal management with in terms of Managing
school work Stress.
1. Write what you have learned from the Module on Learner- Centered Psychological
Principles, I realized that… Choose 2 from this below: EXPLAIN (Own words).

1. They focus on psychological factors that are primarily internal to and under
the control of the learner rather than conditioned habits or physiological
factors. Howerver, the principles also attempt to acknolwdge external
environment or contextual factors that interact with these internal factors.
2. The principles are intended to deal holistically with learners in the context of
real-world learning situations. Thus, they are best understood as an organized
set of principles; no principle should be viewed in isolation.
3. The 14 principles are divided into those referring to (1) cognitive and
metacognitive, (2) mnotivational and affective (3) developmental and social
(4) individul differences factors influencing learners and learning.
4. Finally, the principles are intended to apply to all learners ─ from children, to
teachers, to administrators, to parents, and to to community members involved
in out educational system.

The 14 principles are divided into those referring to (1) cognitive and metacognitive,
(2) mnotivational and affective (3) developmental and social (4) individul differences
factors influencing learners and learning.

 Cognitive, metacognitive, motivational & affective, developmental & social

and individual differences are the main factors circulating to the learner in
order for the teacher and subject facilitator to realize the areas that the student
need to develop and enhance, but fulfilling this duty are might certainly
require a number of hours in order to regulate the progress of the student via
implying different activity that which could improve and develop the
Cognitive, metacognitive, motivational & affective, developmental & social
and individual differences of the student: like for example with in terms of
cognitive & metacognitive matter, teacher are might conduct an activity
involving to the cognitive & metacognitive process of the student which could
develop the mental proportion of the student, like brainstorming,
remembering, oral recitation, and other activity that which are related to
cognitive & metacognitive aspect while with in terms of affective motivation,
teacher might up bring an inspirational story and practical motivation which
could maximize the student performance in fulfilling their duty to the school
as a student to their house as a child, in regards of social development teacher
might come up into interaction matter which could imply connection between
the fellow student, in order to create bound relationship that might build strong
empathy and sympathy connection despite emergence of the individualistic

Finally, the principles are intended to apply to all learners ─ from children, to
teachers, to administrators, to parents, and to to community members involved in out
educational system.
 The student, teacher and school administrator are the major role player of the
Learner- Centered Psychological Principles which could specifically improve
the student’s mental, physical and spiritual aspect via implementing the said
proportion (Learner- Centered Psychological Principles) the school, are might
produce a graduate which could be an effective local citizen to their respective
community wherein participate to the local program such community clean up
drive, risk reduction preparedness, community relief goods and other
programs which could the student are might involve, because of the Learner-
Centered Psychological Principles the student are might uphold their
development by the guidance and instruction of the teacher and school
institution wherein with accordance to the system and management of the
school the student are certainly become an individual who are more effective
and efficient with in terms of community proportion.
 In conclusion due to the effectiveness of Learner- Centered Psychological
Principles the school and teacher are might actually come up an effective
method and strategies that which could improve the four areas of the student
“cognitive and metacognitive, mnotivational and affective developmental and
social and individul differences” wherein the teacher imply different activity
which are related to the development of the student that specifically tackle
faction that directly had an impact to the student.


Ma’am Cel Deocampo

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