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Patterns and Numbers in

Nature and the World

First, let’s talk about perspective. Q_AUIBigB&biw

Speaking of perspective, what do you see in
in each image (i.e. optical illusion) ?

Now, in your own perspective…

•What is mathematics?
•Where is mathematics?
•Look around you. What are some
visible occurrences of mathematics
inside this classroom?
Mathematics is…
About (but not limited to):
 numbers and counting (operations)
numeric and geometric patterns
 patterns of movement
A formal system of thought for recognizing, classifying, and exploiting
patterns (Stewart)
the science of numbers and their operations, interrelations,
combinations, generalizations, and abstractions of space configurations
and their structure, measurement, transformations, and
generalizations (Merriam-Webster)
Mathematics is…
• …all about language in different forms like patterns, shapes, music
and so on..(n.b. The Language of Mathematics will be discussed in the
forthcoming meetings)
• …all about what our eyes can see, what our ears can hear and even
what we can perceive in our physical environment
• …all about the unbelievable patterns of numbers formed by nature
and of the universe

Other important questions:
•Outside this classroom, do we “see”
mathematics? Give examples.
•Do we also see hints/clues of math in
nature and the world, in general?
•Is mathematics discovered or


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