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Reg No, 20/U/15045/EVE. Student no; 2000715045.


Supervisor; Dr. HENRY MBIDDE


This is to confirm that this Business project has been formulated under my guidance and
supervision and it’s now ready to be submitted for examination.






POBOX 128,

Banda Kampala main branch

Tell, 0757617150, 0777617150

Executive summary of the project

Chucking chicken hatchery farm project is basically eggs production project and chicken meat
with other products like feathers, manure, sausage, pizzas. The target customers will include
the community people, restaurants, supermarkets. The projects startup capital will be 3millions
and each member partner will be expected to pay the same amount for equal returns the
project will start with 7causual workers and 7 top management The business structure will be
partly partnership business project which will start in 2022, 28th November. It will compose of
management or ownership of basically seven members as the shareholders (Mr. Konde James,
Ms. Nakamya Leticia, Mr. Kalule Ronald, Mr. Zziwa Godfrey, Ms. momogi Riter, Ms. Namusoke
Sonia, Ms. Nadyope magerin). The main branch will be located at Banda Kampala PoBox 128,
11km away from Jinja Kampala road, in Luwa headquarters. The other branches in wakiso, Jinja,
Kayunga, Mbale District. So far now five years (5) in existence and expansion is on a great
achievement. Growth of branches firms to different areas in Uganda. Boiler chicken. The project
will basically stay in operation for five years, winning of customers are of more value though
givig qulity poducts, rebranding of the project to the community members. The expected
sources of funds will be personal saving, loan of ug sh10,000,000, shares of about 7000,000with
equal divisions among shareholders.



Business project overview--------------------------------------------------------------------(1)

a) introduction-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(i)

b) problem/issue solved------------------------------------------------------------------------(ii)

c) mission of the project------------------------------------------------------------------------(iii)

d) vision of the project--------------------------------------------------------------------------(iv)

e) goals of the project----------------------------------------------------------------------------(vi)

f) justification of the project to society-----------------------------------------------------(vii)

Product description------------------------------------------------------------------------------(2)

a) introduction---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(i)

b) description of the products offered--------------------------------------------------------(ii)

c) unique features of the project---------------------------------------------------------------(iii)

d) benefits of the project to the society------------------------------------------------------(iv)

e) challenges faced---------------------------------------------------------------------------------(v)

f) invested solution--------------------------------------------------------------------------------(vi)


Industry competition analysis-----------------------------------------------------------------(3)

a) introduction-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(i)

b) industry which a project belong-----------------------------------------------------------(ii)

c) industry trend----------------------------------------------------------------------------------(iii)

d) growth opportunity factors----------------------------------------------------------------(iv)

e) key success factors---------------------------------------------------------------------------(v)

f) SWOT analysis overview--------------------------------------------------------------------(vi)


Marketing plan--------------------------------------------------------------------------------(4)

a) description of target market-------------------------------------------------------------(i)

b) needs being addressed-------------------------------------------------------------------(ii)

c) developed marketing mix----------------------------------------------------------------(iii)

d) product---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(iv)

e) price-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(v)

f) promotion-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------(vi)

g) place------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(vii)

Operational plan----------------------------------------------------------------------------(5)

a) introduction--------------------------------------------------------------------------------(i)

b) business location--------------------------------------------------------------------------ii)

c) raw materials------------------------------------------------------------------------------(iii)

d) machinery process-----------------------------------------------------------------------(iv)

e) quality to be processed------------------------------------------------------------------(vi)

f) handling competition---------------------------------------------------------------------(vii)


Management plan----------------------------------------------------------------------------(6)

a) introduction----------------------------------------------------------------------------------(i)

b) organizational structure------------------------------------------------------------------(ii)

c) management team-------------------------------------------------------------------------(iii)

d) job description------------------------------------------------------------------------------(iv)

e) job specification-----------------------------------------------------------------------------(v)

f) Rewards system-----------------------------------------------------------------------------(vi)


Financial plan--------------------------------------------------------------------------------(7)

a) startup capital----------------------------------------------------------------------------(i)

b) source of fund---------------------------------------------------------------------------(ii)

c) associated costs--------------------------------------------------------------------------(iii)

d) fixed working capital requirements------------------------------------------------(iv)

e) business expenses-----------------------------------------------------------------------(v)

f) business profitability--------------------------------------------------------------------(vi)
g) financial project-------------------------------------------------------------------------(vii)


Business sustainability--------------------------------------------------------------------------(8)

a) how business achieve social value---------------------------------------------------------(i)

b) how business achieve Environmental values-------------------------------------------(ii)


Specific knowledge and skills-----------------------------------------------------------------(9)


Business project overview


Chucking chicken Hatchery firm business project overview will

contain; problem or issue solved, mission of the project, vision of the
project, goals and justification of the business to the society.


Problem/issue solved

Currently in Uganda, millions of community children are suffering of

luck of enriched proteins hence protein deficiencies resulting to
diseases like kwashiorkor and Marasmus. By dealing in such business
among country world we will be able to target those children who can
access food reach in protein like eggs which are sold at a large economy
of scale hence in return generate income and in long-run other bi-
products from chicken are sold too. i.e. manure, meat chicken, feathers
and many others. Hence the measure issues of kwashiorkor in kinds is
solved and the death rates are solved.


Mission of the project

To be world's preferred suppliers of quality breeding stock and eggs

reach in proteins. The project will extremely provide quality because
quality goes hand in hand to accomplish the aim of the project and
hence going ahead to increase sales resulting to high profits.


Our vision

To play teaching role in feeding future generation by providing quality

boiled breeding stock to produce a Heathy and sustainable source of
protein in eggs.


Objectives and goals


To reduce customer waiting by providing branches which can favor a

large number

To establish the stable and competitive project which can sustain its
without loan.

To establish reputable poultry farm which can be easily recognized in

Agriculture sector in Uganda thus a living.

To provide Excellent customer service. By the faster supplies to


To enhance the poultry farming throughout the entire district of

Kampala, Kayunga, Mukono, by acting as model farm to attract others
to venture into poultry.

To export poultry products to foreign countries with bilateral trade

agreement with Uganda concerning poultry products like Kenya,
Tanzania and so many others


Justification of projects

Why the project is important

Country's polices on the Agriculture products, is one of the benefits to

deal in such project. Forex ample agriculture feeds, tools are on tax
exempt which can motivate the sale on low costs to purchase them.

Less capital required the main benefits of chicken farming is that it

doesn't require high capital for starting. Your just need basic capital to
start raising poultry. Also most of the poultry chicken are not expensive
to start raising.

High return in short time period; interestingly commercial poultry

chicken farm mainly chicken business ensures high return of investment
with in a very short time period. Few chicken such as boiler take a
shorter duration cycle of time to mature and generate profits.
No need for a bigger space poultry farming doesn't need a big space
unless you are going to start commercially. You can easily raise some
birds on your small ground.

Expected output

They are many output products from chicken farm Yard. They included


Manure (fertilizer to farmers)

Feather (to artist company)

Eggs (to the entire community)

Hence chicken farm; is valuable source for any enterprise in agriculture

business value chain.

And other products like sausage, pizzas, chicken powder among others.

Outcomes of the project

They are both positive and negatives as noted below;


Employment opportunities. Though the presence of project the

community members are able to get jobs both white collar and the blue

Easy location to the place where the project is located

Health maintaince more so proteins to the community members.


higher risks like diseases due to inbreed disease

Damage due to poor transportation system.

Contributions of projects to the society

Provide protein for the family and sale for cash income, eating eggs
which are reach in the protein.

Employment opportunities will be granted to the society members

inform of jobs like chicken house cleaner, feed saver

Infrastructural development like roads which enables the

transportation of chicks and eggs to the Market areas hence a benefit
to the society will be constructed

Easy location, the project where it's located can easily communicate
the location the community.


Product description



This indicate the products/service that business will offer, unique

features and benefits of product to the target market.

Products offered
Our major products will be eggs and meat's chicken which are sold in
every Branches of the given areas. The eggs are rich in proteins due to
good feeds. The meat is both rawmeat, roasted meat, Chicks you both
the local people and distributed to supermarkets and other places.
Other products sold include feathers for the artists who buy them for
design purpose, sausage, pizzas


Are nitrites giving food reached in proteins The whole egg is a source of
high-quality protein (i.e., proteins that contain all the amino acids
needed in the human diet). In addition, it is an excellent source of all
vitamins (except vitamin C) and contains many essential minerals,
including phosphorus and zinc.
Composed of hard shells


Chicks are young one sold to the upcoming farmers who are starting on
the projects and those who need for eating.

Manure (fertilizer)

They are sold to plant growers who plant crops for them to be fertilized
and grow good fruits.

an crops


These are given to the artists in the manufacturing projects for design.

A comes from dialectal pizza from the Latin pin sere, which means to
stamp its main products are chicken

are also products that will be removed from the chicken meat.

Chicken meat

Chicken makes a fantastic substitute for red meats. A great source of

protein, the meat has been linked to a variety of health benefits:
Stronger Bones and Muscles

The lean protein in chicken is an excellent source of amino acids. Our

bodies use amino acids to build muscle tissue, something that is
particularly important as we age. Studies have also shown that higher
protein intake helps to maintain bone mineral density. Eating chicken
can help to build stronger muscles and promote healthier bones,
decreasing the risk
Benefits of your products to the target market

products like eggs are reached in proteins which will be of a benefit to

the target market.
Source of Manure to the target farmers which attain crop growth.

Chicken meat makes a fantastic substitute for red meats. A great source
of protein, the meat has been linked to a variety of health benefits:
Stronger Bones and Muscles

Meat of chicken.

Same target market get employment opportunities for example

sausage makers


Industry and competitive analysis



In this sector we shall look at Industry in which your business belongs,

industry trends, growth opportunities factors, key success factors,
attractive of industry using SWOT analysis.

Industry project belongs

Industry trend

Growth opportunities

Availability of raw materials: these include chicks from the

manufacturer factory, feeds which are available for chicken to feed on
Favorable Ugandan government policies: They will include easy
acquisition of the operating license for the company since it is very easy
for one to obtain a license when they meet the necessary

Availability of market: around market for example at Kampala, Jinja

community who the the incentive to buy the products of the project.
Like restaurants, communicate members, and so many others

Availability internet; hence helps the project advertise for its products
since most businesses currently are carried out via internet and social
media platforms like Facebook, twitter, Instagram and WhatsApp. This
will enable the enterprise get more customers hence its growth.

Employment opportunities; this is another factor to appreciate

because the employees are available in every Branch

Key success factors

Availability of adequate capital: This will be for purchasing of chicken

processing machinery and equipment like automatic chicken feather
removal, chicken powder grinding machine, automatic electronic
sausage stuffing machine.

trained of workers: these include the farm workers, transportation,

accountants who run the operation of the business.

Creation of a good relationship with the customer, brand name is

created and capture the customer relationship in the long run.
Cheaper employees; jobs are mainly for the lower skilled workers
whom are easily gotten around the community areas.

SWOT analysis

SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis is a

framework used to evaluate a company's competitive position and to
develop strategic planning. SWOT analysis assesses internal and
external factors, as well as current and future potential. A SWOT
analysis is designed to facilitate a realistic, fact-based, data-driven look
at the strengths and weaknesses of an organization, initiatives, or
within its industry. The organization needs to keep the analysis
accurate by avoiding pre-conceived beliefs or gray areas and instead
focusing on real-life contexts. Companies should use it as a guide and
not necessarily as a prescription.


Low Competition

There are a very limited number of competitors and the poultry farmers
don’t have to spend a lot of resources on marketing and promotion of
your products. When your chickens are ready and have gained
sufficient muscles and weight, then you could easily sell them at the
local market, hotels, and restaurants via distributors.

According to a study, the poultry farming industry adds approximately

49 billion US dollars to the American economy. Chicken farming is one
of the world’s most growing businesses.

Lower Risk factor

A limited number of competitors, high profitability, no marketing

expense, and not easy entry show that the poultry farming business has
a very stable business environment. However, if you conduct various
farming operations by the book in terms of feeding the chickens and
controlling the farm environment at the optimum level, then it pays off


Low Differentiation

It’s no doubt that poultry farming is one of the world’s most profitable
businesses. One of its most prominent weaknesses is that you can’t
differentiate your product (chicken meat) from competitors. If you
want to increase your earnings, then you have to follow the
conventional business method of expansion.

Higher Investment

The initial investment of launching the poultry farm, buying/leasing the

proper, and many others fixed and variable costs are much higher. If
you want to secure your investment, then you have to invest a couple
of hundreds of thousands of dollars in the controlled environment. It’s
because the failure rate is much higher in the open environment.

Transportation Cost

The distribution of chickens to stores, restaurants, and slaughterhouses

is the additional cost that many poultry farmers have to incur.
Normally, a farmer could manage the transportation expense. It
becomes difficult to manage when the retail price is lower.


Partnership & Acquisition

Expansion through acquisition is the best way to increase your earning.

For this purpose, you have to maintain your financial position in order
to attract the attention of potential investors and banks. Once you
acquire the capital from the bank or the investor, then you can use it to
buy small farms and expand your business and market influence.

Vendor Relationship

If you use your influence and PR and make partnerships with the hotels,
restaurants, and vendors, then it would increase your sale. You can
offer them special services like delivery on call at any time; they could
visit the farm and buy chickens at any time whenever they need the

Product Line Extension

Most of the poultry farmers start the business with chicken meat
farming as a broiler. When their business starts growing, then they
establish their own egg hatcheries and layer farming. The product line
extension allows them to diversify and expand their earning and
business portfolio.

Wholesale Distribution

If you have got a large network of poultry farms, then you could offer a
delivery service to the supermarket, malls, and stores. It would further
amplify your business growth and sale.


Bird Flue

Bird Flu or Avian Influenza is a chicken viral disease that spreads in

crowded poultry farms. It’s significant to mention it here that it doesn’t
happen often. When it does happen, then it would destroy the entire
livestock of your farm.


The animal welfare movements and NGOs are protesting for the better
treatment of chickens in poultry farms. If any such legislation is passed,
then it would increase the management cost.

Increasing Cost

Rents, insurance, transportation, distribution, chicken feed, and many

other administrative and operational costs increase the expenses of the
poultry farm

Marketing plan


This includes description of target market, need being addressed,

developed marketing mix i.e., product, price, promotion, place etc.

Description of target market

The target market for chucking chicken hatchery farm project will be;
Hotels and restaurants in Kampala, Chicken and sausage shops in
Kampala, The residents of Kampala, Jinja Supermarkets in Kampala,
Mukono, Jinja

Need being addressed

Unemployment problems; many people around center mostly the

uneducated ones will acquire jobs form the project

Malnutrition problems like lack of proteins there the eggs will contain

Infrastructural development. Like roads which connect to the road.

Marketing mix

marketing mix refers to the set of actions, or tactics, that a company

uses to promote its brand or product in the market. The 4Ps make up a
typical marketing mix - Price, Product, Promotion and Place. However,
nowadays, the marketing mix increasingly includes several other Ps like
Packaging, Positioning, People and even Politics as vital mix elements.

The project will deal in the production of processed chicken products

like processed chicken, chicken sausages and chicken powder which is a
source of proteins for body building and others like manure, feathers,


The project will price its products basing Value-based pricing is a

strategy of setting prices primarily based on a consumer's perceived
value of a product or service. Value pricing is customer-focused,
meaning companies base their pricing on how much the customer
believes a product is worth

Price table

Products Qutity Price(shs)

Eggs Tray 10000

Chicks Each 7000

Chicken Each 23000

Manure Turn 50000

sausage each 20,000


The project will promote its products plans to reach out to its esteemed
customers through sales promotion by, sending instant messages via
SMS and emails.

The project will also promote its products through advertising on

televisions and radio stations to create awareness about the products
to different customers

The project will also use social media platforms like Face book, and
WhatsApp to create awareness, discount sales, low-cost pricing and
quality assurance will also win us more customers.


The project's main branch will be located at Banda Kampala 12km away
from Kampala- Jinja road and other branches in areas of Jinja, Mukono,
Kayunga. In the nearby urban center for easy access to the project.


People Targeted will include restaurant, farms, community members,

schools, hospitals and other areas

Operational plan



This will include business location, raw materials, machinery process,

quality to be produced, handling competition


business location

Is a place where the project will be located in Kampala Banda as the

main branch and others like in Jinja, Mukono


Raw materials

The poultry industry will rely on a few major ingredients for feed
formulation. Cereal grains are the principal sources of energy in poultry
diets, whereas grain legumes and oilseed cakes are the main sources of
protein. Wheat, barley, triticale and sorghum are the key cereal grains
and soybean meal, canola meal, peas, lupine and beans are important
protein sources.


Machinery process

Catering to different market demands, we offer different poultry

processing machineries for different customers or market
1. Automated Chicken Skinning Machine

Designed specifically to achieve the optimal yield for skinned poultry

(chicken), our automatic chicken skinning machine process wet and air
chilled chickens. The machines can automatically remove skin from the
chicken’s whole breasts, breast caps, split breast bones and whole legs
of chickens.

2. Automated Chicken De-boning (Bone removal or Deboner) Machine

/ Equipment

Using our own patented technologies to achieve maximum yield for

deboning poultry, our chicken processing equipment’s can center the
bone and push it (chicken thighs and drums) through a hole is the
diaphragm which automatically strips off the chicken meat with the
highest yield possible. This machine is also commonly referred to as
chicken (poultry) deboner machine

3. Automated Chicken Mid-Wing Tulip Processor Machine

Designed from scratch and catered to create trendy and unique “tulip”
chicken wing snacks, our chicken mid-wing tulip processor has the
ability to automate the very difficult and tedious manual task of cutting
one end of the chicken wingette with one bone being removed

4. Automated Chicken “spare rib” Cutter

Optimize the revenue of your chicken thigh production by value adding

your chicken thighs to become high value “snacks”. The Spare-rib cutter
is a small, versatile machine with a high capacity, handling a throughput
of 100 thighs per minute with only two operators.
5. Automated Chicken Fillet Splitter (Chicken fillet / filleting machine)

Also known as chicken fillet machine / chicken filleting machine,

optimize the yield of chicken fillet splitting when removing the
membrane of the chicken butterfly fillet for making single chicken fillet
out of butterfly. Our chicken cutting machine (equipment) provides
maximum yield with low need for manual manpower

Quality to be offered

Products Quatity Cost (shs)

Eggs Each tray/12 10000/ with a

discount of 1 tray for

Dressed chicken Each/ 12 15000/ free of one

Chicks Each/12 7000/ one for free

Manure Turn 50000

Feathers 30 wings 6000

Undress chicken Each/12 14000/ buy one and

get one for free

Handling competition

Good customer care will be ensured

This will be done though quick customer service, everyday delivery,
constant quality service to the community and other clients hence
handling competition.

Getting feedback from the customer about the products quality

This will allow to ensure better customers satisfaction through that

means of getting feedback and you can improve on the inquiry.

Training of employees

This will allow acquiring better quality management in the project if the
employees know what to do hence overcoming competition

Branding our branches

This will allow the business to start on top of others hence overcoming

Organization structure


This chapter encompasses organizational structure, project

management team, job description, job specification and the reward
system of chucking chicken hatchery farm Project.

Organizational structure

General manager

Marketing Finance
Production manager manager manager

Causal workers

agement team

These include the general manager, production manager, marketing

manager who will work hand in hand with the causal workers by
forming objectives and policies of the project
Job description and Job specification

A job description and specification summary the essential

responsibilities, activities, qualifications and skills for the roles.

Job title responsibiliti activities qualification skills

es s

General Sees the daily To oversee Degree Communicatio

operations of operation from n skills
the company commonly
Manages the skills
with 2 year
nt of any

Productio Supervises To manage A degree Management

n the production and one skill
manager production year
process experience
in the same

Marketin Runs To market With a Marketing

g marketing the products diploma in skills
manager and sales marketing
To carry on Communicatio
procedures team and
sales n skills
of 10

Finance To account Accounting Management

manager for the degree in skills
To carry out
business at accountanc
financial y and
point of view experience
of 4 years in

Casual Deals in the Cleaning up Senior four Communicatio

workers casual work the chicken leaver with n skills
at the field house, same
Social skills
yard carrying energy
feeds, eggs

Rewards system
Reward systems are incentives given to employees to commend and
encourage high performance in their work. These incentives can be

workers Monthly Yearly Extra Bonus Profit

payment payment hour pay shares
Shs. Shs. Shs. shs

General 500,000 6,000,000 10,000 5000 for 70,000

manager transport

Financial 450,000 5,400,000 5000 for

manage transport

Marketing 350,000 4200,000


Operational 350,000 4200,000


Causal 150,000 1,800,000



Financial plan

This is comprised of startup capital, source of funds, associated cost,
fixed working capital requirements, business profitability, financial

Startup capital

The project is estimated to start up its operation with an estimation of

shs. 22,000,000

Source of funds.

This will be where the project will source funds from and that are
through shares from the shareholders, a loan from the bank , personal

details Amount shs.

Bank loan 10,000,000

Personal saving 5,000,000

shares 7000,000

total 22,000,000

fixed working capital requirements

this are capital required for the fixed assets

fixed assets
details Estimated cost

building 1,000,000

feeders 230,000

Brooder facility 200,000

Water system 450,000

Total fixed cost 1,880,000

Operating expenses

These are expenses the project will deal with,

details Expected cost shs

electricity 100,000

feeds 70,000

salary 22,000,000

water 50,000

Mass medium 40,000

causals 20,000

Other expenses 30,0000

Total expenses 2510,000

Business profitability

In the period of 5 years’ profits will be acquired through the income




FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 28TH, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026

YEARS 2022(SHS) 2023(SHS) 2024(SHS) 2025(SHS) 2026(SHS)

Expected 800,000 600,000 900,0000 900,0000 1200,000

cost of

Expected 800,000 600,000 900,0000 900,0000 1200,000

gross profit


water 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000

transport 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000

electricity 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000

Medium 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000


total (235,000) (235,000) (235,000) (235,000) (235,000)

Net profits 565000 365000 665000 665000 965000




This chapter looks at how chucking chicken project will achieve

societal and environmental values that will enable the company to
survive for a long period of time. it will contribute towards achieving
the societal and environmental values through the following ways.

The project will help to boost food production in the society since it will
be producing chicken products that will be consumed as food by the
people in the society.

The project will provide market to poultry farmers around Kampala that
will be selling the chicken to the company to be used as raw materials
for producing its products.
The project will be source of goods for resell to different businesses like
supermarkets and shops that sell processed chicken, sausages and
chicken powder.

The company will provide employment opportunities to residents of

Kampala, mukono, by employing them to work in the company as
production managers, finance managers and as casual workers thus
improving their standards of living and thus will bring about its

The company will also be a sustainable source of income to the owner

of the company and this income will be reinvested for the long run
survival of the company hence its sustainability.

Moonlight processing Enterprise will also engage in social corporate

responsibility where by it will engage in general cleaning of the public
places around Kawempe so as to give back to its customers.

The project will also help in maintaining the environment through

proper disposal of company wastes after the production process. This
will help to preserve the environment



9.1 Introduction
This chapter discusses the specific knowledge and skills that i have
applied to develop the project proposal for Moonlight processing
Enterprise. The following is the knowledge and skills that i applied
when coming up with this business proposal.

Communication skills, the communication skills were used to

communicate with the supervisor during the guiding sessions for the
project proposal.

Analytical skills; I used this skill to analyze the estimated expenses

against the estimated sales as a way of establishing the estimated
profitability of the project and also the financial projections

Accounting knowledge and skills this was used in preparing the financial
statements like the cash flow statement, income statement and
balance sheet.

Computer Skills, I used to carry out research over the internet and
typing skills to get more knowledge about the highly profitable broiler
breeds the internet and typing my write-up into a final document.

Problem solving, are collaborative, iterative skills that I will approach a

problem and, ultimately, solve it. As the problem in the project.

Critical thinking, like problem solving, does not have a solution. I will be
able to practice approaching problems logically instead of making
decisions based on the emotion.


Poultry com. Pro. site

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