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Consequences Evidence Explanation

Massive unemployment People were unemployed in If people didn’t have jobs

1933 almost ¼ (24,9%) of that means that they
the population couldn’t find weren’t making money and
a job that means that they were
less production and less
Deflation Prices fell by 30 % between Deflation helped consumers
1930 and 1932 whose income had fallen,
but it hurt deeply farmers,
businesses and
homeowners because
mortgage payments hadn’t
fallen by 30%.
Stock Market The stock market lost 90% The stock market didn’t
of its value between 1929 recover for 25 years,
and 1932 meaning that people had
lost all confidence in Wall
Street markets. As some
banks invested people’s
money in the stock market
but lost all that money.

Objective : I can analyse documents concerning the WSC and Great Depression

How useful question :

1: Content / NO DESCRIPTION : Document A shows us … whereas Doc B would be useful to a

2: Provenance (context)
3: Accuracy (if it’s like what we know on the period, is it typical, do the documents match
each other, comprehensiveness, what is missing on the document)
4: Conclusion

For 1 and 3 LINK IT

Document 17 and 8:
How useful these two documents are to a historian studying the Wall Street Crash?

Document 17:

-Text written by Edmund Wilson in February 1933

-In 1933, the US recorded its highest rate of unemployment (24,9%) nearly ¼ of the
population was unemployed
Edmund Wilson speaking about the impact of the Wall Street Crash on families in the USA.
-Takes the example of families in Chicago who were all deeply hurt by hunger.
- The consequences of unemployment => without a job, families were not able to even
provide decent foods to their children.
-People were such in misery that “a hundred people a day coming to one of the dumps”.
People came into those garbage dumps to try and find some food.
- Some people who before the crisis had jobs, lost it all.
=> Politics => New Republic => denounce what happened because of ...
Impact of the GD that was caused by WSC
Published Raise Awareness
-A graph could be more comprehensive.
-Match information we already know

Document 8:

This is a graphic showing the evolution of selected share prices on the stock market.
It was published in the Wall Street Journal, and we can observe the evolution of stock prices
from 1928 and 1929.
-Stocks were at their highest between 3 September 1928 and 3 September 1929
For example: Union Carbide and Carbon 413$ on 3 September 1928 => 137$ on 3 September
However, some stocks gained value during this period:
For example: American Telephone and Telegraph => 181$ 3/09/1928 => 304$ 3/09/1929
But all the shares lost value in 13/11/1929 =>
The stock market lost 90% of its value between 1929 and 1932
-Massive fluctuation due to the speculative bubble
Published it for information purposes (history)
-The average would be more comprehensive
-Match information we already know

Conclusion: Both useful but more information etc. but sources are reliable and cool for the
bozo the goat

Protectionism: Close country, + import taxes = tariff, (nationalize), reducing imports.

Generic Cereal:

China : 100$/ ton + 10$/ton = 110$/ton + 100$ taxe per ton = 210$/ton

France : 200$/ton + 1$/ton = 201$/ton

They can also up their prices => helps French Industry.

Isolationism => US and Great Britain

1. The vocabulary list regarding the Wall Street Crash plus the terms protectionism,
isolationism and depression.

A small part of a company that you can buy = Stocks / shares

Someone who buys stocks/shares = Investor
Someone owns stocks/shares in a particular company = Share holder
The name of a place where someone buys stocks/shares = Market
The location of the US financial markets where people buy stocks and shares => Wall street
Buying stocks using borrowed money = margin buying
US President when the Wall Street Crash occurred in October 1929 = Hoover
Buying shares hoping that the price will increase = speculation
Taxes imposed on goods imported from another country = tariff
Being out of work = unemployed
Having no place to live = homelessness

Depression: An economic depression is a period of sustained, long-term downturn in

economic activity in one or more economies

Isolationism: a policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of other groups,
especially the political affairs of other countries.

Protectionism: restricting trade to help economic competition

2 pieces of evidence for causes of the Wall Street Crash, plus two fully explained

Underconsumption/ Overproduction :
-changes in supply and demand helped bring about and lengthen the Great Depression
-the American farms and factories produced large amounts of goods and products however
people were not buying enough meaning that the prices dropped and many farmers were
ruined by debt.
Buying on credit: the bank pays for what you buy and you pay the bank back by a certain
time or you're charged more money
-with this system, people could make a monthly, weekly payment on an item that they
wanted or needed but didn't have the money for.
When people asked for their money, banks didn’t have enough money.

3. A brief alternative argument for the Great Depression.

It began after the stock market crash of October 1929, which sent Wall Street into a panic
and wiped-out millions of investors. Over the next several years, consumer spending and
investment dropped, causing steep declines in industrial output and employment as failing
companies laid off workers.

4. A basic understanding of the Smoot-Hawley Act and Neutrality Acts - what they did and
which presidents signed them.

Hawley-Smooth Tariff officially called Tariff Act of 1930, signed by President Hoover
=> made other countries mad and so U.S trading partners raise tariffs in retaliation

=> did a lot more harm than good

=> Franklin Delano Roosevelt run for president on the platform of lowering tariffs. => signed
the Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act of 1934.

Neutrality act is the beginning of isolationism for the US, they couldn’t intervene in a war,
sell ammos to countries. In fact, they weren’t allowed in any way to support military a
country after the neutrality acts passed.
Wall street crash Smooth Hawley Isolationism

Rise of Hitler


Abyssinia Italian economy Compounded effects USA isolationist so

weak after WSC so of WSC – less trade not involved in LN
needed resources with USA, needed making LN less
looked to Abyssinia, colonies for effective, allowed
LN couldn’t put resources. Italy to invade
trade sanctions in Mussolini also Abyssinia without
place England, protectionist – risking any major
weakened by effects legitimized by the sanctions, USA still
of WSC and GD Smooth Hawley Act. selling oil to Italia.
needed to sell coal But Suez Canal not
for unemployment closed because
would increase. France and Britain
Italians needed wanted Italy as allies
distracting from against Germany.
economic problems. Note: Mussolini
supported Austria’s

Appeasement -Countries economy

was just getting out
of a depression, and
didn’t want to risk
another as the
economic and
human losses would
be dramatic for the
country. (Britain and
France) acted like
Objectives :
-I can recall key information about the US topics studied so far
-I can explain the role of WSC, SHA and UNA’s in the events led
Using documents, A and B and your own knowledge how far do you agree that the Great
depression was the most important cause of WW2.

Point Evidence Explanation Link

Rise of Rise of 4 arguments GD wasn’t the main
totalitarianism totalitarianism due cause as people
caused by other to the fear of were more scared of
factors communism. The rail communism than of
worker in 1934 another economic
feared communism. crisis.
Great depression Unemployment Desperate people Italy -> turned to
rise of Hitler returns to extreme fascism as they
parties wanted a strong
economic nation.


Failure of the league nations.

It has been admitted that GD is the most important cause of WW2. Nevertheless, the fear of
communism also is a major cause of WW2 as people turned to extreme leaders because of
communism. Furthermore, the appeasement policy of France and Britain allowed Hitler to
gain power and therefore after he gained enough power invaded Poland the 1st September
1939 which starting the war. Moreover, the failure of the league nations through the
Manchurian and Abyssinian revealed to the world the weakness of the league.
Finally, the Great depression was the most important cause of WW2 as people turned to
extreme leaders and parties as also wanted to expand to restore a strong economic nation.


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