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ZENONE Elettronica S.r.l.

Via Nazionale Pianopantano

83036 Mirabella Eclano (AV)
Tel. +39 0825449171

Version 3.9
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rev. 3.9 of 2021-09-01

Communication protocol
By means of the serial interface RS485/RS232 or USB (as serial port), it’s possible to
send commands to, and get replies from the equipment using a half-duplex communication
The setting of the communication port is as follows:

Device address: from 1 to 32 (From specific menu)

Baud-rate : from 4800 to 57600 b/s (From specific menu)
Number of bits: 8
Stop bit: 1
Parity: None

A TCP socket on port 50000 can also be used for the same commands/reply.

Each command and each reply is preceded by a start character (STX) and the address
(IND) of the device with which we want to communicate, followed by a stop character (ETX)
and a checksum character (CKSUM) for the information correctness verification.

STX IND Command or reply ETX CKSUM

STX = Start character: hexadecimal value 0x02

IND = Device address: added to the hexadecimal value 0x80
(ex. Address 1 = character 0x81)
ETX = Stop character: hexadecimal value 0x03
CKSUM = Control checksum: it’s a character obtained by adding all the characters of the
command frame, from STX to ETX included, module 256.

Each command that contains a parameter, gets a reply with the character (ESI) that can
assume the following values:

“0” = Command executed

“1” = Command NOT executed.
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1. (0x10 – 0x11) General information and device options

Request the device serial number

Command Reply
0x10 "S" 0x10 "S" Serial number

Request device firmware version

Command Reply
0x10 "F" 0x10 "F" Firmware version

Request the activity time in hours and resetting it to zero

Command Reply
0x10 O 0x10 O Activity time in hours

Resetting command (It needs a password) :

Command Reply
0x11 O (string length. Max 6) 0x11 O ESI

Request and update the system date

Command Reply
0x10 "D" 0x10 "D" System date (YYMMDD)

Command Reply
0x11 "D" Actual date (YYMMDD) 0x11 "D" ESI

Request and update the system time

Command Reply
0x10 "T" 0x10 "T" System time (HHMMSS)

Command Reply
0x11 "T" Actual time (HHMMSS) 0x11 "T" ESI
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Request and set the buzzer state and options

Command Reply
0x10 "B" 0x10 "B" Beep options state

Command Reply
0x11 "B" Beep options set 0x11 "B" ESI

Options :
"0" Off
"1" Beep on keys
"2" Beep on events
"3" Beep on keys and events

Request and setting the outputs operation mode

Command Reply if NUM OK

0x10 "U" NUM 0x10 "U" NUM Outputs mode

Reply if NUM not OK

0x10 "U" ESI

Command Reply
0x11 "U" NUM Output modes settings 0x11 "U" ESI

"0" None NUM = Number between “1” and “8”
"1" Valid test data
"2" Test started
"3" Test in progress
"4" Abnormal End
"5" Failures
"6" Test end
"7" As an external beep
“8” Nonzero output
“9” SeqTrig1
“10” SeqTrig2
“11” SeqTrig3
“12” SeqTrig4
“13” Diag Mode
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Request and setting the inputs operation mode

Command Reply if NUM OK

0x10 "I" NUM 0x10 "I" NUM Inputs mode

Reply if NUM not OK

0x10 "I" ESI

Command Reply
0x11 "I" NUM Setting inputs mode 0x11 "I" ESI

NUM = Number between “1” and “8”

"0" None
"1" Test start
"2" Test stop
"3" Start/Stop test
"4" Enable start
"5" End test
"6" Status 1
"7" Status 2
“8” Status 3
“9” Status 4
“10” Pause Was ”:” in V2.7
“11” Resume Was ”;” in V2.7
“12” Enable Was ”<” in V2.7
“13” Disable
“14” Next
“15” SeqSel8
“16” SeqSel4
“17” SeqSel2
“18” SeqSel1

Note: Only 1 input at a time can be assigned to a mode.

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Request and setting the device operation mode

Command Reply
0x10 "M" 0x10 "M" Operation mode

Command Reply
0x11 "M" Setting operation modes 0x11 "M" ESI

"0" Generator
"1" Booster 1st scale
"2" Booster 2nd scale
"3" Booster 3rd scale
“4” DC control (optional)

Request and setting the generator mode (available only on some models)

Command Reply
0x10 "G" 0x10 "G" Generator mode

Command Reply
0x11 "G" Setting generator operation mode 0x11 "G" ESI

"0" AC
"1" DC

Request and setting the automatic scale change mode

Command Reply
0x10 "A" 0x10 "A" Mode

Command Reply
0x11 "A" Set mode 0x11 "A" ESI

Automatic Scale change modes:

"0" Disabled
"1" Enabled
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Request and setting the immediate start mode

Command Reply
0x10 "Q" 0x10 "Q" Mode

Command Reply
0x11 "Q" Set mode 0x11 "Q" ESI

Immediate start change modes:

"0" Disabled
"1" Enabled

Request the device Name

Command Reply
0x10 "N" 0x10 "N" Device Name
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2. (0x12 – 0x13) Main settings for the test

Command Reply
0x12 "O" 0x12 "O" Operator name

(It’s possible to select an operator by means of the related code)

Command Reply
0x13 "O" Operator code (max 6 digit) 0x13 "O" ESI

The “Operator code” is the password of the device, as defined in the relative menu.
(as value and length). For example: “0” is different from “00” or “000”…

Request and sending the alphanumeric code associated with the test

Command Reply
0x12 "C" 0x12 "C" Test code

Command Reply
0x13 "C" Test code (Max length 12) 0x13 "C" ESI

Request and sending the notes relative to test

Command Reply
0x12 "N" 0x12 "N" Notes relative to test

Command Reply
0x13 "N" Notes relative to test (Max length 12) 0x13 "N" ESI

Request and sending the number of test cycles

Command Reply
0x12 "A" 0x12 "A" Number of test cycles (ARN)

Command Reply
0x13 "A" Number of test cycles (ARN) (From “1” to “999”) 0x13 "A" ESI
(“0” stands for infinite number of cycles)
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Request and sending the delay between two cycles

Command Reply
0x12 "S" 0x12 "S" UMIS Delay between two cycles (ARS)

Command Reply
0x13 "S" UMIS Delay between two cycles (ARS) 0x13 "S" ESI

“0” Milliseconds
“1” Seconds
“2” Minutes
“3” Hours
* For the allowed range, refer to machine specifications

Request and sending the test values

Command Reply if IDX OK

0x12 "M" IDX 0x12 "M" IDX UMIS Test value *

Reply if IDX not OK

0x12 "M" ESI

Command Reply
0x13 "M" IDX UMIS Test value * 0x13 "M" ESI

IDX = Test phase number added to 0x80 (ex. Phase 1 = 0x81)

“0” mV or mA
“1” Volt or Amp

* For the allowed range, refer to machine specifications

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Request and sending the scale to be used

Command Reply if IDX OK

0x12 "W" IDX 0x12 "W" IDX Number of scale selected *

Reply if IDX not OK

0x12 "W" ESI

Command Reply
0x13 "W" IDX Number of scale selected * 0x13 "W" ESI

IDX = Test phase number added to 0x80 (ex. Phase 1 = 0x81)

* For the allowed values, refer to machine specifications

Request and sending the maximum time test

Command Reply if IDX OK

0x12 "T" IDX 0x12 "T" IDX UMIS Max. time (TIMEOUT) *

Reply if IDX not OK

0x12 "T" ESI

Command Reply
0x13 "T" IDX UMIS Max. time (TIMEOUT) * 0x13 "T" ESI

IDX = Test phase number added to 0x80 (ex. Phase 1 = 0x81)

“0” Milliseconds
“1” Seconds
“2” Minutes
“3” Hors

* For the allowed range, refer to machine specifications

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Request and sending of generator polarity (only on some models)

Command Reply if IDX OK

0x12 "P" IDX 0x12 "P" IDX Mode

Reply if IDX not OK

0x12 "P" ESI

Command Reply
0x13 "P" IDX Mode 0x13 "P" ESI

IDX = Test phase number added to 0x80 (ex. Phase 1 = 0x81)

“0” Positive
“1” Negative

Request and sending the ramp mode

Command Reply if IDX OK

0x12 "R" IDX 0x12 "R" IDX Mode Ramp end value *

Reply if IDX not OK

0x12 "R" ESI

Command Reply
0x13 "R" IDX Mode Ramp end value * 0x13 "R" ESI

IDX = Test phase number added to 0x80 (ex. Phase 1 = 0x81)

“0” No ramp
“1” Linear ramp

* No need to specify, for compatibility with older devices.

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Commands for further settings of test

Request and sending the trigger operation mode

Command Reply
0x12 "G" 0x12 "G" Trigger mode

Command Reply
0x13 "G" Trigger mode 0x13 "G" ESI

"0" Internal
"1" External
"2" Auto

Request and sending the operating frequency

Command Reply
0x12 "F" 0x12 "F" Frequency in hundredths of Hz

Command Reply
0x13 "F" Frequency in hundredths of Hz 0x13 "F" ESI

Nota: With internal trigger, only 50Hz or 60Hz frequencies are allowed, with external trigger or auto are
allowed frequencies within the limits specified by the machine.

Request and sending the delayed test stop after trip (DAT = delay after trip)

Command Reply
0x12 "D" 0x12 "D" Delayed test stop (DAT) in ms

Command Reply
0x13 "D" Delayed test stop (DAT) in ms 0x13 "D" ESI
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Request and sending the phase displacement

Command Reply
0x12 "H" 0x12 "H" Phase displacement in degrees with
respect to the trigger

Command Reply
0x13 "H" Phase displacement in degrees from “0” to “359” 0x13 "H" ESI

Note: Phase displacement allowed if trigger in EXTERNAL mode and the generator in
AC mode.

Request and sending the supply delay after start

Command Reply
0x12 "B" 0x12 "B" Delay in degrees with respect to Zero

Command Reply
0x13 "B" Delay in degrees from “0” to “359” 0x13 "B" ESI

Nota: The delay is not allowed if the generator is in DC mode (only some models)

Request and sending the auto-resume delay

Command Reply
0x12 "U" 0x12 "U" Delay in milliseconds

Command Reply
0x13 "U" Delay in ms from “0”(OFF) to “999999” 0x13 "U" ESI
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Request and sending waveform of generators

Command Reply
0x12 "L" 0x12 "L" Waveform code

Command Reply
0x13 "L" Waveform code 0x13 "L" ESI

Waveform code:
"0" Sinusoidal
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3. (0x14) Reading the values of the running test

Reading the test state

Command Reply
0x14 “E” 0x14 “E” The test state or result

The test state :

"0" Halt
"1" Running
“2” Timeout
“3” Trip (Intervention)
“4” Stop
“5” No current
“6” Fail (defect or malfunction)
“7” Overload
“8” Pause (supply pause)
“9” Cycle Pause
“10” Vout-Max (Current generators)

Reading the number of the running test

Command Reply
0x14 "N" 0x14 "N" Number of the running test

Reading actual time value

Command Reply
0x14 “T” 0x14 “T” UMIS Actual test time

“0” Milliseconds
“1” Seconds
“2” Minutes
“3” Hours
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Reading the actual main value

Command Reply
0x14 “M” 0x14 “M” UMIS Value of actual test

UMIS Current Voltage

generator generator
“0” Milliamp Millivolt
“1” Ampere Volt

Reading the actual secondary value

Command Reply
0x14 “S” 0x14 “S” UMIS Actual value

UMIS Current Voltage

generator generator
“0” Millivolt Milliamp
“1” Volt Ampere

Reading the cycle number

Command Reply
0x14 “A” 0x14 “A” Cycle number of actual test

Reading the phase number

Command Reply
0x14 “F” 0x14 “F” Phase number of actual test

Reading the state of inputs

Command Reply
0x14 "I" 0x14 "I" IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4

Each input can take the values:

“0” Not ACTIVE
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“1” Active
Reading the remote connection state

Command Reply
0x14 "L" 0x14 "L" Connection state

Connection state:
“R” Active
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Reading the power in WATT

Command Reply
0x14 “W” 0x14 “W” UMIS Actual value

“0” Milliwatt
“1” Watt

Reading value apparent power

Command Reply
0x14 “V” 0x14 “V” UMIS Actual value

“0” Milliwatt
“1” Watt

Reading value reactive power

Command Reply
0x14 “R” 0x14 “R” UMIS Actual value

“0” Milliwatt
“1” Watt

Reading power factor

Command Reply
0x14 “P” 0x14 “P” UMIS Actual value

“0” In thousandths
“1” -
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Reading impedance value

Command Reply
0x14 “Z” 0x14 “Z” UMIS Actual value

“0” Milliohm
“1” Ohm

Reading Resistance Value

Command Reply
0x14 “O” 0x14 “O” UMIS Actual value

“0” Milliohm
“1” Ohm

Reading reactance value

Command Reply
0x14 “X” 0x14 “X” UMIS Actual value

“0” Milliohm
“1” Ohm
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4. (0x15) Start and Stop test

Enable remote control mode

Command Reply
0x15 "M" Mode 0x15 "M" ESI

Remote control mode:

“L” Not active
“R” Active

Note: It’s possible to enable the remote control mode only if the machine displays
The start Page.

Test start

Command Reply
0x15 "R" 0x15 "R" ESI

Note: It’s possible to start the test only if it’s in remote control mode, an operator is
selected and the test data has been entered.
The positive result of command means that has been accepted but, in order to be sure
that the start has taken place, it’s necessary to read the machine state (Command 14E).
 NOTE: Set of an operation mode (0x31 “QN0”=TEST or 0x31
“QN1”=ADVANCED) is required before.

Test stop

Command Reply
0x15 "S" 0x15 "S" ESI
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Assign the address

Command Reply
0x15 "A" IND 0x15 "A" ESI
Note: The new address will be used after a new power-on.

Clear Status Ouputs

Command Reply
0x15 "C" 0x15 "C" ESI
Reset the Ouputs Status: TEST-END and ABNORMAL_END (Overload/TRIP)

Anticipate Scale Change

Command Reply
0x15 "W" 0x15 "W" ESI

Can be used to anticipate the selection of the scale to be used, to reduce the
time from START to the effective running. (Accepted only during NOT running).
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5. (0x30 – 0x31) Extended settings

Read and set Values

Read a setting value Reply

0x30 “S” VCODE 0x30 "S" ESI VALUE
Note:VCODE = 0x80 + CODE Note: VALUE is valid only with ESI=”0”

Write a setting value Reply

0x31 “S” VCODE VALUE 0x31 "S" ESI VALUE*
*VALUE if ESI=1 reports the max allowed


0 Voltage (“U” in three-phases) “0” Milliseconds
1 Voltage “V” (only in three-phases) “1” Seconds
2 Voltage “W” (only in three-phases) “2” Minutes
3 Voltage AUX generator “3” Hours
4 Current (“U” in three-phases)
5 Current “V” (only in three-phases)
6 Current “W” (only in three-phases) OPTION
7 Current AUX generator -MODE
8 Phase shift “U” (respect to trig-in) Bit 0 0:Voltage Mode
9 Phase shift “V” (respect “U” in 3ph) 1:Current mode
10 Phase shift “W” (respect “U” in 3ph) Bit 1 0:Single control(V/I)
11 Phase shift AUX gen. (respect “U”) 1:Indipendent “” “”
12 Frequency 00:Single Phase
13(1) WaveGen. (“U” in three-phases) Bit 2:3 01:Three Phase
14(1) WaveGen “V” (only in three-phases) 10: Indip. Phase
15(1) WaveGen “W” (only in three-phases)
16(1) WaveGen AUX generator
50 Ramp Voltage end value (“U” in three-phases) FLAGS
51 Ramp Voltage end value “V” (only in three-phases) Bit 0 Voltage “U” Ramp 1/0
52 Ramp Voltage end value “W” (only in three-phases) Bit 1 Voltage “V” Ramp 1/0
53 Ramp Voltage end value AUX generator Bit 2 Voltage “W” Ramp 1/0
54 Ramp Current end value (“U” in three-phases) Bit 3 Voltage “AUX” Ramp 1/0
55 Ramp Current end value “V” (only in three-phases) Bit 4 Current “U” Ramp 1/0
56 Ramp Current end value “W” (only in three-phases) Bit 5 Current “V” Ramp 1/0
57 Ramp Current end value AUX generator Bit 6 Current “W” Ramp 1/0
58 Ramp phase shift “U” end value Bit 7 Current “AUX” Ramp 1/0
Bit 8 Phase Shift “U” Ramp 1/0
62 Ramp Frequency end value Bit 12 Frequency Ramp 1/0

80 OPTION-MODE (decimal value bit representation)

81 Step time
82 Step time unit UMIS
83 Step Output signaling
84 Range to use
85 RAMP-FLAGS (decimal value bit representation)
Note: The settings are refered to the actual STEP (if in TEST mode the Step is always 0)
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More info:
1. The waveform parameter is the Wave name. There are some pre-defined waveforms:
a. DC
b. Sinus
c. Square
d. Rect_P (Positive Rectified Sinusoidal)
e. Rect_N (Negative Rectified Sinusoidal)
f. Triangle
g. P.diC. (Similar to the current absorbed by a device with a rectifier as
input stage. See device manual for more info)
Other waveforms name (user defined) can be selected with the relative name.
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Read and set Device options

Read device options Reply

0x30 "ND" 0x30 "N" DOPZ
DOPZ=Decimal value bit representation
Write device Options Reply
0x31 “ND” DOPZ 0x31 "N" ESI
Note: For this command an enabled user must be logged

Bit 0 Disable DHCP

Read and set Working options

Read Working options Reply

0x30 "N" 0x30 "N" WOPZ
WOPZ=Decimal value bit representation
Write device Options Reply
0x31 “N” WOPZ 0x31 "N" ESI
Note: For this command an enabled user must be logged

Bit 0:1 00:Internal Trigger
01:External Trigger
10:Trigger Auto
Bit 2 Free angle start(don’t wait zero crossing
Bit 3 Phase “U” current sense enable
Bit 4 Phase “V” current sense enable
Bit 5 Phase “W” current sense enable
Bit 6 Enable Beep on events
Bit 7 Sequence mode
Bit 8 Clear settings at power on
Bit 9 Enable RMS correction
Bit 10 Free running measure (Don’t freeze on stop)
Bit 11 Auto range
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Read and set Values Source

Read a setting value Reply

0x30 “F” VCODE 0x30 "F" FCODE
Note:VCODE = 0x80 + CODE Note:FCODE = 0x80 + SOU

Write a setting value Reply

0x31 “F” VCODE FCODE 0x31 "F" ESI

CODE Meaning SOU Meaning

0 Voltage (“U” in three-phases) 0 Source is setting value
1 Voltage “V” (only in three-phases) 1 Source is Boost input*
2 Voltage “W” (only in three-phases) 2 Analog in 1 DC value
3 Voltage AUX generator 3 Analog in 2 DC value
4 Current (“U” in three-phases) 4 Analog in 3 DC value**
5 Current “V” (only in three-phases) 5 Analog in 4 DC value**
6 Current “W” (only in three-phases) 6 Analog in 5 DC value**
7 Current AUX generator 7 Analog in 6 DC value**
8 Phase shift “U” (respect to trig-in)
9 Phase shift “V” (respect “U” in 3ph)
10 Phase shift “W” (respect “U” in 3ph)
11 Phase shift AUX gen. (respect “U”)
12 Frequency

*The Boost input is possible only for Voltages/Currents value:

 Voltage/Current “U” use Analog input 1 (Or BNC) as input
 Voltage/Current “AUX” use Analog input 2 as input
 Voltage/Current “V” use Analog input 3 as input (in three phases systems)
 Voltage/Current “W” use Analog input 4 as input (in three phases systems)

**Options available in three phases systems only

Note: The settings are valid only in TEST mode.

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Read and set Analog Output configuration

Read a configuration value Reply

0x30 “A” N 0x30 "A" ESI CH VALUE
Note:N= Analog Output (“1” to “2”) Note: VALUE is valid only with ESI=”0”
(“1” to “6” in three-phases systems)

Write a configuration value Reply

0x31 “A” N CH VALUE 0x31 "A" ESI

VALUE Meaning CH Meaning

0 None 0 Phase “U” selected value
1 Direct channel value (See AOUT table) 1 Phase “V” selected value**
2 RMS Voltage value (See CH table) 2 Phase “W” selected value**
3 RMS Current value (See CH table)
4 RMS Power value (See CH table)

Each channel (Voltage/Current) can be connect to the analog Output according the
following table

1 Voltage “U”
2 Current “U”
3* Voltage “V”
4* Current “V”
5* Voltage “W”
6* Current “W”

**Options available in three phases systems only

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Read and set Sequence parameters

Read a Sequence parameters Reply



“M” Query TEST or SEQUENCE mode “0” = TEST, “1” = SEQUENCE
“N” Query STEP and CYCLE info (4 values) Step nr. ”;” Tot. Steps ”;” Cycle nr. “;” Tot Cycles
0x80 Query Sequence NAME field “NAME” (16 char. Max.)
0x81 Query Sequence SELECTION NUMBER SELECTION NUMBER (if defined 1..16)
0x82 Query Sequence CODE field “CODE” (16 char. Max.)
0x83 Query Sequence NOTE field “NOTE” (16 char. Max.)
0x84 Query Total Cycle number Total Cycles number
0x85 Query DELAY between cycles Time DELAY between Cycles
0x86 Query DELAY between cycles meas. Unit UMIS
0xa0 List of stored Sequences List of seq. Name (each separated by “;”)

“0” Milliseconds
“1” Seconds
“2” Minutes
“3” Hours
Write a Sequence parameter Reply
0x31 “Q” PCODE VALUE 0x31 "Q" ESI


“N” “P” Insert new STEP before Actual
“N” “M” Remove Actual STEP
“N” “A” Append new STEP as last
“N” “E” Erase All STEPS
“N” “0” Switch to TEST mode
“N” “1” to “30” Switch to ADVANCED mode / Set actual STEP nr.
0x80 NAME field (16 char. Max.) Set Sequence NAME field
0x81 “1” to “16” Set Sequence SELECTION NUMBER
0x82 CODE field (16 char. Max.) Set Sequence CODE field
0x83 NOTE field (16 char. Max.) Set Sequence NOTE field
0x84 Total CYCLES number Set Total CYCLES number
0x85 DELAY between CYCLES Set time delay between Cycles (0=inf., 1 to 9999999 max.)
0x86 DELAY measure unit UMIS Set time delay between Cycles measure unit
“S” Store the actual SEQUENCE
“R” Stored Name (16 char. Max.) Recall a stored sequence
“D” Stored Name (16 char. Max.) Delete a stored sequence
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Reset Errors

Command Reply
0x31 "Z" 0x31 "Z" ESI

Reset errors.

Passwords Read and Write

Password read * Reply

0x30 "K" USER 0x30 "K" ESI PASSINFO
Note: PASSINFO is valid only with ESI=”0”
USER = User entry number 1 to 20
PASSINFO = User Pin number ; ENABLE_BITS ; User NAME (max 10 char.)

ENABLE_BITS: Decimal value bit representation Table

Bit Meaning
0 TEST mode enabled
1 SEQUENCE mode enabled
2 OPTION setting enabled
3 PIDS setting enabled
4 File DELETE enabled
6 SETUP enabled
7 PASSWORD read/change enabled
15 Service ENABLED

Password Changes Reply

0x31 “K” KC VALUE 0x31 "K" INFO


“A” PIN;ENABLE_BITS; *MODE = ”0” Add NEW Password “0”-> OK
MODE;NAME entry “1”-> Not OK
(each separated by “;”) *MODE = “1” Update existing entry
“D” USER *Delete the USER entry number “0”-> OK
(1-20) “1”-> Not OK
“V” PIN Log-in with the specified PIN OK:“V0”+ENABLE_BIT+NAME
Not OK: “1”
“S” Verify if anyone is logged “0”->Logged
“1”->Not Log.

*For this commands an enabled user must be logged

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Communication params Read and Write

Read command Reply

0x30 "B" CODB 0x30 "B" ESI PAR
Note: PAR is valid only with ESI=”0”

Write command* Reply

0x31 "B" CODB PAR 0x31 "B" ESI

CODB PAR Meaning

“A” 1 to 32 Communication Address
“B” 1200 to 115200 Communication BAUD RATE

*For this commands an enabled user must be logged

Save and Restore Working parameters

Save command Reply

0x31 "WS" NAME 0x31 "W" ESI

Restore command Reply

0x31 "WR" NAME 0x31 "W" ESI

NAME = Settings NAME

Working parametrs are: Option as in WOPZ table,Delay from Zero Crossing,Digital I/O
setting,Analog Out Settings, Parameters used in TEST mode..
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rev. 3.9 of 2021-09-01

Request INFO

Command Reply
0x30 "I" 0x30 "I" INFO_BITS

INFO_BITS: Decimal value bit representation Table

Bit Meaning
0 Running
1 HW errors
2 Sub Power Module errors
3 Current present phase “U”
4 Current present phase “V”
5 Current present phase “W”
10 Device READY
11 Sub AUX module errors

Request Sub MODULE and AUX status

Request MODULE status Reply

0x30 "s" 0x30 "s" SUBSTAT

Request AUX status Reply

0x30 "x" 0x30 "x" SUBSTAT

SUBSTAT = Array of STATUS bytes (The length depends on module numbers in setup)

STATUS: Decimal value bit representation Table

Bit Meaning
0 to 3 Device type code:
00 = Power module
01 = Regenerator
6 1 = Device READY
7 Always 1
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rev. 3.9 of 2021-09-01


Request OVERCURRENT gauge Reply

0x30 "OC" 0x30 "OC" OVSTAT

Request EXTRAPOWER gauge Reply

0x30 "OP" 0x30 "OP" OVSTAT

OVSTAT = Three values, separated by “;”. Each one indicate the percentage of
OVERCURRENT/EXTRAPOWER already used for the three phases (U;V;W).
In single phases systems, the V and W value are not meaningful.

Request Measures

Request Reply
0x30 "M" MTYP CHAN 0x30 "M" ESI MEAS
Note: MEAS is valid only with ESI=”0”

MTYP Meaning CHAN Meaning

“0” Phase Voltage RMS “0” Phase “U”
“1” Phase Current RMS “1” Phase “V”
“2” Phase Power RMS “2” Phase “W”
“3” Phase-Phase Voltage RMS “*” All the phases
“4” Phase KiloVoltAmp
“5” Phase KiloVoltAmp React.
“6” Phase Impedance
“7” Phase Reactance
“8” Phase Resistance
“9” Phase Power Factor
“*” All Measures

MEAS: The requested measures for a channel are reported, separated by “;”.
If ALL the channel are selected, each channel measure group ids divided by LF (0xa)
When requesting all measures for all the channels they will be sent by phase (1st all
measures of the phase “U”, then all of the phase “V” then the phase “W”)
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rev. 3.9 of 2021-09-01

Version history
V3.1 Added new family of commands.

Commands 0x30 and 0x31

V3.2 Commands 0x10 and 0x11 “B”: Option Beep on key is now available again.

V3.3 Added NOTES to 0x15 ”R” command

V3.4 Added info about TCP.

V3.5 Added more info about the waveforms name.

V3.6 Added = 0x15 “W” command.

V3.7 The differences versus old H8 series are now in the “GEN32 vs H8 protocol
differences” manual.

V3.8 Added VOUT-MAX test state (Current generators only).

Added Request device Name command (0x10 “N”).

V3.9 Modified command 0x13 “R” for total compatibility with H8 protocol.
Command 0x13 “M” now accept also mV/mA.

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