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Ware house Procedure.


Receiving point.

1. Check the address of the document weather it is for relevant factory.

2. Check the Purchase order.
3. Check the Delivery note.
4. Compare the delivery note with received qty.
5. Check the condition of the vehicle weather it is suitable to deliver the goods
6. Compare the goods with details packing list (DAN or invoice.)
7. Make sure security record and stores record is tally with received qty.
8. Keep all goods in quarantine area until green light from inspections for arranging

Trim Quality Inspection process.

1. Make sure received art work or approved swatch card before received the goods.
2. Compare goods with art work and approved swatch.
3. Any reject qty found in 10% inspection stage need to increase the percentage.
4. Trim Inspection report to be prepared for all the trims after inspection.
5. All the inspection report to be approved by quality manager.
6.  Any quality reject should be informed to Supplier through Procurement section.
7. There cannot be any reject item release to production with out procurement
Manager’s / Quality Manager’s signature.

Trim Quantity Inspections  report.

1. Make sure no of boxes are tally with DAN or invoice qty.

2. Mention qty in each box should be tally with the qty in the box.
3. Sizes and colors should be tally with the invoice or DAN.
4. After qty check make sure sign the document saying qty checked.
5. Any qty discrepancy should be informed to supplier after receiving the goods with
in three working days.
6. After qty inspection is over store in the trim rack according to size & color wise.

Fabric Quality Inspection Report.

1. Issue 10% of total qty to fabric Inspection section.

Eg: Each 10roll 01roll should be issue to fabric inspection section.
2. Any packing damage or damage at the transport to be highlighted at the time of
receiving & inform to Procurement & Import department.
3. Any qty variance or roll variance to be informed to supplier Procurement & Import
GRN and RCL process.

1. Soon after received goods check with document and confirm received to Factory.
2. Prepare received check list and update system (objective is other dept can go
through the system and see the items are received.)
3. After quality and quantity inspections get sign off from Inspections to approve
received check list & raising GRN.
4. Any reject quality quantities highlighted at quality inspection, process to be return
to supplier & update to procurement as well
5. Any qty rejected after approving received check list / raised GRN to be sent to
supplier or Logistic by return replacement note / supplier return note.
6. After qty return to supplier to be inform procurement section and coordinating
7. After approving Good Receiving Note & Invoice to be send to Finance dept

Issuing Process.

1. MRN should be raise by Production/Cutting dept before 10.00am and send to

stores day prior.
2. MRN should be accepted by Materials control dept and check with the system
weather that qty is required or correct qty.
3. Then gets the authorization reports from inspection dep’t for arrange required qty
4. Stores should prepare MRN and keep at issuing before 2.00pm 1st priority required.
5. Before issue trims check the trim card and confirm the item.
6. Additional MRN should be raise before 3.00pm and send to stores day prior.
7. After issuing goods against the MRN should be approved and update the system.
All the MRN / ISSUE NOTES should be approving with in 24 hours.
8. After approving MRN issue note # should be mention on the MRN & take ISSUE
Issue Return Note.

1. Any item return from production / Cutting to be send with Issue return report &
stores should update the issue return in system.

Sub contract Orders.

1. Copy of agreement should be handed over to stores.

2. BOI approval should be providing to stores before release good.
3. Sub factory should be count and collect the good from stores.
4. After accepting goods stores is not responsible for any shortage.
5. Sub orders will be lording before 3.00pm only.
6. Sub contract vehicle should be in good condition.
Liability stock procedure.

1. Conformed liability style should be informed to stores in every month.

2. Any style transfer doing from Liability orders need to up date stores.
3. All the Liability style should be kept separately in the stores.
4. Liability stock to be review in every month end.

Write off stock procedure.

1. Conformed write off style to be send to stores in every month.

2. Write off style system and physical qty should be physically verify & confirmed.
3. After conforming physical stock balances style transfers to be make for new orders
or future orders.
4. Any write off stock to keep in the stores maximum three months.
5. After three month confirmation to be get from Procurement Manager and approval
should be done CFO or Director and that item can be dispose
6. All details should be pass to Finance

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