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Name:Joel Robinson


According to the articleThe Need(2017), California has around 25,000

adolescent births every year. According to the article, adolescent birth
rates have declined over the last 15 years.There are parts in California
where there are huge discrepancies. Furthermore, the Central Valley
has among the highest rates of adolescent pregnancy in the state and
the country (The Need, 2017). When you combine that data with the
reality that more than 67 percent of young moms who leave their own
families' households live in poverty).You have a prescription for
catastrophe for future generations. As a result, I feel it is critical that
we that help pregnant teens stay away from poverty

(Why It Matters 2012) talks about why teenage moms are more likely
to be poor? It is without a doubt because they frequently do not
complete high school and are much less likely to return and finish
later. In reality, 30 percent of adolescent girls who dropped out of high
school claim pregnancy or motherhood as a cause (Why ItMatters,
2012). Teen moms' scholastic difficulties frequently contribute to
something even more worrying. Education issues lead to economic
hardship, which is frequently an impossible cycle to break since it is
passed down to the children and may persist from generation to
generation. One recent research of preschool children, for example,
discovered that even after adjusting for various other family variables,
children born to moms younger than 18 performed worse on
measures of school readiness including math and reading
tests.Societal trends are sometimes neglected jigsaw parts in the teen
pregnancy equation. When it comes to topics like teen pregnancy,
many politicians frequently speak about the "now" and "now," but I
view that as problematic. To have a better knowledge of the problem
and how to tackle it, you must first investigate the underlying causes
and how they evolve over time. One example is teen
childbearing.Since the 1950s, scientific advancements in birth control
have resulted in a major drop in childbearing. If a woman does not
want to have a kid, she can utilize numerous contraception methods,
but in the 1950s, accidental pregnancies sometimes ended in
spontaneous "shotgun" weddings.

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