Plant Transport - Water Conservation

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Transport in


Kaz-Hoshay Blackwood -

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed underCC BY-ND.

Water Conservation in Plants

If water supply becomes low, plants face survival issues. 

To deal with water shortages plants have several adaptations to help them conserve water. 

Plants in dry (arid) conditions are xerophytes

Plants in saline (Salty) conditions are called halophytes

Plants that live in areas where water is readily available are Mesophytes

Plants that live in very wet, fresh-water ecosystems, are called hydrophytes

Hydrophytes Do Not Need To Conserve Water

❖ Hydrophytes usually have very thin cuticle in parts that are above water, there is no cuticle on the

submerged parts of the plants. 

❖ Their stems and roots are submerged in water

❖ Roots and stems have a lot of air space to help with floating

❖ Their leaves have stomata at the top and bottom to maximise CO2 take up

Adaptations For Water Conservation in

Mesophytes have a waxy cuticle

● the cuticle reflects sunlight so less light and heat enters the plant, resulting in less
evaporation from the plant
● the cuticle is waterproof so water will not evaporate from upper surface of the leaves
Their roots are well developed to maximise water uptake
Stomata are located at the underside of the leaves
● water vapour can only move upwards when evaporating, with the cuticle at the upper
surface water cannot escape, so the stomata being at the bottom reduces evaporation,
therefore transpiration is reduced.

Water Conservation in Plants


• Usually have an extra thick cuticle

• The  number of stomata is reduced 

• The stomata group up and sink into

pits that trap humid air (remember
humid air reduces transpiration)

• e.g. oleander and Nerium


Water Conservation in Plants


• Close their stomata when the day is hot and

open them at night

• Leaves roll so that stomata are enclosed

–This lowers surface area and traps humid air

• Leaves hair fine hairs on the surface

•These trap water vapor, making air around leaf
Water Conservation in Plants


• Some leaves are very small

•To reduce surface area and lower water loss

•e.g. conifers and pine trees have needle-like leaves

•Cacti have spines

• When it is winter or dry seasons, leaves are

shed to prevent water loss

Water Conservation in Plants


• they have succulent (thick & fleshy) leaves, stems and roots that store water

•Leaves – aloe and agave

•Stems - cacti. The baobab tree stores water in its trunk

•Roots- some members of the pumpkin family



Water Conservation in Plants


• they increase the amount of water they take up

•Some tap roots run deep into the soil

•Some shallow roots spread far and wide

• The more roots spread, the more water they can access for the plant. 

Shallow, wide-spread root

Long & Deep Tap root

Mineral Ions

These are taken into the plant roots by active transport and diffusion

they move across the cortex then into the xylem

they dissolve in the water and are brought up the xylem with the water 

as cells are supplied with water, they get mineral ions dissolved in it


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