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Name: __ Date: __
Year Level and Section: __ Professor: _

Instruction 1: Answer the following questions.

1. Enumerate and discuss the factors to consider in ensuring feasibility of the event concept;
•The dangers to organizers, participants, and spectators
•The ability to locate and book suitable dates.
•Enough funds to carry out the event in a way that meets the public's expectations
•The magnitude of the event's need/support.
•Able to assemble a sufficient number of paid and unpaid volunteers to put on the event
•The planned venue is large enough and provides necessary amenities.
•Do you have any concerns about the environment?

2. Explain how SWOT analysis is done for an event;

- A SWOT analysis will assist you in determining which aspects of your organization are working well. These
are your crucial success elements, and they are what give your company its competitive edge. Identifying
your strengths can assist you ensure that you don't lose your competitive advantage by ensuring that you
preserve them.

3. Explain why there is a need to brainstorm for the event concept; and
- When brainstorming is utilized to solve a problem, it brings the various experience of the team members
into play. It broadens the range of ideas considered, allowing you to come up with better answers to

4. Enumerate the steps in brainstorming for an event concept.

- Brainstorming has a negative connotation since it can produce mediocre ideas and is typically controlled
by higher-ranking or more vociferous individuals. This, however, does not have to be the case.

Note: Do not copy your answer to the google. You can revise and add some of your ideas.

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