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(Reflection on Corinthians 6:19-20)


Date: 04/12/22

In the Video about Corinthians 6:19-20, the introduction of the video is about the
divided session according to the structures that are connected and must be understood.
The first passage that is found in the first session is the surface structure in which it is
the understanding of the passage, in order to connect with the second passage, that can
be found in the second session which is the reality within this structure.

Paul stated that in order to flee fornification or sexual immortality, one must be pure
because the body is a temple of the holy spirit and it shows the structure of the
importance of purity as well as the statements that explains the importance of
preserving and respecting our bodies away from sexual sins.

My understanding of the video is the connections of the passage and modifying it by

finding the grounds of the statements and the results of the modified statement
explained that our body is not our own but was bought with a price, in fact our body is the
temple of our holy spirit so God is our owner since he is the one who gave us the holy
spirit, all of us belong to God, therefore we must glorify God with our body. Even though
God owns us, he has given us the right or he gave us a purpose, the will, to make or gain
control of our bodies as our own and in order to repay God, we must glorify our body,
hence respecting and maintaining the purity of our body. To sum up all my understanding,
the surface structure of the passage are how we are not our own since we are bought
with a price and our body is a holy temple because God has given us his holy spirit hence
he is our owner and we must glorify our body that was given by God.

Hence, in reality, many of us have not known how to glorify our body because we tend not
to believe in things that we cannot see, that is why many people does not learn to respect
their bodies because they have forgotten that our body is the temple of the holy spirit
that came from God and we must protect and maintain its purity because it is the
greatest gift we have received.

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