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Presented to the Faculty of Biological Sciences

College of Science and Mathematics

MSU- Iligan Institute of Technology

Iligan City

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the course of

BIO 198- Methods of Research

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Jordan, Vercel Vanz G.

January 2019


Reptiles are one of the most ecologically remarkable species of global biodiversity, for
the fact that they successfully colonized most of the planet, including oceans and some of the
tough and environmentally unstable ecosystems on earth (Pincheira-Donoso et al. 2013).
Furthermore Jacob (2017) stated that the fundamental ecological role of reptiles in the
ecosystem is that they are part of the greater food chain, where they prevent overpopulation,
and provide food for other predators. However their population is declining due to
deforstation (Team, n.d) and illegal trade that represents as a source of new aileen species
that disrupt the local ecosystems, and worst pose a potential threat to human (Garcia-Diaz et
al. 2016).

Reptiles are tetrapod animal in the class reptalia, comprising turtules, crocodiles, snakes,
lizards, tuatara, and amphibians. It is found throughout most of the world, except in polar
regions. According to the record of Uetz (2018) as of July 2018 there are a total of 10,793
species, 86 families, 1199 genera of reptiles around the world. Brown and Diesmos (2009)
stated that the herpetological biodiversity of Philippines is high in diversity and endemism.
Thus Northern part needs further study since it is still associated with unresolved taxonomic
issues (Brown et al. 2013). Diesmo et al. (2002) articulated that Philippines has 17 families, at
least 83 genera, and a total of 258 species and 66 % are endemic, and Sanguilla (2016)
reported that the northeast of the Mindanao geographical area appears to have the highest
herpatological species diversity. However reptiles in the Philippines face threats such as
habitat destruction, pet trade, and exportation (Böhm, 2013). Furthermore, the location of the
study is falls and a lot of tourists are visiting; hence this study will help to determine the
species diversity, and to protect and conserve the reptile species living in the area.

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Objective of the study

This study aims to study the reptiles in Aya-aya falls,

Establish a list of species in the area,

Assess the ecological factors that can affect the population of reptiles in the area and,

To provide an information to the local government in order to conserve and protect the
reptile species in the area.

Materials and Methods

A. Sampling site

The study will be conducted this January 26 to Febuary 8, 2019 in Aya-aya falls,
Lugait, Misamis Oriental, Philippines.

B. Habitat description

Habitat can also be one factor to limit the population of the species in the area, thus
it will be asessed using the Habitat description from the Philippine Terrestrial
Biodiversity (Haribon Foundation, 2011). The sampling area will be divided in 2 sites the
forest and near the stream ecosystems, it will then be divided in 3 parts, the upper,
middle and lower. Coordinates will be obtained by using the Geocam appliction.

C. Collection and identifaction of samples

Cruising method will be used. It will be conducted for three hours at night paying close
attention to the trunk and branches of the trees in the forest area, and at morning and noon
time, near the streams and forest area. It will be hand picked and temporarily keep in a cheese
cloth bag. Photo documentation will be used for the species that are hard to catch. The

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location of the collection site will then be recorded using a Global Positioning System
(GPS). The time and date of the sample collection will also be recorded in the data
notebook. In able to identify the species, morphometrics will be measured using a vernier
caliper and/ or tape measure, and measure its weight using a weighing scale. It will be
identified using the

D. Data analysis

Paleonthological Statistics (PAST) software version 3.14 will be used to calculate the
Species Richness, Relative Abundance, Simpson’s Index, and Shannon-Wiener Index.

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