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Grade 2A / 2022 – 2023

Chapter 5 – Multiplication and Division

Learning Objectives:
The students are able to multiply and divide using equal groups
 The students are able to use equal groups and repeated addition to multiply
 The students are able to share equally to divide
 The students are able to make multiplication and division stories

Chapter 6 – Multiplication table of 2, 5, and 10

Learning Objectives:
The students are able to use multiplication facts to find other multiplication and division facts
 The students are able to multiply table of 2 by skip counting
 The students are able to multiply table of 5 by skip counting
 The students are able to multiply table of 10 by skip counting
 The students are able to mutiply numbers in any order
 The students are able to use related multiplication facts to divide

Chapter 7 – Multiplication table of 3 and 4

Learning Objectives:
The students are able to use multiplication facts to find other multiplication and division facts
 The students are able to multiply table of 3 by skip counting
 The students are able to multiply table of 4 by skip counting
 The students are able to multiply numbers in any order
 The students are able to use related multiplication facts to divide

Chapter 8 – WORD PROBLEMS: Multiplication and Division

Learning Objectives:
The students are able to solve multiplication and division word problems
 The students are able to solve multiplication and division word problems

Chapter 9 – Length
Learning Objectives:
The students are able to measure and compare how long and how tall objects are using centimeter and
meter rulers
 The students are able to use a meter rule to measure length, width and height
 The students are able to compare and order lengths in meters
 The students are able to measure lengths of shorter objects in centimeters
 The students are able to measure length, width amd height in centimeters
 The students are able to compare and order lengths in centimeters
 The students are able to solve lengths word problems involving addition and subtraction
 The students are able to solve lengths word problems involving multiplication and division

Math My Pals 2A Pupils book Chapter 5 - 9 (page 74 - 155)
Math My Pals 2A Workbook Chapter 5 - 9 (page 103 - 202)

Don’t forget to bring a ruler ^^

TAHUN AJARAN 2022-2023


- Pengertian dan tujuan aturan di rumah.
- Pembagian aturan di rumahmu sesuai waktu pagi, siang dan sore.
- Manfaat dari mematuhi aturan dirumah.
- Akibat dari melanggar aturan yang ada di rumah.
- Pengertian dan tujuan aturan di sekolah.
- Aturan yang ada di sekolah sesuai dengan aturan berbicara, aturan berpakaian dan
aturan berprilaku.

Bab 3. Berhati-hati dimana saja

- Kalimat yang baik dan benar dengan menggunakan tanda seru (!)
- Membuat cerita tentang pengalaman dalam menggunakan fasilitas umum.
- Macam-macam tanda di tempat umum.
- Rambu-rambu lalu lintas.
- Perbedaan pengunaan kata di pada kalimat.
- Menggunakan kosakata: kapur barus, pecah belah, kosmetik, elektronik, stop kontak
- Menulis cerita dengan alur awal, tengah dan akhir.

3. Seni Budaya dan Prakarya (SBdp)

Seni Rupa

- Nama alat dan bahan dasar dalam pembuatan seni rupa.

- Pengertian dan macam warna primer.
- Siswa mempersiapkan alat yang dibawa dari rumah berupa:

Membawa alat tulis lengkap berupa pensil, penghapus, gunting, lem/double tape,
pensil warna/krayon/spidol warna dan penggaris.

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