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1b Management theories of my company Yamaha Corporation
Identify a Problem
Identify Decision Criteria
Weight of the criteria
Develop alternatives
Analyse alternatives
Implement the alternatives
Evaluate effectiveness of decision
2b. Compare distinctive decision-making style of my manager in Yamaha Corporation
Tolerance for ambiguity
Rational way of thinking
Task 3a
Clear Goal:
Appropriate Leadership:
Mutual Trust:
Good Communication:
Task 4a
Establish performance objectives and standards
Measure Actual Performance
Compare actual performance
Take necessary action

Yamaha Corporation is a Japanese multinational corporation with a range of product
and services. Yamaha was established by Torakusu Yamaha in Hamamatsu Shizuoka
Japan in the year 1897. The company is into production of piano, motorcycles and
others, and the company origin as a musical instrument manufacture and still reflect
today in their logo. Yamaha have grown to become the world’s largest musical
instrument manufacture as well as leading manufacture of semi conducts, specialty,
metals and industrial robots. (Anon., 2018)

Planning is the process of thinking the activities regarding your goal and also the steps
taking to get your result (Anon., 2022). Planning is about deciding something you what
to do and how to do it, in my chosen organization like Yamaha corporation when they
are planning in the company, they make sure their vision and mission ideal will take
effect, and they considered the strategizing way to achieve their goal and objective. The
Manager used skills when planning for the company to make the productivity goes on.
In my organization the manager set a long-term strategic plan for the marketing
department, that by the next 3 to 5 year the marketing department should be able to
earn multiply sale of what they used to earn before. For example, the manager of the
marketing and sales department developed and operation short term plan to increase
sales by 25% for the first quarter of 2022.

Organizing is making arrangement for something or preparation toward something, it is
the function that combined human physical and financial resources to takes place
(Prachi, 2015). Manager always has to organize in order to get result and also
organization can function when it is well organized (Robbins & Coulter, 2018). The
manager in Yamaha Company needs to make good organization for the employees to
determine the task to be done and who is to do them for you to achieve your target. The
manager has to set a rule in place for the division of work and where decision have to
be made for them to accomplish their goal. For example, the manager must make
preparation for account, making sales, record keeping in the company.

Commanding is leading or motivating to get the best out of the people working for the
organization in order to achieve the effect of the effort of workers (Alexander, 2021).The
manager has to give instruction and orders for the work to be done in an organization.
Given command to impact the vision of the organization in order to achieve their goal by
motivating their employee. Manager in an organization have to hold meeting in order to
take action of every priority of the company. For example, the manager has to get the
best for the people working for the organization by commanding.

Co-ordinating is the integration of the effort of the group members so as to provide unity
in pursuit common goal. Good coordinate aim to ensure optimal between the various
activities of the organization (Alexander, 2021) .Manager in Yamaha Company, you
need to organize people for them to work together to achieve one goal. The manager
has to get good resource for their employee and to encourage the practices to achieve
their result. For example, a sale manager will coordinate his task with a sales

Controlling is the function of management to seek planned result from the subordinates,
manager and at all levels of an organization and it also compliance with everything that
happens in the organization with plan (Prachi, 2015).Manager has to control,
monitoring, correcting and comparing the activities in the company as it is planned and
also check the progress of the work. Manager has to perform a role in an organization
by checking the performance of their employee to achieve their goal (Robbins &
Coulter, 2018).For instead, a senior manager controls the action of a middle manager
and a supervisor, as the manager control all action in the organization.

1b Management theories of my company Yamaha Corporation

Yamaha Corporation operate under the control theories of classical. Classical control
principle is primarily based totally at the perception that people best have bodily and
monetary wishes, it strongly stimulated via way of means of their bodily wishes and
extra especially incentives (Anon., 2022). Efficiency measures the how output the
paintings is meant and productiveness awareness on bulk output. Yamaha enterprise
want each performance and productiveness of their paintings area with a view to cause
them to degree their overall performance of their paintings withinside the employer. The
supervisor needs to cope with performance to carry out interest with the minimal
wastages of assets they have got withinside the employer, and additionally powerful
control make the attain their aim and goal with a smaller quantity of assets. Productivity
of the employer could be very important; the supervisor need to increase in
productiveness to supply and eat higher and offerings for the employer with the equal
quantity of paintings.

In my chosen organization, management use the classical approach to determine

different approach to do the work. Management holds the ideal of the workplace to be
overseen by the leadership and also, they increase the productivity by motivating the
employee. Yamaha management make sure employee performing task for the
organization are based on their technical skills. Operation should be possible and
decision are made by single person or only few boards member.

Decision Making is the technique of creating selections with the aid of using figuring out
a decision, amassing facts and assessing opportunity resolution. These are 8 stages I
would like to consider when solving problem in Yamaha Corporation.

Identify a Problem
In decision making, the first thing is to identify a problem. In my chosen organization,
Yamaha will clearly identify the root cause of the problem in the company before we
solve it. The manager identifies two problems: they are dropping in sales (need to
increase sales by online promotions) and the manager also identified that their product
is losing value in the market. Without identifying the problem and determining what the
problem is in the Yamaha corporation, one cannot come up with a suitable solution.

Identify Decision Criteria

The decision criteria are the sets of principles, guidelines, and requirements that an
organization uses to make a decision. Once the manager has identified the problem, he
or she has to identify the decision criteria for the problem because they are dropping in
sales (need to increase in sales by online promotions).

The decision criteria for increasing sales are: global reach, interactivity, engagement
tracking, and cost.

Weight of the criteria

Yamaha Corporation needs to weigh the kind of problem they have identified. It is
important the manager weighs the criteria of the problem by weighing the things they
will need to do in the sales department to increase their sales and meet their target, and
also by gathering information from others and talking with your board members about
the problem and situation you are considering. z

No. Criteria Weight

1. Global reach 10
2. Interactivity 8
3. Engagement 7
4. Cost 5
Develop alternatives

As a manager in Yamaha Corporation, you must devise an alternative solution to your

problem by investigating why sales are dropping in their marketing department and
tracking the problem to determine its source. The manager has to develop ideas by
increasing social media advertising, start a blog, engage Influencer and also Google
AdWords online to increase their sales.

Analyse alternatives

Yamaha Corporation needs to develop alternative ways to solve their problem. You
have to come on board and analyse every problem you have identified and develop.
Each opportunity is evaluated via way of means of appraising it towards the standards.
The strengths and weaknesses of every opportunity end up obvious as they’re as
compared with the standards and weights established. Yamaha corporation has to use
alternative methods in their ideas to develop which alternative is preferable.

No Alternative Global Interactivity Engagement Cost Total Rank

. s Reach tracking
1. Social 10 12 15 13 50 1st
2. Google 8 6 12 11 37 3rd
3. Engage 7 8 10 5 30 4th
4. Start Blog 12 9 8 14 43 2nd
Select an alternatives

As a manager in an organization, you need to select an alternative way to solve the

problem in your decision-making, by way of means of deciding on the excellent
opportunity amongst the ones assessed. Since the choice marker decided all of the
pertinent elements withinside the choice, weighted them appropriately, and recognized
the feasible alternatives, The manager choose social media advertising it score the
higher and rank 1st among the alternative.

Implement the alternatives

The decision marker has to implement all the ideas developed in the alternatives by
putting the decision into action. The choice is placed into motion with the aid of using
conveying it to the ones affected and getting their commitment. Once the best among
the alternatives has been selected, it must be implemented properly to achieve the
objective of the decision you are solving for the company. After the manager has
implemented the decision, it should be given careful orientation for the company.
(Surbhi, n.d.)

Evaluate effectiveness of decision

It is important to evaluate your decision to know the outcome and result of your
decision. As a manager in a Yamaha solving problem for a good decision you need to
assess the wrong and the right of the decision making evaluate which of the alternatives
is the right one for the problem to be solved. Effective decision is finding the situation to
think the problem in strategic and generic way. (Robbins & Coulter, 2018)
2b. Compare distinctive decision-making style of my
manager in Yamaha Corporation
There are four types of decision-making styles that Yamaha corporation can use in their
day-to-day activities when decision is making. For effective and good decision making
for the company, it good for Yamaha company to use Directive and Analytical decision-
making styles.

Tolerance for ambiguity

Directive Decision Making Styles- Directive decision-makers have Low tolerance for
ambiguity. People using directive decision-making style prefer using their own
judgement and analysis to make decisions, with less or no opinion from others (Robbin
& Mary, 2021). When a directive decision-makers are making decisions, they hardly
think of uncertainties, which aids them in making quick decisions, to solve
organizational problems. Even though directive decision-makers make decisions with
less information, I will recommend it to the manager of Yamaha. This is because,
directive decision makers are always certain about any of their judgement they make
towards an organization, when there is a problem in the organization, and this certainty
will help the manager of Yamaha make quick decisions to save organizational
problems. On the other hand
Analytic Decision-Making Styles- Analytical decision-making style has high ambiguity
in the making of decision. Most people using analytical decision-making style faces a lot
of uncertainties when making decisions (Robbins, 2021). As a matter of fact, analytical
decision-makers require a lot of information before making decisions, and also welcome
variety of ideas from the various departmental heads in the company, since they want
their judgement to be accurate in solving organizational problems (Robbins, 2021).
Despite the delay in the decision making in crucial times with analytical decision-
makers, the manager of Yamaha can still use this decision-making approach, since it
makes managers accept opinions from various departmental heads of the company, in
the presence of uncertainties. (Robbin & Mary, 2021)
Rational way of thinking
Both directive decision making styles and analytical decision styles uses rational way of
thinking. Manager prefer rational way in making decision in order to make sure the
information is logical and consisted (Robbin & Mary, 2021). Manager in yamaha make
rational decision that are bounded by the limited of their ability to process information.
They make good decision by identify the problem, considering alternative and gathering
of information, to know that they are consisted in what they are doing by coming up with
good result. For instead, manager act rationally by searching for good alternatives and
chosen the best out of it to make the right decision.

Task 3a
Strategic management is the implementation of the goal and the initiative taken by the
organization and also provides overall direction to the organization's objective,
technology, and developing policies to achieve those objectives (Nag, et al., 2007). An
area in my organization that needs change is the storage and organization of files. This
change requires a change in procedure by purchasing equipment and software for
storing and processing Yamaha’s data. A manager would use a computer and database
management system to collect, store, process, and organize all data in the company as
well as retrieve and manage data in a database.

This change can be implemented through the use of a cost leadership strategy. After
the manager has purchased the computer and the database management system, it will
help in reducing their cost of data collection, processing, and management. This will
help the company to keep costs down by having a solid structure in everything and also
reducing costs for them with the help of the computer and database management

It will help me address my issues in the technology aspect by helping the company in
the keeping of their data and information, and it has helped me implement a cost
leadership strategy in a way of reducing the cost of the computer and database
management system.
Effective teamwork is owning your responsibility of staying accountable and doing you
say you’re going to do (O'Neill, 2019).Effective team work is the heart of every
organization success. This are some of the characteristics of effective teamwork and
assign to appropriate models and theories in my organization. Clear Goal, Appropriate
Leadership, Mutual Trust and Good Communication.

Clear Goal: For a teamwork to be effectives they need to be agreed goal and its
objectives, the team have to understand, accept and committed in achieving a clear
goal. A clear goal is realistic and its goal has to be achievable by being clear and
specific about what you want to achieve. The Yamaha company needs to have effective
teamwork and their members have to be committed to the team and work hard for them
to achieve their goal

(Robbin & Mary, 2021). According to goal setting theory, which says that particular desires
boom overall performance and that hard desires. Every individual must be dedicated to
the goal and self-sufficient in order to be effective in teamwork.

Appropriate Leadership: Every leader in a team needs to do the appropriate thing

and motivate their team members. They have to communicate with their members in
order to maintain the right balance between individual and collective decisions, views,
and directions. An effective team leader acts as a coach, helping and supporting the
team members to do the right thing for their organization's success (Robbin & Mary,
2021). The Fiedler Contingency Model says that a leader’s style needs to be interacting
with their followers for them to be effective at interacting with their followers. Fiedler's
Theory of Leadership states that there may be nobody first-class technique of
management. Rather, the handiest management fashion for any given state of affairs is
one which aligns with the state of affairs at hand.
Mutual Trust: refers to the self-guarantee that each party will fulfill its obligations and
behave as expected. For a team to be effective, you need to build a strong relationship
among the team members and also mutual trust among them. Yamaha teamwork needs
to be mutual where you trust the quality of work by the people who are supposed to do
it. You have to trust them with what they are doing. According to what Hawthorne
studies reveal about work motivation, it says people must work harder and perform
better when they are participants in an experiment. Without mutual trust in the team,
they can’t perform better. This makes Hawthorne studies play an important role, since
employees will perform better when they feel singled out for special attention with trust
among the team members. (Robbin & Mary, 2021)

Good Communication: Effective communication brings about the exchange of

ideas, opinions, knowledge, and messages received with clarity and purpose. Without
good communication to the team member there wouldn’t be effective teamwork in the
team. Communication comes verbally and non-verbally and conversation in groups is
greater than simply green work. It lets in everybody at the group to be knowledgeable
on any subject matter that can have an effect on their work. The Yamaha team
maintains good communication with their members so that they can grow their
organization and be effective in the teamwork they do. (Robbin & Mary, 2021)

Task 4a
Leadership is a manner of main a collection and influencing that organization to obtain
its dreams and additionally motivation their people. As a manager in a group, you are
going to face different common way of leadership challenge (Robbin & Coulter,
2021).Low productivity is the leadership challenge my organization is facing.

Leadership Challenge: A leadership challenge in my organization is low productivity, the

context of this low productivity is that, leaders are not able to motivate their employees
towards high performance. They are unable and unwilling, they do not have the
resources needed for their production. The employees do not have the tools to do the
work, because they are not able to meet their production line, and they not willing to do
the work, because of all these challenges they are facing have bring low productivity to
the organization. The appropriate leadership style to deal with the above leadership
challenge is the Telling Leadership Style from the Situational Leadership Theory (SLT)
of Hersey and Blanchard. The SLT explains followers’ readiness amidst their challenges
and the appropriate leadership style to deal with such follower readiness level or
challenge. The telling leadership style is the most appropriate because productivity is a
high task-activity. As such, there is the need to instruct workers or the employees on
exactly what to do, how to do it, and when to perform each task. This will ensure that
the employees do exactly what is expected to raise the productivity levels of the
organization. Again, with this style, it would mean that the leader will be providing all the
tools and equipment needed to complete each task.


They are four controls process my organization will be looking at in their production

Establish performance objectives and standards

Performance objective and standard are the expectancies for worker roles and duties as
they relate to the agency's mission, vision, and values. Performance requirements are
measurable standards towards which a worker's attempt is evaluated to decide the
extent of functioning (Robbin & Coulter, 2021). To illustrate, the manager should set a
performance standard as to “increase production of keyboards per month by 25% by
end of September, 2022.

Measure Actual Performance

If overall performance is not measured, it can't be ascertained whether or not

requirements had been met. Manager has to degree the goal of the manufacturing how
they could meet their target. The have to measure and considered the gold standard for
measuring manufacturing productivity and the quality of product they will manufacture in
their production department. The manager can use either reports, personal observations
or…to gather data on the actual performance in relation to production of Keyboard at
the end of September, 2022. They measure their report by oral and written report by
comprehensiveness and conciseness.

Compare actual performance

By comparing the actual performance of the production department if they meet their
target of production by the 25%.

Product Before P. S Standard Actual Over/ *Under

Strings 800 1000 900 *100
Piano 500 800 750 *50
Digital keyboard 600 9000 9500 500
Keyboards 1000 2200 2500 300
TOTAL 13000 13650 950
*Means under

If strings and piano are under that means they need to perform more to meet their target
they have set by the 25%. And digital keyboard and keyboard are over that means they
meet want they expected.

Take necessary action

Necessary Action refers to any and all steps that must be taken in order to produce
more of their keyboards to meet their target. Manager have to take necessary action of
those that is under the one they couldn’t meet their target; they need to have automotive
way of production to be able to manufacture more of their keyboard by using robotics in
their production department to able to perform well and meet their target line.

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