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* Economics Hearst *Selechon /choice of Best AHernote 7 — A warns donned om Ud oR Oph mun/ Efficient Ublization of Reaounces BMA om. enaletdw BYBvT oR > Better Disti buon / Allocokhon of Rerxounces Bawa om SEAR Wares or Se oan es Management of Resounce BMIVAT O71 YOR oR a Scrence / Sociol Scvence vf Wealth Ra omy fas xX Economics iS emerged i BEanel ofl SHURA on WA ere ale 4 Limited Resource. and Lal . alimited warts ANha wana sire BMA Seeory ° Lock / Scone of ReAounces BAudi of) on m 4AxdT ao rm 3 x Economic Aghyity Bees WON a ay 4 ae ieee ss aru weed Hae ACHVity xelobed +e Morey wealt, — eg. Primony (aus) . Secondony (Salause) wlevhory aaaen) . 5 or PAID YX Non Economie Achyity BANE ug Gag nds ATT S wT ad ane Desvdy nse Waleed TO WOVeEY ox wealth. . @y. Housewife (sesh) Wobby (am) Caltune uedia) Svciot (amie) | Relignus” (eaten) X Types of Sectors gph d Feria * On The basis of Ownership alls — Hed Oy 3Ner # Public Sector Bastion Art 5 AR Rear Sis A ttrontd of teatuaet sox S sien BF Sector te whith move thon S07 Govt shoveholoiing- S x Pavote Sector THA a Sp ‘ / Lhe Am BH MAR ow Rasen Sox H owt & Sector in which Less ahan 50/. Govt shew ehslding - a : a wastes NETO Al Ser bh caniagcr _ Priyotizeton Trarsfey of Public Secten in Private Sects Fartionrs| nN con NaN: c ~ Rn = Rare Tal Sa dy wesGex svt h TUAIAVWT —_ Nahonolt A a Transtey of Private Sector in Public Sectey UES \ron20T ¥ On the basis of Activity fepait o% Snell UR *Ramary Secor uipiiien eal” & Reloded to Natune Yon fa & wramd & Agricultune Sector oi Bm AA ones STAT * Red collax Job + Secondary Sector (fawen aor & Reloted to manu factny farfier & ioea b Industrial Sector AiO He, AST AY one sHtel7 * Blue Colley Job *Tevhaxy Sector Fftuse Sry. & Reloted to Serices Borst & wrata > Service sector Aa Sar A mel sia SUC rt remcal (omacya x AEA s BAA At Independence + Vota HN udiwveon Dierd — Peimnory Sector $ a + aedia sna/qop B udiien ama - Rimory Sector y ahaa TH At Peseat ° S a 2 ahibica SAI = VRiieneray Socks dag 3 Cuenta ma pleyen came ‘ Sees Beste ara / cop H MUG VWwwa —Teshary Sector Highest Contilouhon in National Income / GDP Brienory Bren deny Rt y Secor We LAgvicuttune wR 1. Monvf 7 one AitAoy 2 Horticulture 2 c OTANI 2, Consthuchon lnict 3. Apicultune food ssi HELHowel] Uietos > food Frecessic5, b. Fichvies Fetus 4. Peto! / Disel 3 r ‘H . +e) SSO ARG OO Lesage a © Arieral wysbardy © wet ye re Poway, Foams as ST Ge eT a Micing ad S. Fovesiyy ANASAL Jo, Quonyy IAGer h. Weaning, ger Putte Move Oey RiXor Terhiory TAuos 1 Education (Mar 2. ect salle 3 Barkin Insurorce WiSeo? ss Jot 4, Tronsportohon URaGa Ss Tee Coren & Tourisen 6 Maes AF . Hotel & Restauradts % Files & Tv a. Sports 9. Civil Sexvont to. Trode/ Business Ni, Shopkeeper Gonrsig la, Judiciary SUNuMniereat \s, Police & Avery

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