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1. Do you find this story interesting, ‘YES’ or ‘NO’? Provide a reason.

= Yes, I do find this story interesting because of Luke’s character in this story which is by being the
sweetest and shyest person in the world.

2. What is the theme of this story?

= The first theme that I found in My Friend Luke is respect. Luke is not being respected by his wife,
son and even at the workplace. In addition, despite the fact that he is the house's father and the
oldest employee, his viewpoint and opinions are frequently ignored. In contrast, Luke shows lack of
respect towards passengers in the bus. The second theme is family ties. Luke does not have a
harmonious family relationship with his wife and son. His son prefers listening to the mother instead
of him. Clearly, it is a one way relationship as only Luke is willing to sacrifce for his family. He has
never been approached by his wife or son about financial concerns in the family.

3. Elaborate the plot found in this story.

= The plot started with exposition which is when the narrator introduces his friend, Luke. He
describes the character, physical features of Luke and how he behaves around people. Next, rising
action. The narrator tells more of Luke’s personal life which he has a wife, a child and works in a
clothing company. From there, it is known the wife’s and son’ scharacters, Luke’s boss and how he
lives his life at work. After that, climax. The narrator describes more of Luke’s differentvattitude
when he steps on the bus. Luke changes dramatically from a shy, timid man to an obnovious and
irritating person. He continuously annoyed other passengers with his cranky actions. Lastly,
resolution which is Luke steps of the bus in a happy mood but he becomes timid again and walks

4. Does this story have a climax? Explain.

= Yes, this story does have a climax. It’s proven when Luke’s behavior as soon as he steps on the bus.
He requests a ticket and begin to look for his money slowly. He makes sure the driver waiting for
him. He travels with window wide open in the winter and window close during summer. And, he
doesn’t have interest in sports but on Saturday he switches on the radio and turn the volume up,
tortured the passenger. Luke changes dramatically from a shy, timid man to an obnoxious and
irritating person. He continuously annoyed other passengers with his cranky actions.

5. Describe the setting of the story.

= The story setting is the where and the when of narrative. It affects the mood/atmosphere of the
story. It gives the reader a better sense of the story, it allows to visualize what is going on and
connect with the characters better. As example, the narrative let us know more deeper about the
characters. The author explains more about Luke’s health condition. He is having a weak lungs and
he is not allowed to smoke and in fact, he hates smoking. So from there we as a reader knows that
he’s having weak lungs. Besides, the story setting helps tie the story together, the theme must
coincide with the setting to make sense. As example, Luke’s functions in tye society ranking are
never taken seriously. He’s also not given the opportunity to voice out an opinion. And here shows
that luke is supposed to be portraying and put through as a man are not being appreciated. This
describes more to the mood and atmosphere of the story.

6. Describe the characters found in the story.

= 1.Luke - his age modestly intermediate,short and skinny,has a thin moustache,has a thinner hair on
his head,he wears glasses

2.His Wife -thin, choleric, nervous woman who, as well as having an unbearably shrill voice, strong
lungs, a finely drawn nose and a viperous tongue

3.Juan Manuel -tall, blond, intelligent, distrustful, sarcastic and has a fringe

4. Don Aqueróntido - has a ferocious moustache,has a thunderous voice, violent and greedy

7. List down a few moral values that you have found in this story. Explain how they can be applied
to your real life.

= The first moral values is Respect. We should learn how to respect each other. An example situation
that can be shown is that we can see that Luke pays with the largest among number of small coins,
this disturbs the driver. Instead of accept the coins, the driver throw out the coins as expressing his
wish to throw out Luke. That shows that Luke disrespect the driver which is not a good example for
everyone. Respect is the most important in daily life as it can change someone’s perspective towards
ourselves and we also can gain respect from others. Secondly, Independent. We must be an
independent person. For example, Luke is really nice because he decided not to burden to his family
and other people. As human beings, we should all strive to be self-sufficient so that we are not
reliant on others for our survival or assistance. Thirdly, Courage. We need to be a brave person. A
bad example from this story is that Luke has never get any chance to carry out his duty as a husband,
father and oldest employees because his wife, son and even his boss expect less and have lack of
confidence in him. He is also not given the opportunity to voice out an opinion. It is because, they
did not even sure either Luke can be responsible on anything because of he never shows that he is
confident. This shows that , we should have courage in our self so that we can gain more confident
to stand out our self and be able to face all the problems or human behavior.

8. If you were the author of this story, how would you have ended this story?

= If I were the author of this story, I would have ended this story with Luke change and transform his
kind and sweet personality into someone who is selfish towards everyone. It shows in the story
when he steps on the bus. He continuously annoyed other passengers with his cranky actions. For
example, Luke begins to defend his rights in a firm manner, employing arguments so that it is
impossible to understand what point he is actually trying to make. I’ll prefer if luke to remain he’s
character just like when he’s at the bus because somehow it makes him more brave as a father,
husband and a employee.

B. What is the main idea of the story?

= The main idea of the story is to tell the world that everybody can change in a blink of an eye. For
examples from someone who is known as shy, timid man to an obnoxious and irritating person. It
shows in the story when he steps on the bus. He continuously annoyed other passengers with his
cranky actions.

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