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Euthenics I

Activity 1 (Do I Know Myself Better?)

1. List 5 words that BEST describe yourself.

 The 5 BEST things that can describe myself are:
a. Creative
b. Productive
c. Punctual
d. Cheerful;
e. And always positive
2. Who do you want to be when you grow up?
 I see myself when I grow up is becoming an artist that can bring people their dreams
And imaginations to them because for me art is the world where people can dream and
Create imaginations into reality.
3. Interview a friend through a phone call and ask about your personality.
 After I interviewed my friend, he told me the positive things and as well as negative things.
For positive things, he said that I am reliable friend and a very grade conscious friend, he
Told me that whenever I go, I can make friends because of my very approachable attitude.

For the negative things, he said to me that I am a little too cheerful because even if the
situation is serious I can still laugh, he also said that I am easy to get swayed by others.

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