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Get a partner and share your learnings with each other then share it here in the

discussion. Discuss it together online.

I learned in this subject that not only web development or drawing are content of this course
but also its history on how multimedia arts helps the progress of not only technology but also
the communication of the world, multimedia helps the progress of information, messages, and
knowledge become more accessible and fast due to the evolution of media and it also helps the
progress of many different jobs and fields in the world.

There's a lot of things that I have learnt in this subject, Such as the meaning of multi media arts
and the benefits of it. Multimedia is the way of transmissions and it covers different
technologies that used to record information and send more information to others. Videotaping
is one of the examples in multi media arts. Because not only it gives information but also it has
a short story. All of our social media platform such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other
social media, they all composed short stories.

In addition, I have learned that multi media arts have 5 benefits and those are Deeper
Understanding, Improving Problem Solving, Increased Positive Emotions, Access to a Vast
Variety of Information and World Exploration. Those benefits gave me the capability to think in
a higher level, sharp-witted when encountering conflicts, positive attitude, fast access of
information, and explore new things using our new media. Also as a college student of MMA I
should be concern on what to think when it comes to creating arts or making an original

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