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This is collage by Alicia Buelow, it shows a woman face with trees spread out to left, and white doves

on the
right. It also has writing and words background and some numbers on the left. Alicia combines found objects
like writing/texts and photographs in one collage, that is what she did in this collage. It seems like its work
relate to both traditional and modern artists’ works because of the photograph, it is pretty modern nowadays
since many people use photographs for their work. The texts and writings background, its style relate to
traditional art works because these texts style, you would see it on old brown papers, historical writing like old
anatomy books. The he compositions on this collage very simple, the woman face has glowing white effects
around it to stand out the face. The trees blend in together with the face so well, the white doves have fading
effects which look really good on this collage. The background has different colours and texts blending in
together between them. It does give me historical/ancient feeling because of the colours: brown, orange, red
and green and the texts too as well. Visual on this collage is simple, just a photograph of woman faces with
tree in it and doves on the right. Nothing too much on this collage making It easier and cleaner to see things on
this collage. Now, the main thing of this collage, what is this artwork about and its subject matter? It looks like
this collage is trying to tell us to empower, be more confident and believe in yourself more. The writing on
bottom left corner, it has some words saying empower, believe, open yourself up, greater possibility, it also
included two big texts, “thinking” and “feeling.” It is not just because of the writing, the object on picture does
shows us about empower and be more confident in yourself for like, the tree in woman’s face, the tree on left,
it is spreading out to the left is like growing your confidence and empowering yourself. The doves on the right,
it is like spread out your wings when you finally grow your confidence and empower yourself, able to fly
around freely like these white flying doves. Why the woman face? The tree in woman face is great example of
growing your confidence and believe in yourself more in your mind, so it is like growing tree in your mind
because you are more confident now and believe in yourself more. The woman is facing toward to doves, it’s
like the woman is ready to be able to move around freely like doves after she empower herself. This is what
the collage is trying to tell us: empower, be more confident and believe in yourself like that growing trees in
head and flying white doves.

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