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Grade 2

Grade 2

Chapter 3r 3

Historical and cultural contexts

3 traditional views

Culture is the way of life of a nation. It is the manifestation of o n e ’ s

n a t i o n l e v e l o f d evelopment and civilization. It is a display of wedding,

sorrow dress, nutrition. Musical instruments and dances are an

expression of culture. of culture.

Learning outcomes expected from this chapter
 After completing this chapter you will be able to:

 At your level you will understand the essence of culture

• Identify traditional music and dance.

 Tell stories

 understand that culture is the basis for KP

3.1 National music

Expected learning outcomes from this topic

• Youlearning
Expected will learn about
outcomes traditional
from this topic music.
 You will be able to understand traditional music
 You will sing different song
62  You will discuss the purpose of song in your classroom

Grade 2 Performing and visual arts education

National music and their appearance

National music means the songs that are sung without releasing their
traditional form

Since there are many ethnic groups in Ethiopia different traditional music are
originated from each society.

Shilela and Fukera

Shillah and Fukera is a popular national (traditional) music. Shellala and Fukera in
all regions of our country Ethiopia. It is a culture that is practiced at different times.

It is a traditional music used to praise people and sang to encourage national

heroes at times of war in the country.

When the bandits are up and the sector is up

The beast of the night, the lion of the day

That slope at that speed
An iron in one hand and a sword in the other
From Qatam Qata Qata Molkake

Ethiopian male contributor

Ethiopia, my country, take courage, take courage

You are in all four corners

Abija Abija bring me Solaton

Grade 2 Performing and visual arts education

Let me eat the chest, the beast, the beast

The students will show you how to show you the teacher

Practice what you see for the school

you offer

Song one
Hoya hoya

Hoya Hoye Ho

Hoya Hoye Ho

Hoya Hoye Ho

Hoya Hoye Ho

Give him one

Don't change it

There's smoke over there

Agaferi ho will retaliate

I left that party

I turned upside down in my bed

That little bed is lucky

Don't sleep without someone


Grade 2 Performing and visual arts education

Translation of the song

Hoya Hoye is a traditional children's music.

You are playing on culture day. For example, time

One day before the time is about to change

Matalai lovers gathered and praised

people they sing (play).

Song two: Let's go

Even if you don't like it, you will come

We will wake you up in the middle of flowers

Even if you don't like it, you will come

We will wake you up in the middle of flowers

September - flower

Esay Esay-Ababa

Age of happiness - flower

Happy spring flower

Even if you don't like it, you will come6

Grade 2 Performing and visual arts education

We will wake you up in the middle of flowers

Ethiopia my country - Ababa

I wish you a flower

The era of peace - Ababa

You will be a flower

 You will get the melody of the song from your teacher.

Explanation of the song

This cultural song is sung on the cultural day of the era. It is a song we sang
saying inik’ut’at’ashi inikwani met’ashi .It is because there is a flower that
comes out only when it is September.

It is also a natural flower that remembers the entrance of September.

Song three

Tik Tok

Tick Tock Tick Tock

Day and night

Tick Tock Tick Tock

says the clock

Tick Tock Tick Tock

Grade 2 Performing and visual arts education

To know the time

Tick Tock Tick Tock

Time is useful

 You will get the melody of the song from your teacher.

Explanation of the song

It is a sound that can be heard as a “ticking” sound while driving the hours
in the clock that indicates the time counters.


Write true if the statement is correct and false, if the statement is incorrect.

1 . National music is mixed with music from other countries.

2. Shellala and Fukera are unknown and forgotten

traditional music.

3. Hoya Hoye is a traditional musical folk song for children.

4. Traditional music is the expression of a nation's culture.

5. inik’ut’at’ashi inikwani met’ashi is a cultural song.

Grade 2 Performing and visual arts education

Fill in the blanks for the following questions

1. Night Lion

2. don't dare

3. Bring me some bread

National dance

A cultural perspective is the ways of life of a country’s society and they

are the manifestation of the level of development of civilization. Dances are
also the manifestation of one’s nation culture.

Expected learning outcomes after this topic

 You will know what traditional dance means.

 You get to know different traditional dances.

National dance and their appearance

 Dance is an emotional art of movement. Dance is a manifestation of a

nation's culture.


Kunama is an ethnic group found in Wara zone which is located in the northern
Tigray region of Ethiopia. And their dancing is by hitting the ground with their feet

Grade 2 Performing and visual arts education

It looks like on the image bellow

Image courtesy of Google.

Exercise one: Your teacher will show you traditional dance in action
Gondar is a country in the north of Ethiopia and it has a lot of history. One of
the characteristics of Gondar culture is its dance. Its dance is danced by
moving neck and shoulder.
It seems what is in the picture below

Your teacher will show you practically. .

Image courtesy of Google.

Shegoye: Shegoye is a traditional dance in Hararge.

It is also a manifestation of the society’s culture. The dance is performed

by moving neck and shoulders.

It looks like the picture below.

Your teacher will show you in action.

Grade 2 Performing and visual arts education

Image courtesy of Google.

Hamer: - Hamer dance is performed by men jumping on their feet
from the ground and women jump together and rotating the
bracelet on their wrist.
The dance is a manifestation of the society’s culture.

Image courtesy of Google.

Exercise one: traditional dance with your video teacher

It will show you. And you will follow what you see.

Exercise questions
Write true
Saying if the
what statement
is right is trueisand
whatand false ifisthe
is wrong false
statement is incorrect.

1 Dance is not the cultural manifestation of a nation.

Grade 2 Performing and visual arts education

2 Shegoye is a traditional dance in Harege.

3 Gondar is a country in northern Ethiopia and it is a country with a

3.3.The Cultural aspects of Drama and Popular Stories

3.2 The cultural aspect of drama and popular

Expected learning outcomes from this topic
stories Learning outcomes expected from this topic
After completing this topic, you will be able to;
 Tell stories
 Know
After studying this topic, the the
messages things
of stories
 Identify the characters of stories
You can  Understand the traditional aspects of drama

• You can tell stories .

Traditional aspect of drama

You have seen the meaning of drama in the previous chapters, now, let’s
see the traditional aspect.
Students: have you heard of culture?

Tell to your teacher what it means.

Culture is the origin of drama, music and painting.

• Culture contains many activities that are the basis for drama.
One of the activities is a game and in between we find fables
and riddles.

 Under this heading we will look at popular myths and riddles.


Grade 2 Performing and visual arts education

1 Riddles
You have to know that fairy tales are very important for students. Because
fairy tales are fun, playful, beautiful and gives beautiful lessons. Since the
characters in the story are close to the children, they will not forget it soon,
even when children hear the story they can remember which character did
what and what was done to him.
Storytelling 1

Aleka Gebrehana

One day, Aleka Gebrehana was called to the house for a party.
But, the coordinators standing at the door did not let him in
because the cloth he wore was not nice.

When he got angry and asked why you don’t let me in?

The coordinators said to him, the cloth you wear is not fit for the party
house; hence you can’t enter to the party house with this cloth. Dress
appropriately and come back to the party. . Aleka agreed and went home
and dressed in beautiful clothes and came to the party house and went
Performing and visual arts education

2nd class
When food is served to them after entering, he leaves to eat for himself and started soaking his
clothes in the food. And the people who saw him were shocked, when Aleka asked him what he
was doing, Aleka said that I am feeding my clothes on, and the people left they went in and
asked why are you soaking your clothes with food?

Aleka smiled and responded that, because my cloth is invited for the party not me.
Exercise one
1. After reading this story, tell the story to your teacher

Tell your classmates.

2. Explain what you understand from the story.

Storytelling 2

The tiger and deer
In ancient times there were wild animals called tiger and deer. These animals were afraid
of one another, especially the deer was afraid of the tiger, and runs away when she sees
him from a distance. So, one day, the tiger called the deer and said to deer listen! Why do
you and I always fight? Why can’t we be friends and live? The deer knew that, if she refuses
the tiger would scratch her, so she said okay. Then, they agreed on an oath and started to
live together in friendship. The deer feel like she is loved by the tiger and get very happy.

Grade 2 Performing and visual arts education

Because of that, she became very beautiful. When the tiger saw that she

was beautiful, he wanted to eat her. Then one day he called and said

listen, "yes, my lord, said a deer.” The tiger asked her what would happen

if we broke the oath? The deer was afraid and replied that nothing will

happen though the curse will appear on the grandson. Then, the tiger

bared his teeth, so now I will destroy you and let the curse reach to my

granddaughter. When the deer struggled to escape, its horn pierced the

tiger's stomach his bowels were inflated. When the tiger is about to die,

you liar! You said that, the curse will not happen, but reach to his grandson,

when he asks her, maybe your father broke his oath said the deer.74

Grade 2 Performing and visual arts education

Exercise two

1. After reading this story, tell the story to your teacher

Tell your classmates.

2. Explain what you understand from the story.

3. Try to dramatize this story.

2 puzzles

Students, do you know what a puzzle is?

Explain the answer to your teacher and classmates

Exercise one

Ask the riddles you already know before.

This is how you ask a riddle.

The questioner says a riddle or a riddle if it is for a woman

The answer is what you know or what do you know

He then asks the question and the respondent gives the answer.

Exercise two

Try to answer the following puzzle questions

Riddle / Riddle:

1. My father is a teenager who pierces the wall

Grade 2 Performing and visual arts education

2. Morning with four legs, day with two legs, night with three
Legs that walk. What is this?

3. Once you leave, you can't go back

4. Who comes out of her mother's womb and hits her mother

5. The one who does not get tired even if he spends the night when he

6. She who looks like a net does not add a net

Grade 2 Performing and visual arts education

3.3 Cultural aspects of color


In this session students will understand color in Ethiopia

, how to use the traditional aspect, Ethiopian color and

When did they start using, for what service did they use

and how to use and what colors to prepare.

In addition, Students are expected to identify their

country's flag effectively.

1. Detailed purpose

List of expected learning outcomes

 Students will identify the colors of their country’s flag.

 You will identify the color s of your families and friends



Grade 2 Performing and visual arts education

3.4.1 The beginning of color in Ethiopia

List of expected learning outcomes from this topic;

• You will know how Ethiopian was preparing color in traditional way
and for what service they were using it?
• You will separate the colors used for writing and drawing

It is said that the beginning of the painting history of our country is in the
Ethiopian Orthodox Church.
Ethiopian Orthodox Church uses color to prepare two main things

1. Portrait writing for writing method

2. For art

1. Portrait writing for the writing method: The church has important writing
tools in the ancient times and today as well. This art is called portrait
writing. Portrait writing has its own art of expression.

Grade 2 Performing and visual arts education

Picture. 12 Portrait written in black and red

From portrait writing or writing paper to color has its own art that
the scholars use to prepare it. This manuscript is written in black
and red ink.

- Black color: Use it to write the main text. They burn various herbs
smoke, Kuraz smoke and other ingredients to make black color.

- Red color: They used to write the name of their god, gods,for
chapter introductions, bullet points and phrase dumps. This red color comes
from soil, strawberries, a variety of red flowers, these and other entries
they grind, and powder it to make this color.


Grade 2 Performing and visual arts education

2. For art: - The church has its own persuasions. There are

different types of colors that Ethiopian church use; Black,

white, yellow,

The use of only green, red and blue colors is unique and
It is one of the manifestations.

Picture: 13 Ancient pictures

Exercise one

Answer the following questions true or false.

1. It is possible to write on parchment with colored


2. Color cannot be made from plants.

Grade 2 Performing and visual arts education

3. In ancient times, green ink was used to write on parchment.

4. Limestone is used to make ink.

5. They used only limited colors to paint in old times

Exercise two

State the correct answer to the following questions.

1 . According to what your teacher tells you, form a group and describe
the color of the clothes they wear.

2. According to what your teacher tells you describe the color of the clothes
that your parents are wearing.

3.4.1 Meaning of the flag

List of expected learning outcomes from this lesson;

• You will draw the colors of your country’s flag.

• You will know the meaning of the colors of your country's flag

Grade 2 Performing and visual arts education

Colors of the flag; Form and meaning

The green represents Ethiopia's growth and prosperity.

Yellow represents hope, justice and equality.

Red: People's freedom, equality, sacrifice and bravery

Emblem represents: It is a demonstration of the unity of ethnic

groups and people based on equality

The round blue circle: - indicates peace. The yellow rays radiating

at the intersection of the straight and equal lines indicate the bright

hope of the nations that formed the unity based on consent.

Picture: 14. The flag of Ethiopia

Grade 2 Performing and visual arts education

Exercise three

Choose the correct answer to the following questions.

1. How many colors can be seen on the Ethiopian flag?

A/ Ten B/ four C/ three D/ no answer

2. When is Flag Day celebrated?

A/ once in a year B/ daily C/ once a month D/ Every week

3. What does the flag represent?

A/ It is a national identification symbol.

B/ It is a symbol of public unity.

C/ It is a mark of honor.

D/ All are answers.

You are familiar with the traditional view of the performing and visual arts. This
is for you to know and understand the culture of a country’s music, theater, and
visual arts help to promote culture.

Color is great through highlighting the culture of our country.

You should also understand that it has a huge role in promoting the image of the
country’s culture. You will be expected to understand the colors you see in any
place and consider the connection with nature and culture

Grade 2

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