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Skills Builder PARTNERSHIP Aiming High Skills Report for soumya uppal on 05/12/2022 Here's what you answered: ‘Are you able to identity when you are finding something too ficult? Are you able to identify what doing well looks like for you? ‘Are you able to work with care and attention to detall? ‘Are you able to work with pride when you are being successfu? ‘Are you able to work with postive approach to new challenges? ‘Are you able to set goals for yoursell? ‘Are you able to set goals informed by an understanding of what is needed? ‘Are you able to set goals, ordering and prise tasks to achieve thers? ‘Are you abe to set goes and secure the it resources to achieve them”? ‘Are you able to set goals and plan to involve others in the best way? ‘Are you able to create plans that are informed by your skill set and that of others? ‘Are you able to create plans thatnclude lea targets to make progress tangible? ‘Are you abe to create plans that af informed by extemal views, Inuding constructive crcsm? ‘Are you able to develop long-term strategies taking into account strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats? ‘Are you able to develop long-term strategies that use regular milestones to keep everything on track? ‘Are you able to develop long-term strategies that include feedback loops to support flexibility and adaptability? soumya uppal - 05/12/2022 SKILL SCORE 12.5 15 Your Skill Score shows your overall skill mastery, by adding up Almost Never Rarely Sometimes Often Almost Always mastery of each of the steps: +0 40.25 405 4075 “1 on YOUR TOP 3 STRENGTHS STEP 11 I create plans that include clear targets to make progress tangible cTEP 1g |! 42velop long-term strategies taking into account strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats I develop long-term strategies that include feedback loops to support flexibility and STEP 15 a adaptability oh, YOUR TOP 3 AREAS FOR DEVELOPMENT STEPO — Iknow when | am finding something too difficult STEP 2 | work with care and attention to detail STEP 3 I work with pride when | am being successful soumya uppal - 05/12/2022 We recommend starting with Step O of Aiming High know when | am finding something too difficult Build Step O with online activities Skills Builder Launchpad: online, interactive modules to build each step from the Universal Framework To access Launchpad, go to: Build Step 0 of Aiming High Learn the building blocks of Step O Discover the building blocks of each Universal Framework skill step, and get practical advice on how to apply skills in your work and wider life. Visit Aiming High Step 0 - Universal Framework Apply Step 0 today New game Here's a suggested activity to help you apply this step in your day to day life. Play a new game and see what level you can reach before it becomes too difficult, soumya uppal - 05/12/2022

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