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The activities should be completed by the due date.

A. Choose the best background information for the topics below.

Topic 1: The similarity and difference between mobile phones and smartphones

a) Before the advent of the smartphone, people were often carrying two devices, a cellphone
and a Personal Digital Assistant or PDA. Smartphones are any mobile phones that are
similar to a minicomputer. They offer a variety of features that allows advanced computing
capability and connectivity. On the other hand, mobile phones have the primary purpose
of only calling and sending text messages. They are a simple phone that is used mainly
by people that only require telephony services.

b) Today with the advancement of technology, even mobile phones companies aspire to
become better and manufacture sustainable devices. Smartphones are any mobile
phones that are similar to a minicomputer. They offer a variety of features that allows
advanced computing capability and connectivity. On the other hand, mobile phones have
the primary purpose of only calling and sending text messages. They are a simple phone
that is used mainly by people that only require telephony services.


Topic 2: The similarity and difference between coconut oil and olive oil

a) There are many types of cooking oils available in the market, which make it difficult to
choose the right kind to reap the maximum health benefits. Coconut oil has developed a
cultlike following in recent years, with proponents touting benefits ranging from body fat

reduction to heart disease prevention. Meanwhile, olive oil is a staple fat in the
Mediterranean diet, and its previously publicised benefits have largely relied on examining
its use by European populations.

b) Cooking with the right kind of oil is essential to stay healthy and fit. There are many types
of cooking oils available in the market such as coconut oil and olive oil, which make it
difficult to choose the right kind to reap the maximum health benefits. Coconut oil has
developed a cultlike following in recent years, with proponents touting benefits ranging
from body fat reduction to heart disease prevention. Meanwhile, olive oil is a staple fat in
the Mediterranean diet, and its previously publicised benefits have largely relied on
examining its use by European populations.


Topic 3: The comparison between public and private transportation

a) Transport is a system used to move people or goods from one place to another. To get to
the destination, people are likely to choose between two forms of transport which are
public or private transportation. Buses, trains and metros are all classified as public
transfers as it is a mode of transport in which a number of people share. These types of
transport all have their own schedules because they pass specific routes at certain times
throughout the day. In contrast to public transportation, with private transportation people
do not share the vehicle with others. The only people they share their vehicles with is the
driver and their friends, family or colleagues.

b) Whether it is a business meeting in a different town or daily commute to the place of work,
the question of how to reach the destination always arises. To get to the destination,
people are likely to choose between two forms of transport which are public or private
transportation. Buses, trains and metros are all classified as public transfers as it is a mode
of transport in which a number of people share. These types of transport all have their
own schedules because they pass specific routes at certain times throughout the day. In
contrast to public transportation, with private transportation people do not share the
vehicle with others. This is considered to be better than public transportation because the

only people they share their vehicles with is the driver and their friends, family or


Topic 4: The comparison between indoor and outdoor exercise

a) A study found that outdoor exercise was associated with increased energy and
revitalization, as well as decreased confusion, anger, depression and tension when
compared with exercising indoors. Everyone knows that exercise has a lot of health
benefits for the body and in order to get them, one has to stay consistent and
determined enough to push through. One of the things to consider is the workout place.
It is true that exercise can be done anywhere, but it is still best to do it in a place where
one will feel most comfortable and secure. Indoors or outdoors? It depends on the
person as different things work for different people.

b) Everyone knows that exercise has a lot of health benefits for the body and in order to get
them, one has to stay consistent and determined enough to push through. In the fitness
world, there is an ongoing debate about where is best for exercising: indoor or outdoor.
Indoor activities are carried out inside a space. They are limited to the conditions of the
place where they are held, to the number of people participating in the activities, among
other factors. Outdoor activities are carried out in an outdoor space. It can be a green
space on a property or in contact with nature. When carried out abroad, activities can
become more interesting for the whole team.


Topic 5: The comparison between desktop computer and laptop

a) When deciding between purchasing a desktop computer or a laptop, one will need to
consider a handful of criteria and determine what best fits the needs. The computer is
one of the greatest inventions in the world. A desktop computer is a static, stationary
computer that will stay on a desk in an office or bedroom. It usually consists of various
parts: a tower, a monitor, a keyboard and a mouse. A laptop is a portable, all-in-one

device that usually has USB inputs on the sides for optional peripherals. Laptops have a
built-in screen, a built-in keyboard, a trackpad that acts as a mouse, and can vary in

b) Choosing a new computer used to be an exercise in frustrating tradeoffs—would one

rather have more battery life or a lower price, a larger screen or greater portability? The
computer is one of the greatest inventions in the world. Nowadays, there are more and
more people who have their own computers. However, some people can easily get
confused when deciding to buy a laptop or a desktop computer. It is obvious that both of
them can do well at what they are needed for such as working, studying, researching
and entertaining. Desktop computer and laptop consist of the basic parts like main
board, ram, VGA card and hard disk.


B. Below is the background information in the introductory paragraph of compare and contrast
essays. Fill in the blanks with the correct information by choosing from the sentences below.

Topic 1: The similarities and differences between online learning and face-to-face learning

On the flipside, face-to-face learning is training that is provided in person, whether a one-on-
one session or in a group setting.
The term ‘online training’ encompasses all learning that is conducted virtually, in an online

In this age of technological advancement, learning process has been made easier where students
have the opportunities to learn online and face-to-face. The term ‘online training’ encompasses
all learning that is conducted virtually, in an online setting. It is basically any type of training that
employees can do via a laptop, tablet or smartphone. On the flipside, face-to-face learning is
training that is provided in person, whether a one-on-one session or in a group setting. This type
of learning is generally less flexible than online training, as it is usually at a set time and place
and cannot be accessed on-demand.

Topic 2: The similarities and differences between online games and offline games

This is because the players need to stay connected with the internet while the game is being
played live.
Compared to online games, offline games can be played in intervals and even while staying
The debate about online and offline games is common in the gaming community.

The debate about online and offline games is common in the gaming community. The real ordeal
is to convince both kinds of gamers about the benefits of one and the adverse effects of another.
Online games are games which require an uninterrupted internet connection. This is because the
players need to stay connected with the internet while the game is being played live. There are a
variety of online games being played across the internet. Compared to online games, offline
games can be played in intervals and even while staying offline. For playing these games, one
does not need to be connected to the internet all the time. Offline games also involve role-playing
and strategy games.

Topic 3: The comparison between online shopping and offline shopping

The buyer either pays for the good or service online with a credit or debit card or upon
Some love to engage the senses while they browse while others like to find the quickest way
to grab or simply click on what they need.
In this type of shopping, a person has the ability to physically choose and check out what an
item or product is like, would look like, and its features.

Shopping is something that just about everyone does, but the way a person shops differs from
person to person. Some love to engage the senses while they browse while others like to find the
quickest way to grab or simply click on what they need. Online shopping is the activity or action
of buying products or services over the Internet. It means going online, landing on a seller’s
website, selecting something and arranging for its delivery. The buyer either pays for the good or
service online with a credit or debit card or upon delivery. Offline shopping is the traditional way
of shopping being present at the counter or shop or store. In this type of shopping, a person has

the ability to physically choose and check out what an item or product is like, would look like, and
its features.

Topic 4: A comparison between cloud storage and traditional storage

Cloud storage is the storage option using remote drives to store the data at the cloud location
used by the client.
It is a way to keep their important files, memories or even just movies they need to watch.
On the other hand, traditional storage is the storage option using local physical drives to store
the data at the primary location of the client.

In this highly digital world, storage is important for a lot of people. It is a way to keep their important
files, memories or even just movies they need to watch. There are two primary storage options:
a cloud storage and a traditional storage. Cloud storage is the storage option using remote drives
to store the data at the cloud location used by the client. It also uses the network to store the data
to an off-site server which is owned by the service provider. User uses this storage options for
capacity, bandwidth and remote access. On the other hand, traditional storage is the storage
option using local physical drives to store the data at the primary location of the client. User
generally uses the disk-based hardware to store data, and these are used for copying, managing,
and integrating the data to software.

Topic 5: A comparison between urban living and rural living

It may include, countryside areas, villages or hamlets, where there are natural vegetation and
open spaces.
Rural and urban living have always held varying levels of appeal for different types of people.
The people residing in such area, are engaged in trade, commerce or services.

The people residing in such area, are engaged in trade, commerce or services. Homes separated
by only a few miles can provide sharp contrasts in terms of the kind of lifestyle they offer,
depending on whether they are located in the countryside or in a busier urban area. The term
urban simply refers to the region or area which is densely populated and possess the
characteristics of the man-made surroundings. It may include, countryside areas, villages or
hamlets, where there are natural vegetation and open spaces. The term rural as a region located

on the outskirts, and it refers to a small settlement, which is outside the boundaries of a city,
commercial or industrial area. Rural and urban living have always held varying levels of appeal
for different types of people.

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